Trouble in the storage facility

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As they continued moving on, they're was a rumble underneath them.

"Woah" it made them snake a bit then...

Wolf became suspicious as he takes one step forward.

The bridge they were walking on fell, "AH" there were all falling on the ground.

Wolf covered princess as she was screaming, piranha hold webs and he falls on his back first to break her fall, he fell and rolled on the ground.

They looked up to see the bridge was broken, wolf gets up and looks around then he finds a red light.

He follows it and see there was a ventilation shaft, shark opens it.

And they crawl inside, wandering around like a tunnel maze.

Princess heard a rambling noise, it frightened her as she tugs on tight to wolf, he holds her tight to keep her calm.

After crawling in, it took them to a storage facility.

Wolf looks around, then he looks down to see how high they were.

Wolf holds on to princess, stands up a bit then he jumps down to safety.

He walks around as Diana steps down and falls on her feet gently, then shark jumped off, snake slithered down carefully.

Piranha takes a deep breath as he holds on webs bridal style, then he cracks his neck.

"Ok, Hang on tight webs" piranha says.

"You don't have to tell me twice" she smiles as she clutches on tight to his shirt, pressing her face against his chest.

He runs and does a super jump on a shelf, then he hops from shelf to shelf then down to the ground safely.

Webs was staring lovely at him, watching the air blowing in his Mohawk.

Once in the facility room, they wandered around.

The Storage Facility is an abandoned, messy warehouse with shelves stuffed with toys, old toy concepts, and boxes.

Snake looks at the damaged and rejected toys, while Diane sees something that catches her eye, rejection papers of one of the toys that gets discontinued.

But what she finds next, shocks her, she sees a rejection paper for mommy long legs.

meanwhile wolf was looking around, piranha scouted further in front of them, princess finally calmed down and she noticed something on the floor.

It was a trail of red spots, but when she got a closer look.

She realized what it was blood, "there's blood on the floor" princess says.

"That's normal princess, there's blood everywhere" wolf says.

"but there's a trail behind us" she points out.

He turns around to see the trial of blood then he faces princess.

"Someone's bleeding" princess says.

"That could be anyones blood, for all we know it could be old" wolf says.

Then snake touches it with his tail, "no wolf she's right, it fells warm" snake shows him, then wolf and the others begin to panic.

"Oh no, Ok nobody panic, who's bleeding" wolf asked.

"It's not mines" Diane says.

"It's not me" princess says.

"Me either" shark says.

Then it all back to piranha.

They all looked at him, he sees him looking towards him.

"What?" He asked.

"Piranha are you bleeding" wolf asked.

But before he could answer, princess pointed out to his shirt, "look his shirt is red"

They all looked to see it was blood, "he's bleeding" princess says.

"What?" Piranha says.

He puts webs down as she started to turn pale, he looks to see the blood on his shirt.

"Huh, it's not mines" piranha says.

"Then whoa could it be" wolf says.

Then then made a realization, as they all slowly turned towards webs.

Piranha walks up to see her covering her chest with her arms, he saw how hot not like in a sexy way but in a feverish sorta way, he pulls her arms down and was horrified to see there was a blood soaking through her jacket.

"Webs why didn't you tell me!" Piranha says with worried.

"I didn't want you to worry" webs says as she was getting weaker.

"Come on, we better go stop that wound from getting worst" piranha scoops her up and takes her to a closet.

Meanwhile shark looks away and sees a crane hanging up above them.

He moves back a little and uses the blue hand to pull on it but it wouldn't budge.

Meanwhile in the closet, things were about to get steamy.

Piranha set webs down on a box, "take off your shirt" piranha asked.

"Why?" Webs says.

"Do I can see how bad it is" he unzipped her jacket, she felt awkward about then.

He was horrified to see a nasty scar across her chest and when he touches close to it, more blood oozes out.

"Ah" webs winced in pain, piranha say how much pain she was in, so he takes off her shirt.

"Whoa what are you..doing" she hesitated but froze when she saw his bare body again, it gave her that tingling feeling again.

Piranha rips the edge on the bottom of his shirt and she blushes when pulls her jacket off and lifts up her black shirt and when he wraps around her wounded chest like a bandage, she felt warm inside, his bare body closer to hers, his head over her shoulders.

She was flustered by his shirtless chest, she couldn't stop blushing.

"I have to put pressure on that wound, otherwise it'll get worse" piranha says.

Then saw he was putting some finishing knots, shark was still having trouble pulling so he stops and looks around.

He passes by a creep giant bron but with no eyes, "AH, that's freaky" he moves along, unaware bron turned his head watching him.

He then goes up the stairs, he sees a green power outlet, another giant horn standing on a lift and a control panel, he walks towards it as he kicks a rink mommy long legs.

He pulls the leaver as it was power,then he uses the green hand to grab the green power outlet as it charges, he goes downstairs, charges the giant crane and has a few seconds to pull it.

But back with webs and piranha, he was down finishing the knots when, she saw webs grabbing his hand with both of hers.

"Yeah" he asked then when he caught her staring at him, he stares right back at her.

He didn't know what it was but his self-conscious took over, the moment got to him and they slowly leaned towards each other.

Webs opened her mouth, piranha pucker his lips, he uses his right hand to cup her head and uses his right arm to wrap his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him, she uses her right hand to grab his arm feeling his muscles and presses her left hand on his chest.

They kissed passionately as they slowly closed their eyes, she felt his tongue deep inside her mouth, they moan and groan as they continued to kiss.

Shark pulls the crane to where the other giant bron was at and it lifts it up, shark pulls the crane away from the lift.

"Hey guys I think I got us away out of here, go get webs and piranha" shark says.

While goes in the closet as the rest go to the lift.

But back with piranha and webs, they were continuing to fool around in the closet, they let go gasping for air.

Then they stared at each other again, piranha cups web's face and as they were getting ready to kiss again, snake open the door and they quickly let go.

"What's going on in here" he asked.

"Nothing" they both said as they looked nervous at the suspicious snake.

"Well come on let's go, shark found away" as he slithered away.

Piranha and webs felt awkward about the kiss but it felt kiss, they wanted to go away but not here and especially not with the team around interrupting.

"We should probably go" piranha suggested.

"Yeah" webs agreed.

She was about to walk when piranha had bandaged her legs, when he scoops her up again.

"Here allow me" then they go to the lift and it takes them up.

But behind them, bron walked towards them to see them leaving the storage facility.

But that was the least of their worries.

What will become of webs and piranha?.

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