trials of the dark forest

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Puss Kitty and Dog dropped out of the magic portal and out the other side.

The trio officially made it into the Dark Forest, with the bad guys.

a place of enchantment born of the fallen star. It was magical and beautiful, full of technicolor trees and streams that sparkled with stardust-nothing like the name implied, it amazed princess.

"Wow!" said dog in wonder.

"For a 'dark forest' this place is pretty colorful," Kitty added in awe.

"You said it chica" piranha agreed as he looks around, "this place is too pretty to be a dark forest"

"Ok I'm confused now, I thought the dark forest was supposed to be evil" webs says as kitty eyes the map on the back of wolf's back pocket.

"Well no ever did came out alive to tell the tale of what the dark forest looks like"

"I wish I had my quincena here"

"This place is very beautiful" princess says, "I wish I can have my birthday here"

"The wishing star is in here somewhere," said Puss determinedly.

Then wolf turns to princess with a smile.

"Well we can make that happen princess" he reaches to his back to get the map.

"Ok wolf what those the map say next?" Snake asked.

But once wolf tries to reach for it, he realized the map was missing then he turns and saw that it was gone.

Everyone gasped then they turn to see that kitty has it.

"I'll be taking this" kitty says and when they try to get it back, puss turned to Kitty with a smile.

"Kitty, may I please see the map?"


"Seriously? You won't even let me hold it for one min-ute?" said Puss.

"Not even for a second."

"Give us back the map" wolf said as he holds his hand out but kitty shook her head.

"No" then Puss lowered his head and took off his hat.

"Come on, Kitty. You've got to trust me." Puss's eyes got huge with sudden cuteness, turning their adorable-yet-mighty power on Kitty.

"Wait, what's going on with his eyes?" Dog said.

"Oh, they're getting bigger! Oh, Kitty you gotta trust him. Look at those eyes."

Wolf and the bad guys rolled tiger eyes in annoyance.

"You call that cute?" Kitty suddenly flashed her own cute-eyes at Puss; they were in a cute-eyes stand off! Which annoyed diane and the bad guys but then...

Dog looked between them excitedly. "Oh! Look at her! Oh! Those eyes are even bigger than yours. Do whatever she wants, Puss."

The two continued to pull out their cutest faces and poses, charming Dog more than each other. "It's all... so. cute!"

But then they heard wolf laughing, they stopped and turned to wolf.

"You call hat cute, that's nothing, I'll show you cute...oh princess" they looked to see princess walking next to him.

"Show them my favorite face"

Princess walks up between the two cats, she shuts her eyes real tight and they watched closely.

Then when opened her eyes, they were wide open and pink.

It was the cutest eyes they ever did seen, even much cuter then them.

Puss and kitty stared at her eyes, "Cuteness overload!" Dog exclaimed.

Suddenly, he fainted. Sprawled on the ground and groaning with exhaustion, Kitty and Puss finally relented, getting back to business.

"That's not even close" kitty denied.

But wolf smirked and said "then why did you give her the map?"

"Huh?" They looked down to see the map was in princess hands.

"Hey?" Kitty tries to get the map back but princess already handed back to wolf.

"Thank you princess" wolf rubs her cheeks and she purred having puss and kitty puzzled.

"Wait wait did she do that?"

"She has this thing called cutism" wolf says.

"Cutism? What's that?" Puss asked.

"It's when she hypnotic people with her cuteness"

"Aw that is no fair" kitty complained, "how do we get it"

"You don't, she was born with it" wolf says.

"Can we look at the map now?" Puss said.

As they unrolled the map, magical stardust swirled over its surface, inscribing a rhyme in glittering script:

"Follow this enchanted chart. It knows the path and knows your heart," Kitty read.

10 small avatars appeared on the map, clearly representing Puss, Kitty, Dog, the bad guys, princess and Diane at the edge of the forest.

"Is that us?"

As Puss pointed at the avatars, the map suddenly adjusted into a customized path.

And as they looked up, the forest around them adjusted, with rocks, trees, and topography creating a clear trail forward. FIOOSH! Flames suddenly ignited the borders of the trail.

Wolf holds on to princess as he felt her grabbing him.

The trio blinked, staring at the intimidating path.

"It says we must go through the Valley of Incineration, over Undertaker Ridge, through the Cave of Lost Souls"

"Sounds like you" wolf says.

"...Really?" read Puss.

"Let me take a look," Kitty said as she pushed Puss out of the way.

As she grabbed the map, enchanted dust rose from it and revealed a new path, once again customized to Kitty.

Around them, the forest shifted again, this time into a bog of simmering acid.

"What?" Kitty said incredulously. "Swamp of Infinite Sorrows. Mountains of misery, The Abyss of Eternal Loneliness?... There's something wrong with this map."

"I don't know" Diane says, "I think it best describes you"

"I guess there's a different terrible path for everyone," Puss shrugged.

"It's almost like the forest doesn't want anyone to make a wish," said Kitty.

"I don't even have a wish, but can I try?" Dog asked.

He stepped up to the map and stars filled his eyes.

Then the map shimmered, and the forest switched once again, revealing a bright and new path.

"Ooh! Mine says we skip through the Pocket Full O'Posies," said Dog.



"And then we drift down the Lazy River--that sounds fun!"

"No fair! Why does he get the good ones?" chirped Kitty with irritation.

"Wander the Field of Quick and Easy Solutions and arrive at the star. Oh wow! That sounds wonderful. Oh, but, no, no--this is your trip and I don't wanna impose." Suddenly, princess steps up to the map.

"Could I try?"

"No" kitty and puss yelled as they try to stop her but then puss gets a gun aimed to his face as kitty gets a dagger to her face, they look up to see wolf and Diane glaring at them, they backed up and when princess pressed her avatar, stars filled her eyes, which only made them even cuter.

Then the map shimmered, and the forest switched once again, revealing a bright and new path.

Different shades of rose petals fell from the sky, unicorns roamed and mermaids waved, princess face lights up in excitement.

"Oh look, mines say we must go through the field of roses"

"What?" Kitty groaned.

"Then drift the bubbly river of rainbow fishes"

"You got to be kidding me!" Puss complained.

"Then walk in crystals of memories then arrive at the star"

"Oh" then the dog gets excited, "that sounds much better, let's do hers"

"Well It's no fair, how come Her's is nice" kitty asked.

"Well" wolf says as he picks up princess, "it's because unlike you two, princess is full of love and life" wolf pressed her head against his then he puts her down.

"And since you two don't want to go to either path, princess will hold the map"

"Fine" puss moans.

"But don't you dare cross me kid, because if you do" kitty puts out her dagger and was about to aim it at her, "you'll-AH"

But then her hand gets grabbed by Diane, as she pulls her up, grabs her neck and slams her against a tree, chocking her.

"Threatened her again" Diane says as she pulls out a dagger and pressed it against kitty's throat, "and you'll lose more then the claws, got it"

She drops kitty harshly as she grabs her throat and rubs it.

"Ok, fine" puss ran to her side to help her and they both looked at diane who walks back to the bad guys.

"What odd you do to make her so mad at you"

"It's a long story"

Then avatars representing Goldie and the bears popped up on the edge of the map.

Jack Horner's avatar popped up as well. Their enemies were gaining on them.

"Oh look, someone else entered in the dark forest" princess says.

"Huh?" This grabs everyone's attention as they look at the map.

" that.." they turns to see Goldielocks and the bears falling down form a hole in the sky.

"It is" wolf says.

The trio had to make a move fast, "it's raining bears" puss says.

"Come on princess let's go" wolf picks her up as she holds the map.

"Uh, field of roses sounds fun," said kitty.

"Let's go!"

"Birthday wish rules? What does that mean?" Dog asked curiously.

Puss and Kitty glanced at each other suspiciously, but Puss laughed it off.

"It means I'm not telling you my wish," he said.

"He doesn't want to tell us because it's something stu-pid. Like conditioner for that thing on his face," Kitty said.

"It's not stupid as a child's birthday wish"

But that comment offended the bad guys, they turned around and glared at puss, princess was on shark's shoulders but didn't pay attention as she was busy looking at the map.

"The dog said it" puss says nervously then the bad guys turned around.

"Nice one, but like conditioner for that thing on his face"

It's distinguished!" Puss replied indignantly.

"What about you, Kitty? What are you gonna wish for?" Dog asked eagerly.

Puss and Kitty shared another look. She wasn't going to tell, either.

"Can't tell you," she replied. "Birthday wish rules."

But princess like up as she felt a danger presence.

"STOP!" She shouted, causing the bad guys to stop.

Then she jumped off shark's shoulders then she looks around.

"What is it princess?" Wolf says as they see she looked concerned.

"I sense something" princess says.

"Hah! I'll bet your wish is the stupid one-OOF!"

"Like what?" Wolf asked then they turned to see the roses.

Then A giant red rose blocks puss, kitty jumps over him.

"Like that" princess pointed out.

"Haha, you're such a..."

Then another one shot out of the ground, sending Kitty flying into the air, landing in full defense mode. Dog was oblivious and happily stopped to smell the giant flower.

Then the bad guys get surrounded by serpent like roses as they hissed at them.

They gathered around in a kill circle but they see princess walking up to one of the roses.

"Princess! No!" Wolf tries to stop her.

"No, it's ok wolf, you just need to smell them" they see her smelling the roses and they let her by,

"You just need to stop and smell the roses" princess says as she hugs one of them, then one of them kisses her cheeks, and princess giggles.

"This must be the field of roses!" Wolf says then everyone stops to smell the roses.

Puss leapt over Kitty, charging ahead as more flowers blocked his way.

"What? Whoa! Out of the way, demon flowers!" Puss cried in alarm.

Kitty pulled out her sword, determined to prune back the flowers.

"It's pruning time" she chopped one, two more instantly grew back in its place.

As Puss and Kitty are knocked around by the giant roses, Dog keeps sniffing the flowers, which in turn nudge him along gently.

Then they see princess sterling a rose, it purred then pushes her to move along.

Then puss and kitty get mushed together, "we don't have time for this"

"Hey kid, I thought your path was supposed to be easy" Puss murmured.

"It is easy. I think all you have to do is stop and smell the roses," they see the dog was now smelling the roses.

As the cats continued to struggle, Dog approached and took a big whiff of the bud that trapped Puss. It instantly lifted away.

Then they looked down to see the bad guys, "you better hurry puss" wolf snickers.

"Don't rush through it. Take your time," Dog said, now freeing Kitty from her bouquet of flowers. "And really appreciate what's right in front of you."

"Ugh, her path is so corny"

"And cheesy"

Then they turned to see princess being surrounded by roses as they kiss her, she laughed but wolf then grabs her right before sterling the roses and shooing them away.

"And weird, like the Dog," Kitty said, although she was grateful to be free.

"What exactly is your story?" Kitty asked the dog.

"My story? Oh! It's actually a very funny story. Back when I was a pup, me and my littermates lived with a family full of pranksters who liked to play hide-and-seek. And I was always 'it. Pick on the little guy, am I right? But I'd always find them. They tried putting me in a packing crate, a dumpster ... no matter how hard they tried, I'd ALWAYS find them. So, one day, they got creative, and they put me in a sock. With a rock in it! And then they threw me in a river!"

But the bad guys stopped and grows when they hear his stop, wolf and Diane turned to each other then nodded to shark as he covered princess ears.

"So I gnawed a hole in the sock, and I swam to the surface. Never found them or my littermates, so I guess I'm still'it'! Ha, ha, ha, ha." Dog continued to sniff the flowers.

Everyone was horrified by his story, including Diane.

"Wow, That is the saddest funny story I ever heard"

"And here I thought princess had a sad story" Diane says.

Well, joke's on them.

That sock they put me in, I grew into it.

"So, I got a great story and a free sweater out of it.Win-win"

"Wow" wolf chuckles, "even despite everything you been through, you still managed to be happy, you're just like princess"

"You didn't win, You of all people should have a wish," Kitty said.

"I already have a comfy sweater and two best friends. And a sweet little girl" he jumps on princess causing her to laugh as she hugs him.

"I've got everything I could wish for-no magic required....but if anyone deserves a wish, it should be princess, since it is her birthday"

"So princess" puss walks up to her, "what do you wish for"

But before she could answer, wolf picks her up and he puts her on shark's shoulders.

"She can't tell you, otherwise it'll ruin her wish"

Then the dog looks up at her, "so princess, what go you wish for"

"Well If could wish for anything I would wish wolf would listen to me so he could understand that I don't want the wishing Star"

"What wax that honey?" Wolf asked as he didn't hear her.

"Nothing" she frown then turns to the dog to prove her point.

Puss bristled at the word "friend," but it was showtime.

Dog cleared the path, and it was time to keep moving.

While Puss, Kitty, and Dog made their way through the field of roses, Goldilocks and the three bears had also arrived.

Goldilocks, gung ho on finding the wishing star, refused to tell her family what her wish would be.

"Will it make us big-time thieves?" asked Papa Bear

"Oh yeah, the biggest," Goldilocks replied.

"Will we get mad respect?" asked Baby Bear.

"Oh! The maddest!"

"That's my girl. Always looking out for the family," said Mama Bear, though she was starting to get suspicious as Goldilocks refused to reveal the exact nature of her wish.

"Oh! I can smell two cats and a dog. A wolf, a fish, a fox, a spider, a shark, a baby kitten, a snake, We're getting really close," said Baby Bear as they descended upon the field of roses.

"And I'm getting a whiff ... of a pie?"

The bears look back to where a massive dust cloud has formed.

With it was Jack Horner's tank and the Baker's Dozen. He wielded Excalibur, the sword still wedged in the stone.

"Well, if it isn't the folks who tried to steal from me," Jack sneered at Goldilocks and the bears.

His tank pulled up alongside them and he swung Excalibur at Papa Bear.

The stone crashed into Papa, sending Goldi flying as Papa collided with Mama and Baby.

"Blam! Haha!" Jack laughed maniacally at the sight of Goldilocks and the bears tumbling down the hill and out of sight.

He turned to the Baker's Dozen, eager to revel in his success and show off Excalibur.

"Yeah, I couldn't get this rock off it, but it's still pretty cool, right?"

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