Dodger and the Others Rescue Oliver

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The next Morning, where a bus is parked outside princess house.

the Company peeks out of the bushes with the bad guys.

"All right, listen up. We checked it out. All we gotta do is..."

They hear Winston pounding a rolling pin in his hands.

"Oh, man! He's dead meat now!"

"Then we got no time to lose" wolf says wearing a suit.

""I'll handle that ruffian"

"No need me and shark will take care of him, I'll provide a distraction while you guys sneak in and find the kid, webs piranha and snake will give you a hand"

Winston watching live wrestling on TV, "Body slam! Body slam! Oh, come on, you fool! Hit him! Hit him!"hears the doorbell, "Oh, bother"

Wolf approaches the stairs, pulling out snake as a cane and pressing the doorbell, shark stands by his side.

"Huh? Yes? Who is it?"

But the minute he saw shark, his faced drops and he immediately panicked when shark jumps on him.


Shark ties him up, locks him in a closet and wears his clothes.

Princess was in her room reading a romantic book to Oliver who was sleeping on her lap, she pets him.

"My lady" shark comes in.

"Oh" she was shocked by shark disguise as Winston.

"You alright Winston, you look different" she carefully gets up without waking up Oliver.

"Oh I must have put on a lot of weight madam, anyway there is a gentleman at the door for you miss"

"Really? Who?"

She heads to the door and opening it was wolf dressed as...

He leaned in smiling down at her, "oh hello, may I help you, Mr-" she asked as he steps in.

He throws his cane and hat on a statuesque head and an umbrella stand, where snake slithered and webs crawls, piranha jumps off wolf's back.

"Please my dear, call me, Oliver poddleton" he takes her hand.

"Oh, ok Mr poddleton?" She kisses her hand, "oh my"

As he leads her away from the door, the others let the company in.

"¡Miralo this place! Check it out!"

"Focus Hermano"

Francis gasps, noticing the wall paintings, "Chagall. Matisse. These are all masterpieces" wags his tail.

"Settle down Francis first we got to find to find the kid first while we can" shark says.

"Huh, this place looks pretty nice. I mean, how bad off could it be here?"

"Hey, man, if this is torture, chain me to the wall"

"Knock it off will ya" webs says.

" Tito!" Winston rattles the door handle, "We're here for the kid, remember? Now, let's get him and go"

As Dodger and the gang sniff around for Oliver's scent, Georgette is sitting upstairs in her bedroom.

"I love you, Oliver. Play with Georgette." I'd like to play with him, all right! The little fur ball! Oooh" She notices Dodger standing next to her and screams.

"Who are you?! What do you want?! Winston!" She barks for Winston's attention, as the mirror rocks back and forth under her weight.

"So is there anything I can help you with Mr poddleton" princess asked as he takes a sit on her sofa.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down" The mirror crashes on the floor.

At the same time, Winston breaks through the closet falling o my he fall and when he sees princess and Oliver he was about to alarm her when piranha pushes him back in and locks the closet with a chair.

And when princess heard the mirror break she lols back and wolf panicked.

He grabs her chin to face him, "I thought I would see the beautiful sights here and I am sure seeing such true beauty here"

"Oh" she blushes flattered by him.

"That's very kind of you but my father says I'm not supposed to be taking to strangers or letting them in"

"What's your name?"

"Don't come any closer! I knew this would happen one day"

"Princess" she answered.

"You're barkin' up the wrong tree. It's not you I'm after"

"See now we're not strangers after all are we" wolf says.

"Well no, I guess you're right"

"It's not? It's not?! Well, why not? What's the problem, Spot? Not good enough for you? I mean, do you even know who I am?" shows Dodger her ribbon and trophy collection.

"Fifty-six blue ribbons. Fourteen regional trophies. Six-time national champion!"

"Ooh, and we're all very impressed. Right, guys? Very impressed"

"Wait you haven't been related to Thomas chesterfield are you?" Wolf asked.

"Well yea he's my father"

"Oh really I don't understand how a peach so sweet could be related to a sour lemon" he joked making them laugh.

"Oh Mr poddleton you are so funny"


"Allow me to introduce myself: I am Ignacio Alonzo Julio Frederico de Tito"


Tito Sighs as piranha grabs him, "come on Romeo we got to go"

"Hey we don't know how long wolf can stall" snake says.

He and princess were laughing telling stories and jokes while having tea.

"And that's when I told the guy, why wear white to a black tie event it makes no sense"

"Oh Mr poddleton you're the first man who's ever laughed tell me do you have an children of your ow

"Nah not really, I guess I never found the one yet"

"Well I'm sure any women would want you, you're charming, have a sense of humor and great with children anyone would love you"

"Tell me my dear is there a Mrs chesterfield" but his question made her frowns.

"What's wrong" wolf was concerned, "did I say something wrong?"

" no, It's not you it's just I lost my mother in a car accident"

"Oh, I'm so sorry kid, I didn't know i apologize for your loss" wolf takes her hand in comfort and snake overheard along with the others.

Rita looking at a picture of one of Georgette's fans, "Excuse me, uh, sister. Who's Rex?"

Princess takes a ring around a necklace on her neck, "this ring belonged to her, its all I had left of her, I do miss her poorly"

"Well I uh-ahem I'm sure she was a wonderful women"

"Yeah, father says it was my fault she died"

"What do you mean?" Wolf asked.

"None of your business!" Francis is eating Georgette's bon bons on her bed, when Georgette angrily glares at him.

"And you, tubby, off the bed!"

"Get away from there, you..."

"All right! That does it! You yo-yos clear out, and I mean now! Winston! Bark! Bark! PRICNESS!"

"When I was she was pregnant with me, she had to make a delivery when father drove her to the hospital only for a car to ran them over, father saved me but not mother"

"Does your father hate you?"

"What no"

"Does he abuse you" wolf sees her tugging on her sleeve down then he takes her hand.

"Relax, champ. We'll leave as soon as we get our cat"

"If you think I'm intimidated by a bunch of flea-bitten, dog-pound rejects... Your cat? How stupid of me. You must be the friends he keeps talking about.Yes Shh. Quick. Follow me"

In princess's Bedroom. Oliver is sleeping on her bed like an angel.

Wolf pulls up her sleeve and horrified to see the bruises.

"Oh my your dad does abuse me"

"He doesn't abuse me, just punish me, my father has rules and expectations I have to be perfect like my mother was otherwise.."

"No no, perfect or not you shouldn't be treated like this, a good father would protect his younging not hurt them and this isn't punishment this is..child abuse"

"You're the first man who's ever been kind to me, to make new friends feel comfortable"

Rita having a change of heart, "Look at him, Dodger. I mean, let's just forget the whole thing"

"No, no, you can't do that! You don't understand. The poor dear's so traumatized"

"Georgette?" Oliver wakes up and he sees dodger and his friends


"Huh? What?" She uses her teeth and flings Oliver into a pillowcase which is held in place by Francis and Einstein.

"Alright we need to get going now, I'll alert wolf guys Use the fire escape. And we meet back at the hideout"

The Company flees the bedroom with Oliver in their paws.

Oliver Muffled Shouts Francis Grunting.

"There's no time for long goodbyes, but, uh, here's something to remember me by, baby"

Dodger sees wolf still talking to princess but he sees they were all looking empathetic. But he was more shocked to see wolf holding hands with princess.

"Father has rules if I break one he either locks me in the closet with no food, if I don't study or practice he electrocutes me around my neck and if I don't anything right or if I mess up say this-" she drops a glass on the floor spilling her drink.

"I get burned or worst" she reaches to pick it up but wolf touches her hand.

"Kid does letting stranger in count as a rule" wolf asked.

"Yeah he says he thinks I might tell everyone what he does to me but the truth is I'm afraid of him"

"Don't worry kid I'll protect you, I promise you I will find a way to take you away form him, I promise"

Dodger started to worry so he gets his attention quietly trying motion him to "it's time to leave"

"Well look at the time, I should get going now, it was nice meeting ya kid"

Dodger heads back bye stops and looks at the window above. Tito is then heard kissing Georgette, who smacks out of retaliation. Tito yelps and falls down the steps, groaning.

"Ooo, I think she likes me, man!" sings, following Dodger's lead back to the docks.

"Ooh, I could've danced all night! I could've danced all night!"

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