Playing with Dolls

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Wolf gets through the woods with a gun at the ready.

He was still surprised to hear that princess is alive.

"Princess is alive...but how? I saw her get shot"

Then he sees There are dolls hanging from the trees, and bloodstains on the snow. After a while, wolf hears the familiar voice running.

"What?" And out of the fog he sees a women running, he runs his gun out...

But before he could react, he sees the women was princess crashing into him, they fall on the floor together.



They both shocked and Tyne they hugged.

"What's going on?"

"It's so go to see you"

"What happened to you"

"I don't know how I got here, hoes Diane, is Celeste ok"

"Sort of"

He explains to her about the flask and mother Miranda.

As they continue walking down a narrow alley that resembles a path in a cemetery, princess stared crying she was trembling, the thought of her daughter's pieces scattered everywhere, she fell on her knees she broke down.

"Hey hey" wolf bends down grabbing her shoulders and helping her up, "it's ok it's going to be ok, we can still save her"


"I don't know but I do know we need to collect all her pieces"

" we have to fix her..."

"Don't worry baby...we'll get her back...I promise"

They walks out onto a beach with a tombstone in the center. The place they wandered into actually turns out to be a cemetery. There is an inscription on the tombstone.

"—a Beneviento
1987 - 1996"

"What is this place wolf" princess asked and wolf looks at her confused.

"What? you don't know what this place is either"

"No...I woke up found myself in this strange castle then I was defending myself against these werewolf like creatures then i found you"

He and princess approaches the tomb near the tombstone. There is an inscription next to it.

"Give up your memories."

Wolf sticks a family photo in the hole and the door opens.

"What's going on?" Princess asked.

"I'm wondering the same thing"

Thru goes inside and sees the elevator. They gets on it and goes up several floors. Suddenly the lights go out and a handwriting appears next to the button.

"Come with me, wolf"

They gets off the elevator and leaves the tomb. Walking up the mountain path they sees a large mansion....

They begins to explore the massive mansion with his gun at the ready. The mansion turns out to be empty. Wolf finds an elevator and decides to use it.

"Come on in here" he whispered to princess.

In the basement they finds a doll making workshop. In the center of the workshop, a doll sits on a chair holding the Flask with part of Celeste in it. When he approaches the doll, the lights go off and the doll disappears just as princess was about to grab it.


"Oh I've been waiting for so long... I'd make a much better daughter and granddaughter than Celeste. Please won't you stay with me forever?" The creepy doll laughs.

"What was that" princess asked as she started to panic.


The light turns on again.

"Wait, where's my gun?"

"My weapons are gone too"

and there is now a combination lock on the door. Wolf notices a human size doll on the table. He examines it and finds a Silver Key.

"Wolf! What are you doing"

He continues to examine the doll. He finds a Winding Key and then a Blood Covered Ring.

"A key"

He uses the Silver Key to unlock the door with a huge picture of this key. In the room, he washes the ring open and discovers...

"Wolf...what is it"

"It's an exact copy of Diane's wedding ring"

"What" she was surprised.

And On the inside of the ring there is an inscription 052911.

"That I think that the date of our wedding, could enters the combination into the code lock"

Continuing to explore the house, wolf finds the very same music box that was kept in his home.

"Is that-"

"Yes...the same music box snake gave you on your birthday"

"But Why is this here?"

"I was wondering the same thing"

he uses the Winding Key and fixes the music sequence, something came behind princess and kidnapped her, pulling her body in the darkness as he mouth was being covered so she wouldn't cry for help.

"Huh...that's weird...I wonder these are for, huh princess...princess" he turns around and finds her gone.

"Ugh not again" he gets angry but remains calm.

He uses the Tweezers to pull out something that was stuck in the doll's mouth. It's a piece of film.

Wolf uses the film to fix the sequence of film on a stand in the study according to this list.

Our Happy Family
1. Celeste's best friend in the whole wide world.
2. She really likes this fairytale.
3. The most important thing in the world to us.
4. A wedding gift from grandma.
5. Proof of Ethan's everlasting love for me.

Wolf watches the resulting film on the projector... and it turns out to be something else.

He sees a well with a ladder in some catacombs. After the film is finished, the screen falls down, the cabinet slides away, and there is a door behind it.

The room turns out to be a storehouse of dolls. There are scissors in the hands of one of them.

Wolf takes them and cuts through the bloody bandages blocking the way.

"Don't worry princess...I'll get our Celeste back, i won't let you down...again"

He gets to another part of the house where he sees the phone not working.

Wolf walks by and the phone starts ringing. Wolf picks up the phone.

"Wolf, listen to me. I didn't want to keep it from you"


"I didn't want to get princess involved again—I didn't want to destroy this family"

"Diane, what are you talking about?"

"Im sorry...I had to. I had to do it"

She hangs up. Wolf goes back to the doll and cuts the bandages on her chest. Underneath them he finds Brass Medallion. The lights flicker.

Wolf goes to the door with the puzzle lock and inserts the Medallion. After solving the puzzle, he opens the door and goes down into the creepy old basement where he finds the well with the stairs. He goes downstairs and finds the Breaker Box Key among the broken dolls. Wolf goes upstairs... there are no lights in the whole house...As he walks, a child's crying comes from somewhere... he notices traces of blood on the floor.


He follows the blood. Soon he encounters... with a huge deformed baby crawling down the hallway.

Wolf is terrified and runs away from it and hides in a locker. After a few eerie minutes, the baby crawls away. Wolf quietly walks to the elevator and opens the breaker box. He finds Relief of a Child... but there's no fuses! He goes to the room with the mother and the baby on the door.

He inserts the found image of the child and the door opens. There he finds fuses, but after taking them out the light goes out again. The baby begins to haunt wolf. The gleefully laughing ugly creature with its giant, tearing-like mouth causes wolf to panic and he hides under the bed.

When the creature leaves he runs to the elevator. The child chases him, but wolf manages to get inside at the last moment and slams the grate shut right in front of the ugly monster, who has no choice but to threaten wolf with his big mouth.

Wolf returns to the house. He notices that there are a lot of dolls around. When he goes out into the living room, it is filled with dolls. A woman in black teleports to Wolf.

"Don't leave... I can't let you..." She controls the Doll.

"Ooh, you're still alive, huh?"

The dolls in the room attack wolf.

"You better find me quick, before my friends murder you! Tick-tock! Your life's on the line!"

"Wait!" He runs after the Doll.

"Try and find me, haha!"

"Hey get back here you little freak"

wolf finds the Doll. She bites his arm, "AH" then wolf tries to pick her up.

"Everything would be better if Celeste or princess wasn't born"

"SHUT little Fucking monster!"

He sticks a pair of scissors into the doll's head. Blood gushes out of it. She madly laughs and flies away.

Wolf finds the Doll the second time and sticks his scissors in her again. The Doll screams in agony.

"You do this to princess too?" She flies away but wolf quickly finds her.

"You are never going to get out of here!"

Her face splits, exposing her brain and the worms inside. She laughs madly, and wolf stabs the scissors into her again.

"Stupid idiot! What are you doing to my cute friends!?"

"Where is princess....WHERE ARE YOU KEEPING HERE"

The doll laughs, "she's already gone...I don't have her"

Angrily wolf delivers the final blow to the Doll right in the brain. The Doll screams and the screen goes white.

"It's... over?...princess!" He still couldn't believe minute he had princess in his arms again and now...she was gone.

But As it turned out, in reality, wolf killed the Woman in Black. She is lying on the floor with her doll next to her. The woman turns to stone and disintegrates. In her remains, wolf finds a key.

"Princess... I'll make things right" He hears a sound.]

"What?" A pedestal with part of Celeste rises from the floor.

"Good, I need to get out of this place"

But as he walks up to it, he sees behind the flask was a doll that looked exactly like piranha, had his hairstyle too, he looks at the doll suspiciously.

But he ignores it and He takes the Legs Flask.

"That makes two..."

He leaves the mansion and returns to the Village, the inhabitants of which have increased! More precisely, enemies... wolf solves some puzzles and collects Luthier's Key that helps him open a new part of the village.

He finds a new shotgun W870TAC, A Photo of Strange Bird and a handful of ammo and medicine.

Wolf returns to the Altar and places the Leg Flask in one of the holes. He approaches the Duke. He plays with a cute little doll.

"Does this look familiar to you...?"

Wolf sighs and pulls out his wallet and bag to resupply.

"Ooh! Where did you get your hands on such a thing? I saw you eyeing that one! Please come again."

He continues to explore the village. He finds a Broken Slab in the square and a couple of upgrades to his weapons. Near the tomb of Beneviento he encounters a large monster with an axe, but with a bit of wits and mines, a sniper rifle and a shotgun, he successfully deals with him. He uses the Broken Slab on the grave.

It looks like Claudia Beneviento was buried here. The grave slides open and wolf gets Berengario's Chalice. He runs to the Duke and quickly sells it for a mighty 53000 Lei!

"Now this is something to splurge on!"

Wolf also eats some Dukes cooking that is so good he feels much more healthy. The power of home cooking, guys!

"Securing goods is more important than anything. Anything, my friend. Please come again"

"...I-I found my daughter"

"Oh have you now...and where is the little lady"

"She's gone...again"

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that...but don't'll find your way back to her soon"

After restocking, wolf opens a new door with a mermaid over it... The adventure promises to be interesting.

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