Once Upon A Time In New York City: the story of oliver

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(A request from coollion2873 )

The city of New York, New York is shown in all its majesty, as the opening credits being to roll.

It pans down into the bustling Times Square as the title appears.

It then shifts to a street corner where a box of kittens are being sold to small children.

"Now, it's always once upon a time in New York City It's a big old bad old tough old town. It's true, but beginnings are contagious there. They're always settin' stages there. They're always turnin' pages there for you. Ain't it great the way it all begins in New York City"

"Let me have one, please"

One of the kittens is a young tabby kitten named Oliver, who is trying hard to be accepted by any of the kids surrounding by the box.

"Right away, you're makin' time and makin' friends..."

"No one cares where you were yesterday..."

"If they pick you out, you're on your way. To a once upon a time that never ends. So, Oliver, don't be shy. Get out there and go and try Believin' that you're the guy. They're dyin' to see, 'cause a dream's no crime. Now once upon a time...Once upon a time in New York City. If it's always once upon a time in New York City.

As the people have left, a storm rolls in, with thunder roaring.

"Why does nightfall find ya feelin' so alone? How could anyone stay starry-eyed, when it's rainin' cats and dogs outside? And the rain is saying, "Now, you're on your own."

Oliver was on his on, the rain tore up the box

"So, Oliver. don't be scared. 'Though yesterday, no one cared. They're gettin' your place prepared Where you wanna be, keep your dream alive. Dreamin' is still how the strong survive. Once upon a time in New York City"

"Keep your dream alive.Dreamin' is still how the strong survive..." Thunderclaps

"Once upon a time in New York City. Keep your dream alive. Dreamin' is still how the strong survive Once upon a time in New York City. And it's always once upon a time in New York City"

"Forty seconds."

"All right. Here we go"

You see the feet walkin' down the street in the fast lane, Walkin' on the street where they goin' Just makin' a move, tryin' to survive, Find a way or not to stay alive. Cool cat in a cruel world, knows good from bad, his mind is in a swirl, Got to look out and open your eyes, If you're in a jam You got to realize, You're in the fast lane

"Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute"

"In the fast lane"

"Wait, wait, wait"

"Hi. Sorry I'm late"

"That's all right"

"Come on, sweetheart, we're late. You can play with the kitty some other time, honey. Come on"

"Hey, 'scusa me"

"Don't ya see I'm pushin' somethin' here? Thank you"
Louie Singing In Italian.

"Hey, come on, folks! Step right up! Get your hot dogs!"

"The best hot dogs in New Yo-ork!"

"Hey, it's a beautiful day, eh? Come on, folks! Step right up!"

"Hey. Go on. Get outta here. Shoo! Get outta here. Go on, kitty. Get your sausages. All right, let's go, folks. Step right up. I got the hottest dogs in the Big Apple!"

Louie shoos Oliver and he runs away terrified, but on the other side of the streets.

Two dogs were walking, one wolf a tall, slim, handsome-looking grey wolf, with brownish-gray fur, along his chin, down to his neck and stomach, are colored in a much lighter shade of gray. He also possesses a long bushy tail, a pair of pointy ears with the insides being colored in a light gray, defined, sharp-looking black eyebrows, eyes with bright yellow sclera and reddish-brown pupils, and a black nose.

Wolf wore a variety of outfits throughout the whole movie; his usual attire features a casual off-white suit with the blazer revealing a button-up, white long-sleeved collared shirt, a brown belt with a silver, rectangle-shaped buckle, light gray socks, and a pair of light brown dress shoes with black shoelaces.

and one Jack Russel Terrier white fur, brown ears, both black nose and eyebrows, brown spots on his back, and both gray feet and upper muzzle who wears a red scarf in a red leather jacket with shades on.

It was the legendary criminal of the bad guys: Mr wolf and dodger.

The two were walking casually down the streets passing by the busy sidewalks.

But when people saw them, they screamed in fear running.

"Busy crowd" wolf says.

"Yeah" dodger says.

Then he sees a women walking her female dog.

"Hmm. Psst. Psst. Hiya" he gets on a car, getting her attention making kissing gestures.

But the Female Cocker Spaniel gives him the cold shoulder.


"Ooh. La-de-da..."

"Yeah nice going Casanova" wolf teased him.

But they paid their attention to Oliver and Louie, wolf tilted his glasses down.

"Hey! Hey, get off of me! What's the matter with you? I said get outta here"

"Well, well. Dodger"


"Looks like our old pal Louie's got a visitor" wolf adjusted his head and dodger sees.

"Ohh, Could be time for the Dodge to turn this into a total "cat-astrophe."

"And don't forget his faithful companion Mr wolf"

The two approached to the young Oliver...

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