Final battle

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He pulls the demon down, grabbing the other's attention looking at him.

"Come on" wong yelled.

"Over here ugly"

Then suddenly, he suddenly they were picking up large rocks.

"Uh oh" wong says.

"You got to be kidding me" America says.

When they threw the rock at them, wong shields them.

And while America and wong distract the demons, the crimson paw frees the bad guy.

She was stealthily around while snake and piranha were distracting wanda.

"Hey" she gets in front of wolf.

"Diane?" He was surprised to see her here.

"What are you doing here?" He asked when she was breaking the chains.

"Well when you haven't been answering my calls, I got worried"

When they got free, they get, wolf was surprised.

"You-you we're falling us"

"Well you specifically"

"But what about your boyfriend"

"Well-we had a falling"

Flashback to 22 hours ago

Diane was packing her stuff as she started to get worried after calling and sending messages 28 times.

But her boyfriend was getting testy, she was finishing packing up when her boyfriend gets mad and scolds her.

"I don't see why you should leave early"

"He haven't been answering my call"

"You barely paid any attention to me today"

"I'm just worried"

"Why do you never care about him, it's not like you like him"

She was starting to get irritated as she turns around to him.

"Look he's just my friend ok and something could've happened to him right now"

"If I didn't know better, I say you love that-that-that savage thief second rate criminal beast more then Your own Boyfriend"

Then she snapped, no one talks about wolf like that.


She then storms off and just like that, she dumped him for wolf.

Her boyfriend was surprised but in a angry way.

"So that's it, you're just going to throw away 3 months of a perfectly good relationship for a ex-con who has a bad record, good ahead be with him but don't come crawling to me if you're little wolf won't take you back, I doubt he has a plan with his life"

And that right there, Diane couldn't just let him talk about wolf any longer.

So she storms up to him again, holding three fingers.

"Ok fact 1. He is the kindest and sweetest guy I ever known, fact 2. He's risked everything for a child and he likes children unlike some people and 3.-UGH" she then punches his face.

Knocking him out and on the ground, "he is smart enough to outsmart the cops and avoiding prison for many years, he's a verter man then you'll ever been"

She then walks off before saying one last thing.

"I just wished I could've hit it off with him"

Flashback back to where she is now.

"Anyway So what's on, why is princess tied to a rock, why are there two snakes and how come piranha can run really fast" she asked.

"It's kinda a long story"

They jumped when Wanda tries to blast at them.

"You see there is this witch that wants princess cause princess has a power to travel through many universes-"

"Wait wait?" Diane was confused as they hid behind a rock for protection.

"So the multiverse professor marmalade talks about is true"


"So where is he" she asked then she sees wolf pointing out to Guinea pig marmalade who was sniffing around unaware of the battle that was happening.

"Oh what happened to him" Diane asked.

"Wanda turned him into a actual Guinea pig"


"The witch that us attacking us, anyway Doctor strange takes us to Kamai-Taj so he could teach princess how to use her powers since she is young and doesn't know how to, then wanda attacked us and we touched this gem called a Adelthenite that gave us superpowers-"

"WHAT?" Diane was shocked then she sees everyone using their powers.

Piranha and other snake spin around in circles, confusing wanda till she got dizzy and didn't  see Piranha punching her.

The mountain was ice so it was basically a water weapon for shark, cause when she fell back, shark merged then ice to water then turns it into a large mallet and hits her with it.

Then webs duplicates herself and they crawl on wanda attacking her, Diane also sees snake throwing rocks at her with his mind.

Then suddenly wanda had enough, "ENOUGH" she forces them off.

She flies towards them for a attack, when wolf took a deep breath, his sonic howl at her and when he blows her away, she hits the wall.

Before the fight could go any longer, they turned around to see doctor strange pushing the demons off the mountain.

"STRANGE" wong laughs.

America smiles and the rest of the bad guys cheered unaware that he's a zombie.

"DOCTOR STRANGE" they were all happy to see him, except for Diane who was creeped out by him.

He approaches them as they get up.

"Good to see your back...and a zombie? That's fine"

Diane terrified and confused, approached with caution.

"Wait? So who-who's that" she points at the zombie although she is terrified of him.

"Oh that's Doctor strange I was telling you about" wolf say as he pats zombie strange's back with gross hesitation.

"Wait? That's Doctor strange? What happened to him?"

Then Piranha raised his hand, "I Can answer that, you see I used this thing called the speed force to try to find help but instead it took me to another universe where I saw two snakes one you see right now who lives in a universe were we're superheroes with superpowers"

The bad guys were amazed by it as they got closer to hear more.

"Except that snake has super speed like me, I also found out that we died"

This makes the bad guys very sad and scared.

"And another snake that was evil because he lost princess thanks to Thomas"

"Well that's normal" shark says.

"I also met another Thomas that wanted to change for princess, then strange uses the darkhold to dreamwalk as another one of him but apparently as a dead guy"

"So wait you met another Thomas?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah he even agreed to help strange for princess"

Then suddenly they moved out of the way when they see a large blast of red fire shot at them.

They turned to see it was wanda, "so now you're caught up now" wolf turns to Diane.

"dreamwalking, you hypocrite" she blast at zombie strange as soon as everyone moves out of the way.

But he uses his cape of the dead to block the blast.

"This time, it's gonna take more than killing me to kill me"

They hid behind watching zombie strange taking action.

Then they see princess sill trapped abs screaming in pain.


So they ran and tried to free her, "come on" wolf says.

"We need to get princess away from her"

Duane helped but was puzzled.

"Why does she need princess for" she asked.

"Well like I said, princess was the power to jump into different universe and Wanda wants to use her to help her take her to a universe where she has kids"

"Sounds simple enough, couldn't she just asked"

"As simple as it it, it comes with a price, she'll kill princess"

Zombie strange threw his cape and the souls surrounded wanda, she tríes to fight them off.

Then they get into her soul, zombie strange turns around when he noticed wong and America staring at him.

"I don't even wanna know"

He then moves wanda and the souls to wong and he traps them in all.

He tries to keep them locked till wanda has enough, wolf then snickers.

"Now you know how it feels to be trapped in a ball" he laughs then she tries reaching out to wolf, trying to grab him.

"She's breaking free" wong yells,

"Hold her" zombie strange says.

"Strange take America's power!"

The bad guys heard and panicked.

"What!" Shark says.

"no!" Piranha yelled

"There's no other way" zombie strange says as he approaches princess.

Then the angry bad guys got in front of princess to keep him from hurting her.

"You hurt her and I'M GONNA HURT YOU" wolf growled at him.

On the other side of multiverse, Thomas sees him mumble something.

"This is the only way" then zombie strange pulls them apart, they scattered everywhere on the floor.

Then he frees princess, he approached her when she regains conscious and rubs her eyes.

"AH" she screamed when she saw his was a zombie but then he tries to calm her down

"It's okay it's okay, it's me in other me's body" but it wasn't enough.

He saw how scared she was, when she backed away shaking and trembling.

Like she knew he was going to take her powers away.

"Hey" he smiles sadly, "I don't wanna do this as much as painful you think it's going to hurt but I have to before wanda does"

Then she started to cry when he got closer to her, rubbing her back, comforting her.

"'s going to be okay, I promise" she then looks at him, then nodded her head as she understood.

"Ugh" snake 838 got up, shaking his headache and growls when he sees zombie strange getting ready to hurt princess...again.

"AH" he flashes between them, staring him away from princess.

"No, I won't let you hurt princess again, not this one, not this time"

Real snake heard everything and glares at zombie strange.

But zombie strange doesn't listen, Instead he just pushes snake 838 aside.

And before he could take her powers away this happened.

"So that's it" snake 838 yelled, "your going to hurt this one as well, go ahead you'll just be rewriting your mistakes but just know she has a family, a family that loves her you take that away, you're going to regret it"

And he was right, he saw how innocent and defensive princess looked, her cutisum is what did the trick.

"Is that what you want strange, is it"

", it isn't" he then lowers his hands down.

"I can't stop wanda from hurting her...but I can tell her to trust in yourself princess, trust your powers, that's how we can stop her"

Princess was about to speak when.

"Even if you can't control it, you can still do it, you have learned how to control, all along, every time you opened a portal, you sent us exactly where we needed to go, the first time even led you to this moment when your going to kick that witch's ass"

Having in faith and trust, princess closes her eyes.

"Now just try to focus" she looks up at him and sees him wink.

The bad guys, all of them watched as princess was igniting her powers.

Then suddenly the witches break free, "AH" everyone panicked.

She knocked America and wong out and when the bad guys tried to distract her, she knocks them out as well.

Then she blasted at zombie strange, he falls down where his real body was getting mauled, Thomas was there to help him.

"Whoa, I've got you"

In his zombie body, his hand was burning, then Scarlett was burning his flesh off.

It was putting him in pain along with Thomas but what he and wanda didn't know.

Was that he was about to awaken something, somewhere in the cosmos, a star was watching and flies straight towards earth.

The candles went out, and wanda was now indeed pissed.


She then goes up to princess who was unaware of the situation, wanda then raises her hand at her to hit princess.

"I'll get my boys, even if I have to kill THIS ONE"

then suddenly her hand was grabbed, her wrist was grabbed by a white paw.

"Huh?" She looks up along with everyone else, shocked and surprised to see.

It was a older version of princess, in a goddess dress.

It was a white dress with long sleeves, golden leaf crown on her head.

Wanda was spooked and confused, the bad guys were surprised and puzzled.

But snake 838 got a good look at her and he realized who she was...she was his princess.

Princess 838 as a goddess, she then powers kicks wanda with her white boots.

"AH" she kicks her hard to the wall, wanda fell leaving a big dent.

Princess fearlessly walks towards her, her dress flowed along with her cape.

And when she sees shake looking at her, she smiles and winks at him.

Then when wanda tries to hit her, goddess princess mimics her powers and hits her.

Then she mimics everyone else's powers and attacks wanda.

A free a epic showdown with wanda and the goddess, everyone was still surprised.

"What's happening" shark asked.

"Who's that" snake asked wolf

"I think that's our princess"

"What? but how?"

Piranha stared as he realized something, "it's the other princess"

So fas Wanda has been blown at, hurt her hand on a rock shape shifting princess, punched and kicked by clones, getting hit by every speed and had hard and heavy objects thrown at her.

At this point She was about ready to call it quits.

She was on the floor, exhausted and hurt but when she sees goddess princess turning away.

She quickly gets up and tries to punch her when princess quickly grabs her fist.

The two women were now on a last stand.

"You...can't...beat me" wanda smiles mischievously at her.

All goddess princess did was stared at her, still showing any emotion then:

"No...but she can give you want you want"

She turns to see baby princess levitating up, her eyes turning a very light blue and a heart portal opens.

She looks at the portal then princess 838 kicks her in.

"AH" she gets up and saw she was in the multiverse with her boys.

Goddess princess and baby princess steps inside.

"Billy, tommy"


"It's the witch"

But boys were terrified, wanda got angry as she turns around to face the goddess.

"What...have you done, do you realize what you have done, you ruined everything"

She could hear her boys calling out for her other self.

Then wanda 838 came down to comfort her boys.

"Wait! Boys? It's okay it's okay"

"It's not what I have's what you have done"

"It's okay"

"NO" the Scarlett witch yelled, "I'm your mother" she pushes the clinch out of the way and hits her other self.


She threw other wanda on the floor, princess was about to close the portal when...

"No...not yet" she turns to zombie strange, her pupils still blue.

Then Wanda's kids started fighting off the witch.

"Get away from our mom"

"You're not our real mom"

"Hey boys stop please, Boys stop it"

"Get out of our house"

"You're not our mom"

"Get out"

Goddess princess watches as Wanda's plan was backfiring, when the other wads was regaining consciousness.

"Go away"


"STOP IT" she yelled at them

But by her mistake, she saw how scared they were as they hid behind the stairs.

"Please don't hurt us" she approached them, with a happy smile.


Then she frowns, "I would never hurt you" then she stared to cry.

Wanda tries to calm her powers down but they were too terrified of her.

"I would never hurt anyone, I'm not a monster, I'm a..."

She then felt that princess was calling her, she turns around to the goddess and they both turned their heads to other wanda who was in deep pain.

Then She turns back to the boys, she realized what horrors she has done and caused.

"All this chaos just to get to your boys, who aren't even real" goddess princess says.

She then realized she was right, "I'm sorry"

She backs away as other wanda gets up, her boys run to their real mother.

"Mom" helping her up, "are you okay"


"Hi, okay, I'm okay"

Wanda watches knowing, she lost her boys, she feel on her knees, defeated and broken.

She then felt someone approaching her, she looks up and saw it was her other self.

"Know that they'll be loved"

She walks away then princess walks up to her.

"You can't take someone else's kids....just like you can't take someone else's powers for your own selfish needs"

Then baby princess closes the portal and falls on the ground, exhausted.

"Princess!" The bad guys panicked as they ran and picked her up, her head in wolf's hand, carrying her limping body, they made sure she was still breathing and when they Pat her cheek she woke up.

Fluttering her eyes and smiling at then, they smacked back and at each other.

After the portal closes, wanda cried as she knew, she lost.

She then puts herself on the mantle, everyone saw her, while they were looking at the adult princess, admiring her dress and how she gown.

When they noticed the temple was falling apart.

"What now?" Wolf asked.

Then zombie strange spoke, "get out of here"

"But what about you" snake asked.

"I'll be fine, America will find me"

They turned to see America nodding her head.

"We need to go now" wong says.

But snake 838 goes to wanda, "what are you doing" he asked.

"I opened the darkhold, I have to close it"

Then he felt someone was grabbing him, he saw it was goddess princess, she puts him down then she bends down to baby princess, they take each other's hands and a large golden halo portal was floating above them and when the portal fell on them, it took them to Kamai-Taj.

After they were gone, wanda looks at zombie strange.

"No one will ever be tempted by the darkhold again" she then starts tearing the darkhold temple apart.

And the entire place fell on her and zombie strange.

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