Attack on Kamai-Taj

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"The scarlet witch" Wong says softly

"The what?" Snake asked.

Which he totally forgot the bad guys were with them, playing a game of cards as princess was playing with the cloak.

Then he turns around to see doctor strange, then both men approach each other.

"Wanda's gone" Doctor strange says.

"Who?" Snake asked.

"She's got the darkhold and the darkhold has her"

Then snake was starting to lose his patience, he slammed his tail on the table, finally getting their attention.

"HEY" everyone stares at him.

"You said that if we could with you, you tell us everything so far you guys have been babbling Ok about something we don't know about, now I want answers, who has the darkhold, what is the darkhold, who is the Scarlett witch..AND WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON"

Wong and strange looked at each other then Doctorstrange holds his hands up in defense.

"Okay okay, we'll tell you, just have a seat" strange says.

"Fine but I want to know everything"

"Darkhold exists in a temple on Mount Wundagore, where the demon Chthon wrote his evil spells onto the walls of the fortress. The spells were later copied down into book form, copies of which exist all throughout the multiverse"

"But what those the darkhold? Have to do with princess" wolf asked.

The wong filled in the blanks, "the Scarlett witch is a being of unfathomable magic"

"So.." webs asked as she scratches her head, "we're dealing with a witch"

"Not just any witch, she can rewrite reality as she chooses and us prophesized to either rule or annihilated the como

The strange took over, "she took over a whole town using her mind"

"But what would a witch want princess for anyway" piranha asked.

"Well if princess is anything like America-"

"She took America's powers" they turned to see professor marmalade entering with America.

"Professor marmalade!" The bad guys were all surprised to see him.

Wolf walks over and bends down to him, "professor marmalade what are you doing here"

"Well I was teaching class when this young lady told me about the darkhold and the multiverse" he points his hands to America.

"I just couldn't believe it is real"

The doctor strange spoke in, "yes and she needs princess power to complete her plan, if she gets princess powers too she could enslave the entire multiverse.

"So let me get this straight cause I'm really confused" snake says as her pinches the bridge of his nose.

"The person you went to ask for help, and told you exactly where we-princess are" he pulls princess closer to him.

"Is the person that's trying to kill princess?"


"Oh great"

"Suspend teaching at once and arm the students" wong says, "kamar-taj must now become a fortress"

The bad guys got together as they heard drums beating and bells ringing.

And everyone at kamar-taj were getting ready for battle, grabbing weapons.

Then out came two portals, the bad guys went outside, they see a large green bull creature.

"Wow, it's the masters of hong kong and London sanctums" his name was Rintrah.

And while the bad guys went to talk to the masters of hong kong and London sanctums, princess ran up to Rintrah.

She giggles as he looks down at her, picks her up and laughs.

"Hello there little one"

"Princess!" They see snake approaching him and he takes her out of the bull's hands.

"Get away from him, you don't know if he's dangerous,

"It's an honor to court death alongside you once again"

"The honor is ours"

"Whatever the sorcerer supreme asks of us, it shall be done" they all bowed down.

"Extra duty men, follow me"

"Ancient custom" wing says to the bad guys.

Then suddenly, piranha and shark noticed a black cloud rolling in.

"Uhh guys" shark says, "I think we should get inside, I think it's about to rain"

Everyone looks up at the cloud, then princess got scared, everyone looks at her as she knew it wasn't a thunderstorm.

"I don't think that's rain shark" wolf says.

As the dark cloud entered, surrounding the temple, snake held on tight to princess as she was whimpering in fear.

Inside the cloud, they saw something red and glowing.

"Choose your words wisely, the fate of the multiverse may depend on it"

"Got it, no pressure then"

"Go wait inside, you should be safe there" strange tells the bad guys as he Levites up to Wanda.

Then one of them hands princess to piranha.

"Piranha take princess inside and keep a eye on her"

"Ok Chico" he runs inside carrying princess.

"All this got a child you just met"

"Wanda, you are justifiably angry, you had to make terrible sacrifices, I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved, and it meant nothing, do not speak to me about sacrifice, Stephen strange, if you give me what I want, I'll send you to a world where you can be with Christine"

"The full might if kamar-taj stands against you"

"Defensive positions, now!"

Soon everyone had put a force field around the temple.

"Do not dare to enter these sacred grounds"

"You have no idea just how reasonable I have been"

"Yeah, book of the damned, calling yourself a witch, conjuring creatures to abduct a child, I don't exactly calm that being reasonable, more like kidnapping is more like it"

"Well their the ones to talk, didn't they kidnap her years ago and they call themselves her family when they were wanted for kidnapping a baby"

"She's just a baby Wanda, if you take her away from them, I can assure you that they won't go easy on you"

"Sending those creatures after her instead of myself was mercy and in spite of your hypocrisies and insults, I have begged you to safely get out of my way, you have exhausted my patience but I do hope you understand that even now, what's about to happen, this is me...being reasonable"

"She's just a baby, she doesn't know how to use her power or how she can make it work"

"Then I'll just have to teach her then, won't I" she chuckles hysterically then she blasted at him, but only to find he is being protected by a force field.

"Hold!, hold!" Wong says as ge sees doctor strange flying back down.

"Nailed it"

Wanda gets angry again and it became time for the bad guys to leave.

"Ok..I think we should go inside to check on princess" wolf says.

"Good idea" snake says.

Then they all went back inside.

"Reinforce the shields" wong says.

As Wanda blast around the temple only to be blocked by invisible shields.

Inside, they see princess playing patty cake with piranha, they looked up at them then they see the temple trembling.

Wolf picks princess up when he hears her crying and holds her tight.

Then back outside, they see her trying to get inside someone's head.

"She's trying to get in their heads"

"Sorcerers, fortify your mind!"

But it was already too late, she finds one and whispers: run.

The one she whispered to, breaking the force shields, giving her the home vantage to blast through, creating a bigger hole.

And at then, Doctor strange makes a bigger shield and looks back at Wanda.

"The shield is down" wong says.

Then when they see her flying in, the shield breaks down, revealing canons.

"Fire" a female sorcerer says.

They successfully hit her, "AH"


But then she takes a canon a part and throws it at them.

"Take cover"

It was the archers turn, "fire at will"

They shoot at her but she shoots back at them then creates more explosions.

"Fall back" Doctor strange says.

The bad guys looked through out the window to see horrible smack down, shielding princess eyes.

It was time to take cover, once everyone was inside, Wanda steps on the grounds, looking around at the "what was left of the temple" ruins.

Then she uses a whispering spell to lure princess out or to find her.

"Princess" she whispered.

Princess was on the ground then she turns around as she hears someone calling her name.

Then Wanda opens her eyes and smiles as she knew exactly where she was.

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