foiled trap and underdog's date

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"Somebody, please help me!"

soon cad and thomas dress up as ladies in order to lure princess and underdog out when they pretend to fall from a building.


"Oh, my gosh"

"What's going on there?"

"Help me! Help me! I'm a clumsy old woman! I thought my window was a door!"

Then underdog and princess arrived, "There's no need to fear. Underdog is...moving too fast"

He hits the wall and Thomas and dad went falling down.

"I seriously need to work on my landing" then princess glared at him and swoop down and caught Thomas before he could fall.

"When old ladies are falling, I'm not slow. It's hip-hip-hip, and away I go"

"Way to go, Underdog! You're safe now, ma'am And, in the future, try to stay away from open windows"

"Lovely pup. I'm so grateful. A little treat for you"

Princess puts her father down gently, "you alright ma'am"

"I am now my dear....PRINCESS" he lifts his face to reveal himself.

"Father" she gasped in horror when he grabs her.

"Yes. It's called a choke chain. What's the matter,
doggy? Can't breathe?"

"Hey, it's you"

"Let's go"

As soon as I knew it was Cad, I took him for a walk.

"Whoa! Ohhh! Burns! My parts! Heel, dog! Please heel! Burns!"

but they decide to give them a little walk and by that ubderdog went running downtown after making car hit everything in town.

Then princess flies up high taking Thomas with her, "whoa" he was hanging by her boot.

Then he looks down to see he was way high, he holds on tight despite of fear of dropping.

♪ The cry goes up
both far and near ♪

♪ For Underdog, Underdog ♪

♪ That's the superhero pup
Crooks and bums, give it up ♪

♪ There's no need to fear
Underdog is here ♪

♪ Underdog is here
Underdog is here ♪

"Really father this is low, even for you, and you look ridiculous in a dress" princess crosses her arms.

"Says the girl who dress like a princess and uses her surname"

But she glared at him, throws him high in the air, "AH!" And when he came down she kicked him and he crashed into a fruit stand.

He glared but little did they know, Thomas was hold her bracelet with her address and cad got shoeshines collar.

"You slack-jawed mouth-breathing imbecile! I should have put strychnine in your chocolate milk months ago. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't dispose
of you right now!" simon scoulds cad

but thomas came back with a sinister smile, "i got two" he holds up princess bracket in his claw and reveals the things they took and can use them to track them down.

"Well, uh... I got this"

My first collar ever, and I lose it to some guy in a dress. I sat there hoping princess wouldn't ask about it.

Princess meets underdog back at the house, "hey Where's your collar?"

"My collar?"

"Uh Yeah"

"Oh, um, it must have fallen off"

Oh, Kicking butt and taking names, huh?"

"No, just barking at myself in the mirror. I'll tell you,
it never gets old"

"Come on, We're gonna go for a walk"

"OK then"

But as they get up, the bad guys arrived, "oh hey wolf me and shoeshine are going for a walk"

"Yeah that's great princess just be careful" wolf says.

But he noticed her bracelet is gone.

"Hey, where's your bracelet"

"What?" She then realized it was gone, "oh I left it in my room, I didn't wanted to lose it when we go for a walk"

wolf suspects her but soon givens into her word and heads back inside.

"Alright then, have fun on the walk kiddo"

"Hey, nice beagle" a man came by.

"Just like Underdog, huh?"

"Underdog? Him? No, no. Only thing strong about this dog is his breath"


"Sure looks like Underdog"


"Well I'm Sorry but We need to work on your secret identity"

"Well how do I blend in since I don't have my collar"

"Let's just go on a walk ok, as a way to blend in"

But during their time in the park they run into sweet polly purebred again.

"Hey shoeshine, hi" Polly approaches him.

"Oh hey polly" then he turns to princess.

"Well I'll give you guys some room"

"Hey have you heard about that new hero: Underdog. Oh, the way his ears flop when he flies, that shimmering coat. Could you imagine me off leash with Underdog?"

"You really like him don't you"



"There isn't a hose cold enough to break that up. I wish I could meet him"

"Well, you know, they say he answers every call for help"


Meanwhile with princess she was by the bridge, she stares down at the lake when a bad presence approached her.

Then a pair of two big strong muscular arms trapped her.

It was riff raff who arrives again to capture princess again since he still plans to use her as a hostage.

"Well what do we have here"

She whimpers when she recognizes his voice, she turns around terrified when his face her, his mouth foaming.

"A little lost kitten" he laughed and his goons joined in.

Then he forcefully grabs his wrist crushing it and pulling her roughly.

She panicked, took everything she had to get away from him.

"Miss me baby" he chuckled.

Then she slapped his face leaving cat scratch marks and pulls away.

" let  me go you..wanker"

"Ow" he chuckles, "ooh, kittens got claws"

She tired to get away but his goons block her, "where you going baby"

"The fun's just starting"

She faces up only to bump into him where he wraps his arms around her waist and chest pressing muscular body against her, he was sending disgusting vibes to her.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? Ain't you happy to see me" he tormented her

She pushes him away and backs up facing him, "what do you want from me"

"Why you of course doll face" he holds her chin.

"I need you if I'm gonna get the bad guys on my team, what a pretty little thing they have, what a young women you are So, if you ever want to be with a real dog, give me a call. I can be gentle"

Dogs lick to show affection but when riff raff kicks her cheek slowly, it's making her anxious.

-"You're a real player, boss"

"Hmm, tasty too, you know I'm not a real fan of cats but're just special"

He takes her hands and pulls her up against his chest, she tries to push him off again but he was too strong and she did wanna risk getting exposed, he wraps his arms around her waist.

"That wolf....what a second rate has been"

"You tell her boss"

"I don't know how that loser ended up with just a precious jewel like you, so beautiful and so....soft, I can't imagine how he would react if he sees his daughter like this"

He takes her chin in his hands again pulls her closer,
but not wanting to reveal her identity she uses her purse since she has super strength she hits him the muzzle knocking him out.

"AH!" He rubs his muzzle and looks up at her.

"Put a muzzle on it and don't you dare talk about my dad that way, he is a great man"

"Why you little" he was about to get up.

"HELP HELP OFFICERS THIS MAN TRUED TO KIDNAP ME" she tells a patrol officer.

They got her attention and ran but riff raff and his goons escaped.

"Let's go, fellas. This ain't over yet kid"

"We showed him, huh, boss?"

"What do you mean, "we"?"

Later that night, Polly was dressed up and waiting for underdog.

"Help. Oh, help. Help, help. Help! Hello? Oh, my.
Where, oh, where can my Underdog be?"

"Did somebody order a hero?" He went crashing into her garden.

♪ Underdog ♪



"Why, oh, why have you called for help? I was flying by
when I heard you yelp"

"Oh. Um..."Help." Right. I'm...I'm out of food"

"Your bowl is empty, that is true. Might I have a date
with you?"

"Excuse me. Do you only speak in rhyme?"

"My rhymes are merely said in fun. OK, I'm done"


"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yes, you are"

"Uh... you are right about that. Moon? Stars? The yard?"

"Sorry, what were we looking at again?"

"It must be so amazing to be you, to be able to go where you want, whenever you want. I have to always "sit", "stay", "be a good dog"

"Well, then, let's be bad dogs. OK. You ready?"

"Ready for what?"

She holds on tight to him, "Don't worry. I got you"

"You OK?"


"Oh, I love the feeling of the wind in my fur"

"Yeah, I thought you might. I call it extreme
off-leash. Have you worked up an appetite? Let's see.
What's for dinner? Oh, look. Italian. OK, hang on!"


He swoops in and takes spagetti and meatball left overs from a couples dinner bag from a resturant.

"My doggy bag"

"Here we go. The perfect spot for dinner on the fly" he lands and they have their dinner on the capital building.

"There's only one meatball. Why don't you have it"

"Oh, no, thanks. I'm on a diet"

"No, I insist"

"Uh-oh" But he drops the meatball and it lands on a cat

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