Destroying the book

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Meanwhile the Scarlett witch was getting in touch with her other self.

"Boys it's time for bed"

She could see a glimpse of her other self's life, her boys.

"Can we have more ice cream?"


She could hear their little voices.

"Please pleas please!"

"Just a little more"

"Hey, don't make mom out to be the bad guy"

"You know who's best"


"2003 tigers"

"They suck"

She sees herself going into the kitchen

"They're so bad they such egg"

"No they don't they're the best"

And as the boys argued, wanda 838 felt something, she felt that she was being watched.

Then as she enters the kitchen, the strangest thing happened.

The lights enter on and off, the lamp form the ceiling was moving, stuff on the kitchen table was moving.

She heard monster screaming, she looks by a picture of her on her birthday and she's her image looking at her.

Then the Scarlett witch whispers in some language.

And the bowls blew from her hand, hitting the counter and breaking.

Then the room started to bend, she felt dizzy and terrified.

Looking around as she gets to the kitchen sink, she see leftover peas moving, then over to a cup is what appears to be inside....a ocean wave.

Then she looks and sees at the window a reflection of herself but it was Scarlett witch.

Then suddenly the Scarlett witch starts to take control of her, get inside her mind.

She was finally inside, she goes in the living room and sees her boys.


And while she was distracted, on earth 1.

The bad guys were outside, they see wong was tied up, they managed to escape her with America after shark hit her with his water power, which he was still surprised by it.

They outside the temple hiding from her, America looks back to see her then she looks back at the bad guys.

Who were looking at shark's hands, he was still shook up by it.

"What just happened" snake says.

"How did you do that" webs asked.

"I don't know, I don't know, I just put my fist up and water spouted out" shark panicked.

America approaches then while holding professor marmalade which who was know a regular Guinea pig.

"Ok calm down I'm just there's a reason for this, did you touch something" America asked.

"Well no" shark scratches his head to think.

"Well you must've touched something that gave you powers, super powers don't just happen automatically"

"Well we did bumped into that green gem

" that gem is called Adelthenite, it's a very rare and powerful gem, it can grant anyone with special powers if they are in danger and in need help, legend says when a soldier is stress during a battle, the Adelthenite can sense it and actives the power within you"

The bad guys looked at her puzzled.

"So what your saying is that superpowers"

"Exactly...shark has water manipulation and he can harness it and control it"

They were amazed as they looked at shark's hand.

"If shark got powers then so do the rest of you"

She looks at them as they all looked confused, "well go on" she says.

"What do we do"

"Just focus on her surroundings, empathy your mind"

Piranha just hold his fist up while webs was cleaning her head...when her torso started to shake and out came copies of here.

"huh, WHOA" she looks around her five copies as so does her copies and the team.

"Webs you must have cloning powers" America says.

"I Can clone myself" she looks around her clones and smiles as they smile back.

Then she looks at wolf who was trying to figure himself out.

"Hey wolf" he looks at her as she approached him.

"See if you can pick up that boulder"

She points out to a large rumble part of temple, he walks over to it and bends down on his knees.

"Ok I'll try" he smirks and as he lifts it up, they were shocked to see he could lift it up.

"Whoa" he quickly drops it.

"Wolf you have super strength"

Then they see part of some rock levitating to snake as he rubs his head.

They see other stuff levitating around him.

"Uh, snake" wolf says getting his attention.

"Huh" he looks up and panicked when he sees the rocks up above him.

"AH" he drops everything and looks around.

"Snake you have psychokinesis, you can move things with your mind"

"Well that's good to hear"

"Maybe you guys could use these powers to help take down the Scarlett witch, till Stephen comes back with princess"

"But wait" snake slithers up, "what about Piranha"

Just then they see a red and yellow flash, it was Piranha with speed force.

"Don't...worry...about me Chico...I got super speed power" he stops and pulls out the silver scimitars.

"Also I got these"

They look from behind a pillar, they see wong tied up, America sees wong and she runs up to him.


He turns to see her, "you're alive"

"Yeah and so are the bad guys, look I know this sounds crazy but they got powers"

"They touched the Adelthenite"


"...set me free, I need to destroy that book"

Just then Piranha got between, "I don't think that'll be necessary Chico"

Then they see the bad guys were distracting the Scarlett witch.

"Hey over here" she sees webs calling from up above her.

"No over here" called another one.

Then she realized she was dealing with clones, she tried blasting at them then she was hit by a water manipulation of a eel, then wolf throws a large boulder at her and snake uses his psychokinesis to throw rocks at her.

"What do you think your doing" America whispers to him.

"We're going to destroy the book, hopefully it'll bring princess back" Piranha says.

"It doesn't work that way and no it cannot be you" wong explains.

But Piranha didn't listen instead they see him walking up.

He scans at the book then America grabs his shoulders.

"Don't do anything crazy"

"Haha, crazy is what I bring to the party chica"

"Piranha, PIRANHA NO NO" wong tried warned him.

But Piranha ran and threw the scimitar at the book.

The Scarlett witch saw and see fell, seeing the book incinerate.


And as she collapsed, she lost control of her other self as wanda 838 collapsed on the floor.

Piranha laughed when he grabs the scimitar.

"Mom" she could hear her boys calling for her, "what happened"


"Are you okay"

The two boys attended to wanda 838, while the Scarlett witch gets up, trying to reach out to them.

Then she turns to the burning book when Piranha left, she goes to it.

"No, no, no" she whimpers

She picks up what was left of the book, then looks back at the bad guys who were cheering.

The look back at her, "what did you do"

She screams and runs at Piranha only to see he cut her with the scimitar, leaving a red scar on her chest.

"AH" she hissed in pain as the scar sting, then she looks at the scar, then back at the bad guys and wong and America.

She growls and sends a red pain at them, pushing the bad guys down along with America and wong.


She locked the bad guys in chains and America ran.

She walks up to wong, healing her scar.

"I need the darkhold's spells, you are the sorcerer supreme, tell me what you know"

"Like his going to tell you" wolf's remarked only caused things to get worst.

"Quiet wolfie or your next" she shuts his snout by a red visible muzzle.

He muffles as he feels the muzzle and tries to pull it big but there was nothing for him to pull off.

"You're gonna have to kill me, witch"

"Not you, them" she pulls the remaining students and bad guys in the air and starts twisting them, he could hear the bad guys screaming in pain.

"Wanda, please"

Then she started chocking the bad guys till he finally gave in.

"The darkhold was a copy!"

"A copy?" He drops the bad guys on the ground.

"Legend speaks of a mountain, with the wretched spells you seek carved into its walls"

She then lowers the other soccer students down.

"It's there the darkhold was transcribed, Mount wundagore, no one has survived the journey"

Then she takes something from a dead corpse hand and wong catches it.

"Perhaps we will be the exception, and I'm taking the then with me"

They look over to the unconscious bad guys where she puts them in a ball and lifts them up.

Meanwhile Doctor strange was dealing with problems of his own.

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