Battle of the wishing star

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Goldielocks and the bears traipsed through the forest, exhausted and worn.

"That's the third time we've passed the same rock, Baby," Goldilocks said.

"Oh, not again"

"What do you want me to do? I've lost the scent," Baby complained with a cry.

"You only have one job; the one thing that makes you mildly useful is your nose, and apparently you can't even use that!" Goldilocks cried.

"I'm starting to think your 'just right' isn't what you promised us"

"Leave off, Baby"

"So, what is it, Goldi? What's the wish?" Baby asked. "What's so blasted important that you've got us stranded in this haunted forest?"

The siblings were at each other's throats. Goldilocks couldn't take it anymore. She snapped.

"I'm getting a family, that's what! A proper family. Then everything will be just right!"

Goldilocks's words hung in the air. They stung. Baby, who argued with his sister frequently, felt shocked and hurt. Papa was flabbergasted. But Mama seemed to almost suspect it. Her face was unwavering.

"Just right is . .. getting rid of us?" Baby asked.

He knew the answer, but he needed it confirmed.

"Well, I guess some people just stick around until the porridge is gone, eh, Goldi?"

"Come on. You didn't think I would actually stay I'm not a bear," Goldilocks reminded them.

As the family processed the gravity of Goldi's statement, a rumble crashed in the distance, followed by a bright light skyrocketing way above the tree line.

The family looked in its direction, in awe of what must be the wishing star.

"I was always afraid it was too good to last," Mama Bear said sadly.

"And whether you think we're your family or not, if this is something that will make you happy .. we'll get you that wish." She motioned solemnly to Papa and Baby.

"Come on, boys."

"Oh, what a good boy am I" but they weren't the only ones to see it, jack Horner with his last henchmen and the bad guys looked up.

Wolf glared, "he's making the wish, we got to go, we're running out of time" wolf was going to get that star even if it was going to kill him, he'll risk it for princess.

With the star fully illuminated, and the motivation of the two wolf beside him, Puss began to read the incantation.

"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight .."

But Puss didn't finish the incantation. He heard a voice -Kitty's voice.

"I can't believe I fell for it again," she said, less conversationally and more to herself.

She was at the edge of the star, standing with Dog.

This was it. Puss felt terrible. "Kitty! You don't understand." She couldn't.

"Don't understand what? That you've been playing me this whole time? And what about the bad guys daughter" Kitty asked.

"I need this wish"

"You want to know what MY wish was? One person, just one person, I could trust. In my whole life, I've never had anyone. Finally, here, I thought I found that person. Without a wish. I thought it was YOU."

Puss listened to Kitty's confession, feeling quite shocked to hear how she felt.

"But you're still running. Same old Puss in Boots," she said.

These words stung. This Puss wasn't anything like the other eight lives he'd lived-the ones that laughed about Santa Coloma. No, he cared about Kitty. And a part of him cared about Dog. But she didn't understand. He had to make her.

"But I'm not! I'm not Puss in Boots! I'm . .. I'm on my last life! I need to get my lives back. Without them I'm ...I'm not-" Puss could barely squeak the words out. They felt like a betrayal to his very core.

"What? The legend?" Kitty asked, mocking him. She shook her head, disappointed.

"Huh. I still can't compete with your one true love." At least for Kitty, this was confirmation that she'd gone down the right path - until now, anyway.

"Go on. Get your lives back, Puss in Boots. Just
keep them out of mine."

And with that, Kitty Softpaws turned on her heel and stormed off.

Dog, too, looked at Puss. The disappointment was evident on his face. Then he followed Kitty.

"Kitty, I'm sorry. Death is after me!" Puss tried to reason.

His explanation was enough to make Kitty stop in bewilderment, but that was short-lived.


Jack Horner had burst onto the scene!

"I've been called a lot of things!" Jack yelled.

He had with him his magical bottomless bag, the last man of his Baker's Dozen, and a rolling pin with nails on it.

His eyes furrowed and focused on the wishing star. "But never death.' I Like it. That's MY wish."

Then the bad guys arrived, "oh no you don't, that's wish belongs to princess" wolf growled.

Meanwhile, the bears also arrived. "That's Goldis wish!" Mama Bear said.

Everyone had arrived, this time for a final standoff, all for the wishing star.

There they were, the world's greatest thieves -Kitty, Puss, Goldilocks, the three bears, the bad guys the crimson paw and Jack (plus the member of the Baker's Dozen and Dog, and princess although they could hardly be considered thieves.

Princess was terrified as she stands back, At long last, they'd converged on the ultimate enchanted prize: the one, the only, legendary wishing star!

Everyone made a beeline toward the center of
the star . .. and right at Puss.

He watched helplessly, sweating, as Kitty blocked Goldilocks in the nick of time to parry blows and blunt attacks, saving Puss.

Kitty may have been angry at Puss, but she certainly didn't want him dead.

Almost overpowered by the brute force, wolf pounced at wolf.

"Ah" Puss dropped the map. It blew across the surface of the star and near Baby Bear's paws.

But Dog swept in and tripped Baby before he could grab the map then piranha jumped on him.

"Ah!" Get it off me.

"No you that, that's princess gift"

The melee ramped up into a torrent of action. Kitty and Goldilocks dueled once more; meanwhile, Puss had to fight and dodge the bears.

But then he gets confronted by wolf, wolf glared at him as he still had a score to settle.

"You still haven't changed puss, still the same selfish coward you are today, your trash"

Jack aimed his staff at Kitty and used its blaster power, which shot bolts of rapid-fire magic at her. Bang! Bang! Bang!

Diane was fighting off mama bear but she gasped when she saw kitty, she gasped and ran.

Kitty expertly dodged the attack, both jumping and ducking out of the way. But as jack gets a good aim at her, Diane grabs kitty As the calamity ensued, the wishing star continued to ascend.

Kitty and Diane fell to the ground and kitty gasped when she saw Diane stared at her and saved her then when they gets up, Diane saw kitty was about to hit her when she turned to see she was pushing back the backer that was about to attack her, Diane was surprised.

The magic got stronger as waves of cosmic power broke over the star's surface and swirled at its edges, drawing objects in its wake toward it.

Princess gets scared and ran, "wolf! Stop!" She saw wolf who was trying to attack puss but he dodged him.

"Please I don't need the wish"

But One of those things happened to be Jack's last baker henchman, who was pulled through the air and toward the wall of magic.

Then princess turns to see papa bear sliding to her, "ah"


He sees he was pushing her to the magic wall and when she saw her eyes, it reminded him when he saw young Goldie, so he covers her and stops.

"Mister Horner! I need help," the final baker called out.

"Duly noted, but a little busy at the moment," replied Jack Horner, who aimed his staff at the others moving closer to the wishing star.

The baker's body started distorting and elongating, being pulled closer into the star magic.

BZZRT! The wall of magic pulled the last henchman into itself, and whatever-his-name-was dissolved into magical dust.

Puss dodged an attack from mama Bear's claw and leapt to attack. But Papa Bear expected this and punched Puss in the air.

Puss rocketed toward edge of the star, and he thankfully grasped the edge and saved his cavalier hat from flying away.

(that could have been bad)! Meanwhile, the bad guys gasped when they saw papa bear saved princess, papa bear and princess stared at each other then he gets kicked my kitty as shark grabs princess.

"Are you ok" he asked as he was worried.

"Yes shark, I'm fine"

Jack Horner saw the map and leapt for it . . . but Dog quickly rushed in and grabbed it with his mouth. Dog then ran with the fastest speed he could muster.

Still, it wasn't fast enough. Jack took this opportunity to grab Dog, steal the map, and fling Dog aside.

Kitty caught him by the sweater.

The map changed hands (er, paws?) once more--this time, Mama Bear grabbed it.

Jack turned up the strength of his magic staff and zapped Baby Bear off his feet and into the air.

Baby tumbled through the air, drawn by some invisible force into the unbound magic at the edges of the star.

"Baby!" Mama Bear cried out. Seeing her baby about to be pulled into the wall of magic, Mama Bear grabbed onto his foot.

"Mama, help!"

"I got you!"


"Son, I'm coming!"

"Got you"


"Hold on!"

"Something's happening!"

Help me! But then she, too, started getting pulled in.

Papa noticed this and joined them, grabbing Mama Bear's foot. This was still no good, though the entire bear family was being drawn in together, linked like a daisy chain on a string. They were doomed!

After a few more swipes from Kitty, the map found itself directly in Goldilock's range. This was her oppor-tunity, her moment, what Goldilocks had been waiting a lifetime for.

But just as she was about the grab the map, she saw Baby being stretched like taffy at the star's edge. Then she saw Mama Bear, then Papa Bear.

Goldilocks knew what she had to do. She let the map waft away as she ran toward the bears.

She grabbed onto Papa's foot with all her might just as he started to levitate into the magic.

"Like I told you, Baby. You're the smash. I'm the grab," Goldilocks said, smiling. She wasn't going to let her family slip away-not without a fight!

With a supernatural strength, Goldilocks pulled the bears to safety. They tumbled onto the star's surface and fell into a big, furry pile--Goldilocks included.

Meanwhile, wolf picked up the map but jack smacked him.

"Paws off big bad wolf"

"Ah" wolf slides then he looks up as he saw jack had the map.

But Kitty leapt forward and kicked him in the face, which forced him to drop it once again.

"Hey, Softpaws, how do you like these apples?
Die! Blow up already"

But kitty grabs the apple, "softpaws"


"Okay, you know, maybe it's time to bury the hatchet!" But as he pulls out a axe, kitty kicks him back in his bag.

"Oh, I shouldn't have telegraphed it!"

the map floated away. Dog chased it down, sliding to a stop in front of Puss, who was beside himself. Dog slid the map over to Puss.

"Yeah. I don't know what to do with this. But if you think you need those lives"

"Thank you, perrito," Puss said.

But Dog wasn't done. He surveyed the chaos around them and knew he had to say something.

"You know, I've only ever had one life. But sharing it with you and Kitty has made it pretty special. Maybe one life is enough." Dog looked at Puss pleadingly.

Puss thought about that for a moment. He saw Goldilocks piled together with the bears, embracing one another in relief over what they could have lost. He saw Kitty furiously fighting Jack ... maybe to protect Dog, maybe to even protect him, then he saw wolf picking up princess then the others gathered around him then wolf and princess both nuzzled their noses together, despite how they left things. And that led Puss to one conclusion.

Maybe Dog was right. Maybe there was a Puss with just one life left to live, greater than any legend that had come before.

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