Oliver and princess

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A curtain rises around a pillar, decorated with poodle statues and a staircase that leads to Georgette's revolving bed. Georgette Yawning.

Georgette gets out of bed in her bed robe and crawls down the stairs to her bedroom mirror, which lights up automatically.

She gasps at the bangs in her eyes and the curlers in her hair.

"Girl, we've got work to do" She dabs her paw in eyeshadow paint and puts it on her left eyelid.

Pass me the paint and glue.

Perfect isn't easy,

She shakes her hair which throws off the curlers and retracts in its groomed formation with a pink bow on her head.

But... it's... me.

When one knows the world is watching,

One does what one must.

Georgette dabs her ears in powder and pats the powder around her head, to which the powder turns into a heart-shaped cloud, followed by smaller ones, as Georgette massages her blue fur coating like a woman's pair of breasts.

Some minor adjustments, darling,

Not for my vanity,

but for humanity,

Georgette walks away from the mirror and poses in front of the fireplace.

Each little step a pose,

See how the breeding shows, (Ugh!)

One of her trophies is then shown, as Georgette does another pose.

Sometimes it's too much for even me!

She then flops on her pillow surrounded by pictures of her fans, two of them being Ratigan from "The Great Mouse Detective" and Scooby-Doo, and a large massive portrait of herself hanging on the wall.

But when all the world says "Yes",

Then, who am I to say "no"?

Georgette kisses one of the pictures and throws it away.

Don't ask a mutt to strut like a showgirl,

No, girl, ya need a pro!

She struts and then bounces off her pillow, sliding behind a curtain, and shows off her face. A flock of bluebirds flutter around the window that Georgette bursts open.

Not a flea or a flaw!

Take a peek at that paw!

The birds make a formation around her head and break away individually.


Perfection becomes me, ne c'est pas?

The birds fly to her closet, bringing her a leopard-skin dress, a pink scarf, and a green spring hat, while Georgette goes behind a scrim.

Unrivalled, unruffled, I'm beauty unleashed!


She shows off from behind the scrim, while the birds literally drop their beaks and go heart-throbbed over Georgette.

Jaws drop,

Hearts stop,

So classic and classy,

We're not talkin' Lassie!

The birds then fly to the curtains and pull them up, and Georgette busts out in her dress. Her pink scarf unfurls with the wind.

And... Aaaahh!

Her aria attracts a squirrel, a dog who has chased a cat up a tree, and the rest of the neighborhood dogs to her backyard.




One of the birds grabs a flower for Georgette, and another grabs the squirrel's tail as a shawl. The squirrel then grabs his tail and motions for the bird to back off.

A small dog climbs on a pyramid of dogs and looks at Georgette.

Though many covet my bone and bowl,

They're barkin' up the wrong tree!

Georgette struts along the balcony, as a flower comes loose.

You pretty pups all over the city,

The small dog jumps off the first dog on the pyramid, catches the loose flower in his teeth, and lands back on the backyard, knocking over the pyramid.

I have your hearts, and you have my pity,

Georgette leaps back inside her bedroom and in front of the door, followed by the birds.

Pretty is nice, but still it's just pretty!

Georgette and the birds back up single file, as Georgette heads down the stairs.

Perfect, my dears... Is me!

The birds catch up with her and do a kick-line formation, as Georgette side-steps down the stairs. The camera pulls away from the group and focuses on the foyer and glass chandelier, until it zooms in on Georgette's face, as the birds fly off.


"Kitchen, where Oliver gets a drop of cookie batter on his nose.

Princess was cooking a treat for Oliver, "Wait 'til you taste this. It's a secret recipe I just invented. You must be very hungry"

"I am"

Dishes are then clattering, as the phone rings, catching Winston's attention.

"What on earth..." He notices the mess princess has made and she setting a handful of bowls on the counter.

"My goodness! Princess! Don't you think a tin of kitty chow would have sufficed?"

"Nonsense. He deserves something special He'll love this"

"Now, young lady, I really think we should've waited until your father or miss-..." steps on an egg, cracking it and gritting his teeth, "Ew!" Phone Ringing, "Oh, bother!" Winston leaves to answer the phone.

Princess putting on a French accent, "And for ze kitty, the house specialty, Oeufs a la Jenny avec Cocoa Krispies"


"Princess, it's your father!"

"Yeah! Wait 'til I tell 'em!" But she had a worried look on her face.

"Oh, yes, sir. I do assure you everything is absolutely hunky..." notices Georgette walking up, "Georgette, I wouldn't go in there if I were you Uh, everything's fine here Here she is now"

And the minute she saw Oliver, "Cat. What is the meaning of this? Bark, bark! Winston! Bark, bark, bark! I guess I'll have to handle this myself" brings her head to meet Oliver, "Hello"


"I, um, hope you won't think me rude, but do you happen to know... out of whose bowl you're eating?"


"Oooh. Aren't you a clever kitty? And do you have any idea whose home this is?"

"I... thought it was princess"

"Well, it may be the chesterfield's house, but everything from the doorknobs down IS MINE!"

"What's going on in here" princess comes in.

"Oh goodness princess you're here, we have an intruder"

"Oh, Georgette. I see you've met Oliver. Isn't he cute?"

"I don't approve of this princess you know how I feel about cats and what about your father"

"I don't care what father thinks and he's my friend, I'm sure you two are gonna be the best of friends" Georgette chuckling wickedly.

At the Pawn shop, exterior, where Dodger and Tito and the bad guys catch up with Francis, Einstein, and Rita.

" Now for $200..."

"Where's the kid?"

"We tailed him all the way up the Park. We never had a chance"

"In other words dodger lost him" snake says.

"Hey" dodger was was offended.

"You should see this place, man. There's gotta be, maybe... two hundred people livin' there"

"You guys, we can't let the kid take the heat for us"

"Yeah, man. If we don't get him, they're gonna torture that kid"

"I highly doubt a kid out harm a kitten her age" wolf says looking deadpan.

Francis: What in Heaven's name are we waiting for?


"He was taken by the Dwight of Thomas chesterfield" wolf explained.

"But what about Fagin?"

Pan to window of Pawn shop, where Fagin is showing off an old pocket watch to the store owner.

It falls apart, causing Fagin to grin with embarrassment.

"Alas, our beleaguered benefactor bearing the brunt of our futile endeavours"

"Gimme a break! Speak English, Frankie!"

"Francis, Francis, Francis!"

"Alright break it up you two" shake pulls them apart as piranha grabs Tito.

Dodger steps in between the two, "Cool it!" Tito blows a raspberry in front of Francis. Dodger glares at Tito, who minds his own business.

"Now we got work to do. First, we'll spring the kid. Then, we'll take care of the old man. All right?"

"Yeah! That's right, man! He's family! He's blood!"

"Here, here!"

"Okay, troops. Our mission begins at daybreak. Einstein, go up to the door. Francis, you're our..."

But he gets interrupted by wolf, "thanks cute dodger, but I got a better plan, I'll distract the girl and I know how, I just need to introduce her to Mr. Poddleton"

Princess gets ready to practice her piano techniques, as she places a set of music notes on the music stand. Oliver sits besides her.

"Oh, Jennifer, I don't hear any practicing"

"All right, Winston. I gotta practice now, oliver" she began Playing "Good Company"

Then she sees Oliver Hits a Discordant Note.

"Oh, you wanna practice too!"

"Sure but I don't know how? I never played a piano before"

"Don't worry I'll teach you"

You and me together, Will be forever, you'll see. We two can be good company. You and me, yes, together we two...


Together. That's you.

Forever with me.

We'll always be good company.

You and me, yes, together we'll be.

The camera pans up as birds are twittering from a tree.

Princess , Oliver, and Winston are now exploring Central Park.

First, Oliver and princess take a rowboat ride on the park's lake.

Next, princess taps a stick on the fence, causing an elderly couple to look at her.

Princess stops what she's doing and curtsies to the couple with respect.

Oliver bows to the couple likewise, causing the couple to smile and leave.

The two take each others hand and runs, Next, princess and Oliver get free ice cream cones and have them at a water fountain, while Winston manages to read a book and eat his own ice cream cone at the same time.

Next, princess and Oliver take a carriage ride throughout the park.

Soon, Jenny and Oliver are at a jewelry store, where Oliver gets a bracelet and princess hugs him.

The camera then shifts to the NYC skyline at night and pans down to inside princess bedroom.

You and me together,

will be forever, you'll see.

We'll always be good company.

You and me, Just wait and see.

They leaned in closed and had their first ever kissed then princess fell into a deep sleep and Oliver pulls the covers on her as he stays by her side.

"Good night, princess"

The camera cuts to Winston, who lovingly turns off the light and shuts the door.

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