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"Okay... where to start. My name... it's moe wolf...but everybody calls me mr. Wolf or wolf for short. It's been 3 years since everything happened at the Baker house. I was looking for my daughter princess and my girlfriend Diane foxington who disappeared while my daughter got kidnapped...I got an email from her. She told me to come get her... and of course it's how I get in the middle of nowhere. Louisiana... I find Diane and princess being held captive in a dark basement. She wasn't thinking right... she attacked me like some kind of wild animal. Later on I find my daughter finds out that Diane was infected by a special kind of mold. I looked all over the house trying to find an antidote. A vaccine, anything. The people who live there were already infected. What was left of them wasn't human. There's something infection was a bio weapon that look like a little girl. Her name was Evelyn. I fought the fucked up family and being able to treat diane's symptoms with the serum but it turns out...she wanted my daughter too... and when Chris Redfield and his soldier buddies and my friends the bad guys showed up and saved the three of us.... Is that enough? Cause I really don't want to talk about what happened anymore"

The scene switches to the living room and it's Diane reading a story to a little baby kitten.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Gifts we gave, but more you took," she snarled. "So more, in turn, is due." "In a blink, the girl was trapped inside a mirror." There. She's asleep"

"What is with the creepy story? Wolf asked.

"Yeah, She's only a baby" snake snarled as he picks up and cradled the sleeping baby kitten.

"What are you trying to do...scare our granddaughter" snake hissed.

Yeah that's right granddaughter, princess gave birth to a baby girl and now the bad guys were grandparents and at a still younger age.

"Woman at the store said it was traditional" Diane says.

"Well I thought it was an...interesting book, it was nice if Diane to read to Celeste" princess says she comes out wearing a baby blue dress with a white sweater.

Diane hands her the book "Village of Shadows."

" it's just a A local tale. Besides, Celeste doesn't seem to mind.

"Because she doesn't understand it, thank god. We moved here so that she wouldn't have to deal with any of that, remember?"

"Wolf, i told you, im fine. You're just being paranoid"

"It's not—never mind I'm sorry. But I'm not paranoid, I'm just cautious"

"Then, go cautiously take your granddaughter to bed. We still have to finish dinner" Diane says.

Snake then hands Celeste to wolf, they both walk to their granddaughter's bedroom.

"Well you might wanna hurry, Piranha is eating it all" web says.

Holding the tiny baby kitten in his arms reminded him when he held princess like that.

"Huh, I remember when I used to hold princess like this"

Then the baby started crying and turning, "hey It's OK, Celeste. Your mother and grandmother doesn't want to remember. I can't say blame princess" snake said.

"And diane" wolf added.

"What was that?" Princess says.

"Nothing—we're putting her down"

He and snakewalks around the house with their granddaughter

"Her birthday will be here before we know it"

"They grow up fast. Let's just enjoy it while we can." Snake says, "I just can't believe her birthday is on the same day as her mother....and her grandfather"

He comes to the stairs to the second floor. Celeste is a little nervous.

"There, there. It's like I said to your grandmother—that book's too scary for you"

"She doesn't know what's good for you" snake said as they enter a room.

Snake approaches a vintage music box as wolf lays his granddaughter down.

"Your mom used to love this thing, it was a gift for her grandfather...which was me" snake added.

He turns the key and a soft melodic tune starts playing.

"Yeah but her grandfather was afraid to give it to her because he thought it wasn't good enough and she wouldn't like it" wolf smirks at snake while he is glaring at him.

"But your mother loved any gift we give her, sweetheart....she has a heart made of gold, hopefully you'll have her heart too..." he bends down and kisses his granddaughter's cheek.

"Don't you worry, I'll be right downstairs. Grandpa won't let those weird fairy tale monsters get you"

"Ahem" he gets an angry look from snake, "hey what about me"

"Ugh and your other grandparents are here to protect you too...but I'll protect you the most"

quietly through the house. He finds a photo album with a picture of the bad guys in the hospital where after princess gave birth to Celeste.

"I wish it could stay like this forever" wolf says.

" hey so do I buddy...but these things don't last forever...the best thing do to is...enjoy the moment while it last" snake says.

"Yeah I know" wolf puts the picture down.

"But it's just so hard one minute we adopted princess then next...we're grandparents"

"Yeah but at least we can start over again...with our granddaughter...hey remember when we used to fight who was princess father" snake reminded him the good times they had.

"yeah" but it wasn't enough snake could still see the worried look in his eyes, "Celeste is fine"

"I know that"

"Then what are you so worried about"

"It's princess I'm worried about"

"Everyone's forgotten about this already....but"

"Look she's fine, she a thought girl, She has a daughter who going to grow up beautiful.

He looks at his granddaughter via baby monitor.

"She's asleep....she's fine" snake said.

They then Came across an old stuffed saber tooth tiger that belonged to princess, he picks it up as he picks it up.

"She's started to outgrow them....the gifts we gave her" wolf says

"Yeah" then snake takes it with his tail, "but I'm sure Celeste will love them"

"I couldn't even imagine, something like this would happen" they past by a picture of princess pregnant.

They Finally go downstairs to see everyone at the table.

"Is she OK?" Princess asked.

"Sleeping like a tiny angel. Mm, that smells good. What's that?"

"It's ciorba de legume. It's a local recipe....or so diane told me" princess says.

Wow. You've gone and turned princess full native, haven't you?" Wolf says

"Local wine, too. But if you're going to keep sulking all evening, maybe you shouldn't have any. You really need to stop worrying about her...princess is fine"

"Yeah wolf I'm fine"

Diane pours him a glass of wine.

"It's just... Finding you in Louisiana, that traumatic experience with princess the pregnancy....Chris moving us here, military getting jobs as FBI agents —It all happened so fast, you know?"

"Well, at least we're all together. You, Diane, the bad guys...Celeste. Now everything's going to be fine wolf" princess walks up to wolf and touched his shoulders.

"I'm-I'm just worried about you princess...You think how can you just forget about what happened in Louisiana...when this thing traumatized you...we had to get you into therapy?"

"Wolf what happened to me....It happened so long ago. I just I don't understand why you are so worked about me"

"Beck I think your still-"

Then suddenly they heard a gunshot and shot princess in the shoulder.


"PRINCESS!" The bad guys yelled as princess fell.

"Diane, get down!" Wolf yelled as shark holds princess on his lap.

The light in the house goes out. Then Diane being shot several times. She falls on the table.

"DIANE!" Wolf yelled.

"AH" princess was screaming as shark soothe her arm.

She gets a couple more bullets in her body. Wolf hides under the table with others joining shaking with grief and fear. The house continues to be shelled.

"Diane Oh, god..."

A man with a gun enters the house. He pushes the table aside and approaches.

"Chris...!? What the hell!?

"Sorry, Ethan.

He puts some more bullets in princess, "AH" princess screams in pain.

"NO" the bad guys yelled.

"No! What!? Why!?"

Chris' soldiers surround them . They take him and the bad guys out of the house.

"Hey...hey" shark yelled.

"Go on, move!"

"Hey watch the hands buddy" webs says.

"Let go" Piranha snapped before having a muzzle placed on his mouth.

"Hey watch the hands bub" snake hissed.

Another soldier carries the weeping Celeste

"All clear"

Wolf could see one of the soldiers carrying Celeste.

"Celeste? What the hell are you doing with my granddaughter?"

"Package secured, sir."

"Take him away with the others"

"I said get your hands off her!"

"Wolf, no!"

Soldier behind wolf hits him with the butt of his rifle. Wolf slowly loses consciousness.


"Get him out of here"

Two soldiers drag wolf by his arms out of the house. He, being unconscious, goes back in time. He's talking on the phone.

Hey, Doc."

"Hello, Mr. Winters. I've got your daughter's results back, and I'd like you and your daughter to come in to talk about them. How about next Thursday, four o'clock?"

"No problem, we'll be there"

He walks in princess room who was sitting on her bed In the dark, he sits down next to her.

"That was the Doc. She'll see us next week. Hey, now. Think positively, all right? We talked about this."

"I know. But it's just something else, I'm worried about....I'm afraid it could be something worst"

"Baby...everything is going to be fine, I just know it! What else matters?"

"Diane matter, you the bad guys matter! You just won't see how serious this could be"

"Whoa honey what's wrong...what are you so worried about? Is there something you're not telling me? Come on, talk to me! Sweetie"

He wraps his arm around her shoulder and sliding his paw underneath her chin forcing her head to look at him.

His phone's ringing. It's a call from Chris.

"Dammit, sorry I have to take this

He leaves while princess looks down sadly.

Meanwhile wolf wakes up from a phone call... in the snow.

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