Plane crashed

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Helen comes out in her supersuit and throws her bag on one of the seats.


"Did you say something" Diane asked.


"It's not my fault! Dash ran away, and I knew I'd get blamed for it--"

"That's not true!"


"...and I thought he'd try to sneak on the plane so I came here and you closed the doors before I could find him and then you took off and [to Dash] it's not my fault!"

"You said, "Something's up with Mom. We have to find out what!" It was your idea! Your idea! Hundred percent all-yours, all-the-time idea!"

"W-wait a minute, wait a minute" Diane Jets up as she gets worried.

"Is princess here?" She looks around.

"No, she's with jack jack at professor marmalade's"

Diane's on the phone with professor marmalade.

"Don't worry Diane  princess and the baby safe here with me, everything is fine"

"Ok good, as long as princess is ok, that's all that matters"

He looks in the living room where princess is coloring but as she is, jack jack was on the sofa, he was playing with an orange then when he dropped it, princess picks it up for him.

"I do apologize mrs. Parr, I had no idea where the children went, they wanted to play hide and seek"

"Oh It's ok professor"

"Well You don't have to worry about one single thing, Mrs. Parr. I Can Watch your baby for you"

"I really don't feel comfortable with this. Uh, I'll pay you for your trouble"

"Oh it's no trouble mrs. Parr, I'm a great babysitter"

"He's too Ken care of princess while the bad guys were serving time" Diane assured her as she touched her arm.

"No need to worry mrs. Parr, I can totally handle both kids"

But Diane looks up in a panicked, "uh Helene"

Helen looks on the plane radar and sees several missiles headed towards the plane.

"I'm sorry professor marmalade, but we really need to go"

"India Golf Niner-Niner transmitting in the blind guard. Disengage! Repeat, disengage!"

Helen turns on the seatbelt light, Diane immediately buckled up and Violet and Dash try to buckle in.

Helen presses a button and turns away from the missiles. Dash and Violet didn't buckle in on time, causing them to fly around the cabin. Helen continues dodging missiles.

"Disengage! Repeat, disengage! Friendlies..."

Mr. Incredible was worried begged Syndrome.


"Too late!" he shrugs, "...Fifteen years too late."As he walks evilly towards him.

" off the missiles...NOW!" Wolf growled but Thomas just walks up to him with a more evil grin.

"Aw...I'm afraid I can't do that"

"Friendlies at two-zero miles south-southwest of your position. Angels 10. Track east. Disengage! Over! Vi! You have to put a force field around the plane!"

"But you said we weren't supposed to use our powers!!"

"I KNOW WHAT I SAID! Listen to what I'm saying NOW! Disengage. Repeat, DIS-EN-GAGE!"

Diane was surprised by her, Dash looks outside to see the missiles.


"VIOLET!! Mayday, mayday! India Golf niner-niner is buddy-spiked! Abort! Abort! There are children aboard, say again, there are children aboard!"

"Children?" Webs says but then wolf's face dropped when he realized something.



"THOAMS! CALL OFF THE MISSILES....NOW" wolf was not angry.


"But Mom, I've never done one that big before!"

"VIOLET, DO IT NOW!!!!!!!"

"Abort, abort, abort!"

Violet attempts to create a force-field but the force-field never gets any larger than the size of her head.

"Abort, abort, abort!" Diane made a worried look.

The Plane explodes and Helen wraps around Violet and Dash then she grabbed diane.


The four begin falling towards the ocean. Helen's unconscious when Diane wakes her up.


She looks around while Dash and Violet are screaming, she see her kids falling next to her. She grabs them and Diane and makes a parachute.

"Brace yourselves!"

She and Diane emerges to see the two kids treading water.

"Mom! Mom!"

"Whoa Everybody calm down" Diane says.

"Ok look, Now, I'll tell you what we're not gonna do. We're not gonna panic, we're not gonna--LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!"

Helen pushes Dash and Violet underwater and Diane swam away.

When A turbine falls down into the ocean with Helen and the kids narrowly avoiding it. Dash and Violet swim back to the surface and Helen watches the turbine hit the bottom and explode before swimming back up.

"Oh, my gosh! Who's idea was this anyway?!"

Diane swims back to see everyone panicking.


"We're dead! We're dead!"

"It blew up!"

"We survived! ...but we're dead!"

"STOP IT!!!" She Splashes water at them, "We are NOT gonna die! Now BOTH of you will GET A GRIP. Or SO help me I will GROUND you for a month! UNDERSTAND?!?!?"

Back to the interrogation room, wolf was just upset at me. Incredible was when they witnessed their families were dead.

"We have a confirmed hit. Target was destroyed"

"Ah, you'll get over it... I seem to recall you prefer to..... work..... alone.......?"

Then wolf glared at Thomas as he walks up to him.

"You would let your own daughter get killed" he growled then Thomas grabbed his snout.

"You're forgetting, I couldn't give a care about her, it's all about bringing you down, by taking away what means the most to you the most, that's all it's been apart and That's all it'll ever be, breaking you down like you did to me"

Syndrome laughs as he walks away. Bob becomes enraged. Mirage gasps, and Thomas liked he was about to warn him when with quick thinking she pushes Syndrome as Bob suddenly grabs her. Syndrome quickly stands up and the bad guys gasped.


"Or what?"

"I'll crush her"

"Ooh. That sounds a little dark for you. Nah, go ahead"

as Mirage and the bad guys gasps and he presses her harder.

"It'll be breaking a toothpick"

"You don't for the guts" Thomas says as he challenged him.

"Yeah,Show u

As Syndrome and Thomas eagerly waits, Bob slowly loses his will. He then sighs and releases Mirage, as she falls to the floor and looks shocked to Syndrome.

"I knew you couldn't do it. Even when you have nothing to lose! You're weak!...." He walks away, "...and I've outgrown you"

As Mirage looks to Bob one more time with a worried expression, she leaves with Syndrome as Bob starts crying, thinking that he lost his family, the bad guys looked at him and they frowned.

"I'm sorry Mr. Incredible" wolf says.

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