Flirting with danger

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"You think Diane can pull it off?" Webs asked as she and snake were planning to steal of if the cable working cars.

"I have my doubts. There's no talking to wolf, though" snake says.

"You think he's...mixing business with pleasure?"

"He should know better" snake steps out.

"Where you going?"

"To get a work shirt and a service truck"

"Are you kidding me?"

The next day, Diane, disguised as a cable technician, maps out its interior and determines the location of thomas's safe containing the bullion.

After piranha knocks out his cable, Thomas calls for some service.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Chesterfield?"

"The cable's out. The TV, the modem, everything.
Now, get somebody up here, and tell them to hurry up"

"Netcom Cable, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm up at 3320 East Skyway, and the cable's
just gone out--our modem, everything"

"Okay, um, let's see, sir I have a Thursday between 9:00 and 3:00 if that would be good"

"That's going to work. Thank you"

"Guard just called the cable company" webs says.

"What time's the appointment?" Wolf asked.

"Thursday between 9:00 and 3:00"

So wolf has to reschedule the call, "Hello? Hi, I'm calling from Netcom Cable. I understand your service
is out, and there was an appointment set up for Thursday"


"Well, we have a technician working in your area who's finished with an appointment earlier than expected.
Will somebody be there for the next hour?"

"Sure, that'd be great"

"All right, our technician will see you then. Have a nice day"

"Here's all the paperwork you need. Just get him to sign and date at the bottom" snake hands her the paperwork.

"Let's check out the camera. Diane, you'll be going patriotic today. Make sure you walk slowly, or the image will streak" he pins a tiny camera on her.

-"There's cable lines in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and the cable modem on the computer in the office. You need to locate the safe in the office. Okay" webs says

"Just want you to know I think you're very
brave going in there. I know it won't be easy" wolf says.

"I second that" snake said.

"It's going to be fine What?" She sees him smiling.

"You know what fine stands for?"

"Freaked Out. Insecure...Neurotic, and Emotional" the two said.

"You'll be great. Yeah"

"Morning. Can I see some l.D.? Thanks for coming so soon"

"Hey, that's part of the job"

"All right"

"Aston Martin Vanquish. Looks like that bastard took my car" snake says.

Then a couple of dogs came growling, "Nasty-ass dogs" snake says.

Thomas came out when he heard the commotion, "Hey! Hey!,Relax, Jesus Christ. Come on" he whistles for them, "they won't bother you now. Come on.
House. Go on, get out of here"

"It's okay, I'm used to running into all sorts of animals on my job"  Diane steps out.

"Thomas chesterfield"

"Becky" Thomas was immediately bewildered by her beauty, "Want to show me that problem?"

"Yeah, of course. This way"

"You have a really nice house"

"Yeah. 1922. All the original tiles. Every stone in that courtyard hauled from some monastery in Seville"

"What a tactic"

"Monastery? Monastery for punk-ass creeps"

"You don't seem impressed"

"No, it's just that I don't think lugging a bunch of rocks
from one place to another is quite... that interesting.
You know, it doesn't quite do it for me"

"What does do it for you?"

"Um... TVs?"

"I have a monster TV. Not working right now, but..."

"But you know, I should probably check out the cable modem, you know"

"Yeah? Yeah, right. Over here. I paid 30 grand to some punk kid to put this system in. One day, it just goes out. I ought to have him strung up"

"Here we go. There's our baby" they spot the safe.

"We got him" wolf says.

"Got any, uh, wiring coming through here?"

"There's no wiring in here"

"Just right here?"

"Yeah. I bet most of your customers are pretty surprised when they go to open the door for the cable man and find you standing there"

"Oh, yeah"

"He's hitting on her" wolf says.

"There's no problem here. I should maybe just check the TVs"

"Okay. You know what, end this shit right now. I'm going to blow this shit right off the mountain right now" piranha was about to go AWOL when they stopped him.

"No, no, no. No, no, hey, hey, hey"

"I see you got the AVM processor"

"Only the best"

"Check the box" piranha jumps out.

"I'm just going to...reset your system. Sometimes these things just get jammed up you know? That should do it."

"It's fixed?"

"Turn her on, let's see"


"Japan's Nikkei index..."

"Perfect.Becky, huh?" But Thomas was suddenly getting close, "Have we met before?"

"No, I don't think so. If you can just sign there"

"So, if I was to ask you out to dinner...would I be the first one of your customers to ever do that?"

"What, you asked your last cable repair guy out for a date?"

"No, but the last one was, like, 300 pounds, had a handlebar mustache. You know, not really my type"

"I don't think it's a good idea"

"Why, is that, like, some, cable company rule?"

"No, actually, it's just my rule. I don't go out
with strange men. I just met you five minutes ago"

"So, I guess I have to, like, sabotage my cable, you know, till we get to know each other well enough" he leans in closer but she is creeped out and pulls away.

"Have a nice day"

"Come on, I'll be a perfect gentleman, I promise. I won't even ask you for your phone number. I'll just... I'll meet you. Anywhere you want to go. Come on, break your rule once It's just dinner. Is that a yes?"

"Are you okay?" Wolf approaches her.

"Yeah. He touched my hand. He came on to me.
Hey, at least l... I created a window of opportunity, right?"

Unaware of Diane's identity, Thomas asks her out on a date.

"When he goes out Friday night, we go in. By the time he realizes you've stood him up, we'll be long gone with that gold"

The plan is to blow the safe while Steve is away on his supposed date, using three heavily modified Mini Coopers to transport the gold out of the mansion.


Back in their hotel room, "Make sure you shuffle
them cards this time, snake" piranha says who were playing cards.

"Hey, webs, what's the distance between the front door and the vault? Don't deal when my back's turned" wolf says.

"You've got that loser's paranoia"

"It's farther than you want to carry it"

"Yeah, but, so, how do we get the gold from the vault
to the getaway car?"

"How wide is the hallway...webs?"

"Six feet"

Then wolf and snake look at each other thinking the same idea.

They load some weights representing the gold in a car which Diane drives.

"Okay, you've got your gold"

"Whoo!" Then after doing a test run....

"We need more cars to handle the weight"

"Looks like I'm going to need some help with the custom work, too"

"Which is why we have shark for the job"

"So I modified the camera to include the... so we can create really hi-res digital maps"

They began to work on the cars, webs tries to hack into the surveillance street cameras and piranha test on some new explosives to break the gate open.

"You want all greens? 'Cause, ah, 'cause you got them"

"What have you got?"

"Welcome to L.A.'s Automated Traffic Surveillance
and Control Operations Center. See, they use video feeds from intersections and specifically designed
algorithms to predict traffic conditions, and thereby control traffic lights, so all I did was come up with my own kick-ass algorithm to sneak in, and now we own the place"

"You want to do a dry run?"

"I thought you'd never ask. See, red light? Green light" webs control the lights now, causing an accident.

"Hey, hey" wolf points out.

"Oh, oops, did l...?Oops, wow, but it's awesome.
Is that not awesome?"

"Yeah great...Can you change it back now?"


"That's good"

"What are those?" Wolf checks up with snake.

"Unnecessary engine parts. We lost your smog controls, and 200 pounds of body fat. You got yourself
a sweet ride now, wolf" they do a quick test run.

"You know what I'm thinking about right now?" Diane shouts to wolf.

"The look on Thomas face"

On Thomas last visit to Yevhen....

"You're early"

"Well I'm in a hurry"

"Of course, you know that the Florida vote rigging was a ClA and mob operation"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, which is not so very different from when your John F. Kennedy won a rigged election with the help of his father. You're uncomfortable that I mentioned it"

"No, Yevhen, I don't like making two trips"

"You Americans. You love your heroes. A holiday for Columbus? He makes the wrong turn, and wipes out an entire indigenous people. And you know what he was looking for?"

"Let me guess, I bet you're going to tell me"

"Gold. Supposedly for Queen lsabella, but don't think that the Medicis back in ltaly didn't want a part of that action. And what did Italy need gold for? For the long-distance slave trade based in Venice. Venice..."

Yevhen accidentally reveals that he knows about the Venice heist.

"that's where these bricks..."

"You were saying something?"

"Nothing... No..."

"No, you were really on a roll there. Don't stop. I'm interested"

"Please, I'm confused, my English--"

"You understand fine. Now what do you know about my gold?"

"No, I don't--"

"Don't you even think about lying to me"

"Okay, okay, l, I heard a rumor about a heist in Venice.
with an imprint of a Balinese dancer on them"

"Who have you told?"

"No one"

"Who have you told?"

"No one!"

"I swear to God!"

"You swear to God?"

"You crazy? I swear to God. I didn't! Well, then I guess
I believe you"

To cover his tracks, Thomas kills him then he takes the money and leaves, when Mashkov, sees his cousin dead.

"Yevhen? Yevhen?"

At the golf course, wolf was going to meet their supplier.

"I'm here to see invizble"

"Yeah, he's over there"

"Thanks, man"

"Don't stare" he says to snake.


"Don't stare"

Then they see a golf club floating in the air, "AH!" Snake panicked a little.

"Shh" wolf calms him, "sorry about that, I guess he's never meet you"

"It's ok" the invisible man says as he chuckles, "I get that a lot"

-Invizable.." wolf walks up to the club and it reveals to be an invisible man with unique powers.


"What's up, man?"

"How's it going?"

"So was I right about the gold bricks or what?"

"Oh, I'm not here to talk about that. We need, uh...
some supplies"

"More supplies huh?" Invizable sounded intrigued as wolf joins him in a game.

"Nitromin, primer, detonating cord...two triple-charged chemical grenades and a launcher" wolf noticed snake staring at Invizable.

"Ahem" wolf coughs.


"It'la Cost you about five G's"

"Done. Call me"

"Thanks, man"

the leader of a Ukrainian crime family and Yehven's cousin, traces the gold back to invizable via Yevhen's ex-employee Vance.

"Come on. Get out. There. Vance has something
to tell you. Go on"

"A couple weeks back...I was working counter at your cousin's shop. A guy come in asking about gold bricks with Balinese dancer on them"

"What did you tell him? I told him that I'd seen some bricks. I'm sorry"

"What did this man look like?"

"He had,'s impossible but...he is invisible"

"I know that guy"

invizable was playing golf when he gets visit by the crime family.

"Do you know who I am?"

"You're Mashkov"

"That's right. You were asking about gold bricks
with a Balinese dancer on them"

"Tell me why"

" Thomas just called to confirm his 8:00 reservation
at the Water Grill"

"Okay, let's go over it one more time. Gas the guards,
doors open 8:15" wolf says

"Safe popped by 8:25" Diane says.

"Loaded by 8:35" snake says.

"out the door by 8:45" shark says.

"Straight to Union Station. Only green lights on your route. The rest of the city's red. Cops are stuck in the traffic, like everyone else" webs says.

"Train leaves at 1 0:00. Cars have to be on the carrier by 9:30" piranha says.

"Timing's got to be dead on Let's get ready"

"Let's get it"

Thomas leaves for his date....

"Wow, that is a nice car" webs says. "Coast is clear, guys"

"This is it, guys. Moment of truth"

On the night of the planned heist, the crew discovers that Thomas's neighbors are having a party so they have to abort.

"What the hell is this? Shit! Thomas's neighbor's throwing a party"

"Are you here for the, uh, Baker party, sir?"


"We're not blowing any gates tonight, guys.
Too many witnesses. Diane"

as the explosives would draw attention. Diane still has to meet Thomas

"I know, I know. I'm late for my date"

"Yeah, and you got to be charming. You'll need him
to ask you out again. Sorry"

"Let's get out of the street"

"I really can't imagine you doing that"

She was at a nice place with Thomas, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you don't really seem Like the adventurous type, you know?"

"Don't let the cable uniform, you know, throw you"

"I wasn't making assumptions"

"I've made some assumptions about you"

"Oh, really? And?"

"Well... you're just going to have to wait and see"

"Why wait?"

"Let's get a check"

"Let's go back to my place. No assumptions..."

"Not tonight. It's late. I should go home"

"What, you have a cable company curfew?"

"No, but I've made some bad calls in the past. Hey. We should take this maybe a little slower, you know?"

"This lovely dinner, sparkling conversation--you still don't trust me?"

"Oh, I trust everyone. It's the devil inside them I don't trust"

but inadvertently gives away her identity by using her dad's catchphrase.

"It's an interesting saying. It's charming. Where'd you pick that up?"

"Can't remember"

"Really? I knew a guy who said it exactly like that"


"Yeah. He's the only person I've ever heard say that.
He said it all the time. His name was John foxington" he takes her and crushes it.

"You're hurting my wrist"

"He had a daughter and she was about your age"

"Let go of my wrist"

"I knew that there was something familiar about you.
You're exactly like your old man, you know that?
I liked him, too, right from the start. I liked him right up until the minute I shot him. But coincidentally I have a daughter too who is just like you, she lost her mother...because I shot her....Who are you working with?"

Then wolf grabs Thomas hand causing him to let go of Diane who seemed in tears and angry.

Thomas looks up at wolf who glared at him, "She's with us"

"Well well well, look who's back from the dead, Gang's all here, if it isn't the big bad wolf" Thomas taunts wolf.

"You know, the only thing worse than a thief, Thomas?
A coward"

"Then you should have seen the way your daddy
begged for his life"

The team arrived to protect her as Thomas taunts them as he says he still has the upper hand.

Diane snapped and tries to Attica him but wolf holds her back.

" It's not worth it"

"Geez, Put a leash on your fox"

"Hello, Thomas"

"Hey wolf. Long time no seen"

"How's your wife doing"

"Oh Not bad, wolf, as a matter of fact he's dead, Really, not bad"

"You have no idea how hard it is for menot to reach across this table and kill you with my bare hands"

"Oh now You know better than that, wolf. You wouldn't kill a father now would ya, a poor little girl lost her father to a thief"

"You would know a lot about father considering you shot Diane's. Now you know what it feels like"

"Can't let emotion into these things"

"Tell me it wasn't about emotion when you shot John
and left us all for dead"

"That wasn't about emotion. It was about a lot of gold,
and I wanted it"

"Anything you think you deserved, you didn't"

"Hey, don't talk about right and wrong with me, man,
'cause I just don't give a shit"

"What about your wife and daughter"

"Okay? You got your cards, I got my cards, we made our play, and I came out on top, okay? I didn't marry for love oh no...I marry for-"

"You married for money"

"Yes that's exactly right but Carmilla left everything to princess, I was gonna keep her alive till she was finally 18 then I can killl her too, Now if you want to start
the game up again, that's fine with me. But what, I mean, what is your play here, really? I mean, come on, what do you... what do you think? Y-you'll try to take out my guards, right? I have five of them that you don't know about. You'll try to have webs hack the system.
I'll change it again tomorrow morning. What, what, what was y-your final move? I mean, you were going
to have john's daughter and Mr snake come in and try
to crack my safe? I mean, that's...that's very poetic and all, but I just don't see it. I don't think she'll get
anywhere near it"

"Same old chesterfield, huh? Always thinking defensively That's why you're always number two"

"How do you figure that?"

"You got no imagination. Couldn't even decide what to do with all that money. You had to buy what everybody else wanted. But you could've used that money for your daughter but no"

"Oh... well, try this on in your imagination, okay?
That gold is already gone. My daughter I don't give a care about"

"That's bullshit, Thomas"

"No, really, it's over wolf. I'm trying to move the last two bricks. You want to come after me over a couple of lousy bricks? I mean, really, be my guest. But you're off to a bad start, you know? 'Cause you just blew
the best thing you had going for you. You just blew the element of surprise" angered, wolf punches him

"Surprised? It's over when I say it's over. And I'm not after your gold anymore...I'm coming back for you daughter"

But Thomas smiled, " and what are you gonna do, you're gonna kill her too do I one what it feels like, you should know wolf I have no heart"

"That's right, you have no heart, which is why I'm gonna take your daughter away and adopt her, I'm gonna raise her as my own, love her, and make sure she grows up to a good person and not a worthless piece of thrash like you" he throws some money on the table, "so enjoy it while you can Thomas because I'll be coming for you and when I do, there will be hell to pay"

"Are you all right, sir?"

He finds Diane in tears, "How you doing?"

"Good...considering...considering the fact that I'm doing all of this for a man I barely knew. You know what bothered me all those years, wolf? It was that, whenever he'd call me to tell me that he was on some job, I knew you were right there with him. You got to know him a lot better than I did"

"Just 'cause he was around me more doesn't mean he wasn't thinking about you all the time"

"Be nice if it was true"

"It is true. He always regretted not having been a good enough father to you, Diane"

"How do you know that?"

"Because he told me"

"What did you do to your hand?"

"Oh I punched Thomas"

"Why do you get to punch him and I don't?"

"Those hands are way too valuable."

The two have a moment as wolf holds her close and he kisses her forehead.

"It's not about the food anymore, it's about getting even and fulfilling my promise"

"What promise?"

"I promise your dad if I could I would go and take Thomas daughter away because he doesn't deserve her, everything he owns is actually hers"

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