Payback is a b

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One year in the Philadelphia....... A year later in Philadelphia, wolf finds Thomas, under a new identity, is laundering the gold through Ukrainian jeweler Yevhen to finance his lavish lifestyle in Los Angeles.

Wolf gathers the team, and also recruits John's daughter Diane, a skilled private safe expert, offering her the chance to avenge her father's death.

"You always work in the dark?"

"Makes me feel like I'm alone"

"Not bad. Not bad, Diane"

"Damn. Hurley couldn't crack that safe"

"Neither could Spears"

"Now you know who to call first"

"You're expensive, Diane. Those guys cut us a break
on subpoena jobs. Good will, community service"

"I do it for the money, Paul. I'll be sending you a bill"

"Don't you want to see what's inside?"

"I never look inside. Have a good day. Hey, George"

"Hi, Diane"

She heads back to the office,How long to crack it?"

"Four minutes and 43 seconds"

"Oh! You're the man"

"What's on the lineup?"

"Todd Milliken called. He has a prototype combination lock. He wants you to test out. He says he added two false contact points on the tumbler"

"I'll pretend to be stumped for a couple of seconds,
give him a thrill. And, there's a Mr wolf in your office.
Says you two know each other"

Diane is shocked, she thought she never thought she would see an old face again.

"Mr wolf"

"Hey, Diane" he was leaning against her desk.

"Didn't I tell you I never want to see you again? I think it was when you told me how my father died, right in front of your eyes, after you pulled him in for one last job"

"We found him, Diane. He's in Los Angeles. The gold bricks he stole from us had a Balinese dancer
stamped on them. I just got word, from a contact of mine called invizable, that a gold dealer out in L.A.
has been buying those bricks."

"Yeah? Well, how do you know it's him?"

"He sent me this. Thomas changed his looked"

"Why you telling me all of this?"

"Been checking out the databases behind safe companies. Found out Thomas had a Worthington 1000 delivered to his home office. You don't install
a Worthington 1000 unless you've got something
really big to guard"

"No, you don't."

"The problem now is no one in my crew can handle Thomas safe. And I need somebody I can trust"

"Look, I'm a professional safe and vault technician.
I'm not a thief"

"Hey, it's not about the gold, Diane, okay? John was like a father to me, too. Look, I'm sorry, all right? I just can't move on until I've set things right"

"I've moved on" feeling rejected, wolf left.

It had her thinking, so she call him while he was playing basketball with snake.

"Come on, wolf. Come on."

"Hang on snake, Hello?"

"I want to see the look on that man's face when his gold is gone. He took my father from me; I'm taking this" she hangs up having wolf glad.

"She's in"

"That's a good thing?" Snake asked.

"It's a very good thing. She can crack a Worthington 1000 without even flinching"

"I'm not sure having a civilian on the crew's
a good idea, wolf"

"She's got the skill and she's got the motivation"

"Exactly. She's emotional. You know what happens
when emotion gets into it"

"Look, don't kid yourself, all right? We're all emotional on this one. Let's go. Are you ready?"

"Of course I am"

"You're not ready"

Diane wolf arrived at a an abandoned junkyard, "That was quick"

"Where are they?" Diane asked.

"We're a little early. I didn't expect us to get here
quite that fast. There. That's webs. She's my computer genius.

She was on piranha's shoulders as he rode a motorcycle. "Hey" she waved.

"That's piranha Demolition and explosives.
When he was ten, he put one too many M-80s
in the toilet bowl"


"Yeah, that was cool. How'd you do that?"


"He's been blowing stuff up ever since"

"Hey Chico"

Then shark pulls up in a car with snake, "shark and snake: shark a master in disguise and snake is a cracker safe genius, also the Premier wheel man, shark once Once drove all the way from Los Angeles just so he could set the record for longest freeway chase"

"You know, he got 1 1 0 Love letters sent to his jail cell
from women who saw him on the news?"

"And you?" Diane asked him.

"I never heard how you got your start"

"Me? Well, I've been a thief since I had baby teeth"

"Hey, wolf"

"Good to see you, hermano"

"Looking good"


"Wolf Hustle"

"Good to see you"

"Hello, wolf"

"Snake, what's up?"

"Good? Guys...Diane foxington"

"Hi. How you doing? Nice to meet you"


"Yeah, they're all fresh and clean, I got internal chips in them. Please change them twice a day. We will get heat on line"


"James Hymen?" Come on, man, one time, give me a cool name" piranha groans.

"Try lifting some weights"

"Try lifting up these"

"Guys, enough.Come on, we leave tomorrow, all right?
Let's go" wolf says.

"Man, out of all of the places for a thief to hide, this joker picked Hollywood. He's a punk, but he ain't stupid" piranha says.

"All right... we need to figure out a way to get in Thomas house and make a video blueprint of the interior. I want audio surveillance on his phone" wolf says.

"Oh, yeah, I been wanting to try something. I crack into the phone company's remote monitoring system,
and fool it into thinking there's a legal tap on the line.
Just reroute the digital copies of the calls to our own
listening post. I been doing it to my ex for years" webs begins going on her computer.

"How long?" Wolf asked.

"I'll burn through the night; I'll have it running by morning"

"Sorry I'm late" Diane arrives.

"We got to work on getting Thomas out of the house.
Stella, how much time you need with the Worthington?"

"Five minutes flat"

"Don't be cocky, lady. It's not the same as opening
a safe for the police" snake says. "The perspiration on your fingertips, your heart's pounding in your ears...whole different ball game"

"I appreciate your concern. I'll be fine"

"Look, just remember, this is all the easy part, okay?
It's the getaway that can get us caught"

"So what's the sketch?" Shark asked.

"We drive to Union Station. Getaway car goes right onto the train with us. We need to know exactly
how long it's going to take to get from Thomas house
to Union Station"

The next morning, shark and snake were stuck in traffic.

"Oh, great. Carson Security System" piranha says as They stake out Thomas mansion

"How good is it?" Wolf asked.

"Are you kidding, Carson's held an annual contest--$50,000 to anybody that can bypass the system.
The Who's Who of ex-cons always show up. Five years running, no one's been paid"

"Okay, party people, here's the status. It's an anti-scaling fence. It's hardened, electro-plated steel.
Yeah, I'm going to have to paint that up with some nitromin" piranha says.

"Security on the property?" Wolf asked.

"Got an armed guard here. Little rent-a-cop, with a nine-millimeter on his hip. But that booth...Security booth looks prime for a chemical grenade"

"Nitromin, chemical grenades...I mean, that stuff's
pretty hard to come by" webs says.

"Yeah, webs, it's a bear market.Shit. This dude got dogs. I don't do dogs. I had a...real bad experience, man"

If it's one thing snake hate, it was traffic, he was getting impatient but the actor in front of them who can't see.

"Hey shark can I take the wheel" he asked.

"Sure" they switched seats and as snake backed up, he rammed into the actor crushing his car, snake chuckled.

Meanwhile they see Thomas in a dark brown fur in a business suit.

"There he is" webs says.

"Let's get to work" wolf says.

"It's either bad traffic, peak traffic, slit-your-wrist traffic" shark says.

You know, five people died from smoking in between traffic lights today" snake says.

"You know, they do have the Metrorail, snake. You could always use that" webs says.

"That'd be ideal for carrying a ton of gold,
wouldn't it, genius?" Snake says.

"What's your guesstimate?" Wolf asked.

"The last 20 times I've done the journey, you've got an average of 32 minutes and a top time of 50, but if we had green lights all the way, we could do it in 1 4 minutes" shark says.

"Wait, you couldn't get through traffic?" Diane asked.

"Well snake tried to"

"Whoa. We could do anything with green lights all the way" piranha says.


"I'll see what I can do"

"You're right on time. All these poor bastards
out there, putting their life savings in banks, and S&Ls, and mutual funds. How do they think, when the collapse comes, they can depend on the government?
I don't think so" Thomas was meeting someone in the pawn and jewelry shop.

"Are you taping me?" Thomas gets suspicious.

"Of course not.I never tape you--come look,
see for yourself.Governments are nothing more
than puppets and strings in a world where NAFTA
can overrule the Supreme Court. Like my cousin Mashkov always says: "This is our only refuge, baby--
gold."Every time I look at these engravings...
She's so beautiful. Where'd you say you got these?"

"I didn't"

"A little walking around money" he offered Thomas a loan A grand.

"I guess I'm not walking as far as I thought"

"I'm... sorry. I can only buy two bricks from you today"

"That wasn't the agreement"

"What can I say? I'm just middleman. I'll buy the other two from you on Wednesday"

"Don't waste my time, Yevhen"

"So, what does a man with 35 million dollars worth
of gold do at night?" Webs asked as she yawns.

"He watches his big-ass TV" piranha says which gives wolf an idea

"That's our in"

He heads to her apartment but when she didn't answer he broke in.


"Jesus! Wolf! How did you get in here?"

"I knocked, but you didn't answer"

"What-- so you just let yourself in?"

"I was just making sure you were okay. I apologize. I just...-l..."

"Don't look"


"You got a lot of stuff here. You know, your dad was old school. Did the whole thing by touch"

"That worked for him; this works for me. Technology guarantees speed and accuracy, you know?"

"Yeah, but there's no guarantees in this business, Diane. Why the headphones?"

"Just training myself. Ambient noises, you know,
just in case. What do you want, wolf?"

"We're going to knock out Thomas cable, and we need to send in a repairman"

"To get your video blueprint of the interior"

"Yep, Only problem is Thomas thinks we're all dead"

"Except me"

"I'll do it, wolf. I'm in all the way, whatever it takes"

"All right. I'll set it up"


"Um... you, um...maybe want to get a drink downstairs with me before I go back to my room?"

"I sh... I should finish this stuff up, you know? Just get it all done tonight"


"Sorry I scared you"

"It's okay"

"Good night"


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