The plan

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Meanwhile mr. Incredible and wolf walk out of cave, trying to find a way out.

"We need to stop Thomas, before he hurts princess"

"Just a minute, who was he and what those he have to do with you"

Wolf sighs as he knew he was bound to come clean away.

"Alright, fine, you deserve to know the truth, Thomas is princess real father"

"What?" Mr. Incredible was shocked.

" you see after we escape prison and continued the life of crime, I decided to do another job, Thomas was once a billionaire, we were robbing him blonde while he was busy with his party when suddenly I stumbled upon his daughter's room, princess was just a baby, she wasn't even scared of us, the plan backfired when she became attached to me, so we were wanted fur kidnapping her, we even held her ransom then we did this golden dolphin heist  but we got caught, but we were given a chance to redeem when a guinea pig named marmalade convinced the world that we could change for the better, we were going to con marmalade....when along the way...I had a deep connection with princess, she made me realize there is a better life for us, I started to love her like she was my own daughter"

"I don't see what Thomas is so upset about"

"Well I found out that thomas has been experimenting on princess, he hated her, he threatened to hurt her too"

Mr. Incredible was shocked, he felt very bad how he acted.

"Oh sorry to hear that"

"So you see we really did change...for princess, we showed Thomas true colors and after we sentenced time in prison, we took princess in and gave up being criminals for her, because she makes us feel like every day, we have a reason to be good"

At the end of the tunnel, they were reunited with the others.

"And that's why we love her" snake says, "ever since she was a baby, we dedicated to protecting her, that's why we need to stop Thomas before he gets to her power"

They all ran, "yeah...wait? What power"

"Oh, princess has this superpower called cutism" snake says.

"What's cutism?"

"It's when she uses her cuteness to hypnotized people"

"Oh, well we better go, me and wolf we'll try to find a way in"

"You guys go around the island and met us by the faculty" wolf says.

Wolf and Mr. Incredible hide on a cliff, they watch fir a teleportation to come by.

They both jump down, and get inside the first ride that comes, after mr. Incredible removes the henchmen.

They see the headquarters but see the guards.

"What do we do now?" Wolf asked.

"Hang on, I got an idea"

He tore the teleportation orb off, leaving the henchmen puzzled then he throws it at them.

They head to the entrance that was guarded by more henchmen, mr. Incredible pulls wolf back,

"Whoa...what now"

Then mr incredible picks up a coconut, "mr incredible, what are you doing?" He asked.

He throws the coconut, knocking the guard down.

"Hey, hey. We got a man down!"

"Come on, let's go"

"Are you okay? What happened?"

Then they head to the entrance where the others meet up.

"Good job" wolf says.

They look up at the door and tries to find a way in.

"I got this" piranha says as he tries to pull the door open.

But suddenly, he gets lift up and wolf hears something.

"Back up guys" wolf says.

"Break surveillance and engage. Continuing sweep..."

They then quickly run inside when they have the chance, and after avoiding getting caught, they go to the room with lava.

They look around to see what to do next, mr. Incredible picks up an statue to get the door to open...when it opens up for mirage.

"Hide" wolf says as they quickly scattered and hide away.

Bob sprints in the closing lava hallway, "mr. Incredible wait?" Wolf follows him while the others stay behind.

then they both jump as a door closes. A pathway is slowly lightened up, leading up to a keyboard. He slowly walks to it, and presses enter.

"Password? Just great, I mean it's not like every supervillain leaves their computer on without a password and webs is outside, the only one who can hack into the system" wolf groaned.

But mr. Incredible remembers the password from Gazerbeam's gaze before his death at the cave he ended up on, he types it. The Computer is logged in to a menu.

"Oh...Kronos...right? I forgot"

Then Switching back to Helen and the girls and Edna mode.


"Oh, hello. This is Helen Parr. Bob Parr is my husband. I was wondering if you could give me the number of the hotel he's staying at? The number I have is no good"

"Mr. Parr no longer works at Insuricare"

"What do you mean? He's on a business trip. A company retreat"

"My records say his employment was terminated almost two months ago"

Then Switch back to Bob and wolf, After apparently searching one of the information sectors, he proceeds to go to the ''Supers'' sector.

He presses return, and it's a slideshow of the superheroes and the older Omnidroids.

"It looks like prototypes of the droids" wolf gaps then his face dropped, "and every superhero in the world...all terminated"

Then Switch back to Helen and Edna. Helen's call ends, as she worries for Bob.

"I knew it and wherever your husband is, I bet that's where wolf is too"

Switch back again to Bob in the Computer room. The sequence continues.

Both bob and wolf we're horrified by this.

"Looks like Thomas has been very busy, he's been upgrading the droid to be more powerful" wolf says.

Then Switch back to Helen and Edna, "So, you don't know where he is" he shows a tracking device to Helen, "Would you like to find out?"

Switch back to Bob, with the sequence ended, He types "Elastigirl" into the search engine and the screen displays her location as "UNKNOWN".

He gives a relieved sigh, "mr. Incredible, i Don't think that he would-"

But then wolf noticed something, a bulletin board with the bad guys connected to princess.

Mr. Incredible then types Frozone into the search engine and the screen displays his location as KNOWN.

Shortly after, he types himself on the search engine. The screen displays him as TERMINATED by the Omnidroid v.X9.

Cut back to Edna and Helen. Edna gives the tracker device to Helen.

Cut back to Mr. Incredible in the Computer Room. He types something and then Operation Kronos's sequence begins. It shows the Omnidroid v.10. Then, Mr. Incredible goes to the phases.

First Phase: Secure the Omnidroid into a Rocketship.

Second Phase: Launch the Rocket towards Metroville.

Third Phase: Destroy the city with the robot deployed.

The countdown begins, having 8 hours left until the Omnidroid is launched. Mr. Incredible and wolf were in a big surprise.

"So that's what their planning" wolf muttered.

"they plan to unleash to unleash the omidroid x10 on the city to cause mass chaos while syndrome will pretend to take it down with thomas and be declared heroes, that's why they terminated all the other superheroes, but what those princess have to do with this?"

Now that was the million dollar question, mr. Incredible retreats.

"I don't know but I don't think we should stick around and find out, we need to get to your friends now before-"

Then Back to Helen. She presses the tracking device and Bob's suit light blinks.

"Huh?" They both look down.

The lights turn on, and turret holes open up as a P.A repeats thrice: Intruder Alert.

Wolf heard a ratting noise coming up above he, he looks up and a bet landed on him.


Then the Turrets shoot goo balls that expands after they hit him.

Then outside the lace, the other bad guys hear noises then stop when they get surrounded by the henchmen who aimed their guns at them.

Mr. Incredible stops twice because of the balls hitting him too much. He collapses in front of with Mirage who's walking towards him.

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