Battle for the wishing star

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♪ The legend will never die... ♪

♪ Da-da-da-dun. ♪

Wolf was getting annoyed by the loud singing as he covers his ears.

"Would you all stop It"

"Sounds like someone's having a good time" he heard a familiar voice.

"Huh?" He turns around to see a reflection of his old self.

"Hey wolf long time no seen"

Wolf was curious as he walks up to his reflection.

"we had it all didn't we, money fame, freedom"

"Yeah, but That's all in the past now, it wasn't enough to make me happy"

"Oh yeah, it was all fun till you have everything up for a baby"

"Hey!" Wolf gets offended, "that baby changed me for the better, she makes me happy"

"Oh us that so, so tell me, why are you so desperate to look for the shooting star"

"One more number!" Guitarist Puss laughed to his other lives. But Puss couldn't.

"This has been fun, but can you tell me how to get out of here? I've got to get back to Dog and Kitty."

The music stopped. All the other lives blinked at Puss.

"I'm doing this for my daughter" but then his own reflection laughed at him, taunting him.

"You don't think I know, I know you better then that and if I know me I say, you're just using her as an excuse because deep down underneath all that softness, you want the star for yourself"

"That's Not true"

"Not true?"

"Whoa. I thought you were going to get the wish. You got the map. You don't need them," said the swordsman.

"Yeah, get those lives back. Become the legend again, town to town"

"Who are you kidding, you're buying your own con"

"I'm getting the wishing star for my daughter, I never do this for me" he storms out, he didn't wanted to listen more but....

"Even though she's not your real daughter" his old self taught him.

"Party to party"

"Puss in Boots walks alone"

"Yeah, Puss in Boots walks alone. Was the legend so big there was no room for anyone else?"

Then wolf turned back to his reflection, "hey! You keep princess out of this, she has done nothing but loved me"

"Oh, the legend's still big, gato. It's you that got small"

"Yeah, you changed, man"

"Admit it, she's holding back, you wish that you never meet princess and that you had your old life back"

"I hear he's best friends with a dog now"

"And he doesn't even have a sword"

"My life is perfect for how it is now with princess and I don't need you to show me how worthless I am"

"Some hero"

"You've become a scaredy-cat"

Then wolf's reflection shook his head and crossed his arms.

"Wow! You really have changed your not the wolf you used to be, you gone soft and weak all for what! A child that's not even your own, you're a coward"

"And your a bad reflection of my old terrible miserable past"

"We should call him Wuss in Boots"

"Ah, no, no, no, no"

"Didn't you hear? His new name is Pickles"

"So lame"

"Where is your litter box, Pickles?"

"You know what? You guys are jerks" Which is very conflicting for me. I'll find my own way out. Adios. Come on lobo"

"Sure puss let's go"

Oh, you think you are better than us?

Without us, you will always live a life of...



"Oh, you think you are better than us?"

"Without us, you will always live a life of..."


"Fear," said another, more menacing voice.
Out from the shadowy darkness, the wolf crept for-ward. Puss and wolf gasped in disbelief.


"Oh no, Not you again" wolf says and puss noticed how wolf was afraid of him.

"I do love the smell of fear," the wolf sniffed.


SMASH! In a flash, the wolf drew his sickles and shattered Tipsy's column with a single blow then he threw his sickle at wolf.

"AH!" He ducks but he looks back to see the sickle hit his reflection.

"Sorry to crash the party with your past lives-or your past deaths, as I like to call them," the wolf said.

"You know him" puss asked wolf.

"Know him? He did this to me" wolf shows him his bandaged arm.

"How do you know him" wolf asked puss.

"He attacked me too" puss shows him his scar.

Then he shattered two more. "I was there to witness all of them. Each frivolous, untimely end."

The wolf receded into the darkness, leaving Puss and wolf trembling. He reappeared next to the remaining Puss lives.

"But you didn't even notice me. Because Puss in Boots laughs in the face of death. Right?" He shattered the column of Guitarist Puss. "But you're not laughing now."

SMASH! There went Dancing Puss.

Now things started to click for Puss. The wolf wasn't just a wolf. And the wolf wasn't just a bounty hunter.

The wolf was . .. SMASH!

"You are no bounty hunter....You are... "


The sad reality of the situation sunk in. Puss was not immortal. Not even a little bit. And wolf was now shocked and terrified.

"And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically. Or poetically or theoretically or in any other fancy way; the wolf said, looming over Puss. "I'm Death, straight-up.
And I've come for you, Puss in Boots." The wolf continued his monologue. "And you too señor lobo"

"But why me, I don't even know and and I don't have any nine lives, I never died or had a near death experience"

"No....but you cheated me"


"That day, you and fell to save your friends, you were just inches away to death for me to claim you, but you cheated right out of me and saved you and your friends"

"But we're still alive" puss says.

"You know, I'm not a cat person. I find this very idea of nine lives ... absurd," the wolf continued. "And you didn't value any of them. And as for you well...i hate....when people cheat death, do you have any idea how disrespectful that is, So why don't I do you both a favor and take this last one now? And take your life too long"

"That's cheating!" called the swordsman.

SMASH! The wolf took out Swordsman Puss, too.

The last Puss life, Vanity, desperately yelled, "Run, Puss in Boots! Get the wish!" SMASH! The wolf took him out too.

Then puss and wolf ran, "come on puss" he panicked.

"Go ahead. Run for it. Makes it more fun for me," said the wolf.

Puss didn't know what else to do. So he followed wolf, they both were panicking and shaking, and terrified.

They raced through the cave, desperately looking for a way out. As he frantically searched, the wolf's inescapable shadow loomed behind him.

The wolf's reflections surrounded Puss until finally he saw the light at the end of the crystal tunnel.

But although wolf was scared, he pushed his fears away and focused on finding the star for princess, his heart was still in the right place.

He leapt toward the exit, but the wolf grabbed the edge of puss's cape, pulling him back. Puss desperately tried to keep moving forward as the wolf pulled and pulled and pulled until-

ZIP! The cape ripped, allowing Puss to make it through the exit and back out into the Dark Forest.

On the other side, Puss emerged in a sprint. He could barely think-he just had to run!

But wolf stopped, "puss, puss! You can stop now, he's gone" wolf called him as he gets reunited with his friends.

"Hey, Puss!" called Dog, who was also looking for Puss at the mountaintop. "Puss! Puss, were here!"

Consumed with fear, Puss kept running. Kitty slowed to a halt at the start of the ridge.

Her smile faded as Puss left them behind then wolf gets angry.

"PUSS! Stop and being me back the map"

"I'm sorry lobo, but I just can't"

"But what about my daughter, I need to give her that wish"

"The heck with you daughter"

The bad guys gasped and kitty could tell that something was not right. What had happened to Puss?


"Puss! Puss, we're here! Wh-Where's he going?" Dog asked but kitty felt heart broken as wolf glared at him the he looks down to see princess reaching out for him, he picks her up.

"Don't worry princes he kisses her forehead and cradled her, "I'm gonna get you that wish" even with death after him, wolf would die just to get that wish for princess.

Through the Dark Forest, Puss continued to run, looking back desperately to make sure the wolf was not following.

He wouldn't squander this life--he wouldn't squander ANY more lives -he just had to outrun the inevitable, if the wolf was inevitable!

Puss ran so fast that he reached the edge of the forest in no time.

This made him pause, as what lay before him was awesome.

It was a giant crater with the wishing star at its center.

In his fear, Puss had done it. He had finally reached the wishing star!

The star was massive. It shimmered with magical power.

Its surface was pure silver. As Puss neared it, he kicked up stardust.

Puss wasn't sure what to do. But it seemed the wolf hadn't pursued him further.

Uncertainly, he opened the enchanted map, and a sparkling incantation appeared, drawn in glittering cursive script.

The star itself began to respond to the map, its points carving through the crater around it as it continued to rise.

Behold, Puss thought to himself. The wishing star.

And it was all his.

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