The winners of the tickets

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"Dear people of the world, I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year. In addition, one of these children will receive a special prize beyond what you can imagine"

The children and adults are thrown into an uproar. A businesslike TV Newsman enters during this.

The crowd disperses as the Newsman begins his report.

"Five golden tickets have been hidden......underneath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars.The bars may be any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The scene shifts to the bad guys watching the news.

"Wouldn't it be something, princess, to open a bar of chocolate and find a golden ticket inside?" Grandpa wolf says.

"I highly doubt" she replied making them all gasped.

"What makes you say that" asked grandpa shark.

"The chances of me winning a ticket is 50/100 I barely have a chance"

"Nonsense You have as much chance as anybody does" grandpa wolf assures her.

"Balderdash! The kids who are going to find the Golden Tickets are the ones who can afford to buy a hundred candy bars a day. I doubt princess is even one of them" grandpa snake spat.

"Dad" snake scold him.

"What it's true"

"Everyone has a chance, including princess" wolf says.

"Mark my words, child. The kid who finds the first golden ticket will be fat, fat, fat" says grandpa snake.

on the television, and Augustus Gloop appears, face stained with chocolate, while crowds of paparazzi snap his picture. The Newsman appears, to interview him.

"I am eating the Wonka bar, when I taste something that is not chocolate! Coconut? Nougat? Walnut? Peanut butter? Cocoa butter? Caramel? Sprinkles? Nein! So I look, and I find the Golden Ticket!"

"Augustus! How did you celebrate?"

"I eat More candy!"

Augustus pulls another candy bars from his pocket, and starts to devour it"

"We knew Augustus would find the Golden Ticket. He eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him not to find one!"

"Told you he'd be a porker" grandpa snake says.

"What a repulsive boy!" Webs mom says and grandma shark and piranha nodded in agreement.

"Only four Golden Tickets left" princess says.

"Now that they've found one, things will really get crazy" wolf says.

Veruca Salt appears with her parents in Buckinghamshire, England.

"Veruca Salt? Veruca? Can you spell that for us, please?"

"V-e-r-u-c-a. Veruca Salt"

"Soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these Golden Tickets, I started buying up all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on. Thousands of
them. Hundreds of thousands. I'm in the nut business, you see, so I say to my workers, "Morning, ladies! From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts, and start shelling the wrappers off of these Wonka bars instead." Three days went by and we had no luck. The
wait was terrible. My little Veruca got more and more upset every day. She just kept begging me-"

"Where's my Golden Ticket! I want my Golden Ticket!"

"Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl unhappy like that. I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted. My employees were dropping like flies. Paper cuts everywhere. You know, some of them were getting gangrene in untreated cuts, and dying on the job? I don't like to laugh, but it's funny. Well, ironic more than funny. British humour, you know. Finally, I found her a ticket"

She comes home to find her dad handing her a golden ticket.

"Daddy- I want another pony" The scene shifts back to the Bucket house.

"She's even worse than the fat boy" grandpa snake says.

"I didn't think that was really fair- she didn't find the ticket herself" princess says.

"Don't worry, princess. That man spoils his daughter, and no good ever comes of spoiling a child like that"

Suddenly the bad guys came in, they looked excited then all the grandparents made the same look as they gathered around princess.

"Hey princess to you know what day it is?" Wolf asked.

She pretended to think, "it's me and snake's birthday"

"There you go" wolf says and everyone claps.

"Now for your birthday we got you something" They hand her a Wonka bar which her smile dropped.

"A Wonka Whipple-scrumptious fudgemallow delight! I think I'd better wait until morning"

"Nonsense darling" grandpa wolf says.


"If you add our ages together, we're three hundred and eighty-one years old. We don't wait!"

"Pop it honey" says grandma shark.

"Charlie, you mustn't be too disappointed if you don't get one" wolf says,

"Whatever happens, you'll still have the candy" snake says.

"Fingers crossed everyone" princess opens the bar- no golden ticket.

"Ah, well. That's that" says grandpa snake.

"We'll share it" princess says.

"Oh, no, princess. Not your birthday present" says grandpa wolf.

"It's snake's birthday too, and unlike that girl I'm not a spoiled brat"

She breaks it into pieces and shares it out. Everyone eats their piece slowly, savoring it.

The next day princess came in with a newspaper, "someone found the third ticket"

"Alright, let's see who found it!" Says grandpa wolf

"The third ticket was found by Miss Violet Beauregarde." Wolf says.

The Newsman enters with Mr. and Mrs. Beauregarde and their daughter, Violet, a compulsive gum-chewer. Violet holds the ticket, and Mrs. Beauregarde holds an armful of trophies.

Cut to the Beauregarde house where news reporters are taking pictures of Violet with her mother.

"This just in! The third Golden Ticket has been found!"

"These are just a few of the two hundred and sixty-three trophies and medals my Violet has won"

"I'm a gum chewer mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things, I laid off the gum, switched to candy bars"

"She's just a driven young woman. I don't know where she gets it"

"I'm the junior world champion gum chewer. This piece of gum I'm working on right now, I've been chewing on for three months solid. That's a record"

"Of course, I did have my share of trophies. Mostly baton"

"So this one kid's gonna get a special prize? Better than all the rest? I don't care who the other four are. That kid- it's gonna be me"

"Tell them why, Violet"

"Because I'm a winner"

"What a beastly girl!" Grandma shark says.

"Despicable!" Says grandma piranha

"Nag nag nag" grandpa snake mocks annoyingly at the girl.

"But wait, this is just in. The fourth Golden Ticket has been found by a boy named Mike Teevee"

Cut to a house in Denver Colorado. Mike sits in front of a TV with his parents standing next to him. He has a joystick and a game console. He plays a violent-sounding game, judging by the shotgun and ricochet sound effects.

"All you had to do was check the manufacturing dates, offset by weather, and the derivative of the Nikkei index. A retard could figure it out"

"Most of the time, I don't know what he's talking about. You know, kids these days with all the technology..."

"Die! Die! Die!"

"Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long"

"In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar"

"And how did it taste?"

"I dunno, I hate chocolate"

"Well, it's a good thing you're going to a chocolate factory, you ungrateful little bast-" grandpa snake was complaining.

But before he could cuss in front of princess everyone panicked.

"DAD!" Snake shouts.

"Whoa" wolf ran but then his dad covers princess ears.

"I hit her son don't worry"

He slams her hands over princess ears after he was done princess called her good friend chicken little for comfort.

"Hey" she says.

"Hey how you holding up"

"I'm doing ok can you believe who the winners are today"

"Yeah I know it's crazy and they don't even deserve it, I think you might have a chance of winning this then those kids"

"Oh if only that were so"

"Come on don't say that I know you are the luckiest girl ever you just don't know it yet"

"It's good to see someone has faith in me, my family seems to think I have a shot of this as anyone"

Later that evening, she heads downstairs when she hears her grandfather John wolf calling for her.


She enters, and he takes something out from his wallet.

"What is it grandpa?"

"My secret hoard. You and I are going to have one more fling at finding the last ticket" he hands her a 20$

"No, Are you sure you want to spend your money on that, Grandpa?"

"Of course I'm sure. If I'm going to spend money on anything it would be on you, Here. Run down to the nearest store, and buy the first Wonka candy bar you see. Bring it straight back and we'll open it together. Ok"

"Ok grandpa" she ran.

"Such a good girl he is..." he falls asleep. Blackout. The lights come back up on princess standing next to him.

"Grandpa-" he wakes up startled by her.

"Have you got it?" Princess gives him the candy bar.

"Which end should we open first?"

"Just do it quick, like a Band-Aid" they both open it together the candy bar but no ticket.

Both were disappointed but princess tries smiling for him.

"It's alright grandpa it doesn't even matter, do you want to share it"

"Sure darling"

Upstairs wolf watched, he feels bad knowing princess will never get a chance to see the factory so he gets an idea.

He goes to his office takes out a pen and paper and writes a letter to Willy again.

Dear Willy I know it's been awhile but a lot has changed recently but I'll kept it short and simple the guys and I have now changed we are good guys now and we have a daughter her name is princess chesterfield, we saved from her her heartless father who tried to hurt her she doesn't have much friends but she is a sweet as your candy bars it would really mean a lot if you let her see your factory I know you would love to meet her, hope to touch in you soon your friend- mr wolf

The letter gets sent to Willy's mail slot he opens the letter and after reading it he smiles.

In the dead of dead of night, Willy arrives at their house and he places  One Wonka Whipple-scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight bar on their doorstep then he disappears.

The next morning, wolf was reading the paper.

"Did you see that some kid in Russia found the last golden ticket?" He asked snake,

"Yes, it was in the paper this morning"

"Nah some people were Forging a ticket" John wolf says.

"Come on. The nerve of some people" grandpa snake says.

Then princess comes inside holding the mysterious wonka bar looking at it.

"Oh wolf someone left a wonka bar for us"

"Really who's it from" wolf asked as everyone was curious and suspicious about it.

"Don't know but it came with a letter" she takes a letter off from the back and hands it to wolf.

Both wolf and princess open the candy bar and the letter at the same time.

Wolf was surprised to see it was from wonka who finally responded back after so many years and princess was shocked to see she hit the last golden ticket.

"It's the ticket, I won the golden ticket" she shouts.

"What?" Everyone was shocked as they gathered to see the golden ticket each holding it.

"Yippeee!!!" John wolf cheers.

He jumps out of bed and starts to dance with joy. The family were celebrating too.

"Here! Read it aloud! Let's hear exactly what it says"

"Greetings old friend, I got your letter and as the lucky finder of this golden ticket from Mr. Willy Wonka. I shake you warmly by the hand, for now, I do invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day!" The other kids appear reading their tickets.

"I will conduct you around the factory myself, showing you everything there is to see"

"Afterwards, when it is time to leave, you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks, each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat"

"And remember, one of you lucky winners will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination. Now, here are your instructions"

"On the first of February you must come to the factory gates at 10 AM sharp. You are allowed to bring one member of your family to look after you. Until then, Willy Wonka"

"But for you old friend I will make an acceptation, I want to make this tour extra special for your child, she can be accompanied with two parents and can bring whatever friends she chooses, for old time sake, I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon and meet your daughter for the first time, with best wishes your old friend Willy Wonka, The first of February... that's tomorrow!" Wolf says.

"Then we've not a moment to lose! Come on, princess! Wash your face, brush your fur, blow your nose, clean your teeth-" John wolf says.

"Get that mud off your shoes" grandpa snake says.

"Now we must all try and keep very calm. First, we have to decide who will go with princess to the factory"

Everyone raised their hands all volunteering but princess gets an idea.

"I want you to come with me wolf"

"What?" He was surprised.

"You know the factory better then anyone else and it'll be good for you to finally see your friend again"

Wolf was going to decline when he sees everyone couraging him to go.

"Go on son" his dad says.

"Go ahead wolf you and Willy always had a special bond together you should go" snake says.

"I'll call Diane to see if she can tag along, princess it says you can bring friend"

"Well I know exactly who to bring"

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