Endings for both multiverse

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That was the last time the Scarlett witch was scene...and when she saw her boys.

On the other side of the multiverse, when the temple collapsed, strange helps Thomas up.

"Come on, time to see your daughter"

But Thomas frowned as the thought of seeing baby princess for the first time might not be a very good idea.

"I don't know if her family will let" he takes a step back.

Then suddenly a portal opened, they see it was Kamai-Taj, the temple was getting rebuilt.

Then strange looks at Thomas and offers his hand.

"I think you'll like seeing this one"

So they jumped to the universe 1, and what he saw next shocked him.

He saw his actual daughter, his real one, right in front of his own eyes.

She was helping America get her powers back, she was holding her hands, facing each other face to face.

Then a blue light swirled around America and when they let go, America looked at her hands and she could mark portals again.

"Thank you" she looks at goddess princess and princess nods her head.

Then she was confronted by an old friend, she felt a scale-y hand touching her shoulders.

She turns around to see it was snake, he looked happy but shocked to see her, she smiles at him.

He hugs her tight, not wanting to let her go, she returns the hug and they quickly let go.

"You alive" he whispered, "but how, I thought you were dead, we saw you died" he asked.

"Well after I had an epic battle with thanos, I wasn't killed, instead I was sent to the cosmos where I became a goddess and I was give a power of mimicry where I could have every there is, I been watching earth, protecting the cosmos I was just waiting for the right time to come back, I saw what you guys become, and I can regenerate the Illuminati"

And as snake smiles, she turns to see her dad, she smiles at him, he smiles back.

Then he sees baby princess with the bad guys, stoked and shocked to see the baby daughter he once had for the very first time.

He was speechless and shocked but mostly terrified as he approached her.

The bad guys looked up at Thomas, princess turns around to see him.

He looks at her, trembling from fear, he bends down, he reaches out to her, he wasn't expecting this reaction but she walks up to him, grabs his hands and smiles at him, surprised but it, he smiles back.

Then he looks up when he noticed the bad guys were there.
"So you must be the other Thomas I heard about" wolf says as he crossed his arms.

Thomas felt ashamed and embarrassed as he gets up holding princess.

"You're not exactly what I'm expecting" wolf added, "Piranha told us that you went good after goddess princess died"

Thomas looked down in guilt, "yes after she died, it tore me apart, I swore I was going to change it that's what it took to bring princess back..." then he looks up at princess who was talking to America.

"And it did" then he looks back at wolf, "look I can't change what I did in the past but I Can change myself to be a better person"

Wolf smiles and touches his shoulders, "I believe you, I seen how devoted you are for princess, you changed in the future and that's more then enough"

Thomas smiles, as he saw how the bad guys including snake trusted him.

Then he hands back princess to wolf, he rubs her head, she giggles and looks at him.

"So long baby, you be a good girl" he kisses her forehead and looks up at wolf has he grabs his shoulders.

"Take care of my daughter for me"

"Will do Thomas" wolf says as he Thomas smiled at each other.

Then princess steps in, "well it's time for us to go back to our own universe" she creates a portal and Thomas and snake 838 step in.

Other snake looks back at snake, they both smiled at each other then he quickly slithers up to baby princess patted her head, then looks at snake.

"Take care if this"

"Oh I will"

They both chuckled.

"Take care" snake 838 tells snake.

"so do you"

But before he goes back to the other university, wolf calls him.


Other snake turns around to see him.

"In the other universe, does other me end up with other Diane"

But all he got was a sincere smile, "yes" then he goes in the portal leaving wolf surprised.

Then he was approached by goddess princess, she smiled at him, he smiled warmly at her.

Then the goddess looks down at her baby self, baby princess smiles at her, petting her head, baby princess purrs and grabs the goddess hand.

"Take care other me" then she looks up at him then cupping his face.

"Funny thing the last time I saw you, was at my seventh birthday, you told me to never be afraid and to always look on the positive side of things, you remind me of a wolf I once knew, one who's always be protective and caring for me"

"I Can tell"

"Take care...dad" she and wolf hugged each other for a tender moment then she lets go and walks to the portal before looking at the rest of the bad guys who were smiling at her, she gave them a smile and steps in the portal and closes it.

They then were approached by doctor strange, "she's a keeper" he says.

"I Can see why you guys are determined to protect her, you know she reminds me of a young and adventurous spirited girl" he turns his glaze at America.

Then wolf and the others approached him, "how you feeling"

"Why do you ask"

"Well I don't know much of the darkhold but from what Piranha told me, you used it to dreamwalk into your own corpse" wolf says.

"Oh, yeah, right, that, I'm fine"

"Is princess going to do that" webs asked.

"The darkhold's destroyed so probably not"

Everyone gathers around princess and praises her.

"Let me ask you a question" strange asked wolf.

Wolf looks up at him.

"Are you happy?"

"Uh that's a interesting question there" he chuckles nervously.

"You'd think that saving the world would get you there but it doesn't"

"Whoa that's a very deep thought, but yes I'm happy...happy to have princess back safe max okay"

He grabs her stomach, pulls her up to his face, and they rub their noses together and she laughs.

But Doctor strange got to him.

"Wolf, I can see in your eyes...about your feelings with the governor"

Wolf open his eyes wide as they both looked at Diane then he frowns.

"So it's that noticeable huh?"

"I used to have that look to, believe it or not, long ago there was a girl, Christine palmer, she was everything to me, but one day I was too late and she got married, at her wedding, she asked me if I was happy I lied to her but I did learn one thing"

"What's that" wolf asked.

"Letting go of someone you love is hard but holding onto to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder"

They looked at each other then back at Diane.

"It was too late for me....but it's not to late for you"

He then pushes wolf forcefully to her, "what?"

"Go to her"

Wolf looks at Diane then he hesitated as he backs away.

"I don't know, she probably doesn't feel the same"

Then the bad guys helped him out.

"You have to go to her wolf" webs says.

"She needs you" Shark added.

"He's right Chico" he looks down to see Piranha pulling on his leg.

"You have to go to her, you guys belong together, we always knew you guys would end up together...look there's something you should know where I was traveling through the speed force, I saw different multiverses, with us in it, then I saw this one universe where you and Diane are together and you had kids"

This then surprised wolf as he looks at Diane again.

"You have to go to her" Piranha says.

But wolf ignored his feelings again tries to leave the temple but was stopped by his best pal snake.

"Buddy you have to go to her"

"But what about what you sai-"

"Forget what I said, I was wrong, wrong, you guys need each other, she's dumped her boyfriend, go to her already"

"But what about princess, I can't abandoned her, not after what happened"

Then suddenly he saw grabbing his arm and he sees her smiling at him, using her cutism on her, she wanted him to go with Diane.

"Do it for her, princess would want you to be happy and don't worry about her, she has us"

He then turns around back to Diane.

"Go to her buddy"

Mustering up the courage, he runs to Diane.

"Diane wait"

Diane turns to see him.

"Hey I wanted to say thank you for helping us, we-well I appreciate at it"

"Oh your welcome"

Things got awkward, Diane looked like she was expecting him to say something else, it was quite with arm rubbing, head scratching and eyes glances.

"Look I wanted to say that-"



"Yeah what is"


Wolf was having a hard time trying to find the right words then suddenly....

Diane made the first move, she kissed him, he was shocked at first but slowly was taken in by the kiss.

He kisses her back and cups her head, everyone watches in awe, s she covers princess eyes.

Then they slowly let go, looking back T each other, smiling.

"Ok wow" they then hold hands.

"Well we should probably get going now, back to home" he then looks at princess.


She opens a portal to Los Angeles and they head back home, wolf and Diane were the first to step in.

"So how did you find us" wolf asked.

"I have your phones chipped with trackers so I can find you guys in case one of you goes missing"

"Oh wow"

Snake was the last one with princess, they ooojed at each other before heading to the portal, they were stopped by strange.


Snake turns to him.

"She has a very special power, she could stay here and learn Master of the Mystic Arts"

"Nice try but I think she's good, besides she has a family that cares for her"

"Yeah I thought so"

Then a thought came to snake, like something was bothering him.

"Hey listen, I wanted to say thanks for saving princess, thanks for trying to protect her and being there for her, I really appreciate it"

Strange was stunned by snake's appreciation but accepted it.

"Huh your welcome, it's what I do"

"Yeah and I think I owe you an apology, I'm sorry I been hard on you, it's just...it's hard being an overprotective parent but you know princess has been very important to us, you shown me I could be more then a monster"

Then he felt strange grabbing his shoulder, "I know the feeling and she's lucky to have you for a parent"

Snake smiles at him, then he puts his tail out to him, strange takes it and they did a thank you shake.

"Thanks for the help Doctor strange"

"Any thing for this little one" he bends down to princess, she smiles at him as he gives her wink.

"You take care kiddo"

Snake then carried princess and slithers to the portal, princess looks back at Doctor strange and waves.

"Bye bye"

Then the portal closes.

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