journey to the black forest

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Back in the bad guy's car, they were all staring at perrito.

"What kinda dog do you think it is" shark asked.

"Maybe it's a new species" piranha says.

"Maybe it's not a dog at all" wolf says.

"Looks like it came out from an laboratory" piranha added.

"It looks like it fell off  the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down" snake laughed

"Aw but i think it's kinda cute" webs scratch his belly, "for a odd looking dog"

Then suddenly Puss and Kitty landed in the back of the car, everyone turns to him and when they saw kitty, they were surprised.

"Who's your friend" wolf asked.

"Drive, señor lobo!" Puss commanded. Wolf shrugged his shoulders and With Jack's henchmen on their tails, the carriage burst through a wall and into town, narrowly missing the arrows that Horner's guards aimed at them.

"Oh cool, another member of the team," Dog said, acknowledging Kitty.

"We are not a team!" both Puss and Kitty replied at the same time.

The bad guys laughed, "if I didn't know better, I say you two had a history" piranha smirks and eyebrows them.

"Nice getaway driver," Kitty said to Puss. "Who is this guy? And who are they"

"We're the bad guys" wolf says.

"I'm Puss's best friend," Dog replied for him.

"No, he isn't," said Puss.

"Yes he is" wolf responded back.

"And his therapy dog!"

"Definitely not."

"Is too" piranha added.

"Finally!" Kitty said. "You need therapy."

(Therapy is a great tool for examining your thoughts and behavior-couldn't we all use some therapy?)

The carriage sped through a narrow street, Puss was now back to his original mission.

"Give me the map. Trust me," he said.

"Trust you? Like I did in Santa Coloma?" Puss couldn't believe Kitty would bring that up here of all places when it was anything but the time.

Everyone looks back at them, they were a bit surprised.

(Not that he ever wanted to get into it with Kitty about Santa Co-loma.)

Thankfully, the task at hand quickly took their attention.

Wolf tore through a marketplace, but the cats were too busy fighting over the map to notice what had transpired. Their cries of "mine!" turned into high-pitched yowls and hissing.

Wolf gets annoyed then me snatches the map form them.

"Actually...the map is ours"

Kitty seemed pretty upset about it as she goes up to him.

"What do you need the wishing Star for"

"It's not for us, it's a present for our daughter"

"You really want to give the wishing star to a bratty, snobby filthy brat"

But her insult about princess had snake wrapped his tail around her neck, he started strangling her as he pulls her to his face.

Kitty gaged when she tries to pull his tail off.

"Call our daughter one more thing and you'll be sorry" he throws back in the back.

Kitty rubbed her throat then says: "well what makes you think we're gonna give you the map"

Wolf looks back and he glared at them.

Seconds later, their paws were tied up together and they put mittens on puss so he wouldn't cut the rope with his claws, kitty and puss were annoyed.

"Nice going" puss tells kitty.

And Horner's guards were gaining on them.
Wolf looked around and sees a fruit cart, he gets an idea. He knocks the cart down fruit scattered temporarily blocking the narrow bridge and stalling the rest of Jack Horner's henchmen.

But then Puss and wolf heard a familiar, eerie whistle break out from the crowd. As they turned, they both froze in fear as he caught glimpse of the wolf standing among them.

"Speed up! Go, go, go!" Puss called to wolf as he stomps on the gas and takes off, the car raced off in the distance and Puss was happy to put as much distance between him and the wolf as possible as much as wolf was.

Jack Horner was a man on a mission. With the map gone, he returned to his trophy room to gather everything he needed to reclaim it.

"Assemble the Baker's Dozen. Careful with this, I'll take this and that. Oh, and these. One of those. And I got to take that. Yes. Yes.
No. Yes! Oh, yeah! All of these! This one is right"

Into a magical, bottomless bag, he deposited Captain Hook's hook; a trident; a bandolier belt with poison apples; a crossbow with unicorn horns; a wizard's staff; jars of fairies and other creatures; a tiny, delicate potion bottle marked "Drink Me" and a cookie marked "Eat Me"; a sword in a stone; magic wands; jewelry; a crystal ball; and a whole shelf of other magical things.

Next, Jack Horner grabbed the fairy godmother's magic wand and slammed it into a pumpkin, transforming it into a heavily armored tank in which to ride.

Last, he outfitted himself with four hornless unicorns driving the tank, as well as thirteen rough henchmen, also known as "the Baker's Dozen."

(A baker's dozen at a bakery means thirteen!)

Jack stared into one of his crystal balls, which showed him exactly where Puss and the map had gone.

"I'll get you, my kitties, and your little dog, too"

Kitty, Puss, with the bad guys continued driving the car out of town, the bad guys had the map, as wolf drove, snake broke the seal of the folded map and opened it with anticipation, but to his dismay, it was blank.

"Uh wolf, I think there's something wrong with the map"

"What do you meant"

"We've been ripped off!"

"You have to give it a minute snake"

"But Where is the-?"

Just then, words magically appeared.

"Oh yeah"

"See, i told you, webs call Diane and tell her we found the map"

"On it"

As she texts Diane, snake began to read. "The Dark Forest is deep and far. Within its bounds you'll find the star. What kind of nonsense is this"

"Happened you been listening to the story"

Snake tucks the map down and puss saw the free map, he turns to kitty.

"Don't worry, I got a plan"

"The wishing is hidden deep in the dark forest"

But as he goes on as puss reaches closer for the map, wolf stops the breaks and it caused puss to fly and hit the window, they look down at him.

"Try it again and I'll be sure you fly out the window" wolf threatens him as he drives, shark pulls him up.

"Nice plan genius" Killy teased him.

Then The words on the map changed, and snake read out loud again: "A single wish burns true and bright. This map's the key, so hold on tight."

Realizing they were getting more information about the star, both Puss and Kitty attempted to take the map to get a closer look themselves but snake saw and he stows it in the glove department.

"I think I should hold on tight to it, don't want any certain kitties taken or should I say stealing princess's birthday present"

Then Dog piped up. "I can hold it," he said.

"NO!" The bad guys shout at him.

"Yeah, right! What's your deal anyway? You run with the Chihuahuas?"

"I don't think so," Dog replied.

Then puss leans against wolf, as he smirked.

"So your daughter she royalty she beautiful?"

Getting angry again, wolf drawn the knife up to his face again.

"I'm warning you puss, you stay away from my daughter or else" he puts the knife back.

"That's okay. As long as you believe in yourself." Kitty looked confusedly at Puss, "is he deranged?"

Puss shrugged. "Clearly."

"More like loco" piranha says.

What's your name?" Kitty asked.

"That's a good question" wolf asked.

"Oh, I've been called all kinds of things. Dog, Bad Dog, Stupid Dog, Hey You, You There, Get Out, Leave It, Drop it! Big Rat. Small Pig. Rat Face. Butt Nugget. You know. That sort of thing. But I've never had a name that really stuck, you know. And that belonged to me."

Kitty wasn't convinced. "Nice try. Classic con. No one's that nice. I don't trust you. But! I trust you more than I trust him," she said, directing her voice at Puss.

The team continued their journey until they reached the edge of the Dark Forest.

When they arrived, they got out and they see another car arrived.

"Diane's here...and she brought princess" puss immediately gets cocky and he brushed his fur back and he gets ready to make a seductive face when he finally gets to meet princess.

Diane got out of her car, wearing her crimson paw suit, "got princess so-"  but she face paused when she saw kitty soft paws.

But when kitty saw her, she smiled nervously, "Diane? Hey?"

Diane looks annoyed and crossed as she crossed her arms.

"Kitty softpaws"

Everyone was surprised that they knew each other.

"How you been" kitty asked but it was her mistake, Diane grabbed her beck and slammed her on the hood of her car.

"Horrible no thanks to you but lucky for you...I'm not the grudge holder type" she drops kitty and she ran.

"You guys know each other" wolf asked.

"We were partners...once" Diane glared at her.

"So where's princess" wolf asked to break the tension.

"Oh she fell asleep in the car" Diane heads to get her out.

Puss puts on his game face as he turns around to face princess.

"You must be princess-" but his face dropped when he saw that she was a kid.

"She's a child?"

"I warned you to stay away from her" wolf says as he and the others approach her.

"Hey princess, you excited about your birthday" wolf asked.

"Yeah" she rubbed her eyes and nodded.

"Good, because we got a present for you"

When perrito came out, princess saw him and she immediately smiled.

"AH! You got me a puppy" she ran to perrito and hugged him but the bad guys looked shocked.

"Oh wolf, I love him, thank you" perrito began to lick her face but the bad guys pull her away from him.

"Oh no princess, that's not your present" he pulls out the map.

"This is?"

"Whats that?"

"So you remember the wishing Star I told you about"


"Well, this is the map to the wishing Star"

Princess was surprised, "really?"

"Yeah, we're gonna find it so you can make the wish"

But princess face dropped, "oh, well wolf-"

"Come on" he takes her hand and didn't let her finish.

"Wolf I don't think-" but then she gasped when she saw the dark forest.

Puss thought he was a coward. At the edge of the Dark Forest was a solid, impenetrable wall of black, twisted oaks and coiled brambles studded with razor thorns.

It wasn't exactly an inviting or friendly place to enter, but it had to be done.

"We're going through there?" Princess pointed out as she was frightened as puss was.

"Well yeah, It's where the wishing Star"

But wolf turned to see princess was holding back.

"I don't know wolf, it looks scary"

He bends down to her, "but don't you want to see the star princess and make a wish"

"I really Don't-"

"It'll be fine I promise...I'll protect you"

He takes his hand out to her, she was about to hesitate when she takes it and he picks her, carrying her.

they head closer and princess .quivered bad buried her face in his chest, he rubs her back and Diane whispered to him.

"This I s a bad idea, You're risking our neck a Jaír to find some stupid star for princess"

"Hey! Princess means a lot to us...she deserves everything"

"You know she doesn't care what you guys get her"

Puss reached out with one paw to touch a tree. When he did, the whole area shimmered and vibrated, like a pond reflection rippled by a tossed stone.

"All together. We step through as one. Ready? One, two-after lobo," Puss said, pushing wolf in.

"Ugh" he rolled his eyes in annoyance then he kicks the Dog into the magic mirage first.

"Wait, what?!" Dog called. He disappeared.

Puss waited a moment, and then asked, "Dog? Are you still alive?"

"We're not gonna stand here and find out" wolf says as he and princess went in then the rest follow.

"Hey! You guys ok?" Puss asked.

"Let's find out," Kitty said sarcastically as she jumped into the magic wall, yanking Puss in as well.

The two fell into a rainbow-colored void, and they passed through the barrier of the Dark Forest. They screamed and locked hands as they traveled through the rainbow-colored void with hope that they'd make it to the other side in one piece.

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