The Book of Vishanti

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Doctor strange carefully jumps down, then he looks at the others.

"Come on"

Snake and Thomas looked at each other then they see princess running and she jumps.


"PRINCESS!" Thomas and snake screamed.

And as she fell, she was flying through the air and Doctor strange caught her.

"You all right" he asked her.

"Uh huh" she nodded.

Then sample slithered, landing flat on his body, he slithers up to strange and grabs princess.

Next was Thomas, although he hesitated, he walks back, scared out of his mind and he takes a big leap.

"AH" screaming terrified, like riding a roller coaster, he falls, rolls rough.

He gets from the painful jump, "ugh" he groans as he grabs his arm.

"This is the gap junction, the space between universes" snake says as they approached the book with caution.

"All right book"

There was indistinct whispering.

"Give me what I need" he slowly grabs the book.

Then suddenly, princess was pulled quickly from underneath snake's tail, she was pulled like a flash.


"Uh huh" it took him two seconds to realize she was gone.

He looks around and they see she was grabbed by her dress by wanda.

"Princess!" Snake yelled as he tries to get her, Thomas covers his mouth and Doctor strange holds him back.

"No! No!" Then he blast at wanda, but she absorbs his magic and reflects it back at him.

It hits him and snake, throwing them apart, "AH"

Causing strange to drop the book, it got burned and started to incinerate.

"PRINCESS!" Thomas tries to run and save his daughter.

But wanda smacks him against a pillar, "AH"

She then picks the three of them up, princess got so scared.

Her eyes glowed pink and she opened her portal, turns out it was wanda that made her open the portal.

She then tosses them in, sending them to another universe where they can't interfere her plans.

She then sends waves to princess's head, causing her to open another portal then she throws her in.

When she fell, at exactly two minutes ago piranha uses the scimitars to tear a small hole in the bubble they were trapped in again then he cuts the chains off.

Everyone sees him trying to escape, he puts a tiger over his lips shushing them to keep quiet as he tiptoed away from the witch.

"I'm going to get help" he says.

"Hurry" wolf says.

He then when he ran outside, they see a portal opening and out came princess.

"Princess!" They get up, looking excited and relief that princess was alive.

"You're okay" wolf says.

But something was missing, "but wait? Where's Doctor strange?" He asked.

Then suddenly the Scarlett witch open her eyes and leaves her other self's body and mind.

Wanda 838 was realized, she feel, looking around at her whereabouts, terrified and confused.

"My boys!" She sees the door way out and flies out.

On earth 1, princess gets up, looks at the witch walking towards her, she gets scared.

But not as scared as the bad guys are that they can't save her.

"WANDA WAIT" wolf says.

"This isn't what your children would want"

But she didn't listen, instead she just pulls princess up to her.

"AH" she screams and kicks trying to get away from her.

Then wanda puts a sleeping spell on her and she was knocked out.

"PRINCESS" wolf panicked.

She then puts princess gently on hexagon.

"They never know"

"maybe not but you will" he snarled.

She storms up to his face, "you don't know what it's like to-" then she realized something.

"Wait-" she counts them, "weren't there five of you-" that's when it hit her.

"THE PIRANHA" she turns to her monsters, "FIND HIM"

They rush outside to search the mountain, while they were gone, wong and America came out of hiding.

they sneaked inside to plan an ambush attack, unaware, a certain person was behind them.

Meanwhile with Doctor strange Thomas and snake.

They were in an unfamiliar universe, it was cold.

"My god!" Strange examined, they sees building collapsed into each other,

"It's like this reality collapsed in on itself" Thomas says.

"Yeah-or two realities collided"

They then see a red flash.

"Come on, we need to save my daughter, she doesn't have long" Thomas says as he walks ahead of them.

"So where are we going?" Snake asked as he ducks his under a floating car.

"Well, if there's still a sanctum in this universe, then there might be another other other me, and that our best shot of getting back to her"

Then snake starts to get his hopes up way high, "so do you think there might be another other princess" he asked excitingly.

"Let's hope so"

They then snake across a ocean puddle.

"Well, I Can see why you guys were so worried about incursions"

"Whatever happened" snake says, "this universe's you didn't do a very good job of stopping it"

They then stopped and looked up an at old building.

It was stranger's house and they see other him or someone in a window moving.

"I'll tell him you said that"

They walked inside and as the doors open, it revealed a very large and long staircase over a river.

The doors closed, they then walked up the stairs.

Meanwhile with piranha he was trying to out run the demons as they were trying to capture him, he runs into one and as he run back another one was blocking him then as the two tried to grab him he flashes off and they both bumped into each other's head.

He then runs to the other side, he looks back staying quiet while trying to catch his breath.

"Ok..ok I need to get away from them, I need.." he then sees a reflection of himself.

"I need to get Doctor strange" he then rubs his head.

"Ok what was it that wong said...oh yeah"

He gets in a starting position, and close his eyes.

"Breath...breath...feel the wind on your face, the ground beneath your feet" he then opens his eyes and starts run around the mountain.

"And the lightning, the electricity surging through your veins, to your nerve endings from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes like an electric shock you never want to end, you're part of something greater now, piranha, you're are part of the speed force and it's power, it's power is yours to use, now do it, RUN PIRANHA RUN!"

And as he ran, he starts to go faster then he's ever been, his feet glowing a neon green.

Then suddenly he feels the ground shaking and when he gets to the bottom, a breach opens and he zooms inside.

"Whoa!" He finds the speed force, he sees

"the speed force" he looks around to see glimpses of his past, present and future.

He sees one breach when wolf meets princess, then he sees another one where he hid own reflection then he sees a future of a 17 year old princess blowing out the candles with snake, he couldn't help but cry tears of joy.

"Ok piranha focus" he tells himself as he quickly wipes his tears.

"You're in the speed force: you're past, present and future all at once, so you need to focus on where you want to think about princess think about her, now run piranha run!"

And as he runs faster, he gets a glimpse of something.

"Huh" he sees another universe with the other bad guys but this time they're a team of superheroes working with the justice league.


Then he sees that they have kids, "whoa, Diane and wolf get together that's great, oh and they have kids, ok"

He then sees shark and snake with a family of their own, princess is a teenager with a different kind of power and he's wondering where he and webs are at.

"Hey where are me and webs at"

Then he sees something that shocks him, "whoa"

He sees webs In his arms and their holding a baby.

"What? I-I get to be with webs....and we-have a kid?"

He was so shocked by the surprise that he loses focus then he trips and falls.


Meanwhile Doctor strange Thomas and snake finally reach the top of the stairs.

"Hello?" They looked around the dark room.

"Stop where you are"

They looked up the stairs then suddenly a breach open and out flew piranha.

"AH" he screams then he bumps into snake.

"AH" they both fell.

Strange and Thomas looked at them, surprised to see piranha.

Piranha gets up and grabs his head as snake slowly pulls himself up and shakes his head.

They then were shocked to see each other.

"Snake?" Piranha says.

"Piranha?" Snake said.

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