Rescue and attacked

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Helen starts crying, Diane rubs her back for comfort.

"Oh, I am such an idiot. I let this happen, you know The new sports car, the getting in shape, the blond hair, the lies...."

"Yes, he attempts to relive the past"

"Now I'm losing him! What'll I do? What'll I do?"

"Aw, now calm down Helen, I'm sure it's just some misunderstanding" Diane says.

But Edna gets ticked off, "What are you talking about?"


"YOU ARE ELASTIGIRL!! My God!" She Hitting Helen with a newspaper.

"Pull! Yourself! Together!"

"Edna!" Diane shouted.

"What will you do, this a question?!? You will show him you remember that he is Mr. Incredible, and you will remind him who you are! Well, you know where he is, go, confront the problem! Fight! WIN! And call me when you get back, darling. I enjoy our visits"

"Let me go with you, i Can take your kids"

"No, it's too dangerous madam governor"

"Please, i know someone who can watch them"

Helen is at the Parr house, talking with Violet while walking down the hallway to her bedroom.

"There's lots of leftovers that you can reheat. Make sure Dash does his homework, and make sure you get them both to bed on time"

"You be good princess" Diane kissed her forehead and helps Helen.

"Dorm worry ma'am, they'll be safe with me" marmalade says.

"Ok I should be back tonight. Late, vi you listen to nice man, you and dash"

"Yeah. But why are we staying with a stranger again?"

"Nothing. Just a little trouble with Daddy"

"You mean Dad's in trouble, or Dad is the trouble?"

"I mean either he's in trouble, or he's going to be"

Helen goes into her room to pack. Then, she sees Dash. Not wanting him to see the supersuits, she shut the door, then Dash ran to the window and Helen closed the curtains, then he runs to the other window and then Helen closed the curtains.

"Hey! What's that? Where'd you get that, Mom? You made a cool outfit? Hey, are those for us? We all get cool outfits?"

Dash runs inside Helen's room again and takes his suit.


"Dash! You come back here this moment!"

Then she gets a phone call, "Hey, Snug. Thanks for getting back. Listen, I know this is short notice, but I was hoping that I could get you to--"

"What are these?" Violet Holds up her supersuit, Helen takes the suit from Violet.

Dash is Dressed in one of the suits and looking at himself in the mirror.

"Look, I'm The Dash!" He looks in the mirror, "The Dash likes this. Yeah"

"Just a second....Take that off before somebody sees it"

"But you're packing one just like it. Are you hiding something?"

"Oh, please, honey. I'm on the phone and..."

Dash snags one of the suits, "Yikes!"


Dash Hands a suit to Violet, "Yikes! This is yours. It's specially made"

"What's going on?"

Helen starts Shoving both kids out of the bedroom.

"You're not coming! And I've gotta pack!!!" she sighs.

Diane saw and helps her pack, she smiles, "kids"

"Don't have kids diane"

"Aw they aren't that bad"

"I Jaír wish they were like princess"

"Well she was raised by the bad guys, she's a very nice girl, she's kind and she's very smart"

"What makes you think it's special?"

" I don't know. Why'd Mom try to hide it?"

Violet makes her arm vanish. She touches the suit and the suit vanishes. She gasps.

"Snug, I'm calling in a solid you owe me"

"What do you need?"

"A jet. What do you got that's fast?"

"Let me think..."

"So who is snug"  diane asked.

"Oh he's a very good friend of mines"

"But I'm sure it's a good idea for you to come diane"

"Dorm worry about me, I'll be fine"


"Helen there is something you should know about me"

Helen is in the pilot seat of an airplane, she was in shocked when she finds out that the Governor is the once legendary crimson paw.

"YOU'ER THE CRIMSON PAW-the the greatest criminal ever, never to be caught, I can't believe this"

Diane smug as she was in her suit, "I'm can't believe it either"

"For years I been trying to catch you"

"Yeah I am so sorry about all that" she touched her arm.

"Island approach. India Golf Niner-Niner checking in. VFR on top. what happened to you, why did you give up being a criminal"

Diane frowned, "I thought I had it all, I was going to still the crimson paw, I could've stole it but I was reminded of what people say what I was: an untrustworthy fox, so I hang up my suit and used my skills to help people, who do you think changed the bad guys for the better they became good because of me"

"Island tower, this is India Golf Niner-Niner requesting vectors to the initial. Over"

Helen gets a bit worried and unzips the bag with her super suit but then backs off.

"Easy, Helen. Easy. Easy, girl. You're overreacting. Everything's fine. They're just...all getting the same time. Yeah"

"It would be a waste not to wear it" Diane says, "go on and try it on, you know you wanna"

She heads to the bathroom to put the suit on and Diane takes control of the plane.

Mr. Incredible being imprisoned by a suspension system by his limbs, Syndrome walks towards him.

As the bad guys were tied to metal chair with wires and Thomas walks to wolf.

"You never know when to quit do ya, even when I framed you and you were being sent to prison, you just had to keep on going, you couldn't quit could you"

"I never quit for my daughter, which is something you did to her" wolf growls At him but he gets electrocuted.


"And You, sir, truly ARE Mr. Incredible. You know, I was right to idolize you. I-I-I always knew you were tough, but tricking the probe by hiding under the bones of another super??? OH, MAN! I'm still geeking out about it!........"

Thomas sighs, "And then you had to just go and......ruin the ride. I mean, Mr. Incredible calling for help? "Help me, help me." Lame, lame, lame, lame, LAME!!! ALL RIGHT, WHO DID YOU CONTACT?!?!?"

"Contact? What are you talking about?" He gets electrocuted.

"Someone is heading to the facility now was we speak" Thomas says.

"Let's hope they get here soon, so they can make you feel sorry" wolf says then he and the others get electrocuted again.

"I am referring to last night at 23:07 hours while you were snooping around. You sent out a homing signal"

" I didn't know about the homing device"

He gets him and the bad guys electrocuted again.

"And now a government plane is requesting permission to land here! WHO DID YOU CONTACT?!"

As wolf gang his head low, Thomas goes to his ear.

"Last chance...who did you call"

"It's probably Diane"

"The crimson paw"

"I didn't send for a...a plane"

"Play the transmission!"

"...India golf Niner-Niner checking in. VFR on top. Over"

"Helen" mr. Incredible turns to the bad guys who in wolf's face, he makes a worried look.

"So you do know these people. Well, then, I'll send them a little greeting" he presses a red button.

"NO!!" Wolf yelled.

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