Cold village

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"Ugh... Jesus..."

He picks up the phone that lies near the body of a soldier.

"About damn time! What's your status? Is the package safe?"

"What are you talking about? Where's Chris Redfield, and Celeste? Where are my friends"

"Who is this? This is a secure channel, you are not authorized to use this"

The phone, already badly damaged, turns off.

"Fuck! What the hell happened here? GUYS" he called out his friends hoping they could were ok....or with him.

He picks up a flashlight and reads a document near the body of the soldier.

He starts walking in the deep snow at night, barely alive. He passes a small old fence wrapped with barbed wire. There is a sign next to the fence that reads "Do Not Enter." There are a lot of dead crows in the snow. Some of them are even tied up with ropes, which tells him that the birds died unnaturally.

Soon Wolf finds a small old house with a trail of blood leading to it.

Wolf hears some noise and decides to go down into the basement of the creepy house to check for the owners.

The owners are not there, but there is a great rumbling noise from above, as if an elephant were running around on the first floor.

Wolf runs and finds that the upstairs is an even bigger mess than before and that there is a huge hole in the wall.

"What did all this?

He exits through a hole and walks down a narrow passage until he emerges into an open area with a giant castle in the distance, covered in fog.

"Where the hell am I?"

He walks down the slope into a small farmhouse. Next to the house lies the corpse of a burned horse. Ethan walks into the house. Food, furniture and other possessions - everything is scattered around. There are blood spatters on the walls.

"Maybe—maybe they're out?"

Wolf continues to follow the trail of blood. He finds suspended severed goat heads.

"What happened?"

He finds one of the farmsteads chained up. There's a note near on the gates.

"Locked due to missing home owner."

He goes to a nearby house and finds a knife. Wolf notices an empty tin popping out of the curtain that divides the room. He pushes it away sharply, and an old man shoots at him, but misses.

"Aah! No no! Friendly, friendly!"

"Who are you? Who sent you?"

"Nobody! There was an accident, down on the road, and—"

There is some howling coming from outside. The old man gestures to wolf to shut up.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, no. They're coming!"

"Who is? What the hell was that?"

"Do you have a gun?"


"Please tell me you have a gun!"

"No. Sorry i don't have one on me, I never carry one?"

The old man goes into his closet and gives wolf a gun.

"It's all I can spare. Take it! Take it!"

The old man shoots out the window and frantically reloads his double barrel.

"Tell me what's out there! Hey, are you listening? Hey!"

Something drags the old man to the top floor through the ceiling. Blood starts dripping from the hole.

"AH What the—!?"

A strong arm grabs wolf's leg from the basement through the floor.

"Ah! Shit!

However... the beast decided to run away. Wolf turns on his flashlight and realizes that there is a pile of dead bodies in front of him.

"A dead body? Wait...there's more... Jesus Christ... What the hell is wrong with this place? And I hope the guys are ok...wherever they are"

And then... the beast decided to come back. It turns out to be a humanoid creature with pale skin and ashy hair. It's extremely fast and agile. The creature attacks wolf and sinks its teeth into his arm.

"Get off! Shit!"

The beast bites back but thanks to years training as an FBI agent, wolf kicks the beast, then The flimsy wall behind wolf's back breaks and he falls out into the snow.

"What the fuck was that!? Ugh get-BACK!"

He shot the monster. It takes at least 10 bullets to bring the beast down.

"What the hell?"

He goes back to the house to find a bolt cutter, some chem fluid, and herbs. He uses the bolt cutter to cut the chain and get to the next part of the village. Going into a neighbor's house, he hears a noise and barricades himself in the house. The creatures begin to attack him.

"Surrounded. Dammit!" He fights for his life a bit, "Is it...over?"

The radio on the table starts working "Hello? If there are any survivors out there, come to my—to Luiza's house near the fields"

"Survivors? Maybe the guys are there too"

He continues to follow the trail of blood. There are plenty of creatures around. He barricades himself again to survive and finds the ol' trusty M1897 shotgun with some ammo.

"OK. Dammit."

He fought off another attack, "There's no end to them!"

Even more creatures appear with some heavy hitter.

"You're kidding me!"

Wolf climbs onto the roof, trying to fend off attacks. His chances of survival are slim to none - in addition to the creatures climbing on the roof, but with him being a trained FIB agent, the chances could be against the odds, he is also being shot at with arrows. After a few minutes of intense fighting, wolf... loses. The creatures become very numerous. There are even creatures arriving on horses with spears, to which the murdered inhabitants are stumbling. Heavy hitter with a hammer jumps to wolf and growls to his face. But suddenly... the creature hears something and runs away. Wolf takes a moment to give himself first aid and notices an old woman with a staff in the distance.

"Wait, w-wait..."

The old woman walks out the gate. Wolf searches the neighborhood for a depleted supply of ammunition and medicaments, then follows the old woman.

"In life and in death, we give glory..."

"Uh, hello? You shouldn't be out here. It's not safe. What the hell? Hey, can you hear me?"

"It's you? The child's grandfather"

"Child? Hey, wait-do you mean Celeste? Is she here?"

The old women laughs cheerfully "Celeste, Celeste, yes! She is in great danger. Since Mother Miranda brought her to the village, we have fallen into darkness!"

"What are you talking about? The monsters?"

The sound of the bell is heard.

"The castle bell heralds danger! They're coming!" laughs madly.

"No, wait! Where's Celeste? Who's "Mother Miranda"?"

"The bell tolls for us all! They're coming again!"she laughs madly again.

She closes the gates behind her.

"Celeste ishere? Then....that must mean the guys are here too"

wolf moves on. He enters a large house, with a beautifully carved porch and icons at the entrance. Inside, he sees some kind of magical symbol on the floor, stacked with candles. Wolf has seen this symbol before, but he didn't pay much attention to it. On the table next to it, he finds a piece of paper with text on it.

O great lycans,
The fabled monster wolves of old,
May they come to eat our flesh,
May they come to tear us apart.

Wolf begins to explore the vast village square. In the center is the Statue and a small cemetery. He finds an altar with a statue of a goat. There is an inscription underneath the altar.

We offer these Goats of Warding to protect the village and its people. Any who break them shall feel Mother Miranda's wrath.

Wolf finds a large stone door with a carved image of a demon and a female warrior with a goat on her shield. The faces of both characters are missing and there are indentations in their place.

"Guess this leads to the castle"

He finds a map with a handwriting in one of the houses.

"Should disaster fall upon the village, seek out the crests. One is in the care of the church. The other is at Luiza's house."

Also he finds the first crest for the stone door - Maiden Crest.

Wolf walks out to a field of tall, dried-up wheat. He is attacked by several creatures with machetes in their hands. Wolf quilts into a bag of flour, temporarily blinding his enemies and killing them with his knife. Soon he finds a barn and enters it.

"Close the door! Please!" He finds a frightened women

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

The woman backs away from wolf. He notices an old man sitting on the floor with a machete.

"Stay back!"

"Please, don't hurt us!"

"Whoa. It's OK. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just glad to see normal people at last. Have you seen any other survivors?"

"No, they're all in Luiza's house. And she's not answering, and the gate is locked"

"Quiet, girl! He's an outsider!...and a wolf" the old man snarled at him.

There were scary noises coming from afar.

"Shit, we're sitting ducks in here. Can your old man walk?"

"No, one of the monsters cut him! He's lost a lot of blood—we have to get into Luiza's house!"

"Shh... quiet! There must be a way inside. Stay here, be quiet, and don't move until I get those gates open"

The old man coughs heavily - he is obviously very sick. Wolf decides not to delay and quickly finds a way to open the gate.

"C'mon—it's clear!"

Frightened woman helps the old man get out of the house.

"Hurry, hurry!"

"Took your damn time"

"You're welcome

He closes the gate once the survivors are inside.

"He's not used to relying on other people. I'm sorry. We'll be safe in here, won't we?"

"Safer here than out there, that's for sure. Hey, do you know anything about what's going on around here?"

"It doesn't make any sense. Mother Miranda has always protected us—"

Meanwhile, the old man knocks on the door of the house.

"Nobody's answering! Come help me—"

He falls on the porch.

"Father!? We have to get inside! Just hold on a bit longer, Papa"

Wolf gets a flashback of when princess was little and she called him that.

Wolf knocks on the front door.

"Hello? Anybody home?"

"Maybe a familiar voice... Luiza, open up! It's me, Elena!"

The door slowly opens and the muzzle of a double-barrelled gun appears.

"Stop shouting. You'll draw the monsters!"

"Julian, calm down"

Then aiming at wolf, "whoa whoa whoa whoa"

"Who's this?"

"A friend—"

"Stay back!"

"Father! For god's sake, Julian, let us in"

"No, no, they'll smell the blood—You'll endanger us all!"

"My father will die out here!"

"That's not my problem!"

What's going on?"

"These people want to let a dying man into our home"

"Come now. "These people" are our friends. Go on, go inside. Come now, this way"

Elena and her father walk in the house then she sees wolf.

"You're not from this village..."

"Uh, no. I'm wolf"

"Julian, go make yourself useful and check the grounds....I said go!"

Julian reluctantly leaves while still glaring at wolf, giving him the cold eye.

"Well, if Elena trusts you... then so do I. Come inside, wolf"

Wolf walks into the hallway.]

" Wait here, I'll check on the others"

"Luiza, They broke in again, got more of the livestock. I don't think we'll make it through winter at this rate. Ernest is still missing, too. We can't find him anywhere. Has Mother Miranda abandoned us?"

"This way. Come inside, the others are waiting"

Wolfwalks through the corridors of Luiza's house, which looks a bit like the Baker house. Behind a carpeted doorway she finds a room full of people.

"What the fuck is this? Outsiders—you're going to get us all killed!"

"Quiet, Anton. He helped Leonardo and Elena"

"We were doing fine by ourselves!"

"Please, Ethan, take a seat"

"Is this all that's left? From your entire village?

"All that's left? All that's left!? There is no one left!" He walks across the room, "A worthless invalid! A stupid, wailing bitch...! And you! You drag a bloody man and an outsider in here like it's nothing... ...and expect to be all safe? There is no safe! Every sorry bastard out there has been ripped in half! But tomorrow... Tomorrow we'll all be dead. Just like her damn husband!Put a sock in it, Roxana!"

"That's enough! This house has protected my family for generations. And drunk or not, you are all welcome—and safe—in here"


"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?"

"We don't know. One day we were a quiet, devout village—and the next the monsters came and attacked us. And they—they kept coming, and—"

"Wait, Luiza, where is your husband. Did they...?"

"No, n-no. He is out there—somewhere... H-He went to get help. Yes, yes, that's—that's it. He went to fetch help"

"Let us pray. For him. For all of us"

"Good idea. Come. Gather" They gather in a circle.

Great ones, hear our voice, together as one in reverence. We call on thee within the endless dark to deliver us into fate's hands. As the midnight moon rises on black wings, so we make our sacrifice and await the light at the end. In life and in death, we give glory, Mother Miranda.

"Now, the tea should be ready. Come help me, Elena, please."

"That prayer—I've heard it before. There was an old woman near the graveyard"

"You mean the hag?" He quietly laughs, Dumb bat is crazy as a bag of rats"

"There is wisdom in her devotion, though... And I hope it protected her as it shall protect us"

Leonardo laughs, then screams in pain and falls on the table, dropping an oil lamp, which sets fire to the carpet on the floor.]

"What the fuck are you doing!?

"Leonardo, what's wrong? Are you OK?"

Leonardo was transformed into something else. He kills Luiza with his machete.


"Elena, no! Stay back!"

He takes her out of the room, "No—let me go!"

"Oh god, no. He'll kill us both! We have to go!"

Leonardo kills Roxana and runs after the heroes. Wolf is forced to fight for his life.


"I said no!"

She shoots her father with a double barrel shotgun.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Father..."

"Hey, hey. That wasn't your father anymore. You did the right thing"

"Elena. Elena, no. There's nothing you can do!" He holds her.

Leonardo is pelted with the rubble of a burning house.


"This entire place is collapsing!"

They go to the garage, "Father! Father!"

"You couldn't save him. He was already gone"

"Leave me alone"

"No. We're getting out of here—together. I gotta get outta here... to find my granddaughter and friends"

He looks around and finds a note and a screwdriver in the kitchen.

"Take the screwdriver out of the keyring if you need it."

Ethan finds the keys to a rusty truck, gets in and starts it up.

"Damn, the fire's moving fast!" He coughs

"What are you thinking?"

"Step back. We can bust out with this."

He breaks through the wall with a few blows from the truck.

"Ethan! Ethan! Are you alright!?"

"I-I'm fine. Let me back up again"

"The fire—there isn't any time!"

"Nowhere to go but up. Grab on. Hurry! Let's move!"

They are climbing a staircase wreckage to the second floor.

"Don't worry, and try not to breath in the smoke"

"I know. Thank you, wolf. You're kind. I hope your family is safe"

"I do too. Once you get out of here maybe you'll get to meet them. Come on, it'll hold"

"You remind me for my daughter princess"

"Your daughter? What was she like? Is she kind ?"

"She has the kindest heart I ever seen"

"Where is she?"

She asked which made wolf frowned as he remembers her getting shot.

"She died"

"Oh I'm did she died"

"She got shot"

They get out to the attic. Wolf sees a window.

"There! That's our way out

"Thank god! But what then? The village is still full of monsters. We can't fight them! There's too many"

"Hey! Hey. Don't talk like that. We'll find a safe house to put you in until I can find my granddaughter and friends. My hunch is she's in that old castle"

"No! That place is full of nothing but blood and death! And I don't want to be alone while you're—"

Unexpectedly, Leonardo shows up. He comes up from the second floor. He is quite badly burned.


"Elena, no! That's not him—not anymore!"


"He said my name! Father!"

"Wait, it's not safe!"

She runs toward it and part of the floor fails underneath her. Elena is left alone with her "father."

"Stay there! C'mon, give me your hand!"

"Wolf, go... Save your granddaughter! Find your friends"

"Elena, don't give up! Reach for me!"

This reminds him of a flashback when princess was stuck "reach for me...cone on you can do it"

Leonardo falls into the fiery abyss... Elena falls after him.

"God dammit! What is going on with this town!? This is... this is just too much. I just... don't get it. This place has gone mad"

He punches the window, "Why the fuck is this happening again!? Shit!"

He jumps out the window of the burning house, goes to the closed altar, unscrews the screws with his newly found screwdriver, and gets the second crest for the door to the castle - Demon Crest. He opens the locked gate and sees someone killing a man on the field.

"Who's there!?"

"Stop! Mother Miranda!"

A woman with a circle thing behind her head easily kills the man.

Hey! Who was—what was that?"

The woman laughs and leaves. After walking a little further, he meets the old woman with the staff again.

"Death. Yes. Death has visited them all!" She madly laughs.

"Ok just stay calm wolf, you just need to find Celeste find the others and get the hell out of here"

Wolf goes to the closed door leading to the castle, inserts the crests and opens the door. As soon as it opens, he pulls out his gun.

He looking at the castle, "Nothing but blood and death," huh?

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