bad guys captured and idenities exposed

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Later that night after being attacked by riff raff princess was home while underdog was on his date.

She was feeling paranoid and full alert she sat in the living room after securing the house, the bad guys had left her alone.

But then she heard someone knocking on the door, she opens it it but was revealed to be one of riff raff goons.

"AH!" She panicked.

One goon had a dress and the other a rope, they grabbed her and take her outside.

When the rope didn't work they grabbed her hands from preventing her from escaping, she struggled to break free.

They take her to a limousine outside and inside she saw riff raff all dressed up.

He had a red shirt short sleeve a gold chain necklace black pants and brown shoes smoking a cigar.

"Hello little girl" he smiled but it uneased her.

Later on, the goons escorted her to an Italian bistro she was wearing a pink dress.

The goons had their guns against her back to make sure she won't leave when she walks up to riff raff who was sitting on a table, he sees her and throws away his cigar.

"Hey baby" he pats a chair for her to sit down.

She was nervous till the guns shove her own to the gun, terrified she takes a seat.

"What do you want from me"

"I just wanna have dinner and talk about our issue we had today" he points out the scar she left on his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't-"

"It's alright little girl, I know you didn't mean it, accidents happen you were just trying to defend yourself the important thing is you are sorry"

After while they enjoyed a little Italian cuisine but princess couldn't eat, she was anxious and terrified.

"What wrong little one"

"My family is expecting me home so I should get going now" but as princess gets up Riff raff snapped his fingers and his goons locked all exits which made her even more nervous.

"Awa why so soon, the party just began"

"I really can't I really need to go"

Then riff raff grabs her wrist, "oh I don't think so"

"Ugh let me go"

She struggle to pull free then plates break on the ground, a chair fell and princess slaps him again.

She pauses realizing her mistake and riff rubs his face then he grabs her arm and throws her.

"Why you little brat"


"I'll teach you, not to be smart"

He grabs her chin roughly trying to crush her and pins her to the wall.

Her whimpering made him laugh and he pulls a knife wield it against her neck.

"Can't imagine what your worth for your safety return, even working for a big crime boss, all we need to do is send Mr wolf a picture and I bet he'll break all the laws to get to you"

"What do you have against him anyway"

"He took my reputation and respect as the biggest and baddest alpha dog the top crime boss, that was my record then after he went good someone had to continue the work and I'll be dammed if I'm gonna let him destroy my crime empire for a child he went soft for"

Then she pushed him back, "you don't know him"

"Oh but I do, I known him since before you were even born and I know is that he's a weak pathetic worthless loser like he always was"

"NO! You don't know him!" She then got the door open and ran away.

"You can run kid but I'm gonna get you and when I do I'll be the bad guys loyal to me, they haven't changed no one's changed" he yells as she ran to home terrified and bursting in tears.

But she stopped and found herself lost then she walks home.

The next morning princess was still in a dazed after last night's incident with riff raff she was now prepared to watch out by him.

"The sewers lead into this drainage into the complex.
So if you have access to any of the sewer systems,
you can get anywhere in the city you want. Even Dr. Barsinister knows that" wolf was going through a map

When he noticed how sleepless princess looked, "hey you ok" he asked her.

She realized he caught her off guard and smiled, "yeah I'm wolf just had a rough night"

"Oh do you need me to stay with you"

"Oh no no no no, I'm fine wolf, don't worry about me"

Then shoeshine came back, "Oh, hey, princess. How's it going?"

"Where have you been all night?" She whispered.

"I don't sniff and tell"

"Hey, Shoeshine" wolf pets him.

Woof! Woof!"

"Hey, say wolf um, we're going to head to the park.
You know, walk"

"Ok you want us to come with you"

"Oh no no no no I'm fine wolf, we'll be fine he just gets nervous when someone other then me watches him"

"Alright be careful"

After princess left to the park the bad guys came downstairs took a day off from work when suddenly....

"Oh, look! Dad is home" Dr barsinister broke in with
cad along with thomas now armed with a tommy gun Thomas holds a pistol to kidnapp them.

" Thomas? Where's princess? What have you done to her"

"Don't worry you're fuzzy little fur on your head
We haven't done anything to her... yet"

"I swear if you hurt here, you're dead"

"But who's the dead one here, her or you"

But then they run into Polly, "Hi"

"Hey, give us a minute princess"

"Shoeshine, you wouldn't believe the date I had last night.It was so amazing!"

"Yeah, it was"


"I mean, it was?"

"Can you keep a secret? I went out with Underdog"

"Really? I hear he's shorter in person"

"He is not. He's quite strapping and such a charmer"

Meanwhile the bad guys were take to Dr. barsinister hideout to lure underdog and princess out.

"I want him back. I want his power"

"And I want the same with princess" Thomas says.

"No way you can forget, there is no way princess is that superhero and our dog is not Underdog" wolf says.

"You seem to have a knack for underestimating
the exceptional" Dr barsinister says.

"And you seem to lack the sane mind" webs says.

"You're insane!" Wolf says.

"Wolf please, he prefers the term "visionary"!

"Yes now Call your dog or I'll call mine" he turns to cad.

"Or I'll call mine"

"Cad you idiot...that means you are supposed to let the dogs out"

"Oh, right, the dogs"

"Ugh" Thomas rolled his eyes and releases the German shepherds.

"Simon says, "Surround the sad ex-criminals".

"Simon says, "Convince"

The dogs started barking aggressively and the bad guys panicked.

"All right, all right Shoeshine! Shoeshine!" Wolf calls for him and he hears.

"Hey, um, I got to go" he ran to princess.

"That is one strange beagle"

"What? What is it?"

" It's your family they're in trouble. The guy from the lab got him. And you're dad"

"You go to the police station and wait for me"

"No. Way they are my family You're not going
to go without me"

"All right. Let's go"

But when they get there they see them hold their family at gun point.

"Shoeshine! Shoeshine"

But when they get there they see them hold their family at gun point


"Princess" wolf and the others panicked.

Then Thomas holds a gun against wolf, "FATHER DONT"

"Easy, tiger" she gets grabbed by car.


"Perfect timing darling" Thomas smiled.

"Princess , what's going on...what's going on here? What are you doing here" wolf asked.

"Shoeshine," isn't it? Or shall I address you
by your nom de guerre......"Underdog"?"

"It's "Shoeshine""

"He can talk?" The bad guys were surprised.

not wanting to let them do harm to her family princess surrender where they revel their secret identities.

"He's not the only one with secrets isn't that right super princess"

"No" wolf was shocked.

"That's right Mr wolf you're own daughter is the superhero know as super princess tell as those it feel to known your own daughters out there in danger behind you're own back, hurts doesn't it" Thomas taunts them.

"If you hurt her I swear-"

"Oh I'm not gonna hurt her, I just need something from her"

"If I did what you need to do will you leave my family unharmed" princess asked and Thomas sneered.

Yep, Barsinister had me beat. There was no way I could save both of all.

"I'm sorry. Do whatever you want to me. Just let them go" Princess and shoeshine surrender themselves.

"Princess no" wolf shouts.

"Wise decision"

Turns out, Barsinister didn't want me. Nor did Thomas wanted his own daughter He wanted our DNA. He took away our super powers and put them in a little blue pill. But that wasn't the worst of it

"And in this pill, there is the DNA of a regular beagle"

"What? No Shoeshine, don't do it! No!"

"Do you know what the saddest part is? You actually thought that they loved you. They only loved the power
that I gave you"


"No, Shoeshine"

"Princess! Ahhhh!"

"I didn't...want... get... hurt"



"Not so tough now, are we, little doggie?" He grabs him and puts shoeshine in a cage

"Let's go. This city is going to pay for what they
have done to me.Their doubt. Their blindness. Their betrayal"

"Don't forget Diane too, for framing me" Thomas grabs princess and puts a chained collar on her pushing her against her family who holds her.

Then thomas gives three german shepards the power pills to take over LA

"Simon says, "Heel."

"Yes, sir!" They started talking.

All those powers and I wound up jeopardizing
the only thing I cared about, my family. And while I was stuck down there feeling sorry for myself, Cad and Barsinister had returned to the capitol.

where at the capital buliding they hold diane and the mayor hostage.

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