Kitty and Diane's past

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Puss, Kitty Dog, the bad guys, Diane and princess drifted down the bubbly river, from
Princess's map. True to the "bubbly" name, they admired their adversaries' avatars on the enchanted map.

Jack Horner's location was stuck in field of roses.

"Do your job, demon flowers," Kitty said.

Meanwhile, Dog was practicing his cute-eyes trick. It wasn't going well and princess was looking at the soap foams in the river and the bubbles around her, she pops one, it caused her to giggle.

"Okay, one more time. Like this," said Kitty as Dog watched her hypnotic cute-cat gaze intently.

"Trust me," she continued, trying to lure him into the gaze.

"Aw. That's amazing. But of course, I trust you and Puss, even without the eyes," Dog said.

"Yeah? Big mistake," said Kitty.

"A big mistake trusting kitty" Diane says as she crosses her arms, kitty looks back at diane who avoids looking her in the eyes, she was clearly angry with kitty.

"What do you mean? You're my friends."

"You know what trust gets you? A sock, a rock, and a swim in the river," Kitty replied.

"That's not what trusting her gives you" Diane says.

"Why what did it give you" the dog asked Diane.

"BETRAYAL and a stab in the back"

"Well You have to trust somebody, right?" asked Dog.

Kitty shook her head. "Whenever I've let my guard down, I've been played, betrayed, and . .. declawed." Kitty looked down at her paw.

"But you did betray someone...once" Diane says.

"Never again. I'm a solo act. I keep my secrets, and I play my cards close. That's how you get a winning hand. Take it from me. Never trust anybody." Kitty held up Dog's sweater vest.

During her speech, she had expertly swiped it with her cat-thief skills, further demonstrating that he couldn't trust anybody.

Dog, however, stared at her innocently, wagging his tail. He thought it was amazing.

Kitty threw the sweater back at Dog with a grin.

While Kitty and Dog were contemplating the intricacies of the cute-eyes, Puss had a dilemma all on his own.

It was the beard. He could pretend that he liked it all he wanted, but he didn't. So, maybe if he convinced Kitty to help him, he could spare his feelings and restore himself to his natural state all at once.

"Kitty, I've been thinking. My beautiful beard. It is very distinguished, yes, but it does deprive the world of a good look at . .. my face. So, if it will make you happy, I could be convinced to-"

"I've gotten used to it," Kitty interjected.

"Wait, what?" This wasn't part of Puss's plan.

"The beard. Keep it."

"Well, you see . .. heh," Puss started to say, but he couldn't handle it anymore.

"Kitty, PLEASE! Get this itchy thing off me!" He launched himself into another round of frenzied scratching.

"Hold on. Is the great Puss in Boots asking for help? Can't shave it yourself? Isn't your stick sharp enough?"
The bad guys laughed, "she's got you good puss"

"Ha, ha! She's razzin' ya, Puss!" Dog called.

Kitty had her fun, but she wouldn't make Puss beg.

She drew a small ankle knife from her boot and started shaving him aggressively.

When she was done with her masterpiece, Puss had a long, swooping mustache that connected to very frizzy muttonchops.

Then she changed the style again and gave Puss a goatee with a mess of curls on his head.
Finally, Kitty decided to really finish up, trimming around Puss's throat.

"There's the handsome face I've been thinking about ..punching," Kitty said.

"The face you haven't seen since ... Santa Coloma," said Puss, realizing how long it had been since he'd felt like himself.

Puss put his cavalier hat back on, and Kitty noticed the scar above his brow. That was new.

She handed him her ankle knife.

"Here. Consider this a souvenir," she said.

For Puss, it wasn't much of a knife, but it did beat a gnawed-up stick. Puss slipped the knife into his belt and chucked the stick away without a second thought.

But for dogs, a chucked stick is more than they could ever resist.

Dog zeroed in on the flying stick. It was in-stinct. He had to have it.

Then they turn to princess as they heard her laughing, they see rainbow colored fish, flying then one of them kisses princess cheeks, causing her to laugh.

Then puss saw the bad guy smiling, it made him wonder as they enter a cave of crystals, he walks up to princess.

"So lobo, what Is the story with her, how did you get a daughter and where did she come from" puss asked.

But then in the crystal's reflection they saw wolf meeting a baby princess.

"Oh hey there don't mind me, I'm just grabbing a few things"

After he steals every precious gem or until the crib was empty, he was about to leave until he noticed that the baby was wearing jewelry, a golden heart locket, a diamond ring, diamond earrings and a golden ruby crested bracelet and a tiara with real pink diamonds.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind if I take this" he snatches her tiara.

"And this" then he takes her bracelet, she watches him take her stuff without even whining or crying or showing any emotions that might get him in trouble.

"And these" then he sees her locket and lifts it with his big finger.

"Oh you wouldn't mind if I take this do you" she giggles then he smiles.

"No of course you wouldn't, your just a baby" he turns sees her ring and hawks at it.

"Oh wow is that yours it's so lovely" she looks down at her ring then up at him.

"Oh" she giggles.

"Can I have it" he coos at her, she looks at her ring and wolf again, then she takes off her ring and hands it to him.

Wolf gasped in excitement as he takes the ring.

"Oh for me, aw you shouldn't have.

He takes it and she giggles, then he pinches her cheeks and she giggles again.

"Thank you so much-" then he strokes her chin and she is immediately bonded by him.

"For being a good hostage, now you be a good girl and stay in school.

Then suddenly, she grabbed his paw and it made him feel something, he was shocked but then when she mushed her face against his hand, snuggling his hand.

The bad guys looked around the crystals as they get a blast from the past.

"Ok truth be told puss, princess is our adopted daughter"

They see more memories...

Wolf stops when he sees princess reaching her hands out to him then fixing his tie.

He was surprised but grateful by the kind gesture.

"Oh thank you" he stares at the baby kitten then starts to wonder about that time when she created chaos in their hideout.

"Huh you know I wonder how did you dad ever handle you, you little troublemaker" wolf asked her then suddenly....

She did something that changed his life, she hugs his chest, nuzzling her head against him, looking up at him with the most adorable puppy eyes and says:

"Daddy" she cooed.

Puss kitty and the dog were amazed by princess as a baby.

But then Wolf frowned, "I thought I kidnapped her but in fact I saved her from her evil dad"

He laughed at wolf as wolf started to think about it, Thomas turned to Wolf, his smile growing even wider. "you'll never be a father to her, You're just a bad and that's all you ever be, " he then throws princess in the air, she screams and wolf felt threatened then Thomas catches her in his claws, holding her whole body, trying to choke her.

"And after tonight, you'll never see her again" then wolf finally snapped when Thomas threatened to hurt princess.

"You good for nothing cheap moneybags!" Wolf howled with anger.


Puss and kitty were shocked but as they watched, they didn't see the dog jumping in the water.

"So we gave up being criminals for her"

Wolf looked Snake in the eye and said, "Snake, I should have been honest with you, I was afraid that if you knew I was going soft for princess, you'd--"

"_act like a jerk and never talk to you again?" Snake said, cutting him off.

Wolf grinned. "The point is I-I-

" I know..I love you, too buddy " Snake said.

Then the two hugged, then this tender moment was joined by the rest of the bad guys.

Shark began to weep big, salty tears. "This is so beautiful, Do you know how beautiful this is? You guys?"

"Now you're gonna make me cry!" Piranha said, full-on weeping.

I know." Tarantala said through tears, "So pathetic, Right?"

Wolf beamed at his best friend, then rurned to the other guys slyly.

He slipped the grappling hook out of his suit and waved it in the air. "Come on. Who said this was the end?"

Wolf wrapped his friends in his arms and sent the grappling hook flying.

But then puss noticed something in the memory along with wolf...they see a certain white fur lobo.

They both panicked when..."wolf" princess called him.

"Oh yeah princess?"

"What happened to your arm" she pointed out as he tries to hide it.

"Uh what are you talking about? Nothing"

Then she grabs his arm and showed that he had a open cut wound.

"No it's bleeding and it looks really bad"

"Oh it's nothing, probably a cut from...the the roses" he chuckles as he lied.

But She eyed him suspiciously then tire a piece of her dress off and wrapped it around his arm.

Puss and kitty were surprised, "you need to be more careful wolf, a open cut like that is dangerous"

Then wolf turns to puss, "you see why I want to give princess the wishing star, she's perfect and the perfect daughter deserves the perfect gift, she means the world to us, beck, if anything would've happen to her...I won't forgive myself"

But then, "at least you guys changed for the better, unlike some people I know of" Diane says hand kitty was getting annoyed.

"'er still mad at me"

"people don't forget kitty" Diane growled as she gets in her face.

Puss and the bad guys were shocked but then diane grabbed kitty by her beck and slammed her against the boat near the water.

"I should kill you right now on the spot, drowning you in the water" Diane grunts as she chokes kitty.

"Diane!" But she turns to see princess grabbing her arm.

The look in her eyes made diane let go of kitty.

"But your lucky that I have a kid now"

Then puss and wolf pulled kitty and Diane apart, Diane growled as kitty hides behind puss.

"What did you do to make her so angry?" Puss asked kitty.

"Ok Diane calm down, what happened between you guys that made you hate her so much" wolf asked.

"You wanna know, I'll tel you why"

But she didn't need to tell them, because he crystal showed images of the crimson paw and kitty entering a jewelry store.

"We used to be partners till one day we robbed a jewelry store"

Diane and kitty sneaked form the inside, carefully not trying to trigger the lasers, they start swiping the jewelry and judging by the smiles, they seem to be having a good time.

"I don't get it, you two seems to be doing well, what happened" wolf asked.

Then diane frowns as so did kitty, "we were on our way to the good life, we had an escape route too...but kitty here...decided to be stupid and cute"

"Ok that's the last of them" past Diane says as she carried a bag of the stolen gems of her back.

But then a green gem caught kitty's eye, "oh Diane look, we missed one, and it's so shiny"

"Oh kitty no, it's a trap the last one is always a trap"

But kitty couldn't resist the urge too, she looks at Diane then back to the gem.

"'t do it"

"I'm sorry Diane, I can't resist" she reaches for the gem.


But she was already too late, once kitty took the gem, she triggered the alarm and the lights came on.

"Oh dear"

"Ugh, see I told you...look her on my back, I'll hoist you up"

"But when I helped her, she turned her back on her"

Kitty gets to the top and she looks at the bag of gems.

"Oh kitty now get me a lift" Diane holds her hand but kitty looks had then Diane then to the bag, she smiled.

"Kitty, what are you waiting for, help me up"

But all she saw was kitty smiling, "kitty, kitty...KITTY"

Then kitty gets up with the two bags, "I'm sorry Diane but I'm afraid I have to leave you"

"KITTY" Diane was angry.

"Don't take these personal, It's just business, we had a good run though, call me whenever you get out of prison"


then crystals ended the flashback to kitty frowning sadly but Diane was still angry.

"So you see That's why i hate her, she abandoned me, she deserted me, we couldn't have it all but no, she had to stab me in the back like the good for nothing scheming denying little dirty rat backstabbing little traitor she is today" she snapped on kitty's face while everyone was surprised, this was a side of Diane wolf never knew.

"Diane I'm sorry about everything I truly am"

But Diane didn't believe her for a minute, "of course your sorry, you never cared, I told myself if I ever saw you again I cut your throat and wear your fur like a scarf"

"Please diane do you really think revenge is the best way to go"

"I gave up being a criminal so I won't have to make the same mistake you ungrateful double crossing little pussy" then she slapped kitty's face.

"AH" kitty fell as she was scared and shocked everyone gasped but then.

"Excuse me"

They all turned to princess, "I hate to interrupt but...where did the dog go"

They all realized the dog was gone.

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