Who is princess

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After discovering the dark truth of who the black claw really is.

They didn't take it so well, especially snake, back at the mansion.

"No no no NO NO NOOO! I can't believe this? I won't believe this?" Snake says as he causes a wreck in the living room.

Everyone else was still shocked by this news, "hey I didn't want to believe it either snake but it's true"

Shark seemed frightened by this the way he rubs his arms.

"No, that can't be right, that's not our princess-she would-princess wound never-princess isn't a killer, she would never hurt anybody"

"Shark I know you're shaken by all this but it's true"

"No, are you sure it was princess maybe it was someone else who looks like her?" Piranha asked.

"Am I sure I saw prince-yes I'm sure, who else could it be" wolf asked.

"Ok hold up now, we don't know if it is princess, maybe it was trick from the black claw" webs says.

"If that's true then how come princess isn't answering our calls" wolf shows her how he tries calling princess dozen of times but she didn't answer.

"It's because she knows we're on to her"

"Well I refuse to believe it" snake says.

"There's got to be a good explanation for this" wolf paces hen he stops and has a thought.

They watch him run to her room, "wolf what are you doing?" Shake asked.

They see him going through her stuff, her dresser and closet making a mess.

"Wolf what are doing you know we can't go through her stuff" webs added.

"Yeah this is an invasion of her privacy" piranha says.

But he didn't listen to them, so snake slithered up to him when he looks through her nightstand.

"What exactly do you think you're gonna find?" He asked.

"Theres got to be something in here that will tell something, I know my daughter you would never hurt anyone"

Then he looks at a picture of herself on her desk then he looks up to see her horse figurine, he turns it then the walls shift.

And the truth hit them like a pound of brinks, especially wolf.

Then he starts pulling the pieces together as flashbacks played.

"Oh yeah" she yawns, "I just didn't get enough sleep last night, I had a long night, you know how it is the big ACP test is? I know I can kill this test"

She was the one that killed Vito Morelli as she takes off her mask.

"Yeah this guy must be a young pro at this must've taken him years to train to be the greatest assassin"

At the train startin when wolf was chasing the black claw, princess changed out of her clothes, she puts it in a duffle bag and throws it on the train then as she gets out she acts to be surprised when she runs into wolf.

you didn't happen to see anyone else get on the train did ya?"

"No, but there was this strange person who left his things behind and jumped out the window"

"What?" He finds a duffle bag and inside was the assassin's clothes and gun that killed Isaiah.

He grunts frustrated, "dang it"

Then the flashback ended with wolf bringing to a realization.

"All this time we been looking for the assassin....when she was right underneath our noses this whole time" he turns to a picture of princess.

"It's time to face the truth guys, princess is the black claw"

"It's like I don't know her anymore" shake looks at a picture of her and faces it down.

"No no, I refuse to believe this, i-I-I need more proof" snake says who won't accept the truth.

"What more proof do you need snake, the proof is right in front of you, it's as clear as day, in black and white, I know you wanted to protect her and so did I, but we need to face the facts....our daughter is the assassin"

Back with princess, she heads to the rooftop of Diane's home.

She takes off her mask looks around and knocks on the door.

When Diane opened the door, she smiled, she lets princess in.

"So how did it go?" She asked.

"Not well the target wasn't there it was all just a trap, Diane we need to talk"

"Well that sucks well I'm sure you'll get him next time but I do have some good news, your dad Thomas is gonna be released tomorrow so killing him won't be so hard"

"Diane the bad guys know"


"They know I'm the black claw, it's over"

"Oh, that is bad well what matters is that once you kill Thomas it'll all be over soon, and once we explain everything I'm sure they'll have a big laugh about this-"

Then princess snapped, "Diane! You don't bloody get it! It's over now, my family knows who I am, they've gonna be there to stop, ugh I should have never had listen to you, it's because of you I don't have a family or a home to go to...." She punches the wall and Diane was concerned about her.

"I didn't want to be an assassin in the first place, but once this is all over, I don't know what I'm gonna do, I'm not sure what's gonna happen with me, I do t know what I'm gonna to do next, but one things clear father is dead" she slams a knife right through his picture.

"It ends tonight, at least I won't have to hide form them anymore, no more betrayal no more pain"

"At least it was fun while it lasted" Diane says.

"Are you kidding Diane? I never wanted to do this, and I so didn't enjoy killing anyone either, the only reason why I did this in this first place was for two reasons: because you encouraged me too but more importantly I was doing this for them" she turns to a picture of the bad guys.

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