Heading back to the game station

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When they left the facility store, they walked around the hall.

Heading back to the game station, it was like traveling in a maze.

They then eventually came across another lift when they saw a red light glowing.

They past by a poster of kissy Huggy running on a treadmill: healthy bodies healthy workers.

They stared at the lift, "so how do we get back to the game station" snake asked.

"Why don't we just take the lift" wolf says.

As Shark hits the red button with the green hand.

But nothing happened, he hits it again and still nothing happens.

He gets frustrated and starts hitting it rapidly with his fin, but still nothing.

"Ok now what do we do now" snake asked.

"Easy I'm working on it" shark says as he looks around, he sees a charger on the wall.

He hits it with the blue hand and he stretches it around a electric pole.

Then as he steps on the lift, it takes them up, "HA! See I told you I was on it" shark says.

Then it stops, "ugh give me one second" shark jumps off to try again.

Meanwhile webs still felt awkward about what happened in the facility.

She avoided to look at the fish she just made out with, she felt embarrassed, she was the one that kissed him first not him, he was just caught up in the moment.

She then rest her head on his chest to hear the rhythm of his heartbeat.

They say when you hear someone's hear beating, it's the most beautiful sound you ever hear.

And to webs, piranha's beating heart was her music, her soundtrack, her playlist, her remix.

She smiles softly as she presses her hands on his chest to feel his chest.

Piranha looked down to see her resting on his chest like she did before, it made his Mohawk wagged.

Shark jumps up as he connected the blue hand to the changer then wraps it around the pole and the one up with them, let's go and hits another charger on the back side of the wall.

The button beside them turns green.

He hits it and it takes them up all the way, "see I told ya I got it" shark says.

It takes them up to a hall and they walked, they turned left.

Then right, then right again when hot air blew in their face.

"Ah" they all screamed as they continued walking.

Along the way when turning a right, they see stairs.

But as they walked up, they see two things: more splattered blood on the wall and a chair barricading the door.

The blood looked like abstract art created by a killer.

Wolf stares at it, he puts princess down, removes the chair carefully and opens the door.

As he enters the room, everyone follows, princess walks up and she sees shark taking her hand as they walk together.

When they entered the room, they saw there was a large hole in the wall but it was covered in spiderwebs.

They walked up to it, piranha takes a piece of it and shows it to webs.

"Hey wens I think this is yours" he jokes as he waves it in her face.

She smiles teasingly as she acts annoyed, "you moron" she laughs as she pushes his arm and face away using her only legs that weren't broken.

Wolf looks around, he sees a gated door open halfway, he looks through to see the same bunzo cut board across from a large hole.

He then sees another room

It was the staircase back to the game station, with the same poster but also a bunzo doll, right in front of it.

It creeped them out to see it was staring at them.

It may not be moving but snake could feel it looking at them, deep into their souls.

And the strange or rather creepiest part was, that it wasn't there before.

They try to ignore it as they avoid walking towards it as they headed up the stairs.

Wolf looks at it creeped out as he walks up the stairs, Diane turns a eye at it and walks after wolf.

Snake slithered fast away from it as quickly as possible, shark and princess walked still holding hands.

And as shark avoid making eye contact with that thing, princess looks at bunzo.

She then lets go of shark's hand, and as she approaches the bunny, she reaches out to hold it...

When shark grabs her and picks her up, running upstairs.

Piranha and webs became last as they left the room, bunzo twisted his head towards them.

Once they entered the room, they didn't noticed it before...

But webs saw bathroom stalls, she looks at piranha and tugs on his shirt.

"Here you can put me down now, I think I can walk from now" webs says as she jumps out of his arms and on the ground.

"I think it's time I can walk on my own now and I don't want you waste your strength carrying me"

"Web?" Piranha tries to talk to her as he knew what this was about but she crawls to the bathroom, holding the door before looking back at him, "I'll just be in the bathroom" she closes the door while making a frustrated and embarrassing-shameful face, she rubs her face as she felt warm inside.

Meanwhile wolf snake and shark go up to the train, wolf pulls the second lever as the red button was glowing above it.

"Oh you did fantastic" they heard Stella from the intercom.

"Who gave you permission to be this smart" she giggles and everyone gets annoyed by her.

"Mommy is super proud of you, well I'm sure she told you that herself" snake looked displeased as he snakes is head in disagreement.

"No she didn't! She threatened us" snake hissed.

"Our next game is wack-a-wuggy"

"Wack-a-what?" snake asked.

"There, over there" princess pointed out.

"Head downstairs and have fun" they all looked at the staircase of a picture of wuggy.

"Oh no, we just got away from being chased by that thing, I don't believe we're doing it again" snake huffed.

"Come on snake, remember we destroyed him-"

"Well technical shark destroyed him" piranha interrupted.

"Still i isn't think we will be seeing him anytime soon" wolf says.

"Ugh alright fine" snake groaned.

Meanwhile in the bathroom, webs turned on the faucet and splashed water on her face, rubbing the water on her face to wash off the guilt as she plays images of her and piranha sensual, erotic, and sexual kiss.

As images flash through her mind.

He was pinning her against the wall, his bare body against hers.

He was kissing her again slowly.

His tongue sliding in slowly, "she over her eye wide from shocked, embarrassment and flustered, her face red as she thought about that first part, it was only just a fantasy drama of hers.

Something she wanted piranha to do, she frowns as she washes that memory away then she washes her face and eyes again...

But when she looked up, she dried her face and saw bunzo growling at her.

"AH" webs closed her eyes and ducked her head down.

But when she turned around only to find, he was gone.

What? But how? He didn't attack her?

She was confused and scared, then piranha knocked on the door.

"Webs" piranha shouts.

"Ah" he startled her.

He continues to knock but when she wouldn't answer, he gets worried he was about to open the door when webs opened it and he accidentally placed his hand on her waist where her scar was.

"I was going to say that-" piranha says.

Then he and webs realized what he was doing, they turned bright red, he quickly lets go and webs back away.

Both were embarrassed and felt awkward, webs turns her eyes the other way rubbing her arm as piranha tries to spell his words out while scratching the back of his head.

"Uh look, we-uhh found that-we got a new game to play" piranha says.

"Ok" webs says.

"We should probably go"


They soon went back to the others to see

The wack a wuggy opening a staircase.

"Ok everyone be prepared, because the next game could be trick like that last" wolf says.

And he was right, wack-a-wuggy was no laughing matter, as they walked downstairs, something was waiting for them.

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