Mommy Issues

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As soon as wolf goes inside he is attacked by a huge beast.

"AH" as It snarls at him, it bites his arm and tears him with its claws.

Wolf screams in pain. As he manages to shoot at it, he runs into a nearby house.

The beast can't get through the doorway and wolf shoots it in the head with his gun.

After sustaining some damage, the monster retreats. Wolf searches the house and finds a note on a corpse... it's Julian.

"What the.."

The wounds are severe. I won't last much longer.

After some more exploring wolf finds an interesting thing that can help him talk to the beast - a GM 79 Grenade Launcher. Wolf comes out of his hiding place to start a conversation.

It took him six rounds to explain to the monster his wrong position in this world.

"Sorry freak...but I'm not on the menu"

A little way forward, wolf stumbles upon a slimy barrier.

He walks on, finds an elevator, and goes down into the mines.

After wandering around the old mine, wolf is surprised to see the Flask with part of his Celeste's body on a pedestal.

He quietly sneaks over and grabs it. Moreau standing nearby and doesn't notice anything.

After wolf takes the Arms Flask, the pedestal lowers and the creature... vomits.

"Oh, Mother Miranda... If it's for you, I'd do anything!"

"Sorry...but I'll just be taking this..."

Moreau was frightened, "Wait, wait,wait! Wh-What are you doing with Mother's special child!?"

"She's not hers"

"Oh? You have something to say?"

"What do you mean, "Mother's special child"?"

"Mother wants her baby back"

"Well tell her to find some other child!"

"Wait, wait, wait! Please, please! If, if you take it, then the others will laugh at me... B-But if, if I do better than them..."

"What the hell do I care?"

"Wait, just a little longer, ple—!" But then He starts laughing suddenly.

"What's so funny?"

"You're stupid! You talk too much! It's all over, I plugged the way in"

"Wh-What're you...?"

The way wolf sneaks to the Flask is growing with slime.

"This is MY territory! And I won't let you leave!"

"Shit! Damn freak!" Wolf runs from the slime.

" W-Wait! Don't go! Dirty little sneak thief. I-I won't let you have it."

"How do I get out of here?"

He begins to search for a way out in the tangled tunnels of the mines. After fighting several Lycans, he finds a way out as well as a Boat Key and gets out of the mines in the area of the mill.

With a heavy heart, wolf starts the boat's engine and gets in.

After sailing a bit, wolf sees the giant fish, "What was that?"

He moors at a small dock in a cave and goes on his way. The cave turns out to be damp and dark and empty, however... wolf finds a lot of equipment there.

"What the hell? A research post, or something...? What the fuck are they doing here?"

Someone pounces on wolf from behind! He manages to throw his attacker off, but he pulls out a gun.

"Get off of me!"

"Stay the fuck down!"

Then he sees Christ, "wolfie. I gotta say, I'm surprised you made it this far. It'd be a shame if something happened to you now"

"Sure, Chris. Why not? You killed Diane! Then my daughter! Now do me and finish the job!"

"Hey Cap. I'm getting some serious motion readings out here. We should move on"

"What kind of readings? What's moving?"

"Unknown, but my guess is we've been here too long, and Miranda knows it"

"Whoa. Hey. Hey! Did you say Miranda? How are you involved?"

"Leave it alone, wolf. You are out of your depth...What about the sample analysis?"

"It's definitely related to the mold"

Something is making noise outside and Soldier 2 walks out to check on it.

"You stay out of our business, wolf"

"What business? I don't—"

The giant toad jumps to the party! It burst in the dock!.

Chris pushes wolf aside, "Watch out!"

The giant toad breaks through the flimsy floor of the dock and wolf falls into the water, though he quickly manages to surface on a nearby wooden planking. The deformed creature named Moreau comes up with him as he coughs out the water that was in his lungs.

"Shit! Stay back!"

"You... The exit's underwater... you're done!"

"I don't have time for this."

"It's too late... Miranda is already preparing the ceremony!"

"So Miranda sent you to slow me down? You're pathetic"

"Don't be cruel! It's not fair! I should be with her! Not you!"

"What are you talking about?" The then creature vomits.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

" can't hold it in anymore! Oh God. Oh, Mother why? Why!?"

He falls into the water and turns into the giant toad. Wolf pretty easily runs away from it.

"What am I supposed to do? He said the exit's underwater. If I can drain the water...but how?"

He pulls the lever that should open the flood gate.

"Shit, there's no power"

wolf is running around the dam trying to find the way to restore the power. He finds a note in an old car.

Wolf walks out to some kind of mechanism that starts the mill's blades. He twists the crank, but it breaks off.

"Ugh, seriously...?"

He has to go down to the flooded part of the village. As wolf walks across a handmade bridge, the transformed Moreau tries to grab him.

"I'm not looking to be fish food."

"Up and down!"

Wolf pushes the cart to drop it on Moreau's head, but misses.


To raise the bridge he has to lower the switch... which is covered in slime.

"It stinks"

After playing with bridges that barely work because of the water, wolf manages to get to the far side of the flooded village. He is continually attacked by Moreau.

"I'm the best! Watch me, Mama! I'll do better next time, Momma..."

wolf was weirded out by him, then he uses a crane to lift a sunken house.

"Caught myself a big one"

When he climbs into it, the escape routes overgrow with slime. Moreau approaches.

"I need to get out of here!"

Wolf manages to get to the second mill. He climbs to the top and twists the crank to start the blades, then climbs on them and slides down the zip-line to the first mill. With a new crank he starts the first mill. Electricity comes back on the wires.


He happily runs to the dam control panel, solving a puzzle and floods the water.

"Got it!" He walks to the Duke's shop which is nearby.

The duke was caught reading a book, "Ah, yes, yes... As always, a trustworthy, fair exchange"

Wolf enjoys freshly cooked food as well as weapon upgrades.

"Finished! I'd love for you to enjoy, as well. I wouldn't mind having that again. I've gotten some new stock! I saw you eyeing that one! Have a wonderful adventure!"

Wolf returns to Moreau, he was crawling, "My precious water! No!"

wolf follows his slimy friend and starts exploring a once drowned village. He finds a diary.

Wolf comes out of the house and is attacked by Moro, who breaks through the walls of the houses.

" I'll make you proud, Mother. Watch me!"

" I guess I gotta do this" He fights Moreau.

"Get out of my way! Take, take this! Stop! You bastard! Why do you hate me? You're the reason Mother doesn't love me....I've, I've been saving this one. Oh, why? Stop picking on me! Don't look at me that way! Please Mother Miranda, I'm trying. I'm not stupid! D-Don't run. Ugh...this... isn't fair... Listen to me! Nooooo!"

Moreau drops live wires into the remaining water. Wolf sees this and hides where there is no water.

"Can't get caught in that...."

"Stop! Ha ha! I don't want to die. Oh it hurts so much. Don't look at me that way!"

Finally wolf soaked enough bullets in Moreaus's fat body to defeat him.

"Damn you! H-Help me! Mother! Maaaaaaaaaaaa—!"

He puffs up and explodes, splattering blood and guts all around him, including wolf.

" gross" wolf whined as he was covered in Moreau from his feet to shoulders, he tries shaking the gut and blood off.

Rummaging through the vile remains, wolf finds Crystal Moreau.

"In death as he was in life. Disgusting. The exit's up ahead..."

He enters the mine where, apparently, Moreau lived and finds a diary.

Wolf finds another piece of key and gets the Six-Winged Unborn Key. At this point, the TV turns on. A symbol appears on the screen - a horse in a horseshoe. This is the symbol of the House Heisenberg.

"You're better off than I thought"

"Who's that?"

"Oh come on, we just met a while back! Not that it has a matters..."

"You're the last asshole in my way, aren't you? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAUGHTER" he yelled.

"Whoa whoa...relax I haven't done anything to Celeste yet"

"I didn't say my granddaughter...I said my daughter princess...WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER"

he assumed Heisenberg kidnapped princess.

"Who ok stop right there...I didn't see you daughter nor do I have her or ran into her, I don't know where she is...You've got fight, I'll give you that, mr. Wolf. But what's the plan when you have all four flasks?"

"What're you trying to get at?"

"I could lend you a hand"

"Trying to get on my good side?"

"Don't get cocky. I'd kill you if you weren't worth the trouble... There's a stronghold not too far outside the village. Go there and get my flask. Do that, and you pass. First, head back to the graveyard"

"Self-centered prick...but wait if you don't have my daughter...then who does?"

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