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Wolf's phone starts to ring, "hello" he sounded frustrated.

"Oh hello, I'm sorry is this Mr poddleton" it was princess.

He immediately changed his tone, "oh, hey yeah it's me, hey is what's up"

"Oh Mr wolf something terrible has happened"

He gulped and exchanged worried look with the others as he pulled out the necklace.

"She probably knows about the necklace, we're dead" snake muttered.

"Shh, what's wrong sweetheart"

"Someone kidnapped my friend Oliver, they said they need the cash otherwise they will hurt him, I'm scared something bad might happen to Oliver but if father finds out he'll hurt me I don't know what to do"

Wolf looks back at his friend and he lols at dodger who tilted his head.

"Ok listen to me carefully kid I think I can help but I need you to bring the money"


"Meet me by the docks ok"


"And come alone"

Cutting Sykes' Warehouse. Evening.

Fagin was rehearsing, "This is an airtight plan, Sykes. Sweet and simple. I ransom the kitty, then once the kid gets her we hold her ransom and you get paid in full tomorrow. I'll even toss in a little extra for your patience. Whaddya say? It's my final offer. Take it or leave it" he Presses the buzzer.

"Yeah, who is it?"

"Oh..." He catches Fagin's sight on the camera.

"What's the matter fargin, I thought you were going through this you practice this so well" wolf says.

"Fagin, it's you! Why didn't you say so?"

"Oh! Good question. But listen... if you're busy, we can drop by some other Time"

"Don't be silly. Just push the door" The door buzzes, prompting Fagin to pull on it as he grunt, "I said, push!"

"I'll go find princess" wolf says.

"Alright and hey wolf" Dodger grabs his shoulders, "don't let us down man"

He sounded threatening as he was still mad at wolf wanting to ditch him for princess, a kid he just met, but wolf shoves him off.

"Ooh!" He is sent flying through the door as it opens. Fagin and Dodger board an elevator that takes them down to the lower floor.

At the same time, Sykes is on the phone with an unformentioned henchman of his.

"What do you mean? You start with the knuckles" The door opens, as Fagin and Dodger walk in.

"Ahh, Fagin. Do come in. I'll be right with you" He resumes speaking on the phone, as Oliver, hidden in his pocket, looks at the office. Roscoe and DeSoto stand between their master's desk.

"Yeah. No, you don't kill 'im yet. Huh?" Fagin sees a model of Sykes' Cadillac and plays with it.

"Yeah. And then, what's-what's the last thing you do? You put on the cement shoes. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's right" Fagin breaks off the rear view mirror of the model and struggles to put it back on.

"Come on. Hey, don't worry about it" The rear view mirror clinks on the floor, as Sykes hangs up the phone, and Fagin stares at him.

"So, Fagin. Did we bring something green and wrinkly to make me happy?" leaning back.

"Sykes, I've got an airtight k-kitty... plan... plan! It's sweet and simple... the plan"

"Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy"

"Let's just take this from the top" Roscoe and DeSoto growl at him.

"What... What am I gonna do with you, Fagin?"

"I've got this kitty, you see..."


"You don't got the money" he Snaps. Roscoe and DeSoto attack Fagin.

"Oh, no! Oh, no!"

"Oh... No, no, no!" Dodger leaps in to save Fagin and attacks Roscoe and DeSoto, but he takes several hits and blows from the two Dobermans.

"Stop! Please, Sykes, please!" Sykes only tinkers around with his model ship, ignoring him.

"Sykes, I'm getting your money tonight! It's coming tonight! Please. It's from a rich cat... I mean, a cat from a rich family's paying... Ow! They're coming tonight with the money I owe you, uh, to get the cat back!"

"Hey, I think there's hope for you yet"


"I'm proud of ya, Fagin. Yeah, you're startin' to think big. You've got 12 hours." Fagin observes Dodger's wounds and glares at Sykes, hurt.

"And, Fagin? This is your last chance"

To the section of NYC docks. Princess and Georgette wander aimlessly through the area.

"Turn left... right when you get to the big propeller." Oh, Georgette, I can't read this. It says... No, that... No, that's not right. It's left. (helplessly) Oh, Georgette, where are we? I think we're lost. Stick close, Georgette. It's creepy down here"

Dodger limps his way to rejoin with the gang, "Oh, Dodge"

"Hey, Rita, they never laid a paw on me"

"Princess" out of the fog wolf approaches her.


"Relax kid it's just me" he wears his Oliver poddleton disguise.

"Oh Mr poddleton I'm so glad to see you, i didn't know who to trust but thankfully you are here, I'm so glad I could trust you" she was sending him on a guilt trip

Tito was making Kissing Sounds to georgette but she was disguised.


Then he looks up and nodded to shark who was right behind him, he nodded still loookong guilty as he holds a burlap sack, he sneaks carefully to kidnap princess.

Sykes and his Dobermans are watching from their limousine nearby along with fargin and the company.

"Kid...I'm so sorry about this"

"About what?"

Rosco and DeSoto Growling Lowly, "Easy, boys"

"I even brought the money like you said" she shows him a case full of cash.

"That's all I have. Now"

"You-you really love this cat don't you, risking everything for him"

"Well yeah he's one of the few guys in my life to make me feel good about myself. Especially you"

"That's awful. Kid" he grabs her shoulders, "you need to get out of here"


"What's he doing?" Rita asked.

"He's gonna blow everything" Tito says.

"That backstabber" dodger felt betrayed and rushes up to him

"Whoa what are you talking about Mr poddleton"

"Kid you need to leave right now quick before-"

Suddenly dodger jumps out, "wolf what the heck are you doing"

Princess was startled but then She realized something as she looks at him.


while Georgette feels remorseful for giving Oliver back to the Company out of selfishness.

Wolf looks at her with guilt as he pulls his disguise off, she was shocked.

"My names not Oliver poddleton, I'm Mr wolf"

"The bad guy?"

"Yeah that right sweetie you been played" dodger says.

"Stop it dodger, look sweetie yes I'm a criminal but I want to help you but you need to get out of here now, go run"

"No, not without Oliver"

"Kid you don't understand it's a-" then they hear Sykes' car starting.

"Sykes" Sykes' limo charges forward.

"Sykes! I was gonna... Yaaah!" Fathom gets tangled in the anchor rope as the bucket lands on his head.

"Hey! Hey, wait! What're you doing?"

"What are you doing wolf" dodger continues to argue with wolf.

"I can't risk the kid's life"

"So you risk ours instead"

"You wouldn't understand dodger"

"Oh I understand perfectly traitor"

"Alright enough" skyes gets between them as he approaches princess.

"Mr Sykes?" The minute princess recognizes him, everyone was shocked.

"You know him" wolf asked who is still puzzled.

"Yeah he works with my dad, they are both in a shark loan business hurting innocent people, Mr Sykes what are you doing here"

"I should be asking you the same thing princess I don't think your dad will be happy to see you out here"

Then all of a sudden, a car shows up and stepping out was Thomas chesterfield himself.

"What's going on here" he demanded.

"Thomas" Sykes says.




"Mr chesterfield" the bad guys muttered.

"Bad guys" he growls their names

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