Stealing the map

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0utside Jack Horner's pie factory, the Serpent Sisters Jo and Jan chatted with Jack's henchmen.

"Howdy, boys! We've got a special delivery for Mr. Jack Horner," Jo said.

The bad guys and Puss surveilled the area.

He pulled himself up to the top of the wall to scout out Horner's headquarters.

Although Puss had completed many missions before-perhaps far more dangerous ones -this was the first one without his extra lives to count on.

"Looks pretty tight there" wolf says, "are sure you can handle it, seeing you gotten so soft" he mocked him and the others laughed causing puss to grow at them.

"Okay very funny, but I think I can handle it, I just get in and out," Puss said, "Easy peasy."

"Lemon squeezy!" came a voice. Puss whipped around and saw Dog standing right next to him, and the bad guys were taken by surprised.

"AH" they looked at the dog with a stick clenched in his mouth.

"What the heck is that thing?" Snake asked.

"look's like he lost his brain or has amnesia" piranha stares at the fog.

"Ay, Dios mio, what are you doing here?"

"I brought you a sword," Dog said.

"You know that thing?" Wolf asked.

"No!" Puss replied.

"I'm puss's best friend"

"No he's not"

"And his therapy dog"

Then everyone snickered, "I didn't know you needed a therapy dog" wolf chuckles.

Puss was ready to explode. "I do not...and That's not a sword; that's a stick," he said.

"It's a stick-sword!"

Piranha plays with it and he teases puss about it, "you can use it to poke someone's eye" then everyone laughed.

"Go home," Puss growled.

Puss turned his attention back to the factory. It was surrounded by massive, spiked gates and a team of rough-looking henchmen.

"My home is where my friends are," Dog said to Puss.

" sweet" webs teased then shark chuckles.

"Are you Sure He's not your friend"

"Again, we are not friends," Puss reminded him.

Dog lifted his sweater up, revealing his belly and everyone was grossed out by it.



"Oh gross"

Piranha poked his tummy...

"Rub for luck?" Then piranha rubbed his tummy.

But Puss was only getting more annoyed. "I don't need luck for this," he said. "I am a highly skilled master cat thief. Watch."

Puss slid down into a small pie vent, but he accidentally got stuck halfway and everyone laughed, As Puss shimmed himself into the vent, Dog slipped the stick in Puss's scabbard.

"You got this," Dog assured him.

"We'll be outside with the car running, so don't be late" wolf says.

Puss didn't reply. He shimmied his way down.

Inside the pie factory, a line of nervous bakers watched as a giant thumb came in and smashed into a pie, then lifted it up to teeth to taste.

Jack Horner was wearing an apron covered in strawberry jam. "I pronounce this batch . .. delicious," he said. "Ship
'em out."

When he was done taste-testing, the Serpent Sisters, came in with a box.

"Oh! The map to the wishing star. Now let's take this prize to the trophy room, hmm?" Jack said.

"Well, I can tell you, this map wasn't easy to-"
Jack cut Jo off. "TAKE IT TO THE TROPHY

Moments later, Puss was still struggling in the vent. But he managed to slip out and land directly in the trophy room.

He stepped away from the case only to be almost burned by a fire-breathing phoenix in its cage.

Jack entered the trophy room with the Serpent Sisters in tow. Puss watched as they looked around and gasped.

It surely was a sight to see-Jack's collection of magical obiects filled tall shelves all around the room.

Among the collection were more glass slippers, bottled fairies, a bunch of crystal balls, magical carpets, baby unicorn horns, the shrunken ship of the Lilliputians, and some sort of enchanted hammer.

Little did Jack know, Puss was sneaking behind the objects, ready to make his move.

"These are all trinkets," Jack Horner explained.

"They're nothing compared to the awesome power of the magic wishing star!"

The Serpent Sisters uncuffed themselves from the box and handed it to Jack. He set it on his desk and inserted a key in the lock, beaming greatly.

"You see, as a child I had very little magic in mv life."

Jack said. "I wasn't a little talking animal, I didn't have a fairy godmother, and I sure didn't live in no shoe. So much magic was in the world and none for me. But look at me now, the soon-to-be master of all magic!"

Like most evil villains are apt to do, Jack went down memory lane, recounting all of his childhood to the Serpent Sisters.

He probably wouldn't have relived his childhood if he'd known Puss's plan.

But alas! Jack had Jack had grown up as a baker's boy, but with all the magic in the world, he'd never feel powerless again.

From his perch above, Puss descended on the box.

He opened it up and saw the folded map, glowing magnif-icently.

"Easy peasy, lemon squeezy," Puss said to himself.

Puss was about to take it for himself when he realized something was clinging to the lid.

The something grabbed the map. Puss reeled it back.

"Puss?" the something said.

And it wasn't just any something. He knew that voice. It was Kitty Softpaws, Puss's sometimes-partner whom he hadn't seen in years.

"This is my job," Puss said, yanking her sash and taking the map.

The pair started arguing via whispers. Kitty pulled it back.

"No, this is my job. I'm double crossing the bears."

"No, I'm double-crossing the bears. They tried to hire me earlier today."

"Well, they tried to hire me two weeks ago. That makes you plan B." Then Kitty stared at Puss's scruffy beard.

"What's this? Are you a pirate now? It's like a possum crawled on your face and died. Of shame."

Puss shushed her. "Will you please mock me quietly," he whispered.

"I hate it. It's disgusting, said Kitty.

"Well, I love it. It's distinguished." Puss's pride already hurt-he really needed that map.

Just then, Puss heard something in the airducts above.

It was Baby Bear falling through the ceiling, hitting a shelf on the way down and landing limp behind the desk.

Jack was now back to reality. "What the -?" he started to say.

But Baby Bear's rope and grappling hook followed, bonking him on the head. Goldilocks and the other bears stared through a hole in the ceiling.

"Great plan, Baby. Real cat-like," Goldilocks chided.

There was a brief moment where everyone- Jack, Kitty, Puss, Goldilocks, the Three Bears, and the Serpent Sisters-stopped to look at one another. Everyone knew each other by reputation, but not in the flesh.

Having gotten paid, the Serpent Sisters fled the scene.

Goldilocks glanced at Puss in disbelief. "Puss in

"Goldi. Bears," Puss acknowledged them.

"Hola, Jack," Kitty said casually.

Goldilocks turned to Kitty. "You said you were going on a spiritual retreat!"

Then she looked back at Puss. "And YOU'RE supposed to be dead."

"Maybe he's a ghost," Baby Bear suggested.

"Now hand over that map," Goldilocks shot a threatening look at Jack.

"And throw in a dozen pies!" added Papa Bear.

The bears were so excited about the pies- Mama wanted to make sure there were some savory options, and a bag to go, of course.

As the group fought over the map (and the pies), they heard a slow creak.

One of Jack Horner's magical items--a ship--fell out of a bottle in the trophy room and the shelves started to collapse.

All at once, each individual magical item and cabinet fell over, creating a smokescreen of pure chaos. Never one to miss an opportunity, Puss (with Kitty in tow) escaped on the magic carpet, out the back office, and onto the factory floor.

"He has the map!"

"Hah!" Puss taunted Jack as they flew out.

"I hate talking fairy-tale animals," Jack Horner sighed.

Quickly, Jack met the pair on the factory floor with a crossbow loaded with a baby unicorn horn.

The unicorn horn projectile hit the magic flying carpet and pinned it to a wall, knocking Puss and Kitty off and onto a conveyer belt, but Puss still had the map.

"Ha. The best thief has won," Puss said, taunting Kitty with the map.

"You're right. She did," Kitty said.

Puss then looked upon his adversary. Kitty had
managed to coax the map out of his grasp, and she was now running full speed ahead.

Kitty easily jumped from baker to baker, pulling the hat over the eyes of one baker, then pulling and ripping off the mustache of another.

She was an excellent fighter, and all her skills were on full display as Puss got his beard caught in the conveyer belt.

"Nice catching up with you, Puss! Gotta go," Kitty said as she flew out.

But the chase wasn't over yet. Still on the conveyer belt (and with no map, to boot), Goldilocks and the bears, still hot on the trail, descended upon him.

Puss was terrified. With only one life left, if something happened to him on this mission, that was it.

Puss scrambled to find something to fight with and against the bears. Instinctively, he reached for his sword, but it wasn't there. It was just the stick that Dog had given him.

"Is that a stick? What are you going to do with a stick?" Baby Bear taunted him, Puss threw it into his face.

"Ow!" Baby Bear yelped.

Then Puss caught it in midair and swatted Mama with it.

On the offense, Papa Bear launched Puss into the air, twirling him like a pinwheel. Then Puss slammed into Kitty, and both of them crashed through the window.

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