Strange and snake vs strange and snake

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Snake 838 and piranha were staring at each, looking surprised.



But they were both excited to see each other, they hugged each other.

"Glad to see your okay" piranha says.

"How did you get here" snake asked

They then let go and piranha was surprised by snake's power suit.

"Say where did you get that suit, and how did you change that fast"

"I'm glad to see that your alive"

"Huh what do you mean"

Then strange cuts in.

"You-how did you get here" he was surprised.

"Oh I came through the speed force"

"Whoa the speed force, but the only way to use the speed force is if-" strange was interrupted by snake.

"If You had the ability to be the fastest man alive"

"Oh yeah, you see after you and princess left, we got hit by this weird green gem called-"

"Adelthenite" strange says.

"Oh yes that how we and snake got our powers, I got super speed and snake has psychokinesis, shown em snake"

But soon he realized he was talking to another snake, when he sees snake and strange looking at each other confused.

"What" piranha asks.

"Piranha this isn't your snake, this is another snake, or should I say the green reptile" strange says.

"What? Oh wait we're superheroes that's good" then he realized something.

"but hey if there's another snake then that means there's another bad guys, say where's other me" he sounds and looks excited as he scans the room looking for her other self.

But then he saw how snake and strange, makes sad faces.


Then shake approaches him.

"Piranha, other you died"

He then makes a shocked face, "what? did I die"

"Wanda killed you"

Then they see someone walking down the stairs.

"How did you get here?" They looked up to see a familiar face.

"...I cane through the speed force" piranha says.

"By accident" strange says.

"Who are you"

"I'm just one of us"

"From the multiverse?"

"That's right"

He then finally gets a glimpse of himself.

"Prove it"

"We had a sister...Donna...but she-uh..she died when we were kids"


"We were playing on a frozen lake and...uh...she fell through the ice" he stared to cry as he started to remember his sad past.

"I Couldn't save her"

"Sounds about right...but we don't talk about we?"

"No..we don't...Suppose your reality wasn't always like this"

"I suspect it was somewhat like yours until..."


"Until I lost"

"To whom?"

"What do you want?"

"I just want to get home"

"Same here" piranha added.

"Yeah? Believe me, I've been trying to leave this place for a long time"

He then sees him holding the book of vishanti.

" guard the darkhold in this universe?"

"Yeah...well not just see I had some help to trying to get out of her but he's been no help"

"He?" Everyone says.

Then suddenly someone was coming from behind them.

"And is it exactly you're talking to" they heard a familiar voice.

And out of the shadows was snake, he was very old, no costume just...a dark suit.

Then when he looks up, he was surprised as he slithers up to his counter self along with snake 838.

"...are you me" he asked.

"Yes" 838 snake says as he smiles but counter snake frowns.

"Prove it...what's our daughter's name" he asked.


"Too easy" he grumbled when he turns around.

"And...when we had to give her back while we spend time in jail, she gave us her bracelet to remind us of her, to let us know she will always will be with us"

Other snake frowns sadly as he had the bracelet around his neck like a necklace he touches it then a tear slowly falls down his face.

"That pink ruby crested one with that big pink diamond in the middle"

"I miss her so much" he says in a broke voice.

"So where is other other princess" piranha asked.

Then other shake turns around with a very very sad expression on his mind.

"There was a good reason why I'm guarding the darkhold" other strange says.

"Well that's a start" strange 1 says.

"I could use could help me to communicate with my universe"

838 snake hit in his other counter's face, begging for a answer when he sees how distraught he was.

"Hey! How did princess die"

But before he could answer, he sees Thomas walking in, he then growls.

"BECAUSE OF HIM" he then leaps at him, trying to chick him.

"AH" Thomas screams as Piranha was surprised to see Thomas was changed.


Snake strange and Piranha pulls them apart.


"Whoa whoa whoa, ok take it easy...what happened" snake tries to hold his other counter self back.

When Piranha pounces on Thomas, pulling on his shirt and slamming against the floor.

He tries to attack him when...


"Ow ow ow ow ow" Thomas groaned in pain.

Then Doctor strange pulls him away.

"Whoa whoa take it easy piranha, he's one of the good guys now"

"What?" Piranha looks at him shocked.

"Yeah I know believe me, I find it hard to believe but he's not your Thomas he's another Thomas but a good one where he changes for princess"

"Careful" other strange warns him.

"He's not stable...the darkhold exacts a heavy toll, and he's the reason for it" he points at other snake when his eyes became red from crying.

"Look i don't mean to be callous but how much of a heavier toll is there left to exact" strange asked.

"And where's other me" piranha asked as he looks around for his other other counter.

Then other other snake makes a very distressed look.

"You died"

Piranha looks at him, "what? Again? How?"

"It all stared with princess going to college" a flashback plays with snake hugging a very grown 22 year old princess.

She was getting ready to leave to college, she and snake let go when they looked at each other when she takes her bags and waves goodbye as she goes inside.

"Then one day I get a call from her university that she was sick..." he was sitting on the couch reading a newspaper when his phone rang.

He answers it and he makes a worried face, so he rushes to the school.

"With cancer" he was in the hospital as he sees a ill princess smiling softly at him, he slithers over to her bed and takes her hand in his tail.

"The disease was incurable, I did everything I could do to save her"

"He use the darkhold to find a cure" other strange says.

"I enlisted Doctor stranger's help but instead it just incinerated everyone then...I was too late"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then flatline dropped, princess dropped her hand, snake slithered inside.

His mouth started to quiver when he sees princess was dead.

"She was gone"

"I then use the darkhold again to turned back time, to take me back to try and save her again" he started to cry again.

"I try to warn him" other strange says.

"Not just on it reality...but he didn't listen and we both got trapped"

"I lost my daughter, my friends and my sanity"

"But on its reader, and it's thanks to him I'm trapped here, look I'm sorry you couldn't save your universe" he then looks at the other snake.

"And I'm sorry that you lost your family...and his daughter"

"I used to tuck her in bed" snake says.

"But maybe you could help to save mines and the other princess"

"I used to tell stories about us" his voice sounds sob.

"Are you happy, Stephen?"


"I used to celebrate my birthday with her, our birthdays together but now" snake broke down.

"I have no one to force me celebrate my birthday"

", Stephen" other Stephen asked.

"I have no one to make me feel like I'm not alone, she was the reason why I became good and...she's gone" he sobs softly.

"It's the question that..." he looks through the window.

"Christine Palmer asked me at her wedding"

"I just don't understand how Thomas was responsible for her death" snake 838 asked.

Then other snake clutches his tail really tight, "remember he experimented on her" snake hissed.

"Yeah so?"

"He exposed her to chemicals, which could lead to cancer, it effected her sone time in the's because of him she's gone and because of him...I'm all alone"

"I said, yes of course I'm happy, I'm a sorcerer with the power of gods, what man wouldn't be happy?"

"The only thing I have to remember her is the bracelet"

"And then I came back, to this goddamn haunted house...sat down and wondered why I lied"

Every day I wake up thinking about everything that happened...about losing princess...about losing my friends"

"I never meant for any of this to happen"

"The only family I ever had, the only daughter I ever had...GONE"

"I was looking for a world where things were different"

"I was full of regret...sadness and pain hoping to find a world where I wasn't alive, where I had my daughter and my friends back"

"Where I had Christine, where I was happy"

"Her smile, that dark day, her death alone with my friends still haunt me...I could see her in my dreams...I wanted my old life back"

"But I couldn't find it" they both said.

"All I found were more of us"

"All I got was the same results, Thomas destroying-no...murdering the one child, the one little girl who didn't see me as a monster"

"So I did those Stephens a favor"

"I told myself if I ever see another Thomas again...I killed em"

"You ever had that dream where you're falling as if you've been pushed off a tall building"

Snake 838 touches his other self shoulders.

"Look what happened to your princess can't be changed, it wasn't your fault, you can't blame yourself"

He then thinks about it.

"You're right, I can't blame myself"

Then suddenly his tail glows as he clutches it at the same time other strange grew a third eye.

"That was probably me"

"BUT I CAN TOTALLY BLAME HIM" he snapped and yells at Thomas.

He uses his Psychics power to stretch his tail out and he grabs Thomas's throat and slams him against the wall.

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