Entering the multiverse

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And she saw doctor strange facing her.

"You want the girl, you'll have to go through me"

Wanda took it as a threat as she steps up to him.


But as she steps inside, she steps on a trap, a clock like illusions, she sees the room turning and Doctor strange vanishing.

Then she finds herself trapped in a mirror cage, she tries to break free but only to have the glass break and turn into shards at her.

She then tries to blast her way out but only to have the mirror reflecting on her power, bouncing around the room like a super-ball.

She blocks herself then looks around to see what she could find to escape.

...then suddenly

....something catches her eye

She slowly dips her hand in one of the cracked glass.

And saw how she was able to get through, like going in a river.

Back with the bad guys, they see doctor strange bursting through the doors.

"Hey what's going on" wolf asked.

Then everyone approached him, "what happened out there" snake asked.

"We need to get her out of here, now"

"Taj has fallen" wong says.

"Ugh I knew this would happened" snake starts to panicked.

"Now snake calm down"

"He said he was going on o teach her, he never said anything about a witch attacking us"

As they argued, princess saw something she never knew she might see again...a familiar face.

...her mother.

She has a white light aura surrounding her, she was wearing a white dress, she looks down at princess then she flex her finger to princess to follow her.

Princess followed her to the door, then professor marmalade broke the fight.

"Hey hey hey look we can discuss this later, if we stay any longer, she'll get princess, we have to get princess now"

Doctor strange tries to make a portal then he realized princess was missing.

"That's right and if we don't leave, it might be already too late-wait? Where's princess?"

They looked around panicking, calling her name.

Princess was with the ghost of her mother, she then saw how her mother tries to take her hand...when.

"PRINCESS LOOK OUT" Piranha yells.

She turns to see him holding up an ancient sword.

Then she looks back to see her mother turning into a specter ghost.

The ghost screeched at princess and she screamed.

"YA!" Piranha battle cried as he jumped and sliced the ghost, making it vanished.

Everyone came and saw the whole thing, they see piranha looking back as wolf ran to princess and picks her up.

But wong's eyes were open wide as he saw piranha holding a scimitar.

"Where did you get that!" He asked in a serious tone.

"Oh I found it on the wall" he felt nervous and embarrassed.

"That is the silver scimitar of prince Bloodvenom Blade"

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to take his sword, I'll put it back" he smiles nervously as he tries to put it back with the other one.

"No one could weld the sword without even trying" but wong wasn't angry, he was impressed.

"It's like trying to pick up a very heavy pen made of titanium steel, how did you pick it up, no one could pick it up, not even our strongest warriors"

"I don't know, I saw princess was in trouble and I just picked it up from the wall"

"Keep it with you" wong says.

Then Piranha grabs both of the swords, "you might need it to defeat the Scarlett witch"

Just then they heard screaming and the doors automatically closed, it scares them then wolf felt princess trembling.

Then they looked around to see puddles on the ground, pulling down sorcerer guards.

"Reflections" Doctor strange whispers.

"What?" Wolf asked as he puts princess down when he sees Doctor strange running.

"She's using the reflections, cover them"

Then everyone runs as they grab something to cover the reflections on the floor, meanwhile wolf dropped his phone and surprised surprised.

Diane was calling him.

On the beach, she was waiting for wolf to answer, when it went straight to voicemail.

"Hey this is mr. Wolf, I'm not at the phone right now but please leave a message and I'll be right back" Diane was confused and worried.


Then her new boyfriend Zachary wrapped his arm around her shoulder as the sun was setting.

"What's wrong babe, you been busy on your phone lately and you haven't took your eyes off"

"It's wolf I haven't heard from him in awhile"

"Oh I'm sure he and his gang are our planning heist like they always do"

She rolls her eyes teasingly at him but then her face turns to worry.

"Well I should probably see how their doing"

Meanwhile with the bad guys, as they covered more puddles.

Snake was helping strange when he glared at him.

"Oh great idea putting the witch in a mirror room"

"Hey I'm doing the best I can" strange shaped at him.

"Oh like talking to her made things better"

"Snake!" Then wolf defended him, "he's trying his best"

And while their were arguing, princess walked up to the big bong, looks at the puddle underneath her and splashes in it.

And when she laughed, everyone stopped yelling when they hear splashing sounds.

"PRINCESS!" Wolf howled.

Then he ran to her, picked her up and looks down at the puddle for any signs of Wanda, then suddenly her wand came out of the bong.


He backs away to see wanda pulling herself out like Samara Morgan from the ring.

They were disgust to see her twisting her own bones and glaring at them.

"You gave all those live"

They backed away as she approaches them.

"Just to keep me from my children"

"You took those lives"

"And princess is just a kid" wolf says as he holds on tight to princess and glaring at wanda.

"Yeah you're not the only one with children, we have one too" snake says as he gets in front of princess blocking wanda out.

"But she's not even yours...is she"

Everyone then makes worried faces as they remembered when they first met princess.

"You cannot be allowed to cross into the multiverse"

"I'm not a monster, Stephen...I'm a mother"

"And we're parents too" shark says, "but you don't see us destroying a temple"

"Tell me, if you wanted to live in a place with princess, would you destroy everything just to get her back...if she was gone"

The bad guys through for a minute then went back to glaring at her.

"Wanda, you have no children, they don't exist"

"Oh but they do, in every other universe", I know they do, because I dream of them, just like how princess dreams of her mother"

The bad guys were shocked then they looked down at princess.

"Princess?" Wolf says as he sees princess making a distressed look.

"Every night"

Then she creates visions of her dreams, "of my boys...of our life together...every night...the same dream and every morning...the same nightmare"

"What if you reach them, what happens to the other you? What happens to their mother?"

She didn't listen to him, then...

"What happens to princess?" Wolf asked.

She turns to princess, bends down as they flinched a little.

"This one can give me the power to let me see my boys"

She then creates visions of princess's dreams, they see princess with her mother, laughing and playing.

They bad guys looked shocked but we're also afraid.

If princess helps the Scarlett witch then she'll have to leave the bad guys.

"What do you say princess...if you help me...I can let you live with your mother"

Wanda offers get as she sees a orb of a 6 year old her with her mother, on the swings, running and hugging and laughing.

She presses her hand on the orb as she touches it.


Wanda smiles as the bad guys started to feel scared.

Then suddenly princess let's go and looks up at wolf.

"Puppy" she touches his chest.

Then Wanda gets angry and tries to attack them but Piranha jumps and attacks her with the swords.


She glares at him when she gets a bloody cut to her right shoulder and smacked him to the wall.

"Ugh" he falls dropping the swords.

Then she heals herself and as she blast at wolf, Doctor strange hit her with eels.

She tries to cuts their heads off but only to find their grew more by each cut.

"RUN" Doctor strange tells the bad guys.

And as the bad guys tries to run, Wanda saw them.

She threw off the eels and shoved Doctor strange at them.


As they fell, wolf dropped princess and she ran screaming, Piranha hit a pillar that was holding a strange green gem called: Adelthenite.

And when it hit the ground, something came out of it, a shooting star like light flew in the air and went inside the bad guys.

Wanda had princess cornered when wong attacks her with daggers then she blocks them and throws him across the room, knocking him out cold.

Then she goes to princess seeing the poor innocent defenseless toddler crying and scared, she tries to calm her down.

"Shh shh, it's okay I'm not going to hurt you, I just need to take your powers, and don't worry this will only hurt a bit"

The bad guys awoken and were shocked in horror then same with professor marmalade and America.

The Scarlett witch began to take her powers when professor marmalade jumped in front of her.

"NO" and after he was it.

Everyone sawed that he turned into a average regular normal Guinea pig.

Everyone was shocked in horror, "so those that mean i can eat him now" snake asked.

"SNAKE" everyone yelled and glared at him then America ran to pick up professor marmalade when wanda got angry.

She tries to attack princess but then princess got so scared she created a star shaped shield and it smacked wanda on the ceiling.


"Whoa" the bad guys were were impressed.

"I didn't know she could do that, did you" Piranha asked wolf.

"Did even know" wolf says.

Then shahs looked at Doctor strange, "hey what gives, I thought you said she had the power to travel through the multiverse"

"Well" strange says as he gets up, "if she's like any sorcerer, she has other strange powers.

Then suddenly a star portal appeared behind her, she turns around the bad guys surprise by it as princess was amazed.

"Wow, pretty" princess says as she goes to touch the portal.

"Ok that I did not expect" wolf says.

"Who knew she could do this" snake says.

Then wanda finally wokes up and she sees the portal, she gets up to take her powers again.

Shark and strange saw, they both gasped.

"PRINCESS LOOK OUT" shark yelled.

Then when she turns around, wanda was about to strike her when...

"HEY...FET AWAY FROM HER" shark holds his hand up and out came a water fist punching her.

"UGH" she winced in pain

"AH" shark was surprised and shocked as he grabs his hand the other's gathered around him looking at his hand while ran to get princess.

He gets hit by wanda s as bud he goes in the portal with princess.

"What was that?" Shark asked.

Then they see strange and princess going through the multiverse.


Then the portal closed, Doctor strange and princess went traveled through a series of different multiverse.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They finally stopped and landed to a evergreen multiverse of Los Angeles but there was no beach.

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