The big reveal

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Back with the bad guys, wolf was looking at the vision board, seeing the three pictures of the black claw.

He slams his head against the board in frustration, "it's been two weeks and we still haven't caught it figured out who the black claw is" he says.

"Well we do know he's after Thomas" snake says.

"Yeah ever time I get close to finding him he just sneaks away, but he's now attacking during the daytime, he's getting close wolf says.

"Well you have to give him credit, he's real good at his job" webs added.

"Yeah maybe someone hired him to kill the mafias and to kill Thomas" piranha says.

"But who would want Thomas dead?" Snake asked.

"I guess that's the million dollar question" shark says.

"Well it looks like a dead end for us, no clues, motives other then the crime family being the most wanted mafias in the city" snake says.

"Which hates me to say this but...we have to protect Thomas" wolf says.

Then everyone shuttered, "I can't believe you just says that" snake says.

"Hey as much as I hate Thomas and I want him dead, no body kills him but us even if he deserves it" wolf says.

"Ugh alright, I suppose we have no choice" snake got as.

Then something catches webs eye, "huh?"

"What is it webs?" Wolf asked.

"Oh it's nothing but I noticed when ever the black claw managed to get away they used athletic skills, like a cheerleader you know"

"Yeah this guy must be a young pro at this must've taken him years to train to be the greatest assassin"

But then it hit wolf, he looks at the board, he focuses at the pictures and he notices it.

He sees how every outfit the black claw wore were feminine and that's why he realizes it.

"It's a she" he muttered.

"Huh?" Everyone asked.

"Don't you see guys, every clothes the black claw wore is girlish, she's slim can easily sneak in and sneak, shark give me the duffel bag from the train" wolf shouts.

Shark looks around and by his side was the bag, he throws it to wolf.

He caught it, opening it he looks through plying out the clothes and he sees the brand tag.

"See guys look" on the tag it reads: MICHAEL Michael Kors Clothing.

"See guys what kind of assassin shops at MICHAEL Michael Kors Clothing, it all makes more sense now, the athletic ability, the quick escape, the hidden identity" wolf pulls the pieces together.

He looks at the picture with everyone else joining in looking at the board.

"So...we're dealing with a girl?" Webs asked scratching her head.

"Not just any girl, come here see here" he points at a picture, "see the size, i noticed something else odd till piranha solved it for me"

"Really?" Piranha surprised himself.

"Guys, we might be dealing with a teenager" wolf says as suspicious music plays.

"So the black claw is a female teenager assassin?" Webs asked.

"Aw we're dealing with a girl!" Piranha groans.

"What's wrong with that! Never heard of female empowerment!" Webs says who was offended.

"Guys focus we got bigger fish to fry" wolf says.

Then they all were at a high school looking down from up the stairs at the students wandering the halls.

"So now we know the assassin were dealing with is a teenager" wolf says.

"But which one? It could be anyone here it could be that one or that one or that one over there" snake points to a blonde then a brunette and a red head.

"How can we find out which kid is the assassin" shark panicked.

"All we need is a kid on the inside" then when he sees princess waving, it gets him an idea.

"And I just know how" he smiled.

They used princess to list all the teenage girls at the school for them to mark down while they make a plan to catch the black claw once and for all.

Wolf and snake waited when princess arrived back she handed wolf the list.

"Here you are wolf"

"Yes thanks princess you are a peach"

"So do you really think the assassin is someone at school" she asked.

Wolf and snake turn to each other with worried expression.

"I can't say for sure honey but I do know this we are finally gonna catch them and make sure they don't hurt anyone ever again" he assured her.

She went to her room while webs was on the computer.

"Alright webs who is the next target" wolf asked.

"Ok so the last member of the gang is Vinny da Vinci Gambino...oh good news he's out of Los Angeles"

The guys looked at each other confused, "uh webs? How is that good news?" Wolf asked.

"Don't you see, if shark dresses like him, he can pretend to be Vinny, we lure the black claw to a trap and catch her"

Then everyone was on board, "that's a great idea webs" wolf says.

Then princess is seen carrying her bag, "so long wolf I'm going"

"Whoa, where are you going?" He asked.

"It's Friday remember, I'm going to Diane's"

"Is it Friday already" he turns to snake who shrugs, "ok have fun tell her I said hi" they all waved.

"Alright guys let's go"

Later that night, their plan was going in motion, wolf was on top of a building watching shark who was wearing a gray striped pin suit with a mustache disguise as Vinny sitting in a chair.

"How you doing shark?" Wolf asked.

"I'm ok"

"Ok guys just keep your eyes out for the black claw she might be coming soon"

"Copy that"

"Got it"


After a few hours later, the black claw arrived, she came through the window.

She stealthily sneaks in pulling out a knife then she finds Vinny, she was about to stab him when shark looks up.

"You must be the black claw" he says in an Italian accent.

But the black claw backs up, "shark?" She drops the knife.

"What? Uh no! Have we met you sound familiar"

Then the black claw tries to get away, "oh shoot, she saw right through, she knows who I am"

"What?" They all panicked.

"She's getting away"

"How could she see through your disguise?" Webs asked.

"That's never happened before" piranha added.

"The only one who sees shark's disguise is...princess" snake added.

"Quick guys get her, don't let the assassin get away" wolf shouts.

The black claw ran upstairs when snake jumped wrapping himself around her, she pulls him off and throws him.

Then when she sees piranha jumping she threw a net at him, webs tries to trip her with her wire made of her webs but she jumps over it.

"Wow ok she is good" webs says, "wolf she's getting to the top"

Wolf had one last chance, he wasn't gonna let it slip, when the black claw got to the top she jumped over to the next building, she tries to run but gets stumbled by wolf who jumps on her, she kicks him off and rolls over.

The two face each other and now were ready to fight each other.

He swings his fist trying to knock her but she ducks and backflips then she pulls a knife out of her boot swinging it at him but he dodges.

Then he kicks the knife out trying to punch her then she flexes her gloves and claws came out.

She tries scratching him then when he tries kicking her back she jumps back stopping.

"I don't want to you, I didn't wanted you to get involved but you won't quit" the black claw says.

"I don't know what you're deal is with Thomas but you can't kill mafia bosses"

"You wouldn't understand, they are criminals, they done horrible things, they need to be rid from this world"

"But not like this sure they are dangerous but they don't deserve this"

"I'm finishing my last job and there's nothing you can do to stop me"

"Oh I have a kid like you at home I know how to deal with teenagers"

She shoots at him from her gloved wrist, but he dodges and he pounced on her they landed over to the next building.

They both rolled and her knife fell out, she tries to grab it but was stepped on by wolf, he smirked and kicks it back.

She gets up and they both fight each other which turns to waltz, she pulls out her gun but he kicks her and she went falling down and her helmet flew off, she had her faces covered.

Wolf approached her while smirking, "looks like it's over for you, what? What's wrong? Can't look me in the eye, usually women would fall for me"

He takes her shoulders to turn her around but what happened next was gonna turn his world.

He turns her to reveal herself to be...

"What? Princess?"

Yes his own daughter princess but she looked guilty, he was horrified.

"Princess? You're the black claw" on his was was betrayal and fear.

"I'm sorry wolf" she takes from behind her back and threw it on the ground.

It was a smoke bomb, as he was distracted he see her getting away.

She looks back with a hurt look before putting her helmet back on.

Wolf watch but he was hurt, betrayed by his own daughter.

Then snake called him, "hey did you get her buddy"

"What? Oh no not yet snake she got away"

"It's alright buddy, we'll get her next time"

And the sad part was....he was going to have to break it down to his friends

"Yeah...listen snake we need to talk....i know who the assassin is"

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