Birthday ending

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Then fargin came crashing onto a motorcycle, "Ow-oh-oh-ow! Uh! Come on! Come on, come on! Let's go!"


"Mr. Wolf! Mr. Wolf, help me!" Princess screamed.

They hear her scream when they see she was grabbed by Thomas.


"PRINCESS!" Wolf panicked as he and snake ran after them.

"Let her go you psycho" wolf follow him outside.

He holds a gun against her head, while holding her in a chokehold and was near his car.

"Stand back, one more move and I'll shoot her"

"You wouldn't" snake hissed.

"Watch me"

"Hey stop, would you really want to hurt your own daughter, being a bad guy isn't easy trust me I know but this little...your own kid is special and she's kind and warm, she has a heart of gold then all the money you could ever have, do you really want to throw all that away for money"

Thomas stopped looking empathetic for a moment, "well....yes" he smiled.

"I never wanted a daughter in the first place, the only thing she's good for is being a pretty face making me look good in front of the public and since Sykes couldn't finish the job, I guess I'm gonna have to kill princess myself"

He shoves her in a car, locks the doors and turns the engine on.

"No wait, Thomas why, you're a wealthy man, both beloved and respected"

Meanwhile Sykes was chasing fargin and the dogs for ruining his deal.

"Heh-heh! Hey, man, you're ugly! And you're uglier than him! And you're Ugly, Part Three! Hey, you're Revenge of the Ugly!"




"Yow! Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo!"



"All right! Check it out! Heh!" Imitating Rewing Engine.

Princess panicked, "Thomas don't, please I'm begging you, she is just a kid who deserves to live her life" wolf tries to attempt to save pricness.

"You really think I was rich, I married into it unfortunately when my wife was pregnant she wanted to give everything to princess"

"So you would kill your own daughter for money"

"Yes, once princess is dead I'll get her money and there is nothing you can do to stop me" he pulls the break and shoves the car and princess went rolling down the street.


"Princess" wolf was horrified.

But soon his fear turned to anger as he glares at Thomas.

"That was a mistake"

But Thomas chuckles at him, "because you have no one to care for you"

"No...because I have no one to see me do this" he jumps on Thomas and the two fight.

"GO SAVE PRINCESS!" Wolf tells his friends.

The o the were ran to get the car, "it's too late, you'll never save her on time" Thomas pinned wolf.

"We'll see about that" snake shouts.

Thomas glared but then gets kicked off by wolf, the bad guys and the company and Sykes race to princess.

She panicked trying to find a way out, "help me" she cried.

"Hang on kid, we'll save you" snake says, shark gets out to reach for her but they get hit by Sykes car who tries to throw them off.

"Why, get beat it Sykes" snake hissed.

"Forget it I'm gonna let you ruin my deal here"

"Uuh!" Fathom dodger and the company saw and went to distract Sykes.

"Help me! Oh!" Princess cried.


[Train Horn Blowing]

"Aah! Save me! Save me, Alonzo!" Choking Tito.

"Hey, get off my back, woman! I'm driving!"

"LEAVE PRINCESS ALONE!" Oliver leaps on Sykes scratching him,


"Kid, you got to jump!" Snake tells her.

"I can't I'm afraid" she cried.

"It's ok, I'll catch you" shark says.

"Alonzo!" The train hits Sykes and he dies.

Thomas was about to finish wolf when he punches him to the ground.


Wolf fells Thomas grabbing his shirt and flex his claws out.

"Any last words"

"'re finished"


"Look behind you"

Thomas turns and was horrified to see webs hacked onto the city and they recorded Thomas trying to kill princess, he was horrified that he was exposed for the fraud he was.

"No no!" Thomas growls meanwhile wolf gets up.

"I'm gonna be sure you won't hurt princess ever again" he punches Thomas knocking him.


Then he gets a phone call, "hello, snake Thomas is finish and do is Mr Sykes"

"That's great but we got other problems the car is about to crash into the lake"

Horrified wolf ran, at the end of the city they see the car tilting.

"Princess" he ran with the others trying to get the car from falling and getting Princess out.

She was at the back banging on the window, wolf places his hands against the window, the tow looked at each other with worry.

"Don't worry it's gonna be ok, I'm gonna get you out"

But suddenly the car started falling, they try to stop it but the car fell deep in the water.

"Princess! NO!" Wolf and everyone panicked.

Wolf was about to jump in when dodger ran and jumps in.

"DON'T WORRY I GOT HER" dodger jumps in.

With time racing wolf was worried, anxious when the glass started breaking and water was drowning princess.

After a few minutes later they expected the worst when dodger came out grabbing princess.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Both the bad guys had the company were relived, they help them up.

Once dodger gets on land, the company dries him up when the bad guys grab princess.

She was unconscious, her lungs filled with water, wolf holds her in his arms, scared.

"Wolf? You're jacket" snake nudge him.

"Right" he was shaking taking his coat off but shark takes his off.

"Here take mines, it's bigger"

"Right, right"

He holds her, staring at her lifeless body and when Thomas regained consciousness he gets arrested while the ambulance arrived.

He sees paramedics pulling princess on a stretcher, he glared when to the bad guys wait as they performed CPR then she stared coughing up water.

The bad guys were relived then Thomas gets taking in custody.

Then at the hospital room, princess was resting on a bed, the beeping monitors worried the bad guys as they stayed by her side.

She got flowers from the company and fargin, wolf holds her hands with two of his, piranha rest his chin on her leg and webs lays on her arm, snake brushes her fur back and shark was glitching with his hands.

The oliver came in with dodger, "hey" dodger says.

"Hey man"

Dodger sits beside him, he hates seeing his best friend  in pain, worrying all night for a kid he just met and adopted.

"I wanna say thank you, for saving her, I-i, I'm sorry dodger"

"Don't be man, if anyone must apologize it just be me?"

"What for"

"I was so scared of losing you guys to a kid I didn't know what was the real reason you wanted to give up everything for the kid"

"It's ok man I-i forgive you"

Then they see Oliver nuzzling against princess, "and if the kid likes do we"

"I just hope she wakes up so I can apologize to her properly"

Wolf pats princess hand then kisses it, he shuts his eyes.

When princess hand squeezes his, "so Mr wolf" she asked.

He opens his eyes and they were all relived to see her waking up.

"Yeah" he smiled.

"I think I like mr Oliver poddleton better" she smiled.

"I'm just glad you are ok and I have something for you" he gives her necklace back which surprised her.

"Oh my mother's necklace" she takes it.

"I shouldn't have taken it, I'm...I'm sorry...for everything"

"What are you sorry for, you finally made your promise that's all that matters to me"

"Princess" she sees Oliver.

"Oliver? Oliver!" She opens her arms and the two cats hugged.

"I'm so glad you are ok"

"Whew!" Fathom came in with some flowers.


"So what happens now" dodger asked.

"Well we decided to adopt the kid, figured we could raise the kid, if she wants us" wolf turns to her.

"Honestly, I rather have a family of criminals then a father who hurts me as long as we are together that's alright with me" she and Oliver stare as each other holding hands and as they leaned in to kiss.

But Wolf and snake had an overprotective look and pulled the two kittens apart.

"Whoa there love birds" wolf chuckles, "you tow may love each other but let's take it down a notch at least until you're old enough alright"

Princess and Oliver rolled their eyes playfully then princess sees fargin.

"Excuse me Mr fargin, with my father in jail someone needs to take over my fathers company, and since he's got it is my what would you say you take over as CEO" Princess says.

Fathom was honored and the company were amazed, "really kid?" He asked.

"Yes you could have a better life for you and your dogs"

Time passed and fargin started a new life as the ceo of chesterfield inc, a better home for the dogs and the bad guts moved in with princess home.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear princess and snake, happy birthday to you!"

"Who knew princess birthday was on the same day as snake's" dodger whispers to wolf.

"I know right"

"And many more"

"Don't forget to make a wish, princess" wolf says.

"Don't worry I already got my wish: a family to care for me"

"All right, anybody want some cake?"

"Okay, Einstein, but not the whole thing"

Buscando Guayaba plays On the Boom Box

"You got it now, baby! Yeah, left foot, right foot. All right! Check it out! There you go. Relax, hey"

"Tito, you dance divinely"

"He's cheating!"

"Body slam!"

"Come on, hit him again"

"Murder him! Twist his arm!"


"Chesterfield residence. [gasps] Ms. Foxington!"

"Body slam him now!"

"Shh-shh-shh! My goodness. You're back tomorrow? Oh, she'll be so surprised to see you. Y-Yes, goodbye, ma'am"

"Oh great Diane's coming back" Princess smiled.

"Who's Ms. Foxington?" Wolf asked.

"My stepmom, at least she's the only person who true cares and loves me, I can't wait for you to meet her" she locks her arms with wolf's.

"Stepmom you say? Is she signal?" Wolf asked.

"She is now" Princess smiled.

"Francis, Rita, Tito, vamonos! The streets are calling!"

"Now, princess, have we forgotten anything?"

"Oh, yeah. Thanks, everyone. The gifts were great. Bye, Mr Fagin, and thank you"

"Oh, bye-bye, princess. Come on, boys! It's time for us to go"

"Alonzo, darling, could I see you for a moment... privately?"

"Privately? Ooo!"

"Coming, Alonzo?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! You guys beat it. Uh, my baby and I, we gotta talk."

"You know, you're not so bad for a bug-eyed little creep. With a little grooming..."

"Grooming? Uh.."

"That's it! We'll start with a bath"


"Let's go!"


"Come on Oliver" dodger calls him.

"Bye dodger" wolf says as the bad guys waved.

"We'll see you guys around and kid take care of yourself" dodger says.

"Hey, see ya 'round, kid"

"Goodbye, you guys"

"Boys! Let's go!"

"Listen, kid, ahh, you just want to hang out or anything..." dodger walks up to princess.

"Aiee-hee! Hey, Dodger, man! Do you see her anywhere?"

"Hey, whoa!"

"Man! I can't keep this woman off me! Man, I gotta get away from that chick..."

"Alonzo! Alonzo-o-o!"

"Uh, goodbye, princess"

Then princess kisses his cheek and hugs his neck, "goodbye uncle dodger"

He smiled, "Hey, you guys, wait for me, man! Hey, wait up!"

"Hold on you guys" Oliver says.

He ran to princess then he surprised her with a full blown kiss when shocked everyone.

"Goodbye princess" Oliver ran.

"Bye Oliver" Princess smiled while blushing then gets pulled by wolf who holds her closer.

"Alonzo Frederico Tito, you come back here this minute!"

"Hey, whoa, kid. Do you think you can handle the champ?"


"Hey! You're okay... for a cat. We'll keep a spot open for ya in the gang... vice president, uptown chapter. Later, kid" leaves the chesterfield residence and starts singing.

"Why should I worry?"

"Bye-bye! Bye!"

"Tell me why should I car"

"What a delightful scoundrel"

"Say, I may not have a dime, oh, but I got street savoir faire"

Princess turns to see the bad guys looking happy, wolf was holding something behind his back.

"What is it wolf?"

"We have something for you" he gives her a present.

She laughs and plan it to see a pearl necklace, "for you our little angel"

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