Murder of marvin acme

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They drive to the Acme factory. As Santino walks away, Valiant stands looking towards Toon Town.

"Now what?"

"It's just I haven't been this close to Toontown for a while"

A figure comes flying over the wall, trailing fire, and bounces to a halt in front of the two men.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! Ow! Ooh!! Eee! Ow!! My briskets are burning! Fire in the hatch! Ow!! Ooohh!! Eee!! Great hornitoads, that smarts!" He Sits in a puddle, "Ahhh"

"Come on, Eddie. Let's get this over with..."

The two men walk into the Acme Factory. Santino speaks to the cop on guard at the door.

"He's with me"

They are met with the sight of a body in the middle of the warehouse floor. On it's head is a very large safe.

"Just like a toon to drop a safe on a guy's head. Sorry, Eddie. Ahem. Better wait here, alright?"

"Hey, Chishold. Get a load of this!"

A Policeman Holding up a black disk, "Seen one of these?"

He throws it on a wall, it morphs into a hole and he puts his hand through it.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Hey, Guys!"

Valiant turns to see a detective holding a mallet. From it springs a boxing glove on the end of a retractable arm. This narrowly misses Valiant twice, knocking down piles of boxes behind him.

"Didn't you used to be Eddie Valiant? Or did you change your name to Jack Daniels? Ha ha ha"

Valiant turns To a man picking yellow paint from the rope attached to the safe, "What's that?"

"Paint from the rabbit's glove"

"Mr. Valiant" he turns to Jessica.

Valiant turns to see Jessica and he runs his eyes over her body. She, however, slaps him hard across the face.

"I hope you're proud of yourself and those pictures you took!" She storms out.

As Acme's body is being carried away on a stretcher, the men carrying it bump into one of the many piles of boxes and one bursts open to release pairs of toon shoes and boots. In the ensuing confusion to get the boots back into the box Acmes body is bumped into and his arm drops out from under the sheet and something falls from his hand. Valiant sees this and he bends down to pick it up. As his hand closes around it, a walking stick jabs painfully into his hand.


He looks up to see a man named Judge Doom, dressed all in black with a black hat and orange tinted glasses. His skin is a deathly grey color.

"Is this man removing evidence from the scene of a crime?"

"Er, no, Judge Doom. Uh, Valiant here was just picking it up for ya. Weren't you, Eddie?"

"Hand it over"


Valiant grasps Doom's hand and there is a buzzing sound and Dooms body goes rigid. Doom takes the hand buzzer.

"His number one seller"

An artificial smile momentarily adorns Doom's face.

"I see working for a toon has rubbed off on you"

"I wasn't working for a toon. I was working for R.K. Maroon"

"Yes. We talked to Mr. Maroon. He told us the rabbit became quite agitated when you showed him the pictures. The rabbit said one way or another, he and his wife were going to be happy. Is that true?"

"Pal, do I look like a stenographer?"

"Shut your yap, Eddie. The man's in charge"

"That's alright, lieutenant. From the smell of him, I'd say it was the booze talking. No matter. The rabbit won't get far. My men will find him"

The warehouse doors burst open and careering through them comes a black van which crashes into a pile of boxes before stopping. The doors open to reveal weasels inside.


"Yes. I find they have a special gift for the work"

"Alright yer mugs, fall out"

"Did you find the rabbit?"

"Don't worry, Judge. We got "deformants" all over the city. We'll find him"

Doom Turns back to Valiant, "You wouldn't have any idea where the rabbit might be, Mr. Valiant?"

"Have you tried Walla Walla? Cucamonga? I hear Kokomo's very nice this time of the year"

"I'm surprised you're not more cooperative, Mr. Valiant. A human has been murdered by a toon. Don't you appreciate the magnitude of that?"

Doom suddenly becomes aware of a rubbing at the base of his leg and looks down to see a lone toon shoe.

"Beep! Beep!"

Doom Whilst putting on a large black rubber glove, "Since I've had Toontown under my jurisdiction, my goal has been to reign in the insanity. And the only way to do that is to make Toons respect..." He emphasizes this by letting the glove snap back onto his arm, "the law"

Doom picks up the toon and carries it toward the van.

Valiant Whispers to Santino, "How did that gargoyle get to be a Judge?"

"Spread a bunch of Simoleons around Toontown a couple of years back. Bought the election"

"Yeah? What's that?"

Inside the van is a barrel and Doom throws off the lid to reveal a green liquid inside.

"Remember how we always thought there wasn't a way to kill a Toon? Well, Doom found a way. Turpentine, Acetone, Benzene. He calls it the Dip"

(Sorry this scene is too gruesome to even write)

"I'll catch the rabbit, Mr. Valiant. And I'll try him, convict him, and execute him"

"Hee hee hee hee hee!"

"Heh eh! That's one dead shoe, eh, Boss?" The gloves are covered with an oily red paint slick.

"They're not kid gloves, Mr. Valiant. But this is how we handle things down in Toontown. I'd think you of all people would appreciate that"

Valiant returns to his office but outside shark was waiting for him.

"Hey hey!" Shark clearly called his name loud and clear, "I know you can hear me"

But clearly Eddie was ignoring him, so he was
Forced to shut his door closed and Eddie finally looks up at him.


"What! What is it?"

"The boss wants answers, he wants to know if you found anything yet"

"Yeah yeah I'll get to it when I get to get"

He walks up to his office, with shark glaring at him.

"You better do your job or else you can kiss that million clams goodbye"

and in front of the office door, Valiant sees a woman bending over a pram. Valiant stands there for a while looking at her legs but then she pulls out a lighter and puts it in the pram.

Valiant Runs to stop her, "Uh... Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Wait a minute! Hey, hey!"

The woman looks around to reveal Baby Herman in the pram. He puffs out smoke from his cigar. Valiant is smelled like tobacco.

"I've been trying to make him quit, but he just won't listen to me"

"What do you know, you dumb broad? You got the I.Q. of a rattle. You Valiant?"


"I want to talk to you about the Acme murder. Hey. Pssssss. Doll. Why don't you run downstairs and get me a racing form?" He Smack her bottom.

"Oooh! O.K. O.K. I'm going"

"The lady's man, huh?"

"My problem is, I've got a 50-year-old lust and a 3-year-old dinky"

"Yeah. Must be tough"

"Look, Valiant. The rabbit didn't kill Acme. He's not a murderer. I should know. He's a dear friend of mine. I tell you, Valiant, the whole thing stinks like yesterday's diapers. Look at this" Hands Valiant a newspaper.

"The paper says Acme left no will. That's a load of succotash. Every toon knows Acme had a will. He promised to leave Toontown to us Toons. That will is the reason he got bumped off!"

"Has anybody ever seen this will?"

"Ah, no. But he gave us his solemn oath"

"If you believe that that joker could do anything solid, the gag's on you pal!"

"I just figured since you were the one who got my pal in trouble, you might want to help get him out. I can pay ya"

"Save your money for a pair of elevator shoes!"

Valiant, angered by the fact that a toon wants him to work for him, turns the pram round, takes of the brakes and rolls it down the hall.

" Hey, no! Valiant, don't!"

The cot collides with his sitter and B. Herman's cigar falls over the side of the pram.

"Oh! My stoogie! Waaaaaggghhh!"

Valiant looks back smiling and lets himself into the office. He sits down at his desk pouring himself a drink and looking at the newspaper.

"It ain't my fault the rabbit got himself in trouble" he Drinks the drink, "All I did was take a couple of lousy pictures..."

As Valiant takes off his jacket he bends over the pictures of Acme and Jessica he took the night before and notices something in Acmes pocket magnified by the glass he put on top of it. Most of it is blurry, but he can make out one word: "Will." Opening a bag in a rush, he gets out his magnifying glass to get a closer look. In Marvin's pocket an envelope sticks out with the words 'Last Will and Testament' written on it.

"The baby was right!" He pauses for contemplation, "The hell with it"

Valiant crosses over the office to some drawers which he pulls to reveal a fold up bed. He gets in and rolls over to come face to face with Roger.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" They both screamed.

They both leap out of bed and the bedspread flipped out like a cartoon.

"How the hell did you get in here?"

"Through the mail slot. I thought it would be best if I waited inside, seeing's how I'm wanted for murder"

"No kidding! Just talking to you could get me a rap for aiding and abetting. Wait a minute. Anybody know you're here?"

" Nobody. Not a soul. Except, uh..."


"Well you see..." Leaping on to the bed.

"I didn't know where your office was. So I asked the newsboy. He didn't know. So I asked the fireman, the greengrocer, the butcher, the baker, they didn't know! But the liquor store guy, he knew"

"In other words, the whole damn town knows you're here!" He tries to Grab Roger and tries to throw him out the door.

"Come on! Get out of here! Get out! Get out of the door will ya! Get out! Take your hands off the door, will ya?"

"Hey! Hey, Eddie, take it easy will ya. Please, Eddie, don't throw me out. You're making a big mistake. I didn't kill anybody. I swear. This whole thing's a set up. A scam. A frame job! Ow! Eddie. I could never hurt anybody" Valiant is stretching Roger out in his attempt to make Roger let go of the door frame.

"Ow! My whole purpose in life is to maaake, peeeeopllllle, llllllllllllllaugh!"

Roger's grip on the door frame finally breaks and the two of them fly backwards across the office. Valiant lands in a heap on the floor and Roger lands on the bed.

"O.K. O.K. sure, I admit it. I got a little steamed when you showed me those pictures of Jessica. So I ran down to the Ink and..."

Valiant dives at Roger, but merely sends Roger into the air and Valiant lands in a heap on the other side of the bed.

"Paint Club. But she wasn't in her dressing room so I wrote her a love letter"

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute. You're telling me, that in a fit of jealousy, you wrote your wife a love letter?"

"That's right! I know that she was just an innocent victim of circumstance"

"I suppose you used the old lipstick on the mirror routine, huh?"

"Lipstick, yes. Mirror, no. I found a nice clean piece of paper" He holds it up and begins to read, "'Dear Jessica. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. One one thousand! Two one thousand! Three one thousand! Four one thous...'"

"Why didn't you just leave the letter there?"

"Obviously, a poem of this power and sensitivity must..." Valiant grabs Roger by the ears and throws him out of his way.

"Aaaaaaagh!... be read in person, so I went home to wait for her. But the weasels were there waiting for me, so.... So I ran"

"So why come to me? I'm the guy that took the pictures of your wife!"

Roger looks through a book containing newspaper cuttings of Valiant's past cases.

"Yeah! And you're also the guy that helped all these toons. Everybody knows when a toon's in trouble, there's only one place to go. Valiant and Valiant"

"Not anymore" Looks up to see Roger about to sit in a dusty chair, opposite Valiant, "Get out of that chair!!"

A fearful Roger slips his fingers off the chair, leaving marks in the dust.

"That's my brother's chair"

"Yeah! Where is your brother anyway?" Looking at picture, "He looks like a sensitive and... sober fellow"

"That's it" he Picks up the phone. I'm calling the cops.

"Go ahead! Call the cops! I come here for help and what do you do? You turn me in. No, don't. Don't feel guilty about me" Opens a door, "So long... and thanks for nothing"

Roger slams the door behind him sending a pile of papers on a nearby set of drawers crashing down.

"That's the closet! Stupe"

Valiant gets up and opens the door. There is no one inside. Suddenly...

But then he hears someone running then a little girl in a pencil skirt with a blue blouse white gloves and strap high heels.

But she looked oddly familiar, but she looks terrified, she shut the door.

"Hey...what are you are you, hey?"

But he started to recognize the girl as he gets closer as she looks familiar, he was a white cat.

"Wait? I know you?"

He pulls out a picture of the bad guy's daughter and that's when he was princess.

"Hey your princess...your the bad guys daughter"

She shook her head and kept quiet, "what happened to you?"

But she saw him shushing him to be quiet, what? What are you-are you hiding from someone"

He hears more footsteps heading to his office, princess ran out the window.

Eddie grabs his gun and as he aims at the door, mr. Shark came bursting In looking steamed.

He was really impatient, but Eddie groaned, he was relieved he wasn't anything serious but still he would be happy to hear Eddie found princess...then lost her.

"Hey wolf is getting impatient and he wants answers"

"Ok look I found your daughter"

"Really! Where?"

He looks around for her, "she-"

But then hears something coming from the closet, shark pulls out his gun and as he opens the door.

"WAIT?" Eddie tries to stop him when...

Roger appears from inside one of the jackets and Puts on handcuffs on Valiant and Mr. Shark.

"Eddie Valiant! You're under arrest!Plplplplplll!!"

"Get outta here!"

He Throws Roger out and on to the bed and Eddie and Mr. Shark looked at their hands that were cuffed.

"Idiot. I got no keys for these cuffs"

But then they heard something, "Huh?"

Rodger looked outside...

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