The Illuminati

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Doctor strange wake up, hearing noises, he sees it was someone tapping on the glass.

"Hey" it was Thomas?

"Wake up"

He gets up and sees princess waking up, yawning cutely.

They were in a glass prison and there were these strange handcuffs on his wrist.

Then he finds his cloak gone, "cloak?"

Then he tries to break his way out only to find his powers aren't working.

Then he hears princess crying when she presses her paws on the glass and taps on the glass.

He looks back at Thomas yo see he was caught by two guards, They just stand by his side, watching him.


Then he sees some scientists.

"Lab coat?"

One of the scientists looks up at him.

"Where the hell are we"

But the scientists doesn't answer.

"Look, I don't know who you are, or what you think you're trying to do here, but these situations don't usually..."

"Thank you"

" out well for the nameless scientists, so just..."

But the nameless scientists revealed to be Christine.


Princess looks at strange then at Christine.

"Hello, Stephen"

"Miss chesterfield or is it the bad guys daughter, I could never tell"

She then sees Thomas with the guards.

"Oh Thomas there you are, let him go" she snapped her fingers and they let go of Thomas.

"Welcome back Thomas"

Strange was confused.

"And to answer your question, you are in a highly secure research facility, the two of you, along with your sentient cloak, are here for surveillance and testing"

"Uh, testing?"

"We'll yea that's how Thomas got started on his life"


"You see after Thomas was released early on good behavior, he needed money to get started on his new life, so he became our test subject, he went through a lot of painful experiments but hey that's what he did to his daughter...right, anyway you're visitors from another universe, your magnetic signatures could be radioactive, you Maybe carrying diseases, we just don't have treatments for, hence these amazing polycarbonate fish bowls"

"I assume I have you yo thank these then?" he shows her the strange handcuffs.

"Yes, I developed those using the sands of nisanti, one of 838 Stephen's magical relics"

"838 Stephen?"

"Is that some kind of cyborg me, or..."

"Our universe is 838, and we've designated yours 616"

"Oh, you guys sure must know a lot about the multiverse, if you got someone going around naming realities"

", I'm a senior fellow with the Baxter foundation and I specialize in multiversal research, all thanks to professor marmalade, he help build this facility and put money in it"

"So, how'd you end up working here? Wherever here is"

"Well I volunteered after what happened to professor marmalade"

"What happened to professor marmalade"

" this universe, he's a lab professor the greatest one the world's ever known until he gained superpowers"


"At your funeral"

"Thank you for going"

"Your injuries, they're similar but they're not identical, it's fascinating"

"What were we to each other in this universe?"

"We never quite figured that out"

"Yeah? Well that's something we got in common"

But she just chuckles dryly.

"Christine, you gotta let us out of here, everyone's in real danger, look, I know you don't know me..."

"And I don't want to, whatever I was to you in your universe, does not matter"

"Why not?"

"Because you're dangerous, Stephen"

"Someone from my universe wants that girl..."

Thomas makes a worried look as he looks at Christine then at princess.

"And she's gonna rip this place apart atom-by-atom, until she gets what she wants, so I don't Care if you're from the avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D..."

"We're neither" he turns to see mordo entering with professor marmalade with A army of robots.

"Well, what then? Hydra?"

"The Illuminati will see you now"

"The illumi-what-y?"

He then sees Thomas tapping on the glass, he looks down at him.

"That's the thing I was trying to tell you"

Then his cuffs started to unlock and the cell door open.

"Don't let anything happen to that child" he picks her up and she started to whine.

"It's gonna be okay" he tries to calm her down.

Meanwhile back in earth one, the Scarlett witch with wong and the bad guys held hostage arrived at mount wundagore.

They were far from it, " you couldn't portal us up there"

Unaware America was following them, still having professor marmalade Guinea pig with her,

"My magic can only take us so far, masters of the mystic arts weren't meant to tread, upon the forbidden grounds of wundagore"

Then wanda flew her way up there, dragging wong and the bad guys along with her.

"Eons ago, the first demon, chthon, carved his dark magic into this tomb, these same spells were later transcribed into the darkhold, there's no telling what soulless monstrosities lie within"

Wanda lights up the room with fire, then suddenly behind wong was a large monster, then came another one.

He uses his shields to fight them off, then there was a third one behind wanda, she got in the center, then became four of them.

Wong gets two swords when the monsters stop and bowed in front of her.

Confused, she turns around to see statue that looks like her.

"This isn't a's a throne"

Meanwhile back at earth 838, strange was taking to a unknown place, along with Thomas to warn him about the Illuminati.

"There's something you need to know about the bad guys"

"Yeah yeah, look if the bad guys are here, there where is the other princess" he hands her Thomas as they were about to enter the room.

They stepped inside to find it was dark.

"She's dead" they turned to see a light shining, after they heard a familiar voice.

They walked inside the hall slowly as Doctor strange turns to Thomas.

"Look about the Illuminati, they're-they're"

And when they centered the other side of the room, Doctor strange was shocked.

He sees the bad guys sitting in chairs and glaring at him.

"The bad guys" Thomas finished.

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