Castle Dimitrescu

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Wolf enters the castle, struggling to open the massive gate. The castle is very richly decorated. There are carpets, expensive furniture, frescoes, paintings, exquisite carvings.

"Could Celeste be here...?"

Wolf walks over to the large painting at the far end of the room, depicting three young girls.

"Three Daughters Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela"

Wolf starts exploring the castle, There's an inscription on the closed door in the main hall.

"Mask the angels' blinded gaze and only then will you be saved."

As soon as wolf reads the inscription he notices many flies around him.

"Looking for Celeste?"

The flies form into three women with blood on their mouths. The women laughs madly.

"What the—?"

"One of the women throws wolf on the floor and cuts him with her sickle.

"Mmmm, man-blood"

They continue to laugh and drag wolf around the castle. They bring him to Lady Dimitrescu's private chambers.

"Mother. I bring you fresh prey"

"You are so kind to me, daughters"

She finishes her wine, "Now, let's take a look at him. Well, well. Mr. wolf You escaped my little brother's idiot games, did you? Let's see how special you are"

She raises her hands. "Yes, Mother"

They cut his hand. Lady Dimitrescu eagerly licks the blood.


"Hm. Starting to go a little stale"

"Then let us devour his man-flesh quickly, Mother!"

"But I am the one who captured him!"

"Now, now, daughters First, I must inform Mother Miranda. But later... Well, there will be enough for everyone. Put him up!"

"Hey, hey wait..."

Wolf got his hand hurt again... Daughters hang it from the ceiling.

"Hey. Let me... down!"

"Oh, careful what you wish for, mr. Wolf"

She and her daughters laugh and leave.

"W-Wait! Wh-Wh-What are you doing?"

The door is closed behind them. Wolf finds the strength to pull his hands off the hooks.

"Ah...Bunch of crazy witches..."

He heals himself a bit and looks around. He finds a secret passage in the fireplace and climbs into it. After finding some important items, he returns to the main hall with the door closed. Statues rise from the floor.

"Where have they taken Celeste...?"

In the room nearby he finds his fat merchant, "We meet again"

"Duke? Why are you here?" He was puzzled.

"Where there's coin to be made... And have you found your granddaughter?"


"If she is truly here, the Lady of the castle would have kept little star in her private chambers, would she not?"

"It's Celeste....Dimitrescu?"

"The very same. Why don't you take a look? Maybe you'll get lucky. And speaking of looking... care to make a purchase? Seeking something in particular? I am skilled at all sorts of weapons modifications, and will do them for a small fee"

Wolfpurchases some items and upgrades his arsenal.

"Thank you for your patronage!"

Wolf continues to investigate the hammocks. He enters a small room across from the main hall. There on the table he notices a tea set. Apparently the cups were used to drink blood or wine... wolf climbs the stairs to the second floor and enters the wine room, where he finds a book.

The winemaking techniques of Castle Dimitrescu can be traced as far back as the 15th Century, long before the current occupants of the castle.

Alcina Dimitrescu uses this legendary, yet peculiar, technique to enrich the wine's flavor intensity and bestow it with a thick bouquet.
Her best vintage is Sanguis Virginis, meaning "maiden's blood." It is kept in a special ornate bottle decorated with intricate silver flowers.

After leaving the wine room, wolf explores the second floor. Many doors are closed. On one of the doors is a carved face of a mother with her two children. One of the mother's eyes is missing and the area is stained with blood.

Wolf inserts the found eye into the socket and opens the door. He is attacked by flies that even get under wolf's skin and out of his hands. He hears the voice of one of the daughters.

"I haven't cut open a man in a while! Let me string you up, slice your jugular, and just watch.... Taken alive? Dead? Which would you prefer"

Wolf scapes the flies and falls into some kind of basement through a hole in the floor.

Wolf makes his way down the corridor and crawls through the breach in the wall and sees Lady Dimitrescu picking out a bottle of wine. Soon she leaves and wolf crawls out. He walks out to a round, narrow room with many battling soldiers carved on the walls. There are several braziers at the sides of the room, and a burning oil lamp hangs from the top. On the wall is a bloody inscription "Trust in light." Wolf swings the lamp and lights the braziers. The soldiers part, opening a passageway. Inside, wolf finds an old torture chamber. In the midst of rusty cells, instruments of torture, and dryed blood, wolf finds a piece of paper.

Wolf walks on slowly pacing the creepy rooms with his gun at the ready. He finds a new note.

Wolf encounters three zombie-like creatures armed with ancient weapons - a sword, an axe, and a sickle. Because these zombies are relatively slow, wolf manages to combine shooting and hand-to-hand combat, which saves some ammo. At the next three opponents he throws the bomb he has not found yet. Among the remains of the zombies, wolf finds Ingrid's Necklace. Soon he sees flies again.

"I can't believe Cassandra caused all this mess. A healthy man's blood... mmm, I can't wait"

Wolf runs through the rooms and reloads his shotgun

" ineed blood. Warm, wet, bright red blood. Where are you going, little one?"

She pushes wolf on the floor. He tries to shoot her.


"Your bullets cannot harm—"

However, wolf wasn't shooting at her... he was shooting at the window behind her. Cold air bursts into the room burning the Daughter's pale skin.

"You stupid manthing!"

Wolf tries to shoot her with his shotgun, but it doesn't do her any visible damage, it just makes her angrier.

"I won't forgive you, you bastard! Not like this..." She cuts wolf with her sickle.

"Give up! I don't believe it!"

Finally, the cold air turns the Daughter into stone and she crumbles. Wolf picks up Crystal Torso. He goes into the next room, which turns out to be something like a butchery, but in the understanding of our beautiful ladies, it's more of a winery. Wolf sees a basin of blood and takes out an ornate bottle of Sanguis Virginis. Near it he finds a note.

Wolf returns to the house. When he opens the drawer in the chest of drawers, he gets a wooden angel figurine. He also gets a small upgrade for his pistol - a recoil compensator. Next, he goes out into the dining room. After unlocking the door, he returns to the second floor of the castle and goes to the wine room, where he places an exquisitely decorated bottle of Sanguis Virginis on a stand. The coaster descends, opening a passage to a secret room where wolf finds the Courtyard Key. He goes down to the first floor and sees flies again. The Second Daughter appears.

"Shall give you the tour?" Wolf rubs from her

"Ugh, so thirsty"

Wolf runs into the dining room and opens the door to the courtyard. The Second Daughter, for whatever reason, stops the pursuit. Wolf opens the only open door in the courtyard and sees Lady Dimitrescu ascending to the second floor. He slowly follows her. Wolf hears her angry voice from some room. Lady Dimitrescu is breaking something.

"What have you done to my daughter!?"

She doesn't seem to be talking to wolf, who just recently killed one of her daughters. Wolf walks into a room with a skull-shaped pool of blood. Around the pool are statues of women and men. There is a quote on the wall, placed in a beautiful frame and printed on gold paper.

"Women are blind to male advances, but shall take their chances to give their lord their bounty sown, so that soon the wine may flow."

Wolf turns the statues around so they're facing the right direction. The blood drains revealing a hatch in the floor. It slowly opens and wolf again goes down to the basement. The basement turns out to be partially flooded with blood.

"Ugh...What the hell!?"

Soon he stumbles upon a zombie. Wolf is knee-deep in blood and his maneuverability is limited, so he has to use his head instead of brute strength. Wolf manages to get out of the flooded basement and rides the elevator to the second floor of the castle. Standing on the balcony, he hears an antique telephone ringing and hides behind the window. Lady Dimitrescu comes to the phone, she makes a long snapping of her cigarette on the mouthpiece and contemplates whether or not to pick it up. Still, she sits down in front of the mirror and answers the phone. While she's talking she's putting red lipstick on her lips.

"Mother Miranda. I regret to inform you that mr. Wolf, has escaped that fool Heisenberg. Because he is in my castle, and has already proven too much for my daughters to handle! When I find him—No, Mother Miranda. Yes, of course I understand the importance of the ceremony. I won't let you down"

She neatly hangs up, easily picks up the dresser with the mirror and smashes it against the wall.

"To hell with the ceremony! That man will pay for what he's done..."

She leaves. Wolf enters her room and finds her diary.

And he picks up Dimitrescu's Key hanging on the wall. He notices a crib.

"Celeste, where are you?"

Wolf opens the door... and sees Lady Dimitrescu. Because of her gigantic height, she has to duck to enter the room.

"Oh, shit"

"There you are. All this for a child that isn't even here!"

"What the hell do—"

Dimitrescu grabs him by the neck, "You ungrateful, selfish wretch! You come into MY house" she throws wolf into the wall, "You lay your filthy man-hands on MY daughters And now you even try to steal my property? How dare you!?"

She punches wolf through the floor. She yells in his wake.

"Rest while you can, because I will hunt you, and I will break you!"

"Go ahead, do your worst!"

It was now a game of Cat and Mouse

Wolf walks through the empty corridors of the part of the castle under construction. Many passageways are blocked by bars and it is necessary to lower a lever to raise the door.

When wolf lifts another door, something... cuts off his arm.

"Aah, shit!"

It's Lady Dimitrescu. From her fingers stick out huge razor-sharp blades.

"Like I'd let you get away....You'll be sliced to ribbons...before you ever see that child!"

wolf tries to escape from her, which is quite difficult - the corridors are very similar to each other and it's not easy to find the right path.

"You will learn what it means to insult house Dimitrescu"

Wolf grabs his severed hand and pushes the lever. The door starts to slowly open... and Lady Dimitrescu is coming!.

"Time to die! Ah, such a nimble little mouse"

As wolf runs away from Dimitrescu, he finds a room with a large, elegant statue. The Mask of Sorrow lies on it. Wolf takes the mask and the platform with the statue suddenly begins to rise.

"Running will get you nowhere!"

As the platform rises, wolf douses the residual limb with a bottle of healing solution and puts his hand on it, hoping it will reattach as it did before... And it does. He starts to feel his arm.

"Good. Man, screw this castle!"

He goes up to the courtyard and runs to the closed door with the four statues. Placing the Mask of Sorrow on one of them opens the door.

Wolf decides to stop by his old fat friend's room one last time to replenish supplies.

"It's a pleasure to see you safe. How were things?"

"No sign of Celeste"

"I'm... so sorry it turned out that way. Well, you'll find your way to her once you're out of this castle. Do you have need of anything for the road ahead? Thanks to your consistent patronage, I've expanded my services. If it's just looking, window shop away"

wolf upgrades his weapons, "As always, a trustworthy, fair exchange. One moment, please. This is all an investment, mr. Wolf Please come again"

He leaves the Duke... and immediately encounters the Second Daughter.

"Trying to work up my appetite, are you?"

Trying to run away from her, wolf runs into Dimitrescu.

"You disgusting wolf!...Hmm. I guess I should hold back a little"

For some time wolf has to roam around the castle, hiding from his pursuers. He finds himself in the bathroom next to Dimitrescu's room and finds her lipstick there. He goes outside and opens another door with Dimitrescu's key. On the second floor, wolf finds a note.

Wolf continues to explore the house, fighting zombies, and enters a room with a piano.

He walks up to the piano and plays the tune by the sheet music. A drawer slides out of the piano and contains an Iron Insignia Key. Wolf goes down to the basement where he was playing cat-and-mouse with Lady Dimitrescu. He walks into the opening doorway and, fighting off the zombies, solves the riddle of the braziers. Upon opening the coffin he finds Azure Eye. Wolf goes back into the house, to the second floor.

"Play with me some more"

Running away from the Second Daughter wolf runs into a room with a big statue in the center. There he finds the Silver Ring and Mask of Pleasure. He gets out of the room through a hole in the fireplace, but the Second Sister still finds him.

"I was worried my sisters had gotten to you first"

Wolf pushes back the cabinet behind which the crack in the wall is hidden. He sets a mine on the crack, and when Second Sister passes by she not only takes damage from the explosion, but also lets a destructive light into the room.

"You've ruined the hunt!"

wolf without a word shot her with his shotgun, "You bastard! My body! What? No! You're done! You will not get away! You're my prey... mine..."

She turns into stone and crumbles like the First Sister.

"Crazy witch"

He takes some useful items in the room like ammo, medicine and Mounted Animal Skull. He unscrews the skull from the stand and uses it instead of the recently taken mask to unlock the door. Lady Dimitrescu is still looking for him.

He manages to avoid her, solves some puzzles and opens a closed door with the Iron Insignia Key.

"So you finally came to see me! Everyone falls for me in time"

wolf opens a hatch to the courtyard and starts shooting the Daughter.

"Ugh! Ow, so mean! You really want to kill me!? Why are you doing this!? Ugh, damn! A dream. This is a dream. I don't wanna... die..."

She turns into stone like the rest of the Daughters.

With a bit of exploring and puzzle solving he finds Mask of Joy. Then he goes up to the attic.

After searching the attic a bit, wolf finds an old sniper rifle. He goes to the roof of the castle, where he is attacked by zombies with wings, as epic and stupid as that sounds. After fending them off and taking a ride on the zip-line wolf finds the last, fourth mask - Mask of Rage.

"OK, I should be able to get out with these"

He takes the elevator down to the second floor, where Lady Dimitrescu is already waiting for him.

"Stupid wolf man ! You won't live long, even if you run!"

He runs away from her and, remembering to resupply in the Duke's convenient store, places the found masks on pedestals in the main hall. Behind the door is... another door leads to a small tower of the castle, which turns out to be an old chapel. In a coffin at the far end of the chapel is a coffin in which wolf  finds a masterfully crafted dagger. But as soon as he takes it, Lady Dimitrescu grabs him by the arm.

"You've ruined everything!"

She plunges her sharp blade claws into wolf's stomach. He responds by thrusting his dagger into her. The dagger appears to inflict tangible damage on her. Lady Dimitrescu throws wolf out the window and he loses the dagger. Meanwhile Lady Dimitrescu grows wings.


Lady Dimitrescu turns into a giant creepy monster.

"Flesh, bones, I will devour all of you!"

She grabs wolf and flies with him to another part of the castle, then drops him at the bottom of a large staircase and sits at the top of it.

"Looks like your outside matches your inside now, psycho witch"

He pulls out a sniper rifle and shoots at the monster's only vulnerable point - the body of Dimitrescu herself.

"You'll die a painful death!" She changes her location.

"I will destroy you!...You're a lucky man, mr. Wolf! Besides Miranda, you're the only one to ever see me in this form. Too bad you'll pay for it... with your life! I will never forgive you! Too late for regrets! I'll crush you, you scum! I'll tear you limb from limb! Disgusting garbage! How dare you talk about saving your daughter when you've murdered mine!? You wolf pest! You would take everything from me!? I'll crush you! You can't escape! Like hell you'll kill me! Eat you... I'll eat you! Agh, just give up! Your daughter belongs to us, now! Celeste is our only hope! We won't hand her over to the likes of you! Not enough blood! More! More blood! I need your flesh! You've got nowhere else to go, mr. Wolf! Come now, don't be shy. Show me your terror! Now... time to die! I'll eat you up, every last morsel! Die! Die! Damn you, wolf!"

The final stage of their fight takes place at the top of the tower. Because of its enormous weight Monster Dimitrescu breaks through the floor and she and wolf fall down.

"It's too late... you'll never see your granddaughter again... Succumb to your despair!"

Wolf, having landed on Dimitrescu, survives. She does not.

"Curse you!"

She slowly turns into stone and crambles like her daughters. Wolf finds Crystal Dimitrescu on her corpse.

"You're the one who's cursed"

Not far from where they landed, wolf finds a strange vessel. When he picks it up, a way out opens.

"Looks like I'm getting outta this place"

The vessel appears to be a Dirty Flask. Wolf decides to keep it.


Wolf continues to search for his granddaughter. He walks into a nearby house

Wolf comes out of the house and looks around. The way to get to the caves is blocked - the bridge turns out to be up, so he knocks the lock off the gate with a knife and enters the caves.

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