The final battle

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thomas and his villian squad will march to the captial to hold the mayor and govenor hostage while the bad guys try to find a way out.

"Help! Help us!" Princess had her tied up in a chain to a pipe.

"It's ok princess, I'll try to get us untied"

"It's all my fault wolf"

"It's ok princess" wolf pulls out a knife, "I'll get out out"

"No wolf You were the best in the city I just-I was so tired of having to be the damsel in distress I wanted to do something to help you guys, I wanted to-I'm sorry I never told you I didn't wanted you to worry about me like you always do"

Wolf stopped looking at her concerned, " and you should be up there stopping Barsinister and father"

"Do you know why I became a law enforcement officer princess" wolf asked.

"Yeah yo protect me and make the city safe for me"

"No, it's not just what I wanted, I wanted to show you a good example that no matter what happens you should never give up, sure we would've been afraid like I am now, what were you thinking and why couldn't you told us, I couldn't imagine living without you but I was wrong I seen what you and shoeshine do, I like that, I'm proud of what you done"

"Well I did learn from the best" she smiles at them.

"Now you have a choice, to finish this and save everyone" wolf says.

"Wolf, we have to get untied" princess says.

"Already on it" wolf uses the knife cuts himself, frees princess and shoeshine out.

"The reason we're down here is me. All I had to do
was just tell you Shoeshine was Underdog"

"I'll tell you what you should've told me, that you gave my old sweater away to a superhero!"

"It looked a lot better on him, quick Grab Shoeshine" princess unties the others.

"Come on, Shoeshine. Come on, boy. All right, sweetheart, let's go" wolf grabs the dog.

make it to the captial to deal with the hostage situation.

"There has been an overwhelming response, Mr. Mayor" Diane was speaking to the mayor.

"Good You've never had this much press"

"I never had trouble"

"Make sure they get a good view of the dogs"

Then they hear dogs growling and freeze when they see Dr barsinister and Thomas.

"Mr. Mayor"

"Hello...Diane" Thomas sneered.

"Thomas" she glared.

"Do you have time to consider my proposal now?"

"Holy moly! Barsinister"

Outside, Tiffany grabbed her camera man when the Polly arrived.

"Start rolling, start rolling. Move! Go, go, go, go, go!"

Then crowd chattering, "There. Where's Underdog?"

"I'm at the steps of the capitol building, where on the eve of his big press announcement it seems that the mayor and the governor has been kidnapped Now, SWAT has secured the perimeter and we're still waiting to find out more information, any information"

But little did they know, car was sneaking inside, Polly tries to get a moment in the spotting when she spot him.

"Oh no you don't fluffit, this is my story" she sneaks in.

"Come on, hurry up. Let's go"

Then the bad guys arrived, they pushed through the crowd.

"Excuse me. Trying to get through. Sorry. Pardon me"

"Excuse me"

"Come on. Get Underdog!"

"Has anyone seen him?"

"We're too late"

"Now what are we going to do?"

"Where's Underdog?"

"Please stay back!"

but unknown to them cad places a bomb on top of the building.

"Underdog has to be here somewhere"

"Everyone, please stay back"

princess bends down to the dog "Shoeshine, I don't know if you can understand me right now, but forget about the past. It doesn't matter if you're
Shoeshine or Underdog. Because I don't care
if you can talk or fly. You made me realize I can be powerful without powers, You're a hero to me"

"There I was, a regular old dog again" but thanks to shoeshines smell he and princess sneak in to stop.

"I had no idea how to stop Barsinister. But I did know one thing. I smelled a bomb.Could I trust my nose again? Could I afford not to? What are the chances
there's a ham strapped to the roof of the capitol building?"

He ran inside, shoeshine, shoeshine wait where are you going" she ran after him.

"Princess wait" wolf and the others tried to stop her but they already sneaked inside.

While inside simon and thomas tell their demands, "All right. What are your demands?" The mayor asked.

"A billion dollars from this city's treasury, full immunity from the law and my lab restored" was barsinister demands, "so I can continue my research
to help the human animal to chart a new future for the good of mankind"

"Ahem" Thomas coughs.

"Oh right, and as for Thomas-"

"I require a much bigger lab, all of my fortune back and immuinty from the law. Especially from those sorry excuses for heroes you call: the bad guys"

"Forget it Thomas" Diane says, "I do not negotiate with terrorist" while polly sneaks in to only to be captured by cad 

"It was brave of me to charge in there, but pretty dumb
not to have a plan Was I thinking that a solution was going to fall out of the sky?"

"I don't know what you are thinking but I hope you have a pla-"

but shoeshine and princess knock the mayor out accidnetly and land on thomas and simon where they loss the pills.

"What? Him again?"

"Princess?" Thomas lifts her off.

"Hello father" princess smiles nervously


"No, mine!"

"Are you kidding me?" Simon realized shoeshine took one of the pills.

"That will teach you to mess with me" thomas throws princess.


"Simon says... "Lunch!"

Princess takes one of the pills, "no" Thomas growls.

"Don't worry. It will be over in no time. You're not even big enough to be table scraps" says one of the dogs.

"No but the kitten is" says the other one growling at princess.

"There's no need to fear Underdog is here"



"How did you...?"

"Simon says, "attack."

I would love to stay and chat, but I got to find where the bomb is at"


"After him!"


"Make sure he doesn't get outside!"

"Come back here!"

"My powers may be back at last, but these German shepherds are way too fast"

thomas commands the dogs and riff raffs gang to finish them off as they battle.

"I'm on your tail! What is with that dog?"

Princess stops when she sees riff raff standing ring in front of her, cracking his knuckles and laughing.

"Well well well look who it is, hello...little kitten"

"What the bloody hell are you doing here" princess backs up terrified.

"Well your sugar daddy made a deal with me, I'll help him and in return he'll give me the bad guys"

Princess ran and riff raff chased after here, but on the top, Polly was eavesdropping when cad grabs her.

"Huh? Hey. Hey! Help!" Polly cries and he hears her.

"Oh, no. It's Polly. She's in danger"

"Help! Help! Help!" He tied her next to the bomb.

"You and your boss will never get away with this"

"He's not my boss! We're partners!"

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Because my partner said he might fire me if I don't!"

"I got him! I'm getting tired up here"

"Gosh! Can I not get a break here?" Thomas and barsinister were getting impatient.

"Idiot dogs. I have to do everything myself" barsinsiter takes a pill.

"You know this is all your fault" Thomas blames him.

"My fault!"

"You let a dog outsmart you and your henchmen"

"Oh yeah, well at least my own daughter wasn't raised by ex criminals"


"You get him!"


"Just go and Cut him off!" Thomas ordered barsinister.

"Come on!"

"Uh-oh, no brakes. No brakes!"

"Look out!"

"Whoa. Look out. Whoa!"


"And he sticks the landing. Where am I?"

"Oh, it's you again"

"You know, I said a lot of things I kind of regret. I believe that sword belongs to the lady" underdog deals with barsinister

"Hey, batter, batter. You're no good at all"

"Here. You want to play some ball?"

"Doc, I got you"

"Cad's hit. Cad's hit"

"I'll play your game. It might be a stretch. Can you resist this? Simon says, "Fetch!"



"Whoo! Didn't see that coming"

"I think I pulled something. OK. I got to get
to that bomb"

"Go I'll distract them" princess says.

"Oh, no. OK"

"Come on, kid you're outnumbered" riff raff had her surrounded her with the other dogs.

"Wait before you do there's something you should know about father"

but the tides are turn when princess tells them what thomas really is.

"They're not going to listen to you, darling" Thomas says.

"They're loyal to me"

"Listen. Why do you even follow his orders? What does that creep do for you? Huh? Does he take you
for walks? Does he give you treats?  Has he ever once
scratched your bellies? Huh? Just once? I mean, look,
if he was a good boss, he'd be able to get a higher quality sidekick"

"Hey, I heard that" cad groans.

"You're man's best friend, but is he your best friend?
Has he even given any of you a name?"

Then she turns to Riff raff, "now tell me did he promise the bad guys, how can he do that when he's have history with them"

"What?" Riff raff growls.

"He's using you"

"What are you talking about, My name is kill" says one dog

"Hey, I thought I was kill" says another.

"No, you're attack"

"No, I'm attack. He's Maim"

"Shut it!" Riff raff growled.

"What are you idiots doing, don't JSUT stand there, Destroy them!" Thomas growls.

"You worthless mutts" barsinsiter says.

"Do you mind, Doc?"

"Yeah We're talking over here"

"Who's he to call you worthless?"

"Kid's got a point"

"Our master doesn't value us as sparkling individuals.
Yeah, let's go, Maim and attack"

"It's time to go change teams"

"What are you doing?"

"Let's go teach the master a lesson"

the dogs attacks them instead giving princess and underdog to go up top the building while the bad guys aresst thomas and simon.

"Bad dogs!"

"There are no bad dogs, only bad owners"

"Come on underdog" princess says.

"Don't worry, Doc. This will only hurt a lot"

"Do you actually think you can stop me, runt?"


"You have two minutes before a bomb explodes
over Capitol City, dispensing a DNA cocktail
that will make every citizen as obedient to me
as a common dog"

"Hold them until the cops get here" underdog says.

"Easy, Doc"

"Calm down. You're going to hurt yourself"

"Now who's the boss?"

"Mr. Mayor. Are you all right?" The bad guys made their way.

"You alright Diane" wolf asked.

"Let me handle Barsinister and Thomas I know exactly what they doing" wolf says.

"Do whatever you have to do" the mayor says.

"Look who they decided to send up, the hero idiot" barsinsiter sees wolf and snake approaching.

"Hello..Mr wolf"

But the two of them wolf and snake inject the two criminal with antidote.

"I prefer the term "visionary"


"Mr wolf gave Simon and Thomas a taste of his own medicine, and not the fruity, cherry-flavored kind,
but the bitter, hard-to-swallow medicine. As he walked down those mighty steps A cop. A hero. And a father
to a proud superhero daughter "

princess diposes them bomb and saves the day while underdog frees polly.

"Help me! Please, help! Somebody, help me! Help!
Huh? Underdog"

"Yeah. How many other flying dogs in red sweaters
do you know?"

"Underdog, I just knew you would come"

"Quick, there's not much time. Take the vial to the police" princess says.

"You got it" underdog grabs Polly and the vial.

"Don't drop it"

"Look! It's Underdog!"

"Stand back! Stand back!"

They see princess fly up to the sky carrying the bomb, the bad guys worried.

as she gets higher, she threw the bomb and it explodes in space it had her crashing down but she gets caught but underdog.


"Princess"the two share a hug when the rest of the day she and underdog are branded as heroes while simon and thomas are sent back to jail.

"Well, we'll guess I'll see you around, Underdog" wolf nodded.

"Yeah, see you around, fyi you're a great dad" He and princess watched as underdog takes the sky.

"You're going to love solitary, Doc"

"My isolation will be nothing more than an enclave
in which I can focus my intellectual powers upon the task of wreaking my vengeance on that pathetic
house pet, Underdog"

"Oh will you please shut up" Thomas grunts.

"You know what? Solitary is a relative term, Doc.
Meet your new roommate."

"Hey!" They turned to see it was cad.

"I took the top bunk. I thought it would be too paradoxical for you"

"Ugh great" Thomas groans.

"No, you can't do this to me"

"Yes, I can. I just did"


Shoe shine was at the park with Polly, "...and then Underdog ran out with the bomb and buried it farther than any bone has ever been buried!"

"Wow, sounds like I missed all the excitement"

"Oh, yeah, you did. Hey! What happened to your tail?"

"Oh, uh, it got burnt reentering the atmosphere"

"Shoeshine, where do you come up with this stuff?"

"Help! Somebody, please help me!"

"Excuse me a moment"


they hear a cry for help and shoeshine head towards a phone booth and princess to the girls bathroom to change into underdog and super princess.

"Excuse me just for one moment wolf I got to go" princess ran to change but was held back by wolf.

"Are you sure you can handle this?"

"I'll be fine wolf I promise" she smiled then he smiled and lets her go.

"Be careful hon" he shouts and they watch her leave.

"You see, some heroes are born, destined for greatness. Others are made. Everyday men and women, and, yes, dogs, who rise up in times of crisis
no matter how high the odds are stacked against them.
These are the heroes we all have inside us. These are the underdogs"

Before princess could change she runs into riff raff again.

"Hey, look who it is. Hello again Snowflake"

"You again?"

"Runt, are you still hard of hearing?"

"Yeah, hello?"

When they run into riff raff again who escaped capture using the back door plans to capture princess again.

"Listen, I'm in a hurry. So Don't mess with me"

"Aw that's so cute, a little kitty thinks she can't stand against me, well guess again, All claws, no scratch"

"Im warning you stand back or else" she threatens him but he just laughs.

"Whoa! Ho ho, look who's deciding to act so tough, That's really cute sweetheart but why don't you save us the time and obey little a good little kitten, you're just the has been bad guy's daughter, so why don't you just give it-

but she's ready this time and uses her purse to knock him into a garbage can before closing it tight.

"AH!" He landed in the trash and the two other dogs ran.

"Stop talking about my family that way" she scolds him.

"Ah!!! ah!" Riff raff ran running.

"Look! Up in the sky!"

"It's a bird"

"It's a plane"

"It's a frog"

"A frog?"

"Not bird, nor plane, nor even frog. It's just little old me, Underdog! And super princess"

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