Meeting the bad guys

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"Hey! Get off me! Hey! Get outta here. Go on! Shoo!"

Louie shoos Oliver away when dodger and wolf approaches him.

"Hey kid" he looks up and was a bit frightened by wolf.

"Ooh, you sure picked the wrong guy to get hot dogs from, kid"

"Yeah he's a selfish tub of lard who doesn't unlike me, I'm a gentleman" wolf says.

"Around the ladies you are" dodger nudges him I. A teasing manner.

"Whatever at least women faint for me" wolf shoves him playfully and the two laugh.

"Get away from me!" Oliver hissed at them.

"Whoa! Ease kid" wolf picks him up by the collar of his shirt.

"Yeah Chill out, man. I don't eat cats. It's too much fur. We've been watching you, and I think you're in serious need of some professional guidance" dodger says as wolf puts him down.

"Now, what do ya say we team up and change old Louie's mind... about sharing those hot dogs? What do you say wolf" dodger says.

"I'm not goin' back there again" oliver says.

"I'll meet you at the old hideout" wolf pats his back and left.

"Hey. It'd be a snap, kid. I'm an expert at these things. All you gotta do is learn some moves"


"You know. Tempo. Ooo-cha-ba. A rhythm. This city's got a beat. You gotta hook into it. And once you got the beat, you can do anything"

"I can?"

"Absitively posolutely. The man you see before you is affectionately known as "Old Louie." A well-known enemy of the four-legged world. Our mission, cat, is to liberate those all-beef Kosher Franks, and hightail it outta here. Startin' to feel that rhythm?"

"Well, uh..." A Jackhammer pounds the pavement, "Yeah! Yeah! I do feel it! When are we gonna get those hot dogs?"

"Right... now"

"Hey! Dog! Hey! Get outta here! Hey!"

"Hey! Hey. Get outta there!"

"I'll get you! Get outta here!"

"Hey, you really got that rhythm, kid"

"Uh... yeah? We were good, huh? So when are we gonna eat?"


"Yeah. I'm starvin'"

"Listen, kid. I hate to break it to ya, but the dynamic duo is now the dynamic uno"

"What do ya mean?"

"What I mean is, our partnership is herewith dissolved"

"But, wait! Wait. You're not being fair!"

"Fares are for tourists, kid. Consider it a free lesson in street savoir faire... from New York's coolest quadruped. Check ya later"

"Hey, wait! I helped you get those! Half of those are mine!"

"Why Should I Worry?"

"Ya want 'em? Come and get 'em"

"Uh-huh. But I'm warnin' ya, kid. One minute, I'm in Central Park, then I'm down on Delancey Street"

"What the... Hey!"

"They say from the Bowery to St. Marks, There's a syncopated beat Like I said, "Woo-hoo, Woo-hoo-oo!"
I'm street wise, I can improvise, Said "Ooo-hoo, Woo-hoo-oo!" I'm street smart, I've got New York City heart. Why should I worry? Why should I care? I may not have a dime, But I got street savoir faire Why should I worry? Why should I care? It's just be-bopulation, I got street savoir faire Mmm-hmm The rhythm of the city, Boy, once you get it down, Then you can own this town, You can wear the crown! Why should I worry? Tell me, why should I care? Say, I may not have a dime, Oh, but I got street savoir faire. Why should I worry? Why should I care? It's just doo-wopulation, And I got street savoir faire"

"Everything goes. Everything fits"

"They love me at the Chelsea, They adore me at the Ritz!"

"Why should I worry? Why should I care? (Yeah!)
And even when I cross that line, I got street savoir faire! Woo-hoo, Said ooo-ooo, woo-hoo-oo!"


"Please, come back here!"

"Girls, stop it"

"Woo-hoo, hoo-hoo-oo"

"Woo-ooo, woo-hoo-oo! Woo-hoo, woo-ooo-oo!"

"Come on. Where you goin'? No! No!"

"Woo-hoo, woo-hoo-oo! Woo-hoo, woo-ooo-oo! Woo-hoo, woo-hoo-oo! Woo-hoo, woo-hoo-oo! Woo-hoo,
wooo-hoo-oo! Woo-hoo, Woo-hoo-oo!"

The camera pans diagonally right from the city streets to the city harbor by the Brooklyn Bridge, where the camera zooms in on a condemned area of the harbor.

Seagulls caw and ships honk their horns, as the camera lowers down past the piers and shifts to a shot of an old houseboat connected by a suspended gangplank.

The camera cuts to the interior of the houseboat also known as the bad guys hang out, along with the gang is four other dogs; two of them asleep in their makeshift dog houses.

Mr shark is with a bulldog watching TV, and a chihuahua named Tito dancing to Buscando Guayaba on the radio with Mr piranha watching.

He picks up an old, ragged wallet in his teeth and brings it to the loot box.

Einstein Snoring as Tito bounces on his nose, "Huh?" Snake sits besides him his hat titled down and sleeping. Tito drops the wallet into the loot box.

"Tito! Stop that racket! I'm trying to watch this show" Tito glares at him.

"Yeah you mind" shake glares at him.

"There would have been time for such a word!"

"Oh, tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow creeps... in this petty pace from day to day and all... our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death"

"Hey, Frankie, whatcha watchin'? Hey, does he get the girl? I mean, what happens?"

"Would you shut your trap you little rodent" snake says.

"Yeah Shut up, you little rodent"

"Hey, man, this stuff is boring, man. Come on, let's watch some boxing. I wanna see some action" piranha says.

"Hey, Frankie, ¿Que paso? You're getting slow, man"

"My name is Francis. Fran-cis. Not Frank. Not Frankie. Francis"

"No kidding, man? Hey, so what did you bring in today, "Frahn-cees"

"It's none of your business, you intrusive little pipsqueak"

"Look what I got"

"Oh, good show, Einstein. Now, all we need is the court and the net"

"You think this place is big enough?"

"Hey, come on. What we need is some good quality stuff, man. Check it out"

"Oh, shredded leather"

"Shredded wha... What you talkin' about, man? That's a primo wallet, man"

"Rubbish, you mean"

"All right, that does it, Frankie, man! You insulted my pride! That means death!"

"Behold. The runt of the litter"

"Cut it out, you two"

"Frankie! Frankie! Arf!"

"Alright break it up now" she's says when wolf enters.

"Fagin's not gonna be too happy about this. So, Francis, you got the food, right?"

"Hey what's up?" Wolf crashes on the sofa between snake and webs, the others gathered.


"Nothing much except we're deep in our necks if we don't get enough money, you know Mr skyes isn't gonna be happy about this" snake says.

"Well all we can do is try to pray things are ok"

"Well, no. I..."

"Ooh, Frankie"



"It was your turn to get the food today!"

"So what's the hold up where's dodger at?" Snake asked.

"Well you see-"

"It's newspaper burritos again!"

"Hey. Whoa. Whoa. Cool it, Dodger fans. I'd like to introduce you to... your dinner. Hot dogs a la carte"

"Hot dogs! All right, Dodger, man!"

"About time" snake says.

"What took you so long" shark asked.

"Finally I'm famished" piranha pats his belly and eats.

"You remain our preeminent benefactor"

"Yeah. And you're okay too"

"So, how'd you do it this time, Dodger baby?"

"Let me tell you, Rita. It was tough. Only I could have done it"

"Did you have to fight, man? Did you fight? How many were there?"

"We actually-" wolf was about to say something when dodger interrupted him.

"Picture the city: Eighth and Broadway. The crowds hustling, the traffic roaring, the hot dogs are sizzling"

"I love a story with food in it"

"Enter Dodger, one bad puppy. Not just out for himself, but community minded. But he's not the only one out there. Enter the opposition"
"What are you talking about dodger it was a-"

"A greedy, ugly, psychotic monster...yes it was wolf" dodger gives him a wink but wolf rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"With razor-sharp claws, dripping fangs, and nine lives, all of them hungry. He comes at me, eyes burning. I knew my time had come. Suddenly..."

Suddenly oliver went falling down and crashing in which made Oliver worried.

"Gang war! Gang war! Watch out! Here comes a gang war!"

"Take cover!"

"What the heck was that" piranha jumped.

"Well, what is it?"

"Hey, man, check it out. Ay, it's an alien!"

"Aliens don't exist you moron" snake hissed when the others gathered.

"Aw" webs says when they see Oliver.

"Cool it, guys. It's just a cat" snake said.

"Aw just a gato" piranha says.

"So cute" shark sats.

"¡Mi madre, un gato!"

"Felis domesticus!"

"How'd you find this place, cat?"

"I... I... I followed this dog"

"He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!"

"Shut up, Tito! Guys It's ok he's with us, he's cool, he's just a kid, in fact he was the one that helped get us some food, isn't that right dodger" wolf crossed his arms and turned to dodger.

"Hmm?" They all see Dodger watching a baseball game on TV.

"Hey, kitty. What took you so long?"

"Don't even think about dodger" wolf scolds him.

"Relax, kid" She winks her eye at Oliver, as Tito, Francis, and Einstein laugh at him.

"Hey, Dodger, razor-sharp claws?" Snake says.

"Dripping fangs?" Shark says.

"What an awful liar" piranha shook his head in disappointments.

"I kind of like those burning eyes"

"Hey, keep it down, guys. The game's on"

"Oh, boy, Dodger! Top dog has to get help from a cat!"

"Hey, Tito, cool it, man"

"Come on. Let's see this big, bad kitty fight in action"

"Hey, Tito, look!"

Tito turns his head, allowing Dodger to tackle him, as the two dogs bump into Francis.

"Oh, boy! Dog pile!" He lands right on his friends.

"Oh, what a bunch of overgrown... Oof!" getting hit by Tito and gets angry, "All right. That's it"

She leaps into the fray, and all five dogs continue to fight playfully.

Oliver is frightened by this and hides in the loot box. The fighting continues until they hear the voice of their master.

"All right, knock it off! Enough! What's the matter with you guys?"

"Relax fargin, you need to relax" wolf lounges on the sofa.

"Relax? Relax? Wolf are you nuts! Don't you understand? Sykes will be here any minute"

"WHAT!" The bad guys shout in a panic.

The camera zooms in a box of dog treats that Fagin has in his hand.

"And I don't have..." Dodger, Rita, Tito, Francis, and Einstein charge for their master.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

The dogs tackle Fagin to the ground, the box of dog treats flying into the air and spilling dog biscuits on the floor. All the dogs paw Fagin with love.

"No, no. Stop it. No. No. No licking. What a joke! All right, settle down" Before the happy reunion can continue, a car horn is heard honking loudly, meaning only one thing.


The bad guys gasped, "uh oh" snake said.

Sykes' pair of dobermans in tux, Roscoe and DeSoto, take the gangplank leading to Fagin's houseboat.

"All right, all right. I'm coming! I'll be right there. You guys, listen: Don't let me down! What do you got? Let's see what you got"

Piranha hands Fagin the old wallet from the loot box.

"It's worthless! What have you done?"

"Hey we're trying man it's not easy pickpocketing" wolf says.

"Oh, how are we ever going to pay Sykes off with a... a pussycat?"

He holds Oliver, as he hears the door being pounded open worried wolf grabs Oliver and hides him in the closet.

"Stay inside here kid and don't come out no matter what"

He shuts the door when Roscoe and DeSoto emerge, growling.

"Oh. Look who's here, guys. Company, nice doggies"

Fagin brings his hand to pet Roscoe, who attempts to chomp Fagin's hand off but misses.

"I was just on my way out" He leaves to check in with Sykes, leaving his pets at the mercies of Roscoe and DeSoto, chuckling wickedly.

"You guys... miss us?"

"Mr. Sykes. I, uh..." The camera moves around Sykes' impressive Cadillac, with a hood ornament of his two dobermans and the headlights that turn off with a set of visors.

"He's gonna kill me" The door window slides, as Sykes looks at Fagin offscreen.

"Hello. Oh, lovely evening. I was just saying this to your two lovely, purebred Dobermans"

Sykes brings his hand out, "The money, Fagin"

Fagin hands him the loot, "Actually, I've got something much better than money. Some luxury items that should make a considerable dent in my debt to you"takes interest in the wax treatment on his boss' car.

"Oh, my! You waxed your car, didn't you? Did they use the buffer on it, because I can see myself"

"Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. I don't want your garbage, Fagin!" dumps Fagin's loot into the harbor below.

"Oh, please, Sykes! Oh, please. Oh, please"

Sykes dumps his ash tray on Fagin's shoes, "I don't think you grasp... the severity of the situation"

Oh, no! Oh, no," grabs onto a rear view mirror, "I did grasp it. This is how I grasp. Look" The mirror breaks off and falls into the harbor, "Accident! Accident! Ooh-hoo-hoo!"

Sykes grabs Fagin into his car window, angrily, "Mr. Fagin!"


"Now, I lent you money and I don't see it. Do you know what happens when I don't see my money, Fagin?" He breathes cigar smoke into Fagin's face, causing Fagin to wheeze.

"People get hurt. People like you get hurt"

Sykes uses a window button to choke Fagin, "Do I make myself... CLEAR?!"

"Clear! Perfectly clear!"

"Ya know, Rita, I can't figure out why you'd rather hang around a dump like this when you could be living uptown with a class act like myself" brings his chin to Rita's face.

While Roscoe flirts with Rita, DeSoto is able sniff out Oliver's scent.

"Isn't it rather dangerous to use one's entire vocabulary in a single sentence?"

"Hey, Frankie, get down, brother! You bad, man"

"Hey, you got something to say to me, fat boy?"

But the bad guys growls in their faces telling them to back off and wolf pulls Rita away.

"BACK OFF!" They shouted.

"Then them all you want but if you mess with them you mess with us too" wolf growls.

"Come on, you guys don't scare me!" Einstein holds him back on his tail.

"I'll kill you both! Come on, let me at 'em!"

"Easy pipsqueak, they haven't done anything wrong yet" snake pushes him back.

"I'll take care of him" piranha waves his fist about to strike them

"Go ahead. Let him go"

"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Shake shoves him.

"Like you, old man?! Or that old man"

"Buzz off creeps" webs spat.

"Hey, Roscoe. Roscoe, is this us losing our sense of humour?"

"Well I don't find it funny" wolf growls.

"Nah. I ain't lost my sense of humor!" He destroys the Company's TV set with his feet. Oliver opens and closes his eyes in fear.

"See? I find that funny"

"Oh yeah real hilarious"snake says in annoyance.

"Oh, please. Please. Oh, please!"

"Three sunrises. Three sunsets. Three days, Fagin"

"Three sunrises. Three sunsets. Three days. Three, three, three" multiples 3 by 3 with his fingers, "That's nine. Nine?"

"No, Fagin. Three"

"Three?! Oh, you mean, just three days? Oh, my goodness! Oh, I'm having a bad day!"

Sykes blares his horn, sending a panicked Fagin falling into the Hudson river with a splash.

Fagin's houseboat, interior, where Roscoe listens to his boss' car horn.

"Hey, hey, Roscoe!" pulls Oliver out on a newspaper strip.

"Look what I found"

"Forget it, DeSoto. We gotta go"

"I like cats. I like to eat 'em"

Oliver slashes DeSoto on the nose with his claws DeSoto growls in pain while everyone laughs.

"Aw what's wrong, is desoto got beaten easily by a tiny kitten" wolf teased him.

"No im not watch" desoto was about to attack when Roscoe rushes to his friend's aid and corners Oliver with DeSoto, both dobermans growling. But then Dodger leaps in to defend his new friend and wolf picks up Oliver.

"Get out of my way, Dodger!"

"That's enough, Roscoe" gets backed up by Tito, Rita, Francis, Einstein and the bad guys.

"Leave the kid alone" wolf says.

As Roscoe and DeSoto glare at them viciously, they hear the sound of Sykes blowing his car horn.

"Run along, Roscoe. Your master's calling"

Roscoe recognizes that Rita's right, as he hears the car horn continuing to blare on.

"Come on, DeSoto" Both Dobermans leave the houseboat.

"We ain't finished, Dodger. You guys are gonna pay for this, starting with that cat. And wolf, I watch where I'm going, you don't know when you'll see trouble"

"The only trouble is you"

"Oh, yeah? You guys don't scare me! Come on and say it to my face! Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!" Both Dobermans exit through the door.

"Yeah, those creeps'll think twice before hassling us, man"

"All right, kid. What'd I tell you guys? OI' Dodge can really pick 'em, huh?"

"Yeah you alright" wolf puts him down.

A soaking wet Fagin comes back inside the houseboat, shutting the door behind him.

"Ooh, three days. How am I ever gonna come up with all that money?"

"Oh fargin" wolf says sadly.

He whimpers as the Company looks at him with worried looks on their faces.

"What's the use? I'll never get out from under that maniac. My days are numbered..and the number is three. It's hopeless"

Einstein hands Fagin a dog biscuit with his teeth. Fagin slowly chews on the biscuit and swallows it.

"Thanks, guys. That reminds me. I saw DeSoto's nose. Who did that?"

"It was this kid" wolf pulls out Oliver.

"You? You.That took a lot of guts"

Yeah I would've just sink my fangs in them but not bad kid" snake rubs Oliver's head.

"Welcome to the gang" wolf says.

"We've never had a cat in the gang before. We can use all the help we can get" Fagin stretches his arms and cracking neck.

"Ahhh. All right. Time for bed. We've got a big day tomorrow" Einstein hands Fagin a chapter book.

"How about a story hermano, it always makes you feel better" piranha says.

"Aww, no. Oh, all right. But, just one chapter tonight. Umm, let's see. Here we are. Here we are. Chapter seven."Sparky stopped and he rolled in a field of wildflowers. The dandelions tickled his nose... 'til he laughed out loud. And then, something caught his eye. It was Bumper the rabbit. Sparky jumped to his feet... and ran toward Bumper, barking loudly." Woof. Woof. Well, you try it sometime. Ruff! R-Ruff! Well, that's because you're a dog. "Sparky knew that Bumper would run and that he could chase him over the field. But Sparky would never catch him or hurt him... because Sparky was not that kind of a dog." Everyone laters Falls asleep, snoring.

Oliver Purring next to Dodger sleeping beside him, wolf saw and chuckled as he falls asleep on the couch.

The camera pans up from the houseboat to the New York skyline.

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