Seventh killing

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The bad guys were at a house which was Mary's new home, she was sent to love with her aunt.

Mary was playing some blocks when shark came in.

They watched shark talk to the little girl, "I Jaír Don't get it wolf" webs says.

"What do you mean?"

"Why target teenage girls"

"Cause it's how horror movies start, a helpless victim gets a call from a stranger and gets killed, all serial killers are like that" piranha explained.

"Piranha this isn't a horror movie, it's real life" wolf says.

"Maybe Diane should call out for a curfew hour" snake says.


"Look what happened wolf, six girls are dead and I don't want princess to be next"

"look will you relax sable, princess is safe in the security house, the house is on lockdown and if the killer tries to get in, she'll call the pov lie, he be caught Beforehe could even lay a hand on princess, trust in me"

"'re right, I guess your right, I mean what can happen right?"

Just then shark came out, "well I got everything"

"Yeah and What did you get"

"Princess and Stephanie were both in same classes with angel and Alice and Cassandra and Christine and Catherine"

"I don't see what this has to do with the killer?" Snake asked.

But then wolf started to see it, "that's because he's targeting the girls close to princess?"

"What? Ok what are you talking about wolf?" Snake asked.

"All these girls are connected to princess for some reason but why?"

Just then his phone rang, "Hello, it's Diane, hey Diane what's up...what?....ok, ok...hang on, we're on our way...we got to go" he hangs up and rushes to the car with everyone following.

"What's wrong wolf?" Snake asked.

"There's been another murder"

They head to Kelly's house where Diane was with them and them other was crying.

"Diane what happened?"

"Princess called 911, her friend was in trouble and she was worried"

"Well I'm just glad she's ok"

At the crime scene, they horrors to see Kelly's face was slashed.

"Ugh" wolf covers his mouth to keep his lunch in and the others were horrified.

"Ok I don't wanna see anymore"

"Do the police have a lead on what the killer looks like" wolf asked.

"No, he ran when he heard the cops, please tell me you got something"

"Well we do know one thing, all the victims are connected to princess for some reason"

"Why is it always her?" Snake says.

"Look donar, i think it would about time to announce a curfew hour on the city, we don't wanna lose another teen"

"Ok, but you need to get to princess, she wants to know if her friend is ok"

"I think that's going to be hard to explain that her friend is dead now, how do we explain this to her?" Wolf asked.

" gentle with her"

They reach the door to their home, as wolf reaches for the handle he looks back at everyone nervously then he opens the door to see princess in her pajamas she's been worried all night, she couldn't even sleep.

Then she looks up to see wolf, she immediately gets up with a lot on her mind.

"Wolf" she ran to hug hi man's he returns the hug but he still had a worried look.

Then they let go facing each other, "the police made it or your friend's house"

"Oh that's really great, tell me is Kelly ok? is she hurt?"

But as she smiled she could see everyone making a frown to one another.

This had her feeling concerned and more worried.

"What? Whats wrong?"

"Princess? We need to talk" he grabs princess shoulders and sits her down on the couch, "o think it would be better if you sit down"

"What's wrong wolf?" She was now more worried when wolf gets on one knee.

"Look princess, the police arrived....but they were too late, the killer got away....and your friend...didn't make it"

All of princess anxieties come tumbling back, she became Dizzy with sense of anxiety.

She felt a sharp pain in her heart, "so...she's dead" she stutter.

"I'm afraid so princess"

Princess then gets up, she turns around then she starts quivering and she fell crying.

Everyone looks back at princess, feeling bad for her, wolf bends down and pulls princess in a hug, she held very tight to him.

Then the next night, princess was feeling scared as she calls her last friend: tori Carlson.

"I'm not sure it's a good idea to be out at night tori"

"Oh will you relax nothing bad is going to happen to me" tori was in a restaurant bar, she had blonde hair and was wearing a white dress.

"You always overreact"

Tori was a college student, "oh my gosh do you hear yourself, 7 of my friends are dead and the killer is this out there, how are you not worried"

"Cause 1. I'm surrounded by people and everyone knows the killer won't attack when you're surrounded by people"

"Oh really? So what happens when your not surrounded by people"

"You're such a bore"

"Look all in saying is-"

"Oh wait? I got a caller bye"

When she hangs up, princess groans and goes back to sleep.

But back with tori, things were about to get a whole lot worse.


"Hello, princess"

"Oh...sorry, you got the wrong phone number"

"Oh I'm sorry I tho ugh but this was princess"

"Nope, just her friend tori"

"You have such a lovely voice"

"Well thank you That's very Sweet"

"Where you at"

"Oh I'm actually at this nice restaurant"

"Oh really? Can you describe it to me"

"'s very red"

"Do you like horror movies"

"Yes, my favorite ones is the one where the girl gets chased by the killer"

"Your a kid girl tori you really are but in not seeing any red"

"Well your very nice and actually-" she then realized something, "wait? Are you at the restaurant?"

"I'm looking straight at It but I don't see any red"

"Are you here?" She gets up and looks for the mysterious caller.

"I'm in the alleyway"

"I'm looking but I don't see you, uh oh"

"What's wrong?"

"There's a guy with a knife and he's heading for me"

She was worried so she walks in the alleyway but little did she was a trap.

"Where are you"

"You know the worst part is...." He voice then changed, "you love slasher horror films and yet walked in a dark ally alone"

"Ok that's not funny"

"No it's not"

A bullet of panic rises in her throat, Eyes darkened with worry and Darkness gathered in her eyes and filled it as her stomach flips.

She looks around to find who the mysterious caller was, she wished she had listened to princess.

Then she hears crash cans falling, "ah!" She turns around only to see it was just a black cat.

Then out of the darkness, ghost face appears.

"AH!" She tries to back away but Tyne the pulls out a knife and he cut right through her stomach.

"AH" she cough out blood and ghost face keeps stabbing her again and again.

Then she fell on the floor, paralyzed by fear, she looks up at him as her white dress was not dress from the blood.

"Know I see something red" he slashed her open and more of her blood spattered on his masked.

He bends down to pick up her phone, he unlocks it and sees a picture of princess.

"I'm coming for you....kitty"

This suspense has turned to a whole new twist.

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