What The Hell Is Going On Here?

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As he walks through the dull lit tunnel, wolf hears a voice. A woman is reciting a kind of prayer. He walks through the door and sees an old woman with a staff whom he has met before.

"As the midnight moon rises on black wings, we await the light at the end... In life and in death, glory to Mother Miranda"

"Hey, remember me? I almost died up at that castle. Tell me what is going on around here?"

"How can a dog be "almost" dead? That's a question for the wise"

"You know what I mean. And I still haven't found celeste. Where did Mother Miranda take her?"

The old women laughs, "You're too late! Or maybe..."almost" too late? The child will be sacrificed. Life for life"

"What kind of sick medieval shit is this? She's just a baby!"

"The crests of the four bloodlines may open the path you seek.."

"Will you please stop talking in riddles? I just want to find my granddaughter"

"It's only a riddle if you don't know the answer"

He looking at carvings on the wall, "Wait a second, that looks familiar. Hey! Hey, wait!"

The Old Woman leaves. Wolf looks at the carvings one more time. There's a monster head representing House Dimitrescu, a mermaid representing House Moreau, a horse in a horseshoe representing House Heisenberg and finally the Sun and the Moon representing House Beneviento. In the center... Umbrella logo.

Wolf picks up a Winged Key from a little box nearby the wall and moves on. He gets out of the cave and walks out to a wide circular area and the mountains.

"Is this...?"

He finds a Ceremonial Site. In the center is a massive circular slab of stone, resembling a hatch. On either side of it sit two kings on standing stone thrones.

Wolf notices that the symbol in the center of the hatch looks familiar. It is the logo of Umbrella.

Wolf continues his journey and finds a half-destroyed, snow-covered castle swarming with Lycans.

Wolf kills them, opens a dilapidated gate and gets to the altar, in the left corner of which the Duke has set up his store.

"There you are. I had a feeling you would pop up here"

"It was all worthless"

"Is that so? I assume you've picked up something of value"

"Not sure if it's of value, but..."

He takes a Dirty Flask out of his pocket....

"Why—you have your granddaughter right in your own hands"

"What are you saying?"

"Take a closer look"

Wolf first looks at the Duke with surprise, then with fright. He begins to clean the Flask of dirt and sees first the inscription "Head" and then...

"Celestina C. Head"

He drops the Flask on the snow in horror.

"That flask seems to contain her head"

"No... Wh-Wha-?"

"Celeste is—

"Don't say another word! This—this is impossible! This just can't be...!"

"Your daughter's essence is still intact. Her powers are truly unique"

"Who—who could even do this?"

"She can be saved you know?"

"Saved? From this? Are you insane!?"

" There's a house with a red chimney on the western side of the village. Go and seek out the man who lives there. Then we can continue our conversation"

"Quit holding out and get to the damn point!" He points his gun at him, his blood was boiling.

"You don't have to trust my words, but do you have any better options? Your choice. The customer is always right, after all"

"You'll pay if I find out this is a lie" he growled as he lowers his weapon. The Duke laughs.

"Fucking joker...!"

Wolf places the Flask in one of the four holes on the altar and sees a vision.

"What the hell?"

He decides to shop for some supplies.

"Naturally. Oh, Lady Dimitrescu! Beautiful even in death. That waistline... yes! This simple modification can be done in just a moment. Please come again. Oh good. I was just thinking of ways to pass the time. I see, anything else? Thank you for your patronage!"

After opening the gate, wolf comes out to the very village square where he once opened the stone door that led to the castle.

Wolf finds a strange photo with a handwriting on the other side "Look out the window". He looks and sees a code that opens a strongbox nearby. There he finds Jack Handle and a new pistol, an M1911. After fighting several Lycans, he uses the Jack Handle to lift the tractor and crawl under it.

Wolf finds himself in another part of the village, more densely populated with Lycans. After a short wander, wolf encounters a larger foe, a muscular Lycan with swords strapped to his arms.

Wolf lures him onto a mine and finishes him with a headshot. Soon Wolf finds a door with a guitar carved out of wood on it. The door turns out to be closed. A note is pinned next to it.

Wolf finds a Well Wheel and uses it in the village square. When he picks up the bucket, he finds the wooden head of the animal and adds it to the recently found body. He gets a figure of a goat. From the other well he pulls out a Necklace with Two Holes.

Wolf finds the Church of Miranda and some military equipment there.

With a bit of exploring wolf finds Luiza's Necklace and a note.

"The Winged Key is just a single piece. Three more parts are needed to make it whole."

Along with the note in the box was a second half-key, which wolf attaches to his key and gets the Four-Wings Key.

"Damn it... Better see Duke again" He runs back to the Altar.

"How was it? Did you learn anything?"

"I found these feathers. Now tell me how to fix this like you said you would"

"Settle down. First you must use that key and collect all of your little celestial's flasks"

"Where are the rest of them?"

"There are four in total. You have the one, and the other lords have the rest"


"Mother Miranda is the cold, calculating ruler of this village. Four lords serve under her. The first you've already met, the lady Dimitrescu. The second lives deep in a valley of mist, the doll maker Donna Beneviento None of her playmates have ever come back from that dank, old estate. The third is Moreau, a being of twisted flesh that lives in the reservoir past the windmills. It's said that he is not the only monster that lives in those waters. The fourth and most dangerous is Heisenberg. He works in his factory on the village outskirts. And the project? Let's just say parts of the human imagination are better left alone"

He marks all the locations on wolf's map.

"If you truly wish to save your granddaughter, you must first gather the four flasks. I'll do you a personal favor. I've marked the Lords' locations on your map. Some treasures still lurk in this village. I'm sure each one will prove of great use to you"

"Why are you doing all this?"

"Why it's all part of our first class customer service. Please do come again soon..."

Wolf recalls that in his frantic pursuit of his granddaughter, he had forgotten about food. After killing some fish in the river and catching a chicken, he turns to the Duke.

"Shall I choose something for you? Ah yes, I have you! Find some quality ingredients and bring them to me. You kill it, we cook it! Hand over ingredients. We've gathered all the ingredients! Now... Here it is. Please, join me!"

wolf chooses the recipe and the Duke cooks it so perfectly that the dish permanently increases wolf's health.

"Not a bad dish"

He decides to sell and upgrade some of his stuff.

"I'm buying this because of our relationship, you know. I'm surprised you'd part with this so early. I hope this one makes itself useful. I am skilled at all sorts of weapons modifications, and will do them for a small fee. Have a wonderful adventure!"

After gathering everything for the new journey, wolf opens the door with the Four-Wing Key and enters a snowy forest.

"Oh and mr. Wolf..." He turns as the duke calls out to him.

"Your daughter is alive" this shocks wolf.

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