The rescue

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"Yes, yes, yes! To me..."then he turns to Pinocchio, "you are belonging. We will tour the world. Paris, London, Monte Carlo, "Constantinopolee"..."

"No, no!"

"Yes! We start tonight! Mmmm. You will make lots of money... for me! And when you are growing much too old you will make good firewood!" He laughs as he tosses an axe on a worn-out puppet.

"No, I have a family" princess begged.

"Not anymore, I'm You're new family now"

"Let me out of here! I gotta get out! You can't keep us--"

"Quiet! Shut up! Before I knock-a you silly!" He now acts sweetly towards princess as he scratched her chin.

"Good night, my little kitty and good night wooden gold mine. Ha-ha-ha" he slams the door.

"No! No, wait! Let me out! I'll tell my father!"

"Get along, then!"

"Jiminy! Oh Jiminy!" He whistles as the carriage starts moving and it begins thundering. , "Jiminy, where are you?" He whistle.

"Jiminy Cricket!" He cries.

"I told you we should've got to school" princess says, "and now look what happened"

"I know princess, your right"

"Maybe next time you'll listen to your self conscious"

("Not too far away Jiminy Cricket's still thinking in Pinocchio as the storm continues.

"Well, there he goes. Sitting in the lap of luxury, the world at his feet. Oh well, I can always say "I knew him when". I'll just go out of his life quietly. I would like to wish him luck though. Sure! Why not?" he runs after the carriage, "Pinocchio! Pinocchio! It's me! Your old friend, Jiminy, remember?"

" Jiminy! Gee, I'm glad to see ya!"

"Pinocchio, what's happened? What did he do to you two?"

"Oh, he was mad. He said he was gonna push my face in everybody's eye."


"And just 'cause I'm a goldbrick he's gonna chop me into firewood!"

"Then he said he was going to keep me as his pet" princess says.

"Oh, is that so? Now don't you worry, son. I'll have you outta here in no time at all and you too princess" he climbs intop the padlock, "Why this is just as easy as rolling off a...umph! Kinda rusty. Needs a little oil"

"Needs a little oil... Needs a little oil..." his echo repeated him.

"That's what I said" the spring sends him flying out of the lock, "Woo-hoo-hoo! Must be one of the old models"

"You mean you can't open it?"

"Yeah. Looks pretty hopeless. It'll take a miracle to get us outta here"


"Maybe I can help" Princess says, they tune to her to see her pulling a hairpin out of her fur, she used it to tinkers the locks and when they hear the lock unlocking, they were relieved.

"Good job princess" jimmy says.

Meanwhile Geppetto continues looking for Pinocchio with the bad guys finding princess, then it started to rain.

"Pinocchio? Pinocchio!"

"Princess?" Wolf called for her.

And as the rain came down hard, Geppetto realized he stopped getting wet, he looks up to see shark was holding an umbrella underneath him.

Then suddenly wolf stops them out time when a carriage was passing by.

Everyone saw and read: puppet show.

"Oh wow a puppet show, we should take princess to see it" webs says.

"After we find her"

"What does your daughter look like" Geppetto asked.

"Oh she's an adorable white fur cat"

"A cat? I have a cat"

They have been so close to Pinocchio but he doesn't know; thunder and lightning sound before he shouts "Pinocchio!"

But back in Stromboli carriage, princess just freed Pinocchio, he jumps off.

"Hey, we're free. Good job princess, Come on, Pinoke"

"I buy-a new suit
And I swuing-a the cane
I eat-a the fish
And I drink-a champagne"

Pinocchio and princess both jumped off the carriage.

"Toodle-ooo, Stromboli"

"Goodbye Mr. Stromboli!" Princess quickly pulls Pinocchio's hand down.

"Shhh! Quiet! Let's get outta here before something else happens"

"I really need to get home, my parents get super protective if I'm gone for at least a second, I'm sure they're searching the whole town for me" princess says.

"Well we better get you home"

Meanwhile in The Red Lobster Inn. Honest John and Gideon are relating their business with Stromboli, as they and the Coachman smoke, drink beer and also sing the reprise of Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee.

and actor's life for me
a high silk hat and silver cane
a watch of gold with a diamond chain, Hi-diddle-dee-dee
and actor's life is gay
it's great to be a celebrity
an actor's life for me
Ha-ha-ha and the dummy fell for it. Ha ha! Hook, line and sinker! Ho-ho-ha ha!"

Gideon was smoking a cigar, dunks a smoke ring into his beer like a donut, "Hiccup!"

"And he still thinks we're his friends! Ha ha ha! And did Stromboli pay! Plenty!" He drops a small sack of gold coins and does a wicked laugh, "That shows you how low Honest John will stoop, eh Giddy?"

"Hicc-lup!" his hiccup makes a mess of beer all around him.

"Now, Coachman," , takes a drag on his cigar, "what's your proposition?"

"Well..." he puffs a pipe, "how would you blokes like to make some real money?" He drops a big sack of gold coins.

"Well... and who do we have to, eh..." making the signal of cutting a head off.

"No! Nothing like that. You see ..." whispering, "I'm collecting stupid little boys" he peers around to make sure he's not been overheard.

"Stupid little boys?

"You know, the disobedient ones that play hooky from school"


"And you see..." he starts whispering.


Gideon rubs his finger in Honest John's ear so he can hear more clearly...

"... and I takes 'em to Pleasure Island"

"Ah, Pleasure Island! Pleasure Island?! But the law, suppose they..."

"No, no. There is no risk! They never come back.... As BOYS!" he shows a devilish face, laughs with vile glee, scaring Honest John and Gideon.

"Now, I've got a coach load leaving at midnight. We'll met at the crossroads and no double crossing!"

"No sir!"

"Scout around. Any good prospects you find, bring 'em to me"

"Yes, chief"

"I'll pay you well. I got plenty of gold"

"Yes, yes.but what do you say about honest little girls too"

"Honest little girls, nah, they'll be too smart to reject the first minute you asked them"

"Not even one That's loaded" John pulls out a diamond necklace out, the coachman takes the diamond and he has a mischievous grin.

"Where did you get this?"

"Let's say the kid we talked about, he has a kitty friend who is covered with jewelry"

"Go on"

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