Sixth killing

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Later that night the bad guys were investigating the crime scene after all the police had left.

The first place went to was the office, where they find a shattered picture of Stephanie with princess.

But when they heard about Catherine's death, they were in a panicked and drove very fast to the house.

Wolf was angry and scared, he got on the phone with Diane. The ambulance siren roar loudly.

"You just had to let stay the night somewhere didn't you" wolf says.

"Hey it's not my fault"

"If I would've known the killer was going to attack, I should have never let you talk me into letting princess stay"

"Well princess is very stressed right now, five of her friends just died, I thought she might needed something to relax her"

"Uh guys, make that six friends" web says.

"Ugh, I'm just glad that the killer didn't get her next, when we get back I think we should settle on putting the city in lockdown mode till this killer has been caught because I am not going to lose my daughter"

They arrived at the scene where dozen of police shown up and Tiffany reported the scene.

"Tiffany fluffit here, the killer has stuck again as princess chesterfield daughter of the bad guys Witnessed the killer as she Catherine Meeks crushed in the garage, police say they have no leads to the killer"

Wolf runs inside and they see police checking for evidence then paramedics arrived

They watch in horror when they see on the stretcher was Catherine, she was crushed, a large cut on her abdomen.

Then wolf sees princess on the coach, talking to the police, she looked distraught.

"So tell us what happened miss"

"I found my friend crushed underneath the garage door"

"Uh huh, did you noticed anything odd or strange In the house"


"Uh huh, did you see anyone unusual in the house"

"No I haven't"

The two policemen looked at each other then looks back to princess.

"Are you Sure you didn't see anything strange or see anyone else in the house or get in the house"

"NO, I'm telling everything I know" princess snapped and wolf was surprised this was a part of her he never seen.

"I didn't see anyone come in, and if you are implying that if I was involved with it, I found her like this"

Then wolf heads up to her, "princess?"

"Wolf" she got up and ran to him, hugging him.

"Hey are you ok?"

"No, the killer murdered Catherine"

"What happened?" Snake asked.

"Me and Catherine were watching a movie then she played a trick on me, then the lights went off, I thought it was one of Catherine's pranks but then I found her dead in the garbage"

"Well come on, we better get you home now"

They drive her back to the mansion, once again princess is in the back seat, she in shocked that she saw her friend was dead.

"Hey princess, you going to be ok"

"Huh, oh yeah why"

They pull up at the mansion and they head inside.

"Look something came up at work today so we have go talk to a kid about your friend's death"

"What kid?" Princess asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Your friend Stephanie's sister Mary, we're going to see what she knows"

"And how are you going to do that?" Princess asked.

"Sharks already got that covered, he's going undercover as a child psychiatrist"

They all turned to see shark Already disguised as a child psychiatrist, with a gray mustache.

"I got this" shake says.

"No one's crazy enough to fall for that"

"It always work on the bird" snake says as he slithered away.

"We'll be back, lock the doors and we'll be home as soon as you know it" he kisses her forehead, "it'll be fine"

But later that night, princess was in her bed, tossing and turning.

She was having trouble sleeping but little did she know.

She was being watched...somewhere in a house, a girl with brunette hair in a pink sweater was in bed, she was having trouble sleeping too...mainly because the phone was ringing.

What with the killer out and about, it was another friend of princess, named Kelly.

She picks up her phone and calls princess.



"You ok" Kelly asked.

"I supposed, what are you up to"

"Oh, I'm just home alone, my mom's out of town"

" you're really alone"


"I'm not so sure that's a great Idea"

"Why? It just means I can stay up as long as I want too"

"Haven't you been watching the news, there a killer out there and if I would've know you were going to be alone tonight and would've came over"

"Oh relax, i have my house in lock down with those new security protocols you use on your phone"

Then the phone rings louder and louder it was starting to annoy her.

"Well I can barely sleep, I'm still worried about that killer coming in"

"Ugh I'm sorry princess but the stupid landline won't stop ringing"

"Have you tried unplugging it"

Then Kelly gets out of bed, "I'm sorry I have to take this"

She hangs up, walks downstairs and answered the phone.


"Hello" the voice sounded normal.

"Who is this"

"Is this not:345-6846-1836" the caller asked.

"Sorry wrong number"

"Oh my bad" he chuckles causing Kelly to chuckle too.

She texts to princess: some random stranger, he sounds cute.

"You have such a lovely voice"

"Thank you"

"Tell my about yourself"

"I'm not supposed to be talking to strangers"

"Don't think of me as a stranger, think of me as an: new friend"

"Well I like art, and movies"

"Oh, what kind of movies to you like?"

"Scary movies"

"Really? Well what's your favorite scary movie"

"Uh the babadook, It's an amazing meditation on motherhood and grief"

"Isn't that a little fancy pants?"

"Well, it's elevated horror"

"Uh-huh. What does that mean, "Elevated horror"?"

"It's scary but with complex emotional and thematic underpinnings, It's not just some schlocky, cheeseball nonsense with wall-to-wall jump scares"

"Sounds kind of boring to me"

"Have you ever seen a movie called Stab?"

"Once, I think. At a sleepover when I was, like, 12"

"you don't know Stab? That's an original classic, why princess loves that movie. She talks about it all the time with you guys"

Then A stab of fear hit her heart when he said princess name.

"How do you know my friend is name princess"

"How well do you remember the original?"

"I don't know. I mean, it was super '90s. How do you know princess?who is this"

"Someone who's known princess for awhile, Do you remember the beginning?"

"Not really"

"It started with a kill scene, right? They always started with a kill scene" his voice then turns to a sinister tone.

"Yeah, that's right. That's right. Now tell me, how do you know about princess"

"It's a girl at home, alone. She answers a wrong number and starts talking with the killer who makes her play a game"

"Would you like to play a game...Kelly?"

When he spoke her name, things went sour.

"How do you know my name, how do you know about princess"

"Oh I know everything about her, I even know that you guys were talking on the phone...and that you are both all alone"

Kelly is freaking out, she hangs up the call, the feeling of fear got strong and she felt alerted.

So she pulls out her phone and activates the alarm system locking all doors.

"Systems armed"

She gives princess a call who was immediately fast asleep.

"Ugh" she formas when her phone rang, "ello" she mumbled as she was half asleep.

"Princess it was some psycho, I locked all the doors" she sounded in a panicked.

"Whoa, slow down Kelly, now what's wrong"

"There was so psycho on the phone, he knew my name so o locked all the doors, I'm scared princess" she had a fearsome tone in her voice as she checks the window.

"Ok calm down, just when the phone rings don't answer it" princess was concerned about her friend, "as long as the doors are closed, you're safe, try to call the police"

Then when they hanged up, the phone rang.

"AH" she listened to her friend and doesn't answer the phone.

But then she gets a text message from princess: you should answer the phone.

She knew something was up: how did you know my landline is ringing princess.

This isn't princess anymore...ANSWER THE PHONE BIT H.

Kelly is now terrified, she decided to call 911 but then she gets a call from an unknown caller.

"Princess?" She answered it.

But this time, a different caller called her.

"I told you...this isn't princess"

"Alright you psycho, what do you want"

"First things first, you call 911 and princess dies, I'm at her home as we speak"

The killer sends her a visor of him recording princess, she gets out of bed, looking a bit worried, she's wearing a teal Lace Trim Satin Cami Top & Shorts.

"Princess is looking particularly fetching tonight"

"I swear if you hurt princess-"

"You'll do what?"

"What do you want?" She grunts.

"I told you, I want to play a game. Stab movie trivia, three rounds. You call the cops, she dies You get a question wrong, she dies, Her family aren't home. I can be in that room in 15 seconds. You want a warmup question?"

Princess life was now on the line but that wasn't the only thing at stake here.

"I told you I don't know these movies! Ask me about something I do know. Ask me about It Follows. Ask me about Hereditary. Ask me about The Witch"

"In the first Stab movie, what Woodsboro native was introduced as the franchise's main character?"

"It's Sidney Prescott! It's Sidney Prescott and she lived on Elm"

"Correct. You see, you're gonna do great at this.
Okay, question one..."

"No, I got that one right. It should count"

"Anyone could have gotten that one right Sidney's in every movie but the last one. Question one: Who wrote the original book that the Stab movies are based on?"

"The chick from TV!"

"The chick from TV" is not gonna cut it, Tara"

"Gale Weathers! It is Gale Weathers, you motherfucker!"

"Correct. Princess might live to see the sunrise.
Question two: Who played the dumb bitch at the beginning of Stab 1 who answers the phone and gets carved up by the killer?"

"Fuck you"

"Is that the answer you're going with?"

Kelly starts to cry but it was fear that was getting to her, the clock was racing.

"A non-answer counts as a wrong answer, Tara.
Time's running out. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock..."

"Heather Graham! Correct! You pulled that one out. Now for the final question: Who was the killer in Stab 1?"

"I know this one, you fuck. It's Billy Loomis!
He was Sidney's boyfriend, and he was played by Luke Wilson, and I got you, asshole!
I got it! I got it right!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tara, but that's just not correct"

"What? No, no, it is. It is. That is right"

"The correct answer is Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. There are two killers in the original Stab. I'm afraid someone's got to die now"

Looking up at princess room, while her back was turned, the killer pulls out a knife.

"No, no, no. Princess, I'm coming" she hangs up and calls princess on the landline.

"Hello, Kelly?"

"Princess! You need to get out of there now! hurry you need to get out there quickly"

But princess couldn't hear her because she was being hysterical.

"What? Kelly what is it? Ok slow down I can't hear you, what?"

Kelly grabs a knife, she opens the door but then ghostface appears.

"AH!" Kelly flips out then ghostface cuts her stomach, tearing her fabric, she looks at him in horror unaware she was still on the phone with princess.

"Kelly? Kelly what is it? Are you ok? Hello?"

But Kelly punches him then shuts the door locking it.

She cried, terrified as she looks down at her cut, she was in shocked, her cut was bleeding a lot.

Then it was a race to locking the doors.

"Systems armed"

Kelly picks up the phone to say a good bye to princess.

"Princess" She stutter, "the at my house"

"What? Hang on Kelly I'm on my way just lock yourself in a safe secure room"

"I'm scared princess"

"I know but everything will be alright just whatever you do don't-"

"Goodbye princess just in case I don't make it, you were a good friend to me"

"What? Hello? Kelly? Kelly?"

She hanged up then on the other end, princess calls 911.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency"

"Hello operator, I need the police to 1738 rose Avenue I think my friend is in danger"

"Ok the police should be there soon"

"Hurry I think the killer is there"

"The killer! I'm on my way" on the other end was the chief of police.

Kelly picks up the knife and decides to defend herself.

"All systems disarmed. Systems armed.
All systems disarmed"

"Oh, my God. No"

"Systems armed. All systems disarmed Systems armed. All systems disarmed. Systems armed"

Then the phone rang again, "Hello?"

"Bonus question, Tara"

"Please stop"

"Do you think I made it inside your house before you could rearm?"

He comes behind her bad grabs her.

"Ah" she kicks bad scream then he grabs the knife and stabs her even more

She fight back but he grabs her bread and slams her on the floor, she kicks him back.

But he stomps on her, crushing her leg.

"AH!" She cried in pain.

He gets on her, flips her over, she tries to block when he tries to stab her face but he stabs right through her hand.

"AH!" She knows the knife form her, the she pulls her hand off,and kicks him back again.

She tries to crawl away, she was panicking but ghostface gets up and watches her.

This was a free advantage, he takes a few steps forward, pulls out the knife.

"Help!" She cries when outside she hears the sirens, she tiesto reach out for help.

But it was no use, her leg was broken, and she was bleeding to death.

Ghostface then pulls her back, and he receives stabs her back repeatedly.

Then he flips her over to see her fearful dying face one last time.

He raised up the knife and tears rolled down Kelly's face.

As she screams, ghostface slashed her face and blood splattered on his face.

He gets up and exits through the back door.

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