Road to the Famous Castle

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Wolf walks slowly toward the castle. Walking through the lowered gate, he plunges into the dark cavern, lit only by the light of small torches on the walls. Wolf enters the wine cellar of the castle. As he is about to lower the handle opening the locked door, a man wearing a hat and sunglasses approaches him. The man is holding a hammer, which looks suspiciously familiar to wolf.

"Well, well. Didn't think anyone was left! You must be pretty tough, huh?" Then a man with a hammer approached him.

The man's footsteps are sending all sorts of debris lying on the floor into the air - stones, pieces of metal.

"Huh, Who the fuck are you?"

"Oh, you're not local! Or human Even better"

He throws pieces of metal in the air at wolf and One of them stabs him in the shoulder.

"AH" wolf groaned in pain.

"Mother Miranda's gonna love you!"

The man laughs. To his laughter, wolf is clad in metal and stones. In the next scene, a man is dragging a handcuffed wolf through a tunnel.

"Quit your whining: you we're almost there!"

The screen goes black. Soon Wolf hears the voice of some woman, but his eyes are closed.

Then a Woman with a Large Hat appeared"The man is of no real use to anyone else. And my daughters do so love... entertaining foreigners.

Wolf pens his eyes... and sees some creepy doll and a strange deformed freak right next to him.

"Furthermore, I can assure you if you entrust the mortal to House Dimitrescu, my daughters and I shall deliver to you the finest cups of his slaughtered blood"

"Out of the way, ugly! I want to see—oh! He's awake!"

"You mean—Y-You mean...? Both of you, shut the fuck up!"

"What...? Where...?"

"You mean you'll screw around with him in private, and where's the fun in that? Give him to me and I'll put on a show that everybody can enjoy"

"Oh, so gauche. What do we care for bread and circuses? The manthing's suffering is assured, regardless"

"Yack, yack. And if a man's dick is cut off in the castle—blah, blah, blah!"

And in the middle was the same Woman with a Circle Thing, "I've heard all your arguments. Some of you were less persuasive than others, but... I've made my decision. Heisenberg. The man's fate is in your hands"

"Mother Miranda, I must protest! Heisenberg is but a child, and his devotion to you is questionable. Give the mortal to me, and I will ensure he is ready"

"Shut your damn hole and don't be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else"

"Quiet now, child! Adults are talking"

"I'm the child? You're the one who's arguing with Miranda's decision!"

"You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer!"

"Oh, keep growing, one day your head might actually fit your ego!"

"Fight, fight, fight, fight!"

"Hey, don't I get a say in this?"

The one called mother Miranda spreads her six wings, "SILENCE! My decision is final, there will be no argument. Remember from whence you came!"

"Thank you"

Lady Dimitrescu resentfully leaves. Heisenberg spins on the spot and a crowd of creatures gathers around him.

"Lycans and gentlemen, we thank you for waiting! And now let the games begin!....Let's see what you're really made of, moe wolf. Get ready!"

He swings his hammer, "No, wait!"

Heisenberg, however, only smashes the floor. Lycans gathering around Ethan, anticipating the meal.

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Showtime!"

Wolf quickly finds some kind of hole in the floor and jumps into it.

"Ugh freak" He runs as fast as he can through the caves. The Lycans follow his every step.

"Agh! Jesus Christ!"

"That's right! Run for your life! Very nice, mr. wolf!"

He decides to please wolf with his personal presence as a Lycan.

" No, no!"

Heisenberg hits him with his hammer. Wolf, dodging the next blow, falls into the abyss. After sliding a few dozen meters down the slope, wolf finds himself trapped in a cave with a moving ceiling studded with sharp stakes.

"You're still alive? Impressive...perhaps you could join my pack become one of my werewolves since you are one"

The ceiling starts moving, "Oh shit. Shit!...I am not that kind of werewolf"

He manages to get out of the room. Wolf keeps running away from the Lycans.

"Haha! My word, you truly are as strong as they say!"

Two huge shafts with stakes appear in wolf's path.

"Oh, you didn't think I'd let you get away, did you? Gotta keep Donna and Moreau entertained! So, now it's time for the beautiful, blood-soaked grand finale! Hahaha! Nothing like fresh American ground beef!"

Wolf finds a way to avoid the shafts and uses them to break the shackles. The shafts stop. Wolf crawls under them.

"Too close... Wait. Do those freaks have Celeste?"

He goes out into the basement, studded with traps - thank God they don't work. After walking through the corridors, wolf enters the wine cellar where he met Heisenberg. He finally opens the door and moves on. After climbing the stairs, he walks out into the street. There are several abandoned vegetable gardens on the way to the castle. Wolf notices that instead of scarecrows there are rotting corpses hanging from it. At the entrance to the castle, wolf sees a small house. Its doors swing open and an extremely obese man emerges, or rather rolling out.

"I've been waiting for you, Mister wolf"

"Huh who are you How do you know my name?" He takes a gun out.

"Easy there....I'm not gonna harm you.. Anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you. A hero searching for his granddaughter. Though I must say, that castle arouses suspicion"

"Yeah, well so do you"

The fat man laughs, "I am but a humble merchant"


"Forgive my manners, call me the Duke, Now to business. Weapons, ammunition, healing salves—Anything you desire, I can provide. Seeking something in particular? I've prepared a special present for you!"

Wolf purchases some items and upgrades with the money he collects in the village.

"Hard times, mr wolf? What're ya buyin'?—Haha, just something an old friend of mine used to say. Please come again"

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