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"What in blazes is going on here" Thomas demanded.

"Well Thomas it seems like the so called bad guys have brought you back your daughter" he grabs princess by her arm pulling her harshly.

"Ah" her screams had the bad guys the company, fargin, dodger and Oliver worried.

"Hey let her go" wolf tries to save her but was pulled back by Roscoe. DeSoto.

"Don't hurt her" Oliver pulls on Sykes shirt but gets slammed to the ground.

"OLIVER!" Princess panicked but gets her arm crushed even more by Sykes.

"Ah" she cries in pain.

"Hey!" Wolf and the guys were threaten, "if you hurt her I swear-"

"You'll what hurt me too, that's not what all you did Mr wolf" Sykes Taunts him.

He growls but still sees the hurt look on princess face..

"So Thomas about our little arrangement" Sykes asked.

"What arrangement?" Wolf asked.

"Father what is he talking about" princess asked.

"Yes yes I have the money here, now you said you will finish the job tonight" Thomas says.

"As promised" Sykes said.

"What are you talking about" wolf was getting impatient.

"Oh you don't know daddy here made a deal"

"What kind of deal?" Wolf was suspicious as the others.

"Ugh alright you deserve to know the truth, the truth is things are not going well for us, my company is falling and with money coming down on hard for us, I has no choice but get into dirty bussiness like loan sharks, so I been doing Sykes dirty work to keep us coming but now I made a better offer"

"You my dear" Sykes turns her around to face him.

"What? I-I don't understand" she backs up into Thomas and faces him.

"I'm sorry princess but o sold you to Sykes here to keep the business going"


"But since the bad guys and fargin here turned you in I guess they keep the money, Sykes here is gonna to finish the job in killing you, no hard feelings" he smiled.

Then princess gets scared as Thomas grabs her, "how could you do this to me, what about mother"

"Your mother is dead princess! And I accepted that, I never wanted you in the first place and I never did, it's better this way" he grabs her shoulders roughly.

"You a sick father" wolf growls.

"Oh please I never asked to be a father anyway"

"Just what kind of a father are you selling your own daughter like that" webs glared at him.

"A rich one, I put myself first"

"You're a bad father you don't deserve princess" shark added.

"Oh why do you care you're just a much of criminals who only care about one Sykes time to make on our deal to you have the money?"

"Got it right here" he pulls out a case of money.

"Alright bad guys since you found my daughter you get to take the money" Thomas hands him the case.

But wolf just glares at him, Thomas and princess face Sykes as he shoves her to him.

"Alright Sykes a deal is a deal-"

But wolf shoves the money back to Thomas, "I don't want the money...I want the girl"

"What? Heavens now, she belongs to Sykes now"

Sykes was about to grab princess but wolf and the bad guys gathered around princess defending her from thomas and Sykes.

"We don't want your money, KEEP IT, you cheap two bit money grubber filthy rat, if you wanna hurt the girl, you're gonna have to get through us first" wolf growls at him.

But Thomas remains calm, "oh really" he turns to Sykes who pushes them apart and grabs princess.

"AH!" The company saw and tried to help and soon dodger was feeling remorseful.

"No! No, wait! You can't do this!" Fargin tries to stop him

"PRICNCESS!" Wolf panicked

"Oh no you don't you sicko psycho" snake hissed as they went after them.

Dodger Barks Sykes chokes Fagin with the bucket, "Keep your mouth shut. Consider our account closed"

"Come on Sykes you can kill fargin later right now I want the girl dead" Thomas says.

"Over my dead body first you will" piranha threatens him.

"Stop! Stop! Time out" fargin yells indistinctly. The Company catches up to Oliver.


"You okay, kid?"

"Princess... He took princess!"

"Don't worry. We'll get her back"

"You... You will?"

"Hey. "Absitively," kid"

"Come on, man, let's go! Come on! Let's get 'im, man!"

"All right... let's do it!"

All Barking and rushing for Sykes' warehouse along with the bad guys.

"Wait! Come back! Stay. Sit. Wa-Wait!" Fargin tires to start the Engine it's Cranking, Sputtering, "Come back!"

"Oh, man. It don't look good"

"It's all locked up, Dodger"

"No" wolf says when shark begins banging on the doors.


"All right. There's gotta be some way in. Yeah. Francis"

"Now, don't cry, little girl. They only eat when I tell them to"

"Francis, you all set?"

"Farewell, Dulcinea"


"Will you hurry up we got a little girl in danger" shark says.


"Maestro?" Tito and piranha performs a drum roll on a trash can lid using his tail.

"Ready, kid?" Wolf asked.



Francis gives a salute and does a cannonball on one end of the plank, catapulting Oliver right inside the building.


Sykes hears the glass shattering, "Roscoe. DeSoto"

Both Roscoe & DeSoto Snarled, Oliver looks for a way in, until he hears the Dobermans coming their way.

Oliver gasps and finds a good hiding place to get away from them.

"Come on, DeSoto"

As soon as the coast is clear, Oliver finds a bottom window and opens it to let to the Company, the bad guys and Georgette in.

"Hey, hey, hey! There is a lady present"

"Well, it's nice to see that one of you has some manners"

"After you, my little croissant"

"Good grief"

"I think I'm gonna be sick" snake whispered to piranha who nodded in agreement.

Cut to: Sykes' warehouse, interior, where Oliver, the Company, the bad guys and Georgette are looking for princess on a flight of stairs.

"And remember, quiet"

"Oh! I broke a nail" georgette yelps

"Oh, balderdash"

"What'd you call my woman, man?"

"Freeze!" They see the Security Camera Whirring.

"Yo, Tito"

"Right. I'll check it out"

"Piranha go with him" wolf says.

"No way I wanna go help save princess"


Cut to: Sykes' office, security monitors. One of the monitors focusing on the gang blacks out.

"It's a darn shame he has to let go of such a pretty little thing" Sykes takes her chin lifting up her face.

But princess whimpers by his taunts as blows smoke in her face, sending unpleasant touches to her, which angered wolf a lot.

"Grr" he tries to run but dodger stops him.

"Wolf don't" he sees Oliver and the gang on the TV screen and feels relieved.

"OK, listen up. Tito, Francis, I want you..." Fades To Whisper.

"You smell that?"

"Yeah. Heh-heh! It's party time" Roscoe Growls

Sykes lets princess go and checks the door "What the..." He sees a pizza guy at the door, "Didn't order any pizza" he cocks his handgun.

Tito, Francis, and Einstein are actually posing as the pizza man to distract Sykes.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!"

Then Sykes gets pinned to the ground by wolf, who punches him.

"This s for princess" he gets off and runs.

"Where are those dogs?"

"Princess" oliver ran to her.

"Oh, Oliver! I thought I'd never see you again"

Tito, Francis were Shouting when Roscoe & DeSoto: came Snarling, Chuckling.

"Ahem... gentlemen"

"What's the occasion? Come to rescue your little friend?"

"Say goodbye, Francis"

"Oh no you don't" webs came out form behind and spins a web around their legs tying them up.

" Oh, boys!" Then georgette drops a tarpaulin cover on Roscoe & DeSoto.


Then piranha ran with a paining and hits it over tiger heads.

"All right! What a woman!"

"That'll teach you for messing with our girl" piranha says.

All four dogs and five bad guys make it back to Sykes' office.

Dodger: Francis, you keep an eye on the monitors. Rita, over here"

Rita gnaws on the ropes binding princess but wolf pushes her out of the way.


"Sorry Rita but I'm anxious to get the girl out of her here safely"

Roscoe & DeSoto Grunts trying to break frees

"What is this, a slumber party? Get goin', ya stupid mutts! When I get my hands on that wolf, I'm gonna kill him"

"Mr poddleton" princess turns to him, relived and happy.

"You came back for me" princess asked.

"Of course I did, I had a promise remember" he takes her hands in his, "and I promise I'm gonna help take you away from this horrible man"

She smiled at him, "well I feel much safer now that you're here Mr poddleton"

But wolf frowns, "kid, I have to tell you the truth, I'm not-my name isn't Mr poddleton, it's Mr wolf, I'm a bad guy who stole from you"

"I know but it doesn't matter now, as long as you are here to protect me" she hugs him and he was emotionally touched he returns the hug back which everyone awed.

Then dodger interrupted "hey, I hate to ruin the mode but we're kinda in the middle of something here so could we do this some other time, Francis, is the coast clear? Francis!"

A distracted Francis is watching a live ballet performance on one of the monitors, until Dodger changes the channel to focus on Sykes and his dogs.


What're we gonna do, Dodge?"

"Wolf" princess panicked holding on tight to wolf who held her form the dogs and Syke.

"Yo, Tito, hot-wire"

"Hey, no way, Dodger, man. I've been barbecued too many times, man"

"I'll do it" piranha says.

Then Georgette encourages Tito, "Good luck, Alonzo"


"I'll be waiting" she blinks her eyes.

"Hey! Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go"

"Oh now you're encouraged" piranha was annoyed.

"What is this? All right, sweetheart. Open the door. LCome on, now, kid. I'm warnin' ya"

"Come on, Tito"

"Come on kid we're getting you out of here" wolf carries her. Tito plugs in the crane and everyone gets lifted up.

"You just... Back up. DeSoto. Come on!"

Roscoe & Dodger break into the office, but they are unable to catch the Company, Georgette, princess, the bad guys and Oliver, thanks to Tito working the ceiling crane.

"Come on!"

Sykes grabs a fire axe and drives the blade into the wires, stopping the ceiling crane and throwing the others off from their lift and onto a conveyor slide.

They all take the conveyor slide down to the first floor, where the bad guys are waiting for them.

The bad guys and princess panicked when they see joining them was Thomas he looked angry.

"This has all been very entertaining. But the party is over" Sykes says.

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