Hiding the convict

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Outside comes the sound of a car siren.

Roger shoots across to the other side of the room dragging Valiant and shark with him when he jumps on their chains.

"Yaaaagh!" They both screamed.

and he opens the blinds to look outside. It is the weasels.

"Come on! Get the lead out will ya! Move it would ya! Move it!"

"Yaaaaggghh! It's the Toon Patrol!"

Roger runs with his leg caught in their chains, he dives under the bed dragging Valiant and shark with him but the bed folds up into the wall.

"Hide me, Eddie! Plplplplease!"

He then tries hiding in some drawers, valiant ran making shark bang his head on the side.

"Ungh! Hey! hey!"

"Remember, you never saw me"


" Don't let em..." Valiant pulls Roger out, "...find me! Come on, Eddie. You're my only hope!"

Smart Ass Banging on door, "Open up in the name of the law! We know where you are. We know you're in there! Open the door Valiant"

"Plplplease, Eddie. You know there's no justice for toons anymore. If the weasels get their hands on me... I'm as good as dip"

"Don't make us wait up, Valiant. We just want the rabbit"

"What are we gonna do, Eddie? What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?"

There is more banging on the door, "What's all this "we" stuff? They just want the rabbit"

"Hey you are involved with this too, helping the accomplice and I don't see what this has to do with my daughter but you better do something quick or are you not a man of your word" shark scolds him.

The handle to the door is shot off by a machine gun. The door swings open to reveal Wheezy holding the gun and then the other weasels appear and begin to make their way into the room.

"Looks like they gave us the slip, huh, boss?"

"Nah. Valiant's got him stashed somewhere" He sees Valiant at the sink and shark leaning against the wall reading a newspaper and holds them at gunpoint, "Hold it right there"

"Hello, boys. I didn't hear you come in"

"Hi" shark smiles as he flips a page.

Smart Ass pulls up a chair and stands on top of it.

"O.K. wise guy. Where's the rabbit?"

"Haven't seen him"

"How about you big guy" greasy asked shark.

"Nope" he continues to read the paper.

"What's in there?"

Valiant Holds up a wet sock, "My lingerie"

" Gech! Geez, Valiant" both valiant and shark got a laugh out of it.

As Smart Ass turns away, Roger suddenly bursts out of the sink, valiant and shark help him

"Cough! Gag!"

Valiant hurriedly forces Roger back under and Smart Ass gives Valiant a suspicious look, then shark leans in closer to cover Rodger and they both smile nervously.

"Search the place, boys. And leave no stone "interned" then he Stands on the chair again.

"Look, Valiant. We got a reliable tip off that the rabbit was here, and it was "corrugated" by several others. So cut the "bullschkit"

"You keep talking like that and I'm going to have to wash your mouth out"

Valiant stuffs the soap in Smart Ass' mouth and he rolls down the stairs, shark laughs


Roger bursts out of the sink again greasy turns but shark rolls up the newspaper and smack greasy into the binds.


"Herh herh herh herh!"

"Hehh Hehh hheh!"

"Hee heee hee-hee!"

"Stop that laughing!" He spits the soap bar right into Wheezy sending him flying across the room to crash into the blinds and on greasy,Stop that laughing! You know what happens when you can't..." He whacks Psycho over the head, "...stop...laughing!" He throws the plunger at Stupid, which sticks on his face and onto the filing cabinet, "One of these days, you're gonna die laughing" he Leaps up on to chair.

"As for you, Valiant, step outta line and we'll hang you and your laundry out, to dry..." he Splashes the water in the sink.

"Heh eh eh! Come on, boys. Let's am-scray"

Roger bursts out of the sink and water fountains out of his mouth.

"They're gone"

"And that was a close call, looks like you have a caring heart after all" shark says.

"Oh shut I only did this to help the rabbit"

Roger Rings the water out of his ears, "Jeepers, Eddie! That was swell. You saved my life! How can I ever repay ya!"

He grabs Valiant and gives him a big kiss. Valiant struggles and throws him off.

"Mmmmmmmeurh! For starters, don't EVER kiss me again. Sphphh!"

Valiant arrives at the bar with Roger hidden under his coat, shark going along with him.

"Will you stop kicking me? Stop kicking, will ya!"

"You never even told me where princess is"

"Look I found her-well technical she found me but when we heard you coming in, you scared her off and she jumped out the window"

"so you're tell me you did found her"

"Yes but thanks to you she ran off terrified, so she could be around the area my office is at"

"Uh huh"

"And by any time soon she'll probably be back"

"Then what are we waiting for"

"First we need to get out of these hand cuffs...Hey, Dolores. Dolores! DOLORES!!!" Roger keeps trying to stick his head out from under Valiant's jacket.


"Hey, Eddie! You made the front page today!"

"Yeah. I guess I made some ink"

"What ink!"

Roger Finally getting his head free, "Jeepers, Eddie. That com com completplech!" Valiant stuffs Roger back under his coat forming a big bulge.

"So tell me, Eddie. Is that a rabbit in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Cut the comedy, Dolores"

"And why are you hand cuff to a shark"

"I've had a very hard day. I've gotta get outta these cuffs"

"Uh don't you mean we?" Shark says pulls him.

"Yeah that's what I said we" valiant pulls his arm.

"Oh, swell"

Dolores leads Valiant and shark through a secret door to the hidden door beyond.

"Whooo! Jeepers, Eddie! That almost killed me!" Dolores turns on the light.

"Boy. What is this? Some kind of a secret room?"

"It's a rotgut room. A hold over for probation?"

"Oh, I get it. A speakeasy, a gin mill, a hooch parlor"

"The tools are up here, Eddie"

Roger suddenly runs across the room dragging Valiant across with him and knocking Dolores over.

"Look at this. It's a fire hose. Jeepers, Eddie. This would be a great place to hide"

Roger peers through the holes in the wall and knocks a bottle over with his eyes.

"Crazy toons. Oof!"

"Tell me about it" shark grunts.

Valiant pulls Roger away and in so doing knocks his head on the low light.

"Watch your head"

"I thought you said you'd never take another toon case? What, did you have a change of heart?"

"I thought so too" shark asked.

Valiant Starts sawing at the handcuffs, "Nothing's changed. Somebody's made a patsy out of me and I'm gonna find out why" Starts to saw at cuff, "Hold still will ya?"

Rodger Shoots across the room to land in a rotating chair, "Come on, Eddie! Where's your sense of humor?"

"He always this funny, or only on days he's wanted for murder?"

"Well I like him, he's got a good spunky can do attitude, unlike someone i know" shark glares at valiant who only ignores him.

"Listen. My "silosophy" is this. If you don't have a good sense of humor, you're better off dead"

"You just make get your wish until I can figure out what happened to this!" He Throws the photo to Dolores.

"What is it, Eddie?"

"Just look at it"

"Mr. Acme's will..."

"Yeah, and I think Maroon played the part of sound mind, and your wife, the sound body"

Roger Waving tool in the air, "Why, I resent that innuendo"

"What's the scheme, Eddie?" with a hammer.

"I don't think they got to the will"

"I don't see what these has to do with him" Dolores points out to shark.

"I was fired to find his daughter"

"And how's that going for you"

"Not good, it seems he'll help a toon immediately but not a helpless girl who is in trouble"

Shark and valiant both glared at each other then growled.

"But how do you know?"

"Because they were still looking for it after they killed him"

"Anything I can do?"

"Maybe you could go down and check the probate"

Yeah! Check the probate! Why. My Uncle Thumper had a problem with his probate and he had to take these big pills and drink lots of water"

"Not prostate, you idiot! Probate"

Shark lets out a small chuckles...

"Let me get this straight! You think my boss, R.K. Maroon, dropped a safe on Marvin Acme's head so he could get his hands on Toontown?!"

"Yep. That's my hunch. Now, could he stay here for a couple of days?"

"Not going to do anything crazy is he?"

Roger Rubbing a knife file through his ears, "Ooo. Oooh hoo hoo!"

"Where are you going?" Dolores and shark asked.

"Back to the office...and I suggest you tell your boss that I just found your daughter"

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