Battle for the map

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After realizing the gravity of the situation, jumped off their boat and onto the shore, looking for him urgently.

But before they had a chance to call Dog back, princess ran far but not before giving wolf the map, she went looking for the dog as she ran ahead of them.

"Pedro" puss whistle for him.

Then everyone looks for him, "where did that crazy dog go"

"I think you like him" kitty teased.

"No, no I don't"

"I think you're ready to name him"

"Aw that's so cute" wolf teased then everyone laughed.

"No i don't"

"Princess, princess" wolf called for her.

"You lost her!" Puss yelled with worried.

Then kitty worried too, "what kind of father are you"

"Hey, I didn't lose her, she just has a knack for wandering off, come on princess"

"Well we need to find her, so her easy path could get me my wish"

But he froze realizing what he said as everyone turned to him.

"You're wish" wolf growled.

"You mean my wish" kitty says.

"If anyone is going to make the wish, it's going to be princess"

"Don't you mean my wish"

Then suddenly they heard a familiar and unfriendly voice.

They turned to see Jack Horner and his pumpkin tank plowed through the tree line, rolling up on Puss and Kitty. What's more, he had Dog in his grasp! And princess.

"Oh look, I found a little lost dog, and a little lost kitten" Jack said.

The Baker's Dozen (now down to about nine guys) burst from the forest, brandishing weapons and kitchenware.

"WOLF!" Princess screamed.

"PRINCESS!" He bad the others worried.

Kitty held up her own sword. Puss, look at the back of wolf's pants and keeps his eye on the map.

"The baker's dozen"

"Let him go, Jack!" Kitty yelled.

Then wolf gets up at jack, "let my daughter go!" He demanded.

"Oh, I don't know. I might keep the dog, as for the kitten-," said Jack as He reached into his endless bag and pulled out a crossbow loaded with a unicorn horn.

Jack was angry that Puss and Kitty and the bad guys were trying so hard to get the wish.

Jack aimed the unicorn horn in princess's face.

"Nice granny bag little jack"

"It's not a granny bag, it's a magic nanny bag"

"Now, make with the map or we'll see what the unicorn horn really does."

"NO" the bad guys yelled as princess whimpered.


"Why, you're not going to shoot a little girl are you, Jack?" Ethical Bug chimed in from Jack's shoulder.

"Yeah, in the face. Why?" Jack replied.

WHAM! Suddenly, one of the Baker's Dozen slammed into the side of Jack's tank, causing him to drop Dog but he holds on to princess.

The attack came from none other than Goldilocks and the bears, all of them looking thrashed, trashed, and thoroughly angry.

"Give us the map, or the Baker man gets it!" Mama Bear called, threatening one of Jack's henchmen.

"I don't even have the map, littl e bo creep, the big bad wolf does" Jack said. "Plus, I don't care about him. Just stop throwing my men at me!"

Taking advantage of the momentary pause, Dog made a break for it, leaping from the tank and scampering on the forest floor.

"Look wolfie, either give me the map, or else you can say goodbye to your daughter"

Wolf was determined to give the wishing star to princess for her birthday but the way hack threatened to hurt her...he value her then some star....he had no choice.

"Ok win...I'll give you the map" he takes out the map but puss gasped as jack smiled.

But then...puss takes the map as wolf was about to hand it to jack.

"Puss give me the map"

But puss just hangs on to the map right, and wolf was getting angry.

"" then he ran.

"PUSS!!! son of a-"

"Ah-Ah language mr. Wolf there are kids here" jack point or princess who he still haves.

Then the dog dodged through legs and avoided grasping hands as Jack's henchmen lunged for him.

Kitty turned to Puss, "puss, we need the child, tThen she charged into the fray, sword in hand.

Meanwhile, Baby Bear and Papa Bear's attention diverted to Puss and the map.

Papa Bear slammed a pillar of rocks at him, but Puss expertly dodged it, collapsing onto one of Jack's henchmen.

From there, it was all eyes on Puss. Then jack throws princess.


"PRINCESS! Snake piranha"

"We're on it" snake says as he and piranha ram, he lunge himself to princess then piranha jumps in a tree, he then grabs snake's tail, and snake wrapped himself around princess and brings her down gently.

Puss dodged a meat cleaver from one of Jack's men and diverted the unicorn horn into one of the Baker's Dozen, who instantly exploded into glitter.

"AH!" Princess gets scared and shark burry her face in his chest.

After Puss dodged another of Jack's attacks, he sees wolf running after him, he glared as he was angry with him.

it hit one of the henchmen instead. The force of the glittery explosion flung Puss off, and the map flew out of his grasp. Just as Puss moved to retrieve it, he heard something.

A whistle.

Puss turned and saw the wolf standing on the river's far bank.

Puss didn't have time to wonder how the wolf managed to track the group all the way there.

The wolf's whistle pierced through any thought Puss had, reminding him of the fear that shook his core during their first meeting.

The wolf reminded him of his mortality. How he wasn't indestructible. That the true death of the legendary Puss in Boots was imminent.

But Puss remained determined to stay alive, no matter the cost.

So, as the wolf drew his scythes, Puss panicked and ran.

Dog chased after him, too, but it was too late- Puss was gone.

Goldilocks nabbed the map and let out a loud bear roar.

"NO" wolf growled then he turns to puss, "I'm gonna kill that cat"

At last, she had the map! Her eyes glittered and the forest shifted yet again, this time from Dog's path to Goldilocks's.

As the dust cleared, Jack saw Goldilocks and the bears disappear into the distance with the map and his only chance to wish for enough magic to never feel powerless ever again.

Puss far and as quickit as he could from the

He wasn't exactly sure what running would accomplish.

He just knew that he had to leave and escape the wolf no matter the cost. He took big, desperate gulps of air. He could feel his heart pump in his chest.

Puss's head swiveled around frantically, looking for the wolf in the trees. But in his nervous state, the wolf seemed to be everwwhere.

"I'll be back" wolf says.

"I knew coming here was a bad idea" Diane says.

There was no escape from his fate. This was the end for Puss.

Panicking, Puss tripped over and landed on a branch in the dense and dead forest.

He cowered back against the tree stump, panting hard and grabbing his chest as he realized the wolf hadn't actually followed.

He was safe, for now, even though his body and mind thought he was still in some sort of danger.

In pursuit, Dog finally found Puss sprawled upon the forest floor, wild-eyed, breathing hard.

"Puss, what's wrong?" Dog asked. When Puss didn't reply, Dog instinctively rested his head on Puss's chest.

Dog noticed that Puss continued to breathe rapidly.

Puss pet Dog until the moment of panic passed.

Dog was really getting a hang of this therapy thing!

"Thank you, perrito," Puss said. On seeing Dog's confused and concerned expression, Puss knew it was time explain everything. "I am-"

But then his throat gets grabbed by wolf who was still glaring at him.

"You naiving excuse for cat, you cost me the map" wolf snapped at him as he strangled puss.

"Wolf I-"

But wolf pulls out a knife and placed it against his throat.

"I showed kill you on the spot right here, right now"

"Lobo, please....I beg you"

"And give me one reason why I should"

"Because....I'm down to my last life. And I am afraid."

Wolf was shocked as he drops him, "what?"

"It's okay to be afraid," said Dog.

"Not for Puss in Boots. I am supposed to be a fearless hero, a legend. But without lives to spare, I am nothing. I need that wish to get my lives back."

Dog thought about that for a second as wolf felt empathy for the cat even if it cost him princess birthday present.

"You should talk to Kitty-"

"No, she cannot hear of this."

"Okay, but-"

"Kitty will never trust me again. Not after Santa Colo-ma"

Kitty was searching for them as she was angry.

"Adónde fueron ese idiota y su perro"

"But that's just one bad heist"

"Santa Coloma wasn't a heist, Perrito.It was a church, with a priest and guests. And Kitty
Everything but me I ran away then, too"

The event sunk in for dog. Puss and Kitty were supposed to be wed, but he had left her at the altar.

"Oh. Oh. Oh! You left her at the altar?"

"It was wrong. I know"

"Oh puss, why not tell me is that why-"

"It was wrong, I know. I am ashamed. I just wish I hadn't hurt her so badly and I am afraid to tell you wolf because of what happened between us" Puss said.

Little did Puss and Dog know: Kitty had arrived right when he started talking about Santa Coloma. She heard everything. And her heart sunk, too. Kitty had some confessions of her own, she regretted what she did to Diane and will do anything to make it up to her.

"So, maybe you should tell that to Kitty.Might make you feel better.Might make her feel better, too"

"Puss! Dog!"

Then the bad guys princess and Diane would wolf sitting with puss.

"Oh" they were all relived as princess hugged wolf.

"Thank gosh your ok" princess says as he hugs her.

"Wolf the map"

"Don't worry about it princess, well get it back I promise I am going to get you that star" wolf says as he grabs her shoulders.

Kitty entered the thick of things, and Puss admitted that he lost the map, but Kitty waved it off. She was very moved by what Puss had shared.

"Oh, there you are.What happened back there?"

"Kitty. I lost the map.I messed up"

"We'll get the map back. We've been in worse pickles,' she told him.

"Wolf I really don't-" but before she could finish he takes her hand.

"Let's go"

"Wait, who told you that name?" asked Puss.

"What name?"

He turns to the bad guys and see them snickering.

"Oh, um. Nothing. Nevermind."

"Come on puss" wolf says, "let's go get that map"

Puss smiled at him, "and get you guys that star"

On the mountain trail, Goldilocks and the bears jogged toward the wishing star, their strides excited and upbeat.

"I can taste that wish now. Do you know what it tastes like?" Papa Bear asked.

"Pies?" guessed Baby Bear.

The bears broke out into a song over pies.

"Imagine us: a big-time crime syndicate," Papa Bear said gleefully.

"Not a big-time crime syndicate, love. A big-time crime family. Isn't that right, Goldi?"

Mama Bear called out with glee. "Goldi?"

Goldilocks was distracted, but she looked up when Mama said her name.

"Sure, sure, Mama. Everything will be just right."

The image on the map started to shift as the stardust churned and vibrated.

SHOOF! The stardust vacuumed into nothingness.

The map was blank.

Baby Bear snatched it from Goldilocks, but she bit and battled him for it once more.

"You're the smash, I'm the grab," Goldilocks reminded him. "I hold the map."

As Goldilocks took it once more, ornate, cursive letters appeared around the map.
Goldilocks read:


Goldilocks and the bears looked up in front of a charming fairy-tale cottage. Smoke piped from the chimney.

"Look, look! Right in front of us," said Baby Bear, pointing to the cottage.

"It looks like our cabin back home! Could that be what we seek?" added Mama Bear.

But Goldilocks wasn't convinced. "You really think our cabin is in the middle of the Dark Forest?" she asked.

To find out for sure, Baby Bear gave it the old sniff test.

"Something's cooking," he announced.
"Well, we better investigate!" added Papa.

The inside of the cottage was rustic and super cozy, complete with overstuffed chairs, comfortable-looking beds, a fire in the hearth, and bowls of porridge left out to cool. Even the cupboard had jars full of honey.

Papa Bear sunk into his old armchair recliner. "Hello, my old friend. I have missed you so," he said to it, before promptly falling asleep.

Mama, meanwhile, found herself entranced by the porridge. "Look, Goldi! It's made just the way you like it."

"No matter how you make it, she doesn't like it," Baby Bear quipped.

Mama strolled around the cottage, reminiscing about things. But one of the team wasn't amused. Goldilocks.

"Stop it, all of you. Just stop! It's the forest playing tricks!" Goldilocks shrieked. "This isn't real. None of this is real."

However, before Goldilocks could say anymore, the fairy-tale book on the table, Happily Ever After: Fairy-tale. Stories, called her attention.

She put her hand on it, in complete disbelief that it was real.

"Aw, that was your favorite book. You used to stare at it for hours," Mama Bear said.

Goldilocks opened the book to a page of a perfect fairy-tale family standing in front of a castle.

There were two human parents and a little girl in the middle.

As she looked at the book, the magic of the forest played out a little scene. Stardust Goldilocks jumping on the bed.

Stardust Baby Bear looking annoyed.
Goldilocks was confused why the forest would show her this, but for Mama Bear, the significance was clear.

"This was it," Mama Bear said suddenly, glancing around the cottage. "The day you found us. This was the day when our world became just right."

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