The Illuminati downfall

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Back in earth 1

"You're wondering what happens now"

"No. That I had already accepted. But I do wonder... When you can force princess to send you to any universe you want, Why take her power for your own? You know it will kill her"

"For Billy and Tommy. To protect them. What if they get sick? In the infinite Multiverse, there's a cure for every illness. A solution to every problem. I won't lose them again"

"Try as you might, Wanda, you cannot control everything"

Then suddenly the bad guys woke up

"I can. Look around you. It's carved in stone. I was meant to rule everything. But that's not what I want. I just want my boys"

"And we just want princess" they turn to see wolf getting up, "you hurt her and your going to regret it"


"At the cost of a child's life! Is there no peace in knowing that, even though you can't be with the ones you love, there are worlds where you are together. Is that not enough?"

She then grabbed wong, strangling him.

"No" she threw him outside then moves up to the bad guys, popping the prison bubble.

"You can just kidnap a child for your own selfish needs, I don't think your kids would like that"

Then she smiles at then tauntingly when wong fell over the mountain, he was saved by America as she grabs his hand and pulls him up.

"You know a lot about kidnapping...considering the fact that you kidnapped her too"

Wolf then makes a shameful look as wanda was taunting him.

"Am I wrong...she's not even your real daughter"

"Yes she is" wolf snarled at her.

"You took her from her real family just for money"

"Yeah then I realized she had a bad father and I cared about her, you can't take her away"

Then suddenly they were being dragged down by invisible red chain, straining and stinging them.


"I'll have my babies...even if I have to kill yours"

" can't" wolf struggled to breath as he tries to talk to wanda.

"Please...she's just a kid...wanda look I know what's it like to protect your kids but trust me...they aren't your real kids, don't hurt our daughter"

Then wanda gets mad and slams them all against the wall.


"They're real, I know they're real, princess will suffer a great cost to make a noble sacrifice"

And as she release them, they fell on the ground, still in chains, piranha rubs his throat and sees the scimitars, he looks up at the Scarlett witch to see her taking control of her other self and gets an idea.

Meanwhile somewhere in universe 383, in Wanda's house.

She was sleeping when the Scarlett witch, finally took control of her.

She walked outside her house and flew to the Illuminati.

Things were about to get ugly, meanwhile back with the Illuminati.

"Our Strange did not die defeating Thanos. We were at war, gathering people to safety while the real Illuminati were fighting thanos: Charles Xavier, captain Carter, Blackagar Boltagon, captain marvel, and Reed Richards with Karl Mordo While the rest of them banded together to try to stop Thanos, it was princess that saved the world, Stephen decided to take all the credit" wolf explains, "and as always, chose to go it alone"

"He turned to the Darkhold. Began dreamwalking. In hopes that our salvation might lie in the Multiverse" marmalade added.

"And guess what? It didn't. But he kept doing it anyway" webs says.

"Then One day when we heard about what happened to princess, we went to kill you, you told us that you've been dreamwalking. And in your words" snake says, "things have gotten out of hand." You never told us the details of what had happened. Only that you had inadvertently triggered an incursion. You tried to apologize for what happened to princess death but you said that her sacrifice was the only way, I got hurt, heart broken and emotional wrecked about princess death? I got so angry that I attacked you, you had caused the annihilation of another universe and our daughter.

"Everyone in that reality died. Everyone....including princess" wolf says.

"Stephen renounced the Darkhold. He had princess helped him find the Book of Vishanti. A weapon we did use to kill him, but when we tried to kill him, that book gave up nasty scars and pushed us into Adelthenite and gave us powers, one final threat remained.... You see our princess had two superpowers cutisum and Power Mimicry"

"Ok again....what the hell is cutisum" Doctor strange asked as he was getting tired of hearing that word.

"She has the power to hypnotized people with her cuteness"

"Well I don't blame her, I be hypnotized by her cuteness too, I mean that does sound deadly" he was joking about her powers, which did not help his case.

"You know, she could hypnotized you to kill yourself" wolf says.

He then walks up to him, getting ready to end him with a single whistle.

"look about princess, I'm sorry about her but killing me, and keeping this one won't bring back your princess"

Wolf thinks about all the pain he went through all the suffer his been in, all fear and sadness he stored inside him, he thinks about all the nights he risks thinking about his princess.

"You know after princess was blast into the cosmos and turned into stardust, it broke us and when Thomas heard...oh boy when he heard about princess changed him for the better, he realized what a good thing he had, so he became good...for her but we never really forgave him but we accepted him to take part with a team of scientists for the better of the world"

"So when i died, Did you tell Christine?"

"Yes" wolf answered.

"That statue... what about the statue? You built a statue"

Wolf then sits back in his chair.

"It was no my idea for you, I wouldn't wanted to give that to honor the man that killed was their idea" he points to mordo and professor marmalade.

"The world needs heroes. The Illuminati made a difficult choice because they knew what our Strange was capable of. Or perhaps, every Doctor Strange is capable of"

"So what happened to the first Illuminati"

"...they died"

This shocks strange a lot, " did they died"

"After princess used her power to mimic thanos power, the force was too strong wit disintegrated him along with the Illuminati..." then wolf started to break down as his eyes were red from crying.

"SHE WAS JUST SEVEN....SEVEN" he was sobbing.

"...just was only a kid, JUST WAS JUST A KID WHO DIDN'T KNEW HOW TO CONTROL POWERS..but you-" he points at him, "you didn't see that, you force her to use her powers pushing her to go beyond the limit...then you use on her and the next thing she was...gone, you took her away from us...and now you will suffer"

Just then there was an alarm, "The building's been breached" webs says.

"No shit, genius" she glares at him then she leaves her body and slaps him again.

"Status report, on sentries" shark says as he Taos on his wrist and holographic screens pop up, revealing wanda infiltrating their headquarters.

"She's headed for the child" mordo says.

Everyone gets up, princess was getting scared and upset as wolf holds her close.

The others walked down to deal with the Scarlett witch, he heads to Thomas and like with no other choice, hands princess back to him.

"Watch her, guard her with your life, We'll vote on our return"

They all ran out, princess reached out to wolf, then strange tries to follow them.

"Wait you can't defeat her on your own"

Then wolf stops and turns around, causing strange to fall down.

"Just..stay....out of my way"

They then go back.

"Stephen, should you manage to escape this chamber, you must guide princess" Thomas says.

"What the hell are you saying?" He and mordo says.

"Save my daughter, and get to the Book of Vishanti"

"What, you have the book here?"

Then marmalade steps in, "Yes. You built a way point"

"Professor We cannot trust him" mordo says.

"I believe we can, if Thomas trusts him so can we, Just 'cause someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn't mean they're lost forever, We will see what kind of Doctor Strange you are"

"Thank you"

Perimeter breakdown

All sentries engaged

"Everybody out...NOW" Christine yelled.

Ultron commander... Ultron command...

And out of smoke and fire was wanda 838 possessed by the Scarlett witch, covered in blood and destroying the broken ultron robot head.

And as wanda approaches Christine, she gets blew to the wall as wolf blows at her and jumps down.

She gets up then the green reptile slithers down in a fast green and yellow flash.

Shark pounced down on the down, punching his fist on the floor, breaking the ground, Piranha follows behind him.

And webs Levitates down while taking control of the body of one of the Ultron commander bot.

"Wanda, stop. You possessed an innocent woman, but you can still do the right thing. Let her go, look I know what's it like to lose your own children, trust I understand your pain, I understand your pain" wolf says.

"Is Thomas here" she asked.

"Yes, and princess is somewhere faraway, safe where you'll never find her"

"Well Good. I wouldn't want her to see what about to happen to her family"

Then snake gets threatened, "you stay away from her Wanda... somic howl can destroy you with one blow from his mouth, one breath and your gone"

Wolf then takes a deep breath but suddenly He fells like he's choking.

He gets lift up in the air, wanda was strangling him then she starts taking his breath away until he was out of breath.

She drops him and everyone sees his lifeless body gasping for air on the floor.

She then harness his sonic howl and uses it against the bad guys, blowing at them.


Everyone gets up, then the indestructible shark charged at her and tries to punch her and when she tries to hit him, she remembers he's indestructible and she starts taking his life source and powers.

"AH" he yelps in pain as he was being levitated from the air, wanda draining him till he stopped moving.

When he was gone, she threw him across the room, he hits a pillar and it falls and crushed him.

Then Piranha tries confusing her with his multiple army of clones, she hits them till they vanished into air but he keeps making more, webs attacks her in the body of ultron robot and the green reptile just slithers fast hitting her back and forward.

Meanwhile Strange was still arguing with mordo.

"Take me to the Book of Vishanti so that we can fight her together"

"You are in no position to give orders. My vote will conclude these proceedings when they return"

"Well it doesn't look like we have a bloody choice so we" marmalade says.

Back with Wanda, she gets hit by one of Piranha's clones.

She falls and gets kicked by hit multiple clones.

Yet?" His clones speakers out of by one till the really one finish the last sentence.

"I can do this all day" she starts blasting his clones.

He creates more, dodges her blast then as he charges at her.

She freezes him, her turns into a ice block, and as he slides, his clones look at him as he hits a wall and falls down.

Wanda walks up to him, grabs a large rock and smashes him into pieces, dropping the rock on him.

Webs watched in horror, her astral spirit watched in horror and reacher out to him.

"NO" she sobs.

His clones just makes horrifying faces as one by one they vanished except for clone #2.

He was turning pale, he collapsed on the floor, as he was dying.

Webs ran up to him, in the body of the ultron robot, putting his head on the robots lap.

He coughs when he turns and smiles as he sees astral webs, levitating down to him and cupping his face.

He smiles at her softly before turning into dust, she goes back in the robot and goes to fight the wanda, she blast at her out of angry, she tries to kill her.

"Get the hell out of my universe!" She screams as tears ran down her face.

And after creating a large blast, it blew them apart.

She sees webs in the ultron robot laying down then as she tries to get up to finish her.

She sees her body, meditating, she then gets an idea.

She makes a knife and stabs web in her chest.

And when she gets up in the ultron robot, she feels a pain in her chest.

"AH" the ultron robot grabs it chest and turns to see in webs eyes that wanda stabbed her body.

She slowly falls on her knees and she slowly phases away and leaves the ultron robot body and dies.

Her real body, collapses on the ground, bleeding.

It did take professor marmalade to realize the Illuminati was gone.

"They're not coming back. And you just cast your vote now to kill your friends. Not that that ever bothered you before. You know, you hated me where I came from. I bet secretly, "my brother", you hated me here. You must've been so jealous. Do you know what? I bet you were thrilled when you heard I've been corrupted, hell, you probably gave me the Darkhold to begin with" this had professor marmalade thinking.

"You know nothing, of this universe!"

"I know, that killing Stephen Strange was your ticket to getting the Sanctum, to becoming Sorcerer Supreme, and to joining your little circus of clowns, the Illuminati"

"Is that true" professor marmalade asked.

"Don't listen to him professor, his us a threat to the world and the girl, and I-I-think-I'm ready! To cast my vote Now.. your punishment, DEATH, Die!"

He pulls out his knife and jumps behind him"

He moves and he trying to make him cut the cuffs off.

Thomas, marmalade and princess watched as the fight was taking place.

"Gentlemen, please this isn't helping our case" professor marmalade says.

Princess starts to get scared and thomas buries her face in his shoulders.

Mordo hits him across the room, he hits the wall and he sees the cuffs was off one of his hands, he hides it when mordo approaches him and helps him up.

He then slams him against the wall and as he was about to cut through his head, Stephen cuffs his hand and grabs his hand and slide the deadly sword back in.

Then he knocks him back and they threw each other across the room.

They fall over something and the cuff hangs on to a hook then it breaks.

The two get up and continue to fight, combat style.

"I think I'm beginning to understand, why your Mordo, didn't like you very much!"

"Enough!" Marmalade gets angry and break the fight by hitting then with a thunder cloud, breaking the fight.

"Now that is enough, thus fighting isn't going to help us, now I think we should-"

He then gets stabbed by a red shard through his chest, he looks up, trembling shaking and finally turning pale.

He turns around and sees wanda facing him, he looks back at mordo and Stephen then he falls down, twitching while dying.

Back In front, snake was the only one who survived, he was crushed underneath a pillar, he pleases through and looks around horrified to see his friends were death.

and on the floor he sees Christine dead on the ground, her eyes open.

He goes to wolf, still breathing with his last dying breath.


He looks at him, "save....princess" he then shuts his eyes and dies.

"Ok ok"

He flashes to the back, he then hears someone coming.

He then sees a shadow, he gets ready to attack when he sees it was Stephen running with Thomas and princess,

"Hey. You all right? You okay? You all right?"
Snake slithers over to them and grabs princess, she hugs him tight.

"Yeah" she coos to him.

Then he turns to Stephen and Thomas then he hands strange his cloak.

"Hey" he sees the cloak as it gets back on him.

"I fixed him"

"Thank you"

"Yeah thanks for protecting princess Thomas"

"It wasn't just me" Thomas says as he adjusted his hands to Doctor strange.

"Xavier said I built a waypoint to the Book of Vishanti. Can you take us there?"

"How am I supposed to trust you?" He glares at him.

"I know what happened to your princess was wrong and I'm sorry for what he did. But believe me, the Book of Vishanti is the only way"

"Yeah. Your way. You sound a lot like our Stephen right now, He had to be the one holding the knife, and then that knife kept controlling people"

"But This Stephen is different. He is. It doesn't matter about all the other Stephens. They're not like him, besides you all didn't think I deserve a chance after what I did to princess and look what happen now"

"Smart guy"

"Please..think about princess"

Snake was about to hesitates when he looks down at princess, he sees she was looking up at him, shaking and terrorized, then he remembers wolf's words.

Save princess.

He finally give in, "ugh, alright alright" he slaps his tail on his head, nodding in disappointment.

"Give me your hand"

He holds his tail out as strange hands his his hand, he picks the locks and removes the cuff off.

"Do not make me regret this"

"I won't"

"Okay, let's go now?" Thomas takes princess as they rush downstairs.

"Follow me"

He leads them to a underground tunnel.

"Where those this tunnel go"

"Under the river"

They go inside to see wanda breaking the doors open.

"Go go go"

She pushes everything out of her way, when they were inside, snake hits a button closing the doors.

But it didn't stop wanda, she runs after them.

Like trying to outrun a zombie.

So snake keeps hitting buttons to block her, then strange and the others stop to see if she gone.

Then after a brief moment of silence, they realized...

"Where did she go?" Thomas asked.

Then she sees her, "AH" she screams and they all panicked when they see her.

"I warned you" she threatened them.

"Other wanda, if you're in there"

Snake gets in front of Thomas as he was shielding her from wanda.

"Hold your breath"

He breaks the floor causing the ceiling to crumble, which will cause a flood below her.


"Did it kill her?" Thomas asked.

"No, but it bought us some time"

"The book's through here. But only Stephen's ever opened it" snake shows them a rusty door.

Stephen tries to open it but it won't budge.

"Shit. A chant only specific to me, something only I would know. Come on"

"Uh Strange..."

He turns to see snake holding up his watch.

"Oh Yeah. Thank you"


The watch was a key and when it open it revealed to be a portal to another world.

It was the same place strange and princess dreamed about.

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