fun factory

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Wolf continues to explore Moreau's nest and find a diary.

In a chest nearby wolf finds an old revolver M1851 Wolfsbane.

It can kill a large beast with just two shots in the head. He returns to the village. Heisenberg placed arrows to help wolf get to the cemetery.

Something's not right here... wolf decides to replenish his ammo supply.

He returns back to the duke, he was looking at a jar with Cadou.

" apologies. Please do take a look at my new stock. This is Lord Moreau's? I suppose it's what they call "the beauty of the grotesque"? These hands are more dexterous than one might think. Hmm? What? Ah, it's fine. All finished. Securing goods is more important than anything. Anything, my friend. I can hardly wait for the next ingredients! Ah, yes, yes... I saw you eyeing that one! To hunger... is to be alive. Thank you for your patronage!"

Having bought everything he needs and eaten well, wolf continues to follow the arrows. On one of them, the last one, written "Good luck!"

When wolf enters the old workshop he is attacked by a huge monster with an axe.

"Ah" The battle is going to be fierce.

Wolf tries to stay away from the monster and pelt him with bombs and uses a sniper rifle.

After defeating the monster, wolf gets the Giant Crystal Axe. In the next room, a butchery.

Once out of the tunnels, wolf walks to the statues of the kings on the throne, and from there to the raised bridge in the half-destroyed castle. Wolf uses the found crank and lowers the bridge. He gets on a boat and sails to the caves.

"Where's He Hidin'?"

In the caves, wolf stumbles upon military equipment again. He reads the notes on the laptop.

After slogging through the roots and the zombies chasing him, wolf makes his way to the surface and sees a huge sign in the main square. The sign reads, "The show must go on!" Wolf sighs and follows it. He wanders through forests and caves and soon comes to a dilapidated castle. A lowered iron gate stands in his way.

"How do I get this door open?"

After destroying several Lycans, wolf pulls the levers on either side of the gate and lowers it. Ethan continues on his way and soon finds a stronghold with massive wooden doors.

"This must be their den"

Wolf makes his way to the top of the stronghold. He encounters a beefy Lycan.

"OK, big guy!"

He kills it, sneaks through a narrow passageway where through holes in the stone wall he can see Lycans devouring corpses and finds the diary.


Soon a huge Lycan with a hammer jumps on him.

"Ah...well That's not good"

Wolf fight the Lycan then efeats the Lycan.

"Eat shit"

Wolf goes further and finds another TV set. The symbol of the House of Heisenberg appears on the screen. Near the TV stands... Torso Flask. Ethan touches it and sees a vision. In it, his granddaughter is surrounded by the local Lords, who look at her and smile. Celeste is crying.


"You're the real deal, mr. Wolf. Well done"

"Quit hiding, asshole. I'm not letting you get out of this"

" Cool your jets. Just a little bit more and you're all wrapped up. I'll lend you a hand, so in exchange..."

"In exchange what?"

"First of all, come to me. Put all the flasks in the Altar, and I'm sure you'll figure the rest out. See you, mr. Wolf"

"Circus freak"

He leaves the fortress by boat through the flooded basement. The basement is appears to be another laboratory. Wolf finds a note.

Wolf returns to the Altar. He places the field jar with part of his granddaughter on a coaster and carries the coaster to the Ceremonial Site, where he scatters in the center of the stone hatch. The hatch begins to descend, and a giant bridge to the castle rises out of the water. Ethan goes down on an elevator, the key to which are his granddaughter's parts.

"Don't worry about the kitty, wolfie. It'll be fine. Just get your ass across the bridge!"

wolf crosses to the other side of the bridge. Not far away, behind a barbed-wire fence is a large factory.

"Ah, mr. Wolf. Welcome. I didn't think you'd make it past Donna or Moreau, but I suppose you survived worse back in America, hm?"

The factory gates creak open in front of wolf.

"I like you. I'd like to speak to you about Celeste and Miranda. Oh come on in. Don't worry, it's not a trap."

Forgetting that communication with Heisenberg is done unilaterally, wolf asks a question.

"What're you planning?"

And of course no one answers him. Wolf enters the factory. Down in the basement he finds a certain wall covered with an old rag. When he removes the rag, he sees that the wall is covered with many pictures of the inhabitants of this cursed village.

"What the hell..?",

Among the photographs he unexpectedly discovers a photo of Diane and Celeste.


Heisenberg silently approaches him, "Truth hurts, don't it?"

Wolf turns around in fear, pointing his gun at him.

Heisenberg calmly smoking a cigar, "Let me guess. You're thinking take me out like the others, and then you get to go and save Celeste, right?"

Wolf puts his gun down for some reason, "I'm healing my granddaughter and saving my daughter...GIVE HER BACK PSYCHO"

"Look. y-you've got this all wrong—"

There is the sound of a chainsaw coming from the cellar.

"Dammit, I'm talking here!" opens a hatch, "Shut your fucking hole!....Sorry about that"

He puts a chair next to the open hatch, "Take a seat"

Only a brain-dead idiot would sit in a chair placed like this, but our hero is not looking for easy ways.

"Listen, Ethan. You're being played"

"What are you talking about? You think this is a game?"

Heisenberg throws a knife at the wall and forces wolf into the chair.

"I said sit! Lady super-sized bitch..." he throws a knife in the photo with his powers.

"Ugly-ass psycho doll... " throws the knife.

"...and that moronic freak. Don't you get it? It's a test, to see if you're strong enough... be part of Miranda's family"

" don't WANT to be part of Miranda's family—"

"Neither did I! But here we are. And I'm next in line, right? Kill me, move up the chain! Well, fuck that!"

"I don't give a damn about your personal issues! I just want to fix my granddaughter! And get my family back"

Heisenberg laughs "So do I! Do you have any idea how powerful that kid is? Even Miranda's scared of her—"

The chainsaw noises are heard again, "Last time, you freak, I swear to god... You and me, mr. Wolf. Together we go save Celeste, and then we can use her to grind Miranda into paste"

"My granddaughter is not a weapon! Fuck you!"

Heisenberg knocks a chair out from under wolf and holds his hand over the hatch.

"Last chance. You don't want to find out what's in that hole"

"I'll take my chances"

"Your funeral"

He lets Ethan go and he falls into the basement with some freak with a chainsaw, He turns out to be a big man with a propeller on his chest.

"Dammit!" He shots at the freak, "Shit!" He runs for his life.

"A dead end! Dammit!" He jumps into a garbage hatch and falls into a scrapyard.

"What was that thing? This place is messed up. I've gotta get upstairs"

Wolf without much surprise, discovers the Duke's store at the scrapyard.

"Welcome, welcome! You're sure to find something new. Shall I choose something for you? Hoho - you've brought in something special. You'll be slaughtering things in droves! Till next we meet"

Wolf continues to explore the factory, fighting Lycans and zombies. In the old workshop, he finds a document.

"Did he do this too? Can't surprise me anymore"

Wolf fights this Soldat and picks up a cog.

"Could use this"

He fixes the backup generator with this cog. The factory comes to life. The conveyor begins to move. A siren sounds from everywhere. Heisenberg's voice is heard from the loudspeaker.

"Oh wolf, such a disappointment" A Soldat attacks him. Heisenberg continues.

"I thought we could join forces against that bitch Miranda. Truly, truly disappointing. She took me. Took us. To be her children. She locked us away in the village. Decades of being forced to serve her. Can you even understand that humiliation? I'm not like my siblings. I want nothing more than to be free of that bitch. So I need power. I need enough power to destroy her. These are the fruits of my power. The strong will destroy the weak. That's the way of the world! You should have never refused me, wolf"

"What a freak"

He continues through the factory fighting Soldats and finds a recorder in a surgery.

" Medical log, revitalization surgery. This is my... 18th attempt. Subject is Oskar the stable boy, 20 years old. He fell down the well while drunk. Body's in good condition. Chest incision complete. Now to remove the heart and vital organs, and implant the control device. Excellent. Cadou has begun adhering to the nervous system, It's progressing even faster than before. It seems upping the ratio, of meta-albumin in the artificial blood was the right choice. Now to pass a current through the brain stem using 6600V. Come on... it has to work this time. Yes... Yes! Hahaha! Wonderful! My creation! At last! I'll get that bitch yet! Hahaha!" Ending recording.

Wolf continues and stumbles upon back with the freak with a propeller in his chest.

"You again!?"

He runs for his life and eventually finds yet another Duke's shop.

"I've expanded my services. Please, come take a look. You wish to make a purchase? I'm buying this because of our relationship, you know. Food is life. Good day, then! Got a long way to go" Eating his full wolf continues.

"Miranda thinks we're nothing but children. Oh she doesn't care for us, no. She's long lost all her humanity. I must destroy her..."

"I don't give a shit about your family drama"

"You wouldn't understand what's it like to deal with family"

"Actually...I do"

He encounters some freaks vaguely resembling Big Daddies.

"Another one?"

He kills them both and finds a note nearby.

When Ethan walks out into the long corridor he gets sucked in by a powerful fan. Wolf barely has time to blow into the fan to turn it off, but the sudden stop causes one of the blades to come off and nearly cut off wolf's head.

"AH...Shit, that was close"

Wolf goes inside the broken fan and soon finds an elevator.

" Soon, she'll start her ceremony with your star Celesta.... If that happens, it's all over. For your grandkid, and for the whole village. But don't worry, I'll stop it. I'll use Celeste to kill Miranda. Haha, poor papa. You're the only one who doesn't see your grandkid's power"

"Take celeste? Heh, I'd like to see you try"

Wolf goes down in a huge freight elevator with The Duke and continues to rip and tear in the corridors of the factory.

"You really are a tough one. But I'm tired of chit-chat. Time to die! You can hear it, can't you? Someone's waiting for you" wolf finds a document.

Wolf fights one on one with the propeller guy...thing.

"I don't have time for this bullshit. Out of my way!" and he kills him.

"Now stay down"

After a while, wolf finds himself in a room with all sorts of shit flying, which he has to fight off. Heisenberg uses the debris as a stepping stone and goes down to wolf.

"What the-?"

"Not bad, not bad, lobo. You're persistent, but I've got a rebellion to lead... ...So stay out of my way"

Wolf tries to shoot Heisenberg with little to no effect. Heisenberg transforms into a huge pile of crap, resembling Knack.

"Don't. Come. Back!" He pushes wolf to the lover levels of the factory.

"That bastard. Damnit, again?"

Wolf searches the surroundings to find the way to the top. Soon he meets Chris who easily disarms our hero.

"Gimme that"

He gives wolf a few therapeutic kicks, "I told you to leave it alone, wolf. You are in the way"

He Disassembles wolf's gun and throws it away.

"What do you care, Chris? You killed my Diane and my daughter, you son of a bitch!"

"You think I'd kill diane?"

"And who was that that was princess"

"That wasn't Diane! It was Miranda and that thing that played was a Siberian white saber tooth tiger"


Wolf turns the light on revealing a small tank next to him.

"She's a bioweapon. She changed her appearance and pretended to be Diane the same goes with her pet tiger, It seems she also survived being shot and her cat is still out there, so now I'm here to finish the job"

"Bullshit! Why didn't you fucking tell me right away!?"

"Because I knew you would want to be involved! And this job is hard enough without civilians getting in the way"

"Why us, Chris? What the hell is going on? And where are my friends"

"All right, Ethan. All right. I guess I owe you an explanation. Hand me that wrench. Long story short, Miranda's fucking insane. And this village, all these monsters and freaks... this is her life's work. Some sort of crazy experiment with the mold"

"The mold. Like Louisiana. Goddammit. All this time, I thought I could save my family... I can't escape from here... I can't do anything!"

"That might not be true. Take a look at this. My men sent those pictures a few minutes ago"

He sees a blurry picture on his smartphone, "Miranda" wolf growled.

"Keep looking"

He notices the Flasks, "Celeste...Holy shit, we've gotta go!"

"Relax! My men are monitoring the situation"

"But they have my granddaughter!"

"You don't get it, wolf. You don't stand a chance against Miranda by yourself...not without your team...Diane and princess"

He destroys the door with a shot from the tank.

"I will stay down here and finish planting explosives. You take that elevator, and I'll meet you topside. I promise you, we will get your granddaughter back. Together"

"Damn straight we will. And when I find Miranda..." he reloads, "she's a dead woman"

"All right, Ethan. Then you take this—and do me a favor... Try to stay under the radar"

"Can't turn back now"

"Oh and as for your friends...they're save with me helping planting the explosives with princess and Diane"

"How did you find her" wolf asked.

"Because....I was the one that took her from the doll factory"

"Wolf was shocked...he thought maybe one of Miranda's children or possibly her would've kidnapped princess but out of all of them...Chris?.

"What? Why?"

"I'll explain later but now...we got to go"

Wolf climbs onto the tank and knocks on the cladding.

"Metal/polymer composite, huh? Time to fight fire with fire!" He gets in the cockpit and starts driving.

"I'm coming Celeste!"

He rides with the tank in a huge freight elevator to the top and kicks the door open with a shot. Heisenberg jumps out to him in his Knack uniform.

"You're like a goddamn cockroach! You think you can take me on?" Wolf shoots at him with the machine guns.

"Fine, this will be my warm-up before I kill that bitch. Let's settle this, mano a mano. Your corpse will be another addition to my army! This is the best! That one hurt! I promise! Haha! So this is the power of fatherly love, huh? Like that cannon huh? Impressed. Cower in the face of my steel glory! Guess I do have to thank that bitch Miranda for this. I'll kill her with the power she gave me. That's what I call being a good son, haha! Do you know how I felt spending years under the bitch's thumb? The villagers are nothing but a bunch of worthless peons! I'm goddamn freedom fighter! I'll use your cute little granddaughter to become more powerful than ever! The clock is ticking mr. Wolf! Play time's over! Quit acting so full of yourself! I'm tired of your shit!"

He almost kills wolf with his chainsaw, but then he notices an explosion in the factory.

" No, no! My metal army! I'm going to murder that boulder-punching asshole, but you're first. Now die like the world's watching you! Too bad I'm your only fan! Here we go wolf, the final stretch! Well what do you think? It's hopeless, right? Just give up. Flesh and blood will never win against me! This isn't David and Goliath. It's mr. Wolf and a bloody demise, haha! Come on!"

He uses his powers to pull his shit together and wolf with it.

"So long, moe wolf! You really should have taken my deal. You'll meet Celeste in the afterlife! Celeste's power is mine! Right after I murder Miranda! Your funeral!" Wolf takes one last shot at Heisenberg.

"No, no! This can't be the end for me! I... must... kill her!" He dies and wolf takes a Crystal Heisenberg.

Then Chris calls him, "wolf!? I heard explosions. What the hell happened?"

"I dealt with Heisenberg. Now I'm going to find Miranda and get celeste back"

"Not without me. It's too dangerous. Wait there, you hear me? Wolf?" Wolf hears a baby.


"Ethan? Ethan, respond!"He hears him talking to someone.

"He's not I don't know why princess"

"Wait...did you say she there...let me talk to her, put her on the phone"

But then he noticed his wife, "Diane..." but!?

"Our granddaughter... she's so important, isn't she?"

"She's everything to me and princess"

"And mine to me. With Heisenberg gone, you've lost your lead. What are you going to do?"

He gets suspicious and takes an aim to an imposter of Diane.

"I don't know, but I'm saving celeste"

"You never know, do you? Even when I took Diane's place in your home and my pet as your daughter. Poor mr. Big bad wolf"

He growls as he forcefully grabs her shoulders , "Who are you? Where's celeste!?"

Fake Diane laughs and covers herself with black feathers. Wolf start shooting.


"Enough. Remember Eveline and her power over the mold? Celeste is her successor. No... Celeste is Eveline's true, complete form. She infected your daughter and when she gave birth and she left with that lion and that fox Diane we took her place, She will grow to fully control the masses. And I must have her"

"Fuck you, you crazy bitch!"

"Calm yourself. Celeste will be saved. The Megamycete catalogs all of us. However, she will be reborn as my daughter"

"She's my grandchild! Not yours! Where are you? Show yourself!"

Miranda transforms into the old woman with a staff.

"Why did celeste come to be? Was it because of her mother...a young child with an extraordinary power experiment on by her very own flesh and blood? And you are truly a special case. But I've learned all I can from you. Your worth as a lab rat has run out"

"Miranda, you coward! Come out and face me!"

Miranda knocks wolf out, Don't worry, mr. Wolf. Your death will come quick. You will join the Megamycete's records...I will make sure to sample your blood for later. Once dawn breaks the ceremony will be complete, and I will become her true mother. Bound for eternity in blood"

Wolflies on the ground...lying unconsciously.

"I've waited so long. But dreams really can come true. Vessel or not, I can't wait to see my true child again" She flies away.

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