Pleasure island

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Pinocchio was walking down the street with princess as she looks around for the bad guys.

"No sir, nothing can stop me now! I'll make good this time"

"You'd better"

"I agree with your conscious, that was almost close, you know we shouldn't be talking to strangers, let's just hope that my family isn't in panicked mode"

"What happens in panicked mode" jimmy asked.

"The police get involved"

"Oh, well at least you have a self conscious"

" I will, I'm going to school"

"That's the stuff, Pinocchio"

"I'd rather be smart than be an actor"

"I hope this teaches you about talking to strangers" princess says.

"Yeah it does"

" Now you're talkin'! Come on, slowpoke, I'll race ya home! Good luck in finding your family princess"

"Thanks" she nodded.

In the race, Pinocchio and princess meets again Honest John and Gideon, but now with a new offer.

"Well, well Pinocchio. What's your rush?"

"What's it to you" Princess growled and gets in front of Pinocchio.

"Whoa easy kitty, I just came to say hello"

"I gotta beat Jiminy home. Oh hello"

"Well, how is the great actor?"

"Well since you ask" princess says with sarcasm, "no so good" she snapped at them and John and Gideon flinched.

"You tricked us" princess accused.

"I don't want to be an actor. Stromboli was terrible!"

"He tried to kidnapped us" princess added.

"He was? And he did?"

"Yes" they both said.

"he locked me in a bird cage"

"Then he said he was going to make me his pet"

"He did?"

"YES!" Princess snapped again

"Uh-huh, but I learned my lesson, I'm going---"

"Oh you poor, poor boy. You must be a nervous wreck. That's it! You are a nervous wreck. Ahem. We must diagnose this case at once" he moves To Gideon, "Quick, Doctor, your notebook" Gideon prepares to take notes, "Bless my soul" he checks Pinocchio's arm, "Mmm! Mmm-Hmmm! My, my, just as I thought. A slight touch of monetary complications with bucolic semi-lunar contraptions of the flying trapezes" he checks his tongue.

"Mm-hmm! Say hippopotamus"

Pinocchio with his tongue sticking out, "Hi-ho-hotamus"

Then princess pulls him away while glaring at John.

"I knew it! Compound transmission of the pandemonium with percussion and spasmodic frantic disintegration! Close your eyes. What do you see?"


"Leave us alone" princess hissed.

"Hold that thought" he holds a finger up to princess, "Open them" he holds a red polka-dot cloth in front of him, "Now what do you see?"


"Ha-ha! Now that heart" he pretends to listen as he beats on a nearby window shutter, "Ooh, my goodness! A palpating syncopation of the killer diller with a wicky-wacky stamping of the boy-joy. Quick, Doctor, that report!" the "report" is just scribbling, "Ooo, This makes it perfectly clear! My boy, you are allergic"

"Do you maybe" princess says.


"Yes! And there is only one cure. A vacation... on pleasure Island!"

"Pleasure Island?"

"Yes. The happy land of carefree boys where every day is a holiday"

"But I can't go, I---"

"Why, of course, you can go. I'm giving you my ticket. Here" it's an Ace of Spades card.

"Oh no, no way" princess grabbed Pinocchio's arm.

"We are not letting you trick us again, not thud time, cone on Pinocchio, our families already worried enough Already but it's getting late"

"Thanks! But I'm-"

"Oh tut-tut-tut-tut, I insist. Your health comes first. Come, the coach departs at midnight" he pushes him and princess, "for you and your friend, Hi-diddle dee dee
It's Pleasure Isle for me
Where everyday is holiday
And kids have nothing
To do but play"

"Pinoke? Oh Pinoke? Now where do you suppose he- Huh? Pinocchio! Hey, come back!"

Princess looks back when she sees jimmy, "come on Pinocchio I really need to get back home, my family is very worried about me"

"Aw relax princess What could happen"

To the Pleasure Island, as Pinocchio joins a bunch of rowdy boys on a coach, princess felt uncomfortable being around boys, she felt scared when she saw that she was just the only girl here, she's lucky that she sitting next to the coachman, but if wolf was here, he'd be scaring them off.

"Giddy up!"

Jiminy Cricket was coughing as he rides in the undercarriage.

"Well, here we go again"

"My name's Lampwick. What's yours?"


"Pinocchio!" Princess called his name, "don't give a stranger your name"

"Aw there's nothing to worry about lil darling" the coachman says as he wraps his arm around princess and twiddles with her earrings.

She felt uncomfortable and pulls herself away from him.

"That's what Im worried about"

"Ever been to Pleasure Island?"

"No" princess says.

"Uh-uh, but Mr. Honest John gave me---"

"Me neither, but they say it's a swell joint; no school, no cops. You can tear the joint apart and nobody says a word"

"It doesn't sound like a nice place"

"Honest John gave me---"

"Loaf around, plenty to eat, plenty to drink. And it's all free!"

Princess makes a suspicious face, "huh? All free aye"

"Yep that's right"

"If it's all free, there where those all the free food and drink come from, what's the catch here"

The coachman turns to princess with a not pleasant look, seeing she was up to no good.

"Relax toots, there's no catch, why the catch is to have as much fun as possible" then the coachman relaxes.

"I don't know it sounds to good to be true" princess says.

"Honest John---"

"It is, Boy that's the place. I can hardly wait!"

The coach gets onto a boat, and soon they arrive on the Island, with carnival rides and attractions galore.

It was amazing but when stares at the place, she couldn't help but...get a bad vibe through her tail, unaware that the coachman was taking her crested bracelet without her seeing.

"Right here, boys! Right here. Get your cake, pie, dill pickles and ice cream. Eat all you can. Be a glutton. Stuff yourselves. It's all free, boys, it's all free. Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Pinocchio has a pie and ice cream cone and Lampwick is eating a chicken then someone offered princess a treat.

"Ice cream for the little lady"

"Oh, no thank you"

She follows Them and they see a Big Animatronic Rough House Man.

"The rough house, the rough house. It's the roughest toughest joint ya ever seen. Come in and pick a fight, boys" the boys rush into the tent and fight each other, while princess observe it.

"Ugh, that sounds horrible"

"Oh boy, a scrap! Come on. Let's go in and poke somebody in the nose"


"Just for the fun of it"

"That doesn't sound nice" princess says.

"Aw come on toots, it'll be fun"

"Okay, Lampy" they go in, Pinocchio imitating Lampwick's walk, "come on princess it'll be fun"

"I don't see what's so fun about boys roughhousing"

"Tobacco Row, Tobacco Row. Get your cigars, cigarettes, and chewin' tobacco. Come in and smoke your heads off! There's nobody here to stop you!"

"Pinocchio?" Jimmy was coughing and trying to avoid being stomped on, "Pinocchio! There's something phony about all this. I gotta get him outta here! I just hope princess isn't falling for this"

Moving on, more venders offer princess more gifts.

"Would a lady like a stuffed bear"

"Oh no thanks"

"A rose for the Beautiful girl"

"No thank you"

"Would the pretty girl like a necklace"

"I'm good"

Then a Model Home Barker speaks, lHurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry! See the model home. It's open for destruction and it's all yours, boys, it's all yours!"

Princess gasped in horror when she sees kids are wrecking everything on the model home in sight.

"Oh dead" She quickly ran inside to find Pinocchio.

Lampwick strikes a match on the Mona Lisa and lights a cigar.

"What did I tell ya? Ain't this a swell joint?"

"Yeah! Being bad's a lot of fun, ain't it?"

Princess caught up and was disappointed for what she just heard.

"No it's not, Pinocchio? This isn't good at all"

"Ah what would you know toots"

"I know because my family is ex criminals"

"Oh toots you know what, you need to lose up, smile have some for awhile, because you're bringing us down"

"He's right princess, it's just got fun" Pinocchio says.

"Yeah, uh-huh. Get a load of that stained-glass window" he smashes it with a brick.

"Ah" princess gasped in horror, while with the coachman.

"All right now. Hop to it, you blokes" he whip cracking, "Come on! Come on! Shut the doors and lock 'em tight" two dark-looking people shut the big gates, "Now get below and get them crates ready. Give a bad boy enough rope and he'll soon make a jackamule, of himself" he laughs wickedly.

Later, everything is run down and no one else is stirring but Jiminy Cricket.

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